Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Sky Blue ❯ so close ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Necko: the rest of the story is written in script mode oh and my story chapters each have a different guest star^^! But for now here is the prologue…
“I can't believe we found him!'' a sky blue female hedgehog said to a female red fox that was piloting her plane. “Ya! I can't believe it ether it's been a long search Sky,” said the fox. “Almost 4 years Gadchet” said Sky. “You ok back there Echo?” Gadchet said to a plum cooler Chao. “Chao”said Echo. <Finely I found you after 3 long years I've fond you my brother. …Sonic the hedgehog>Sky thought as they neared their destination. Then suddenly a big white light came. “ Hold owns every one! P.A.C what's happing?”Gadchet said. “Dose not compute” a little robot said. <No! No! I was so. …Close>that all Sky thought before getting sucked into the strange white light….
Necko: well there it is hope you guys like it. This is my first fan fic so be nice with the reviews k ^-^. Oh remember reviews a day keeps a mad writer away^_^!!!