Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Who Will you trust Tails? ❯ Chapter2: A day in jail ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2: a day in jail
Sonic just lay there in his jail cell moonlight flooding in from the bars on the widow in his cell. He just lay there thinking who the hell would kill cream just to get me framed and thrown in jail? It couldn't be Eggman he's been deported and is in Asia somewhere. Who could it be? ARRGGHH!! All this damn thinking is making my head hurt. “Oh well. I'll worry about that later.” Sonic said as his eyes shut tight and he drifted off into slumber land.
Next morning……
“Rise `n shine ladies time to wake up!” A cell guard yelled banging on the cell bars with his nightstick. “What the hell!” sonic shouted waking up instantly. “Hey what's the big idea?” Sonic asked the guard. “Shower time.” He replied. “I aint takin' no shower!” Sonic told the guard. “Yes you are!” the guard responded. “No I aint.” Sonic refused. “I'll beat you with my nightstick if you don't.” the guard hissed. “But they're gonna try to take my butt!” Sonic cried “Then, Just don't drop the soap.” The guard said as he opened the cell doors and laughed at his own reply as Sonic walked his way down to the showers. Sonic looked left and right to see furries and humans in their cells whistling at him. “Stop whistling at me Dammit! I'm not Gay!!” Sonic yelled at them then started to run all the way to the showers. When Sonic got to the showers unfortunate enough for him he saw a black hedgehog with his back turned….(gasp) dropping the soap. “Looks like someone's about to get their butt taken.” A yellow echidna said moving in toward the black hedgehog. “Chaos Spear!” the black hedgehog hollered and blew the echidna to smithereens. “I know that attack anywhere.” Sonic mumbled as the hedgehog retrieved the soap and turned around revealing himself. “Shadow!” Sonic screamed running over to him looking real queerish. “What are you doing here faker?” Shadow questioned him and halting him before he gave all the other witnesses around them a bad idea. “Oh……I was arrested because I was framed.” Sonic replied. “Oh, and what were you allegedly accused of?” Shadow asked him making finger quotes in the air. “Killing cream.” Sonic mumbled. “What speak up dammit I can't hear you!” Shadow hissed “ I said killing CREAM!!” Sonic shouted and Shadow laughed at him. “HA you killing Cream?! You barely have the balls to use a butcher knife to cut some meat let alone kill Cream!” Shadow teased him. “Listen you piece of shit.” Sonic hissed as he grabbed Shadow by his poofy and jacked him up against the wall. “If you ever insult me like that again I'll rip every strand of chest fur off of you with my bare hands!” Sonic threatened. Shadow replied with a simple nod and Sonic gently put him back down. “So what are you in for?” Sonic asked “I tried to kill the president by setting the ARK on a collision course with the white house!” Shadow replied a smile forming onto his lips. “How long ya in for?” Sonic asked him again. “100 years but since I'm immortal I'll make it through it……..unless I decide to escape.” Shadow mumbled the last few words but Sonic heard him anyway. “Anyway everyone's scared of me now.” Shadow said “But what about the dude that tried to anally rape you?” Sonic said “New guy. Anyway just come to my cell when you're finished your shower.” Shadow said. “It's the cell right beside yours.” Shadow added on and left.
After Sonic was finished with his shower he walked over to Shadow's cell thinking on the way. I wonder what he has to show me? Oh well only one way to find out. Sonic thought and walked into Shadow's cell only to see Shadow on the top bunk of the bed and a picture of Janet Jackson on the wall beside him. Sonic began to stare at the picture for some strange reason, but Shadow saw him and jumped down from the bed startling sonic. “You starin' at my Janet Bitch?!” Shadow said giving Sonic a weird and somewhat scary look and Sonic began to slowly back away. “No I aint starin' at your Janet.” Sonic answered backing up against the wall. “HAHA! I'm just fucking with ya.” Shadow said slapping him on the back.
“So shadow? What did you want to show me?”
“It's called crazy eyes.” Shadow replied
“What's crazy eyes?” Sonic asked
“It's when you contort your face to make it look like you're crazy.”
“Can you show me?” Sonic asked.
Shadow answered by contorting his face to make one eye appear much larger than the other and bared his fangs. When he did the “crazy eyes” Face the sound of a whip cracking could be heard.
“Now let's see you try.” Shadow said. Sonic tried to make the face but when he did it, it sounded like a pig squealing instead of a whip cracking and the nearby guy that was watching threw some kind of pie at Sonic. “Um, we'll have to work on that.” Shadow stated.