Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic Advance 3 Adaptation ❯ Chaos Angel ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: This story is an adaptation of the GBA game Sonic Advance 3, which is copyrighted by Sega Sonic Team. Thus, I don't own the game or any of their trademarked characters. The names that I've given Eggman's machines aren't their official names, so you have my permission to use them if you wish.

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- The scene: on top of a ruin in Chaos Angel. Sonic and co. all Chaos Control into view. -

Sonic: C'mon. Let's go.

Knuckles: Ready to go so soon?

Sonic: This race is gonna be way too close. Eggman shouldn't have the upper hand on us. Now, where's the nearest path?

Tails: What path?

- Sonic looks around and discovers that there are no safe routes to take through the ruins. -

Sonic: Ohhhhhh great. We're trapped.

Cream: How are we? Can't me and Tails fly you off of here?

Sonic: Can't you see that the nearest temple is almost out of sight?! You can't fly that far! And besides, Tails can't fly anymore without breaking his tails.

Cream: (to Tails) Is that true, Tails?

Tails: He's right. I've overworked myself too much trying to find the Chaos Emeralds.

Amy: (looks over the edge) Hey! There's another platform down there!

Sonic: And it doesn't look like it leads anywhere!

Knuckles: (to Sonic) Dude, calm down. We'll be alright.

Sonic: (walks to where Amy is and looks over the edge) I don't know about this. (jumps over and lands on the platform)

- To Sonic's surprise, the platform starts moving away from the ruin. Amy quickly jumps over and lands next to Sonic. Knuckles grabs Tails and Cream and jumps over too. Once they are all on board, the platform begins to speed up. -

Tails: Hold on!

Knuckles: I have a bad feeling about this…

- The platform accelerates even more, and Cream falls over due to lack of balance. -

Tails: Cream, you okay?

Cream: It's too fast!

Sonic: We're approaching the ruin!

- Suddenly, an outline of something lights up on the platform. It is a silhouette of Eggman's head… -

Knuckles: What? Eggman!

Sonic: Damn! It's a trap!

Cream: (looking ahead) Oh no!

Cheese: Chao chao!

Amy: Watch out!!

Tails: Duck!!

- As the platform enters the ruin, everyone falls flat, as the tunnel is riddled with spikes hanging off the ceiling. -

Knuckles: Whatever you do, don't move!

Sonic: (to himself) Just a little bit longer.

- The platform soon exits the tunnel, and as they approach another section of the ruin, the platform slows down and "docks" near another pathway. The crew jumps off to take a breather. -

Amy: Thank God. That was scary.

Sonic: That was too intense even for me.

Tails: (looking around) Wow. What a big room.

Sonic: A fusion of the world's temples and ruins, no doubt.

Knuckles: It looks like a giant labyrinth. We should be extra careful of traps.

Sonic: That's a given, I think.

Amy: (looks up and notices something flying above) There he is!

Cream: Who?

Amy: Eggman, of course.

Sonic: Follow me, everyone!

- The group tries to follow Eggman, but the path leads them through numerous perils, starting with a suspicious dead end… -

Sonic: Nowhere to go. (looks up) There's another ledge up there. (to Knuckles) Knuckles, can you toss us up there?

Knuckles: (perks head up) Wait. I hear something.

- Oh he hears something alright. He hears the walls starting to close in on them! -

Cream: Aahh! What do we do?

Cheese: Chao!

Knuckles: (to Cream) The distance upward isn't too far. I'll toss some of the others up. You fly the rest up.

- Knuckles tosses Sonic and Tails up to the ledge, and Cream carries Amy up. By the time the four are up, the walls have almost closed in on Knuckles. -

Cream: Knuckles, I'll get you out!

Tails: (pulls Cream away) No! You'd never make it!

Knuckles: (calling out) Just go! I'll catch up! (slams fists against walls to hold them back) Get the Chaos Emerald!

Sonic: Chaos Control!

- Sonic teleports down to Knuckles, grabs him, and Chaos Controls them both back to the ledge. -

Knuckles: Whew. Thanks.

Sonic: Anytime, Knuckles.

Cream: What's next, Sonic?

Sonic: Let's continue along this path.

- Before he can even take a step, the sound of something rolling their way is heard… -

Tails: Now what?

Their eyes widen as they spot a giant boulder rolling at them.

Sonic: Run!

Sonic, Tails, and Amy all run down the slope. Knuckles grabs Cream and runs down with them.

