Sonic X Fan Fiction ❯ The Portal ❯ Chapter 22: ( Chapter 23 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Chapter 23
Almost as soon as Angel jumped through the brush we heard a cry of pain. Omi went up to the brush and asked, “Are you okay Angel?”
“Yeah. I'm fine. Might hurt for a while though. Owww! Just some prickers. Oh!” She replied.
“She seemed in a hurry.” Said Kimiko leaning up against a tree.
“Bit too much of a hurry if you ask me.”Said Clay.
“What're you getting at?” Asked Dojo.
“Wha'do mean?”I asked. Though I pretty much knew the answer.
“Well,” Started Clay “I still think she's working with Jack. I mean she's a bit too good to be true if you ask me.”
“Then why did you save her from the robot?”Asked Omi.
“Because Rai was with her.”He answered simply.
“So if I wasn't with her you wouldn't save her?” I asked. He shrugged.
“You think that was Angel?”Asked Dojo.
“Naaaaahhh.”Said Kimiko sarcastically.
“We need to go soon.” Said Omi.
“Yeah I guess you're right.”Said Dojo growing.
“ANGEL!” Shouted Clay. I hopped on Dojo.
“I'm stuck in a cave.” She said in my head.
“Where are you?!”Shouted Clay as he mounted and Dojo pushed off.
“I'M IN A FLIPPIN CAVE!!”She shouted.
“Keep on yelling! We'll find ya!”Said Clay. “Oh yeah! Raimundo said he has a crush on you!”
“No I don't!”I replied blushing.
“Well we have to get her to say something. Down there Dojo.” Said Clay as Dojo flew down.
As we landed Angel was spazing out and shouting at the top of her lungs.
“…I'M GONNA SKIN YOU ALIVE! AND TRUST ME THAT WON'T BE HARD! I'M GONNA SHAVE YOUR HEAD SO YOU LOOK LIKE OMI!” Kimiko snuck up from and tapped her on the shoulder. Angel stopped yelling and turned to face Kimiko.
“Tag. You're it.” Said Kimiko.
“Nice tail.”I said spotting the tiger tail that was twitch ing back and forth.
“Geee. Thaaanks.”She said.
“Well come on.”Said Kimiko pushing her towards Dojo… and me. I was hiding behind his paw.
“Not until I see why it's so light down here.”She said spinning out of kimiko's push sending her to the floor. Now that she mentioned it, it was kinda light down here. “You guys aren't scared are you?”She asked, tail twitching playfully.
All of us shook our heads. Dojo needed to shrink so he could make it through the tunnels. After a couple minutes Angel stopped and gasped. I looked over everyones shoulder and my jaw dropped. In front of me ws the source of the light…
I hope you like this chapter and I would like to see a couple reviews and not just from AnimeGirl214. But yeah I'm working on the next chapter as you read this.