Sonic Series Fan Fiction ❯ Wind's Revenge ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Sega owns Sonic.

Wind's Revenge

-Hotel in the West Mountains-

"This is the life." said Wind.

"I agree with you there, my hedgehog. Let Sperk do the job for us, while we hold this echidna hostage…Who is she anyway?" asked Deadpool.

"According to the file I have in my eye's database, she's Speed's wife. So she's Sperk's wife, Leda." answered Wind.

"His wife!!!" screamed Deadpool.

"Yep, the last thing we need is that something happens to her…I hadn't expected his wife to come all this way, just to save his ass." said Wind.

"This could get interesting…Should we hand her back?" asked Deadpool.

"Only if he gives us Fiona…If not, then I'm afraid, he can kiss his wife goodbye!" said Wind.

"I think we should keep her, she could come in handy." said Deadpool.

"No, you know I'm a hedgehog of my words. I'll respect the deal we made and I suggest you do the same." said Wind.

"Ok, just giving advice." said Deadpool.

"Well, it's getting late, we should make sure Leda can't escape and we'll get to sleep, we have a big day tomorrow." said Wind.

"You're right. Good night." said Deadpool.

"You too." said Wind.

After making sure Leda couldn't escape, Wind went to sleep.

-The next day-

Wind and Deadpool woke up and they both took breakfast then they went to the location they were when they kidnapped Leda.

"He'll come, and when he does he'll make you wish you were never born." spat Leda.

"Such harsh words…We fed you right, you should be grateful for that!" said Deadpool.

"If your husband brings Fiona, then we'll release you, if not…I hope you wrote your will, because you won't get another chance!!!" said Wind.

"Fuck you!" said Leda.

After waiting, Speed arrived, with Fiona.

"Good!" said Wind.

"Give me back my wife." pleaded Speed.

"I'm a hedgehog of my words, Deadpool release her." said Wind.

Deadpool reluctantly released Leda. Which ran toward Speed.

"Now, you respect your end of the bargain." said Deadpool.

"Never!!!" said Sperk.

"Come again?" asked Wind.

"You heard me! I ain't handing over Fiona!" said Sperk.

"Dude, you just made your own grave!!!" said Deadpool.

Deadpool ran toward Speed and tackled him. Wind tackled Leda. Speed got to his feet and drew one of his guns, but Wind fired a laser from his right eye onto the gun, which was disintegrated.

"Dammit!!!" screamed Speed.

"This time, no hostages, no escape, I'm finishing you right here, right now!!!" said Wind as he punched Speed in the jaw.

"Even on your best day you couldn't keep up with me!!! SPEED SHOT!!!" Wind was knocked back by the blast and Speed took his other gun and Deadpool tackled him.

"You were saying?" asked Deadpool while he unsheathed his swords.

"You can't defeat me!!!! SPEED SHOT!!!!" Deadpool jumped out of the way and fired a Death Ray at Speed. Then Wind got up and started charging his laser eye.

"Lucky shot." said Speed.

"I think not! You let your guards down." said Deadpool.

"Hey Speed!!!!" said Wind.

"What now?" said Speed as he turned toward Wind, who released a mega laser from his right eye. Speed barely got out of the way.

"What the fuck was that???" asked Speed.

"No holding back! You didn't keep your end of the bargain, and Deadpool knows what I do with those kind of people!!!" said Wind, his right eye glowing.

Speed was truly scared out of his wits, maybe he should just hand over the bounty…or maybe not.

"I got a surprise for you!!!" said Speed. He took the cell Shadow gave him and called him. A few seconds later Shadow was there.

"So, you befriended Shadow as well…What kind of a bounty hunter are you???" asked Wind.

"The one that has connections!" answered Speed.

"Deadpool, you take care of Shadow, Speed is mine!" said Wind.

"Ok!" said Deadpool. Deadpool ran toward Shadow, and Shadow did the same thing. They locked up and Deadpool drove his knee straight into Shadow's abdomen. Shadow lost his breath for an instant, but he got it back locked Deadpool into an hammer lock.

Speed jumped over Wind. When he landed, Wind delivered a round house kick, which sent Speed to the ground. "Not too shabby, for a mere amateur!" said Speed as he was getting up, but Wind already took one of his guns and pointed it straight at Speed's head.

"You're not fast enough to dodge the bullet. So don't try anything foolish!" said Wind.

Meanwhile, Deadpool deliver a low blow to Shadow. Then he turned around and punched him a couple of times in the face.

Then he heard Wind talking to him.

"Deadpool, we got what we were looking for, we're out of here!" said Wind.

"Ok!" answered Deadpool. They ran away with the bounty.


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