Sonic: (chanting) Must go faster, must go faster, must go faster - (noticing Amy's rather quick running speed) Hey, not bad, Amy!

Amy: (smiling) And you thought I would never get faster!

Tails: Can't…run…anymore…

Sonic: What? Tails!

Knuckles: I got him! (grabs Tails) We're almost there!

- A few seconds later, Sonic and co. reach the end of the slope. They have to jump across a small gap, but fortunately the boulder falls into it. After Knuckles lets him go, Tails collapses again. -

Cream: Tails, are you okay?

Tails: (exhaustedly) No. I'm out of energy. I don't have as much stamina as the rest of you.

Cream: (to Tails) But I'm younger than you. I have less stamina myself.

Tails: (to Cream) But you haven't been in this search for the Chaos Emeralds for too long. I've been in it from the beginning.

Cream: You should rest a bit. I'll stay here with you.

Knuckles: Me too. You two may both need protection.

Sonic: I guess it's just Amy and me then.

Amy: Nice!

Sonic: Let's go. There's almost no time left. (dashes off)

Amy: Sonic, wait up! (dashes after Sonic)

Knuckles: She really is getting faster.

Tails: That's because she chases Sonic around so much.

Cream: It's from boxercise too, Tails.

- After travelling through a few corridors, Sonic and Amy end up in a giant cylindrical room with large stone spikes along the sides. There is also a rope of connected cubes spanning across the room to another door. -

Amy: I don't like this.

Sonic: C'mon, how bad can it be? (jumps onto the cube rope and runs across, stopping at the end of the rope) See? You'll be fine!

- Once his sentence is completed, a mysterious machine comes out of nowhere and rams into Sonic, causing him to fall off. -

Amy: No! Sonic!

- However, Sonic lands on the underside of the cube rope. -

Sonic: What?! What's going on?

- The machine takes another run at Sonic, and as it approaches, a familiar face on the underside of the "greets" him. -

G-mel: Surprise!

Sonic: (jumps to avoid the machine) When will you give up? You don't stand a chance against me!

Eggman: (through an intercom) On the contrary, Sonic, this machine's cockpit is totally protected from your attacks! Take this! (takes another run at Sonic)

Sonic: I don't think so! (does a swinging kick at G-mel as it approaches)

- Sonic's attack works, as the machine starts sparkling and crackling. -

Sonic: Yes! That's what I'm talking about!

Eggman: But, how -

Sonic: You said the cockpit was protected, but you never said anything about G-mel!

Eggman: I'm not quitting now, Sonic! (takes out and shows Sonic the purple, yellow, clear, and sky blue Emeralds) I already have four Emeralds! Yours are the only ones left!

Sonic: What?! Not good…

- The machine flips upside down so G-mel is facing upward, opposite of Sonic's position. Sonic jumps off the cube rope and lands on the other side, but as he does so, Eggman's cockpit, launches off the rope and lands again, sending Sonic flying upward from the shock wave. Sonic barely misses a set of spikes as he slams into the ceiling. He falls down hard onto the rope, leaving him incapacitated again. -

Eggman: Ha ha ha! HA HA HA HA!! Now to finish you off! (sets up for another charge at Sonic)

Amy: (jumps out toward Eggman) No! (slams machine with the Piko Piko Hammer as it charges again)

- The force of Amy's strike sends the machine careening into the back wall, crushing it enough so it can't operate anymore. Eggman and G-mel step out. -

Amy: You want some more? (rushes at Eggman and G-mel)

G-mel: Chaos Control! (disappears with Eggman)

Amy: I almost had him that time! (remembers about Sonic and rushes over to him, green Emerald in hand) Sonic, get up! (places green Emerald on Sonic)

Sonic: (recovering) Thanks, Amy.

- As Sonic gets up, Knuckles, Tails, and Cream enter the room. -

Tails: Hey guys!

Amy: You feeling better, Tails?

Tails: A bit. The good thing is, our mission should be close to done.

Sonic: I wouldn't say that, Tails. Eggman has four Chaos Emeralds. He even showed them to me to prove it.

Knuckles: Let's get to Angel Island. We must protect the Master Emerald from Eggman, because if he destroys it, there will be no way to fix this mess.

Sonic: Huddle up again! (the group huddles near Sonic) Chaos Control! (they disappear)

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Yay! I actually had some free time to write more fanfiction! Please review! Once again, the story will end soon, so tell me your opinions before then! See ya!