Sonic X Fan Fiction ❯ Return of an Angel ❯ Chapter 17- Shipwreck ( Chapter 17 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 17-Shipwreck-*Artemis*
“Are we there yet?” Asked Raimundo.
“No.” Said Dojo.
“Do we know what the Shen Gon Wu is?” He asked again.
“No.” Said Kimiko.
“Do we know where we're going?”
“N-yes.” Said Clay.
“Darn! Thought I got you that time.”
“Not even close Raimundo. Couldn't you just find something else to entertain yourself?” I asked. He tunred around and looked at me.
“No.” He said. I sighed and looked down. All I saw was a small city, and water.
“It's getting closer.” Said Dojo.
“Where is it?” Asked Omi. Dojo pointed down.
“The Blasco Memorial Public Library.”Said the dragon.
“Coolio.” Kimiko and I breathed. Dojo landed in the side parking lot and crawled up Clay's hat.
“Okay, It should be somewhere in the library, I just don't exacticaly know what it is.” Said Kimiko.
“Don't you know where the scroll is?” I asked.
“Last I saw, it was in my room.” She said.
“Well you should be able to find it soon enough.” I said.
“Yeah. It probably got lost under some magizine or clothes pile.” Said Raimundo.
“At least MY room isn't littered with CD's of rock bands and hip hop artists.” Retorted Kimiko.
“Hey! You still owe me my Three Days Grace CD back.”
“What?” Asked Omi.
“What's up Omi?” Asked Clay.
“No. Raimundo said my name and I wanted to know what he wanted.” Said Omi.
“But Raimundo didn't say your'e name.” I said.
“Yes he did. He said Omi.”
“He ment I owed him his CD back, he didn't say your name.” Said Kimiko.
“That makes sense now!” He said. By now we were walking through the sliding doors into the building itself.
“It's not in here.” Said Dojo.
“What do you mean it's not in here?” Asked Clay.
“Well it's not in this part of the building at least. Go towards the theater enterance.” Said the dragon. I lead the way with Omi right behind me.
“Is it here Dojo?” I asked.
“I think it's in the meuseum.” He said. Clay shouldered his way past the group and went up to the lady at the counter.
“We'd like a full tour of the meuseum please.” He said.
“Would you also like a tour of the Niagra? It's going in a few minutes.” She said as she gave all of us tickets. Kimiko handed her the money.
“Yes we would.” She answered. As I got my ticket and passed through the door, there was one thing that pondered me. Wouldn't she wory about a group of kids wandering around the meuseum and the Brig Niagra?
“There's the tour.” Said Raimundo. I looked and saw a bunch of seniors. Now I knew why the lady at the counter wasn't worried. The old people would keep us in check. As our group went to theirs the tour guide came up to us and started to show us around the meuseum, and something tells me that it would be a while before we got to the Brig.
“I can't believe they didn't take me along with them. I mean, I just got back and they already ditch me.” I said to myself. “And what's up with Riku and Kairi? Neither of them hardley looked at me.” I looked down and saw Lake Erie. “At least it's getting closer.” I dived down on the kite and landed right before I got on the ship. I sighed and thought of Chuko. “She's changed so much in a year. I feel left behind, but at least I have Riku.”
“…and so what does she have that I don't?” Came a familiar voice. I ducked behind a shrubbery and saw Raimundo and Artemis walking towards the boat.
“It's nothing like that Artemis. It's just, she still has a place in my heart and I've missed her.”
“Don't I have a place in your heart?” She asked him. Both stopped in front of the ship while the wind rippled and played with both their hair. Artemis's skirt was flowing and Raimundo's shirt was billowing.
“You do Artemis. But so does Angel. And she always will.”
“Then what makes her so different?” Asked Artemis.
“She doesn't have anyone.” Said Raimundo.
“What do you mean?” Asked Artemis.
“Yeah. What do you mean?” I asked myself silently.
“Well from what you've told me, you had a boyfriend in Legands Acadamy, am I right?” Asked Raimundo.
“Yes.” Answered Artemis hesitently.
“Well Angel, I don't think, ever had a relationship like that. You can tell by the way she acts.”
“Well she has Riku don't forget.”
“Still, I'll always remember how I felt for her when I first meet her. Alone and afraid. Just like you when you joined us at the Temple.”
“So the only reason you care for her is because you feel sorry for her?”Asked Artemis.
“Yes. Just don't tell her. Okay?” He asked as he looked in her eyes.
“Fine.” She said. All this time I was so concerened about what they were saying, I didn't notice how close they were. Literally and figurativly. When I looked up again, Raimundo had Artemis in a tight embrace while kissing her. (It was one of the the really long, nothing going on kiss. Not the really long,'holy crap what are they doing' kiss.) I sat up against the stairwell and started breathing heavily.
“That's it. This means war.” I said putting on my mask and standing up. The shrubbery still sheilding me from the pair in front of me. “And the memory is too familiar.”
Both of us drew away.
“Raimundo…” I said, looking at him.
“Come on you guys, we only have a few minutesto get the Wu!” Said Dojo as he fell down the steps. Raimndo and let go of each other.
“I told you just to wait for me.”Said Clay, picking up the dragon.
“You know he doesn't listen.” I said.
“Shall we?” Asked Kimiko, gesturing to the ship. The boys all went flooding onto the ship while the Kimiko and I lingered for a moment.
“What happened?” She asked.
“We kissed!” I said exitedly. Both of us grabbed the others shoulders and started jumping up and down.
“That's great! Even though you kised Raimundo. So how was it?”She asked.
“Actually, it was uncomfortable.” I said. Both of us started towards the ship.
“How was it uncomfortable?” She asked.
“Well, what we were talking about before.”
“That is…”
“Angel. I know why he talks about her so much now.”
“Because he feels sorry for her.” I said.
“Oh. I'm sorry about that.” She said.
“It's okay.”
“I think I have found it!” Said Omi. I ran over to where he was and saw what he was getting at. Sitting in a pile of rope were a pair of chopsticks.
“I got it.” Said Clay as he reached to get it.
“Yong She Kite!” Shouted a familiar voice. (At least everyone knows each other, isn't that nice?) I turned around to see a flash of black and silver and felt a strong pair of arms lift me up.
“Midnight!” Shouted Raimundo. “Put her down!” I opened my eyes and saw a birds eye veiw of the Xiaolin dragons.
“Okay.” Came the reply. I felt myself drop a centimeter.
“No!” Shouted Clay.
“Look. We can do this very easily. Let me have the shen gon Wu, and Artemis will be returned unharmed.” I looked up and saw Midnight.
“If I can just get her ask off…”
“Fine. Bring her down with you though.” Said Kimiko.
“Fair enough.” She replied coming down slowly.
Once she landed, she pushed me towards the warriors. Then she bent down and grabbed the changing chopsticks. But at the same time, so did Raimundo.
“Midnight, I challenge you to a Xiaolin Showdown.”
Bit of a jolt. But I like it. I mean seriously, cliché much. Anyway, plaese R&R.