Static Shock Fan Fiction ❯ Watch The Sky ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN STATIC AND OTHER ASSOCIATED CHARACTERS! Dwayne McDuffie and WB and Milestone do in...their various ways.

Warning: profanity, darkness, slash

Chapter One

It was a sunny Friday afternoon in Dakota---everything was perfect. So perfect that when Virgil finally made his move on Osgoode, to further their friendship into something so much more, Osgoode gave in. Their kisses, at first hesitant and unsure, grew more confident as it progressed to heavy petting, as feelings were acknowledged and reciprocated. There had been no questioning, no hesitation. No uncomfortable feelings or suspicions. It should have gone this way, Virgil figured---they were such great friends. Their time together had always been filled with something---always filled with delicious tension that made Virgil’s head spin after each and every encounter.

Even when Richard cut into the picture with his sullen acts and Osgoode’s changed moods whenever his brother intruded onto ‘their’ time, Virgil was so sure that their relationship could be something much more than just friends. When Osgoode consented to him after his confession, Virgil was absolutely floored..

Osgoode was everything to him---the perfect friend. Osgoode had the same tastes as he, was always ready with some comeback to his jokes and comments, and often comforted him whenever times were tough. Everyone saw Osgoode as the twin with the pole-stuck-up-his-ass; he was always so stiff and so cold, so condescending to those that dared to oppose his opinion. Osgoode inspired ‘Psycho’ rumors---his quiet demeanor was unsettling for his peers. But Virgil knew him differently---Osgoode was cold because he was insecure and shy. He was actually more uncertain than his twin, and was softer than the rumors claimed. He was trustworthy and loyal, always having Virgil’s back whenever he made a mistake or enemy. He was always there for Virgil to lean on, and he was always ready with words of comfort and worry whenever Virgil needed it.

Virgil had been so envious of Richard when he’d first met the twins---Osgoode seemed so maternal in ways that he missed of his mother, and Osgoode was never shy whenever he was showing his comfort and affections. Whether it was a touch to his forehead or a hug from the side, Virgil reveled in that affection, wanting it all to himself; with Richard as an exception, of course, because Richard was closer to Osgoode than Virgil could ever be. He found the twins so captivating, their own world so interesting and alien to them. It also helped that despite their somewhat dorkish appearances, they were very attractive to him.

Their similarities were intriguing, and he often dreamed many sexual situations involving both of them, with goofy sheepishness. He loved it---and when he began getting to know them, he’d been at first attracted to Richard, for it seemed Richard was more free, more open. But when he got to know them, it was Osgoode he gravitated to. Osgoode and his snooty ways were more appealing than Richard’s open ways.

But as days went by and Osgoode opened up to him, ensnaring more than Virgil’s friendliness, Virgil began battling his feelings. He wasn’t sure if Osgoode was even attracted him in that fashion, for the teen never spoke to him of such things. Even if Richard was more free with his opinions, Richard kept that aspect quiet as well. When it grew obvious that Osgoode wanted to spend more time with him than he did with his brother, Virgil felt more conflicted.

While Virgil was very much aware of what turmoil he was causing between the pair, he needed Osgoode. Sure, he felt guilty and a little embarrassed when he realized he was competing with Richard for Osgoode’s attention, but he wouldn’t back down for the world. Osgoode meant that much to him, and if it was selfish, then that was just an unfortunate circumstance.

That afternoon, skin was explored and kisses were wet, bodies touched and examined. It was everything that Virgil had dreamt of and more. Osgoode was so affectionate towards him, returning everything with so much feeling that Virgil felt higher than he ever had before. Orgasm had been embarrassingly quick, but there was so much potential for their future. It was only third base, but that was close enough.

He lay next to Osgoode, the other staring at the ceiling in a sort of daze as Al Green played quietly. Virgil had a large grin on his face, and he felt a little embarrassed as he cleaned himself up and zipped his pants, but he was eager for their future to start. Osgoode was his, now. They’d confessed mutual feelings, and Virgil wanted more. He could just imagine how the school was going to react when they walked in Monday morning, hand in hand. He thought of how Richard would react, but he figured that the other twin would just have to deal with it. Virgil could be just as stubborn and diligent as he when it came to sticking to Osgoode’s side. It was also apparent that Osgoode wasn’t ready to let him go, anyway.

He looked over at the blond twin, taking in his ruffled short crop of hair, the splotchy red of his cheeks. When Osgoode looked at him, he smiled faintly.

Virgil rolled against him, kissing one exposed shoulder. Osgoode was more athletic than his twin---a little more thick, but that was only because Osgoode was more active. Osgoode grew suddenly shy, pulling away from him to close his shirt. Virgil watched him button up, removing the hastily loosened tie that went with his school uniform. Both of them had met at the library for some studying and had come to his house before engaging in other activities. With Virgil’s older sister away and his father still at work, it was easy to get some privacy. Virgil had no idea where Richard was---sometimes, the other twin tended to disappear whenever his brother chose to spend time with Virgil.

“You okay?” Virgil asked him, still basking in the afterglow of orgasm. “Things still cool?”

Osgoode fixed his pants, still red. For a few moments, he didn’t say anything, but Virgil was used to his moments of silence while he thought something over. He searched the floor for his wireless glasses. “Sure, Virgil. Things are still…cool.”
Virgil nodded with satisfaction, lifting onto his hands and knees to see that his own tie had fallen between the bed and nightstand. “So…what do you want to do, now?”

“Uh…well…I think I should go home now. I mean…I’ve got some chores to do before mom and dad come home,” Osgoode said, throwing him a quick smile. Virgil’s heart did flip-flops upon seeing this---there was a certain way Osgoode had that always made him feel so damn cheered.

“All right. But…call me when you get there. I might need you to come out with me tonight.”

Osgoode gave him a blank look, then quickly nodded. “Right. I will.”

Virgil left his bed, removing his belt, intending on changing into more casual clothing while Osgoode finished redressing. “You know, I think we should…change things around. I mean, we both have feelings for each other, and it’s obvious we go well together…what would you say to making things a little more…exclusive?”

Osgoode paused in pulling on his jacket, studying Virgil. When the other teen straightened from pulling on some jeans, he noted that something seemed amiss in the other. For the first time that day, something began to bother him.

“‘Exclusive’? What do you mean?” Osgoode asked cautiously, studying him. “Like…going out?”

“Well…yeah. I mean…it would make sense.”

Osgoode busied himself with the thought, and Virgil paused in the midst of pulling on a sweatershirt. The blond shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“You ‘don’t know’? What’s that mean?”

“I mean…I don’t know.”

Virgil frowned, and watched him as he stuffed his feet into the loafers that he and his brother were always made fun of wearing. “Are you worried about what your parents might say?”

“…Not exactly. Mom and dad know we’re…different. I mean, I’ve always helped my brother crossdress, and I never complained whenever Dad said we’re ‘too gay’.”

“…Are you uncomfortable with it? Worried about what others may think or say?”

“No. It’s not that at all. I think I’m fine with my sexuality, it’s just…I don’t know. I don’t know about us being a couple.”

Virgil pulled on his sweatershirt and then sat at the edge of his bed. He watched the sheets while he listened to Osgoode adjust his loafers, grunt as he pulled on his heavy backpack. He looked up as the blond left his room without another word and felt absolutely awkward as he followed after the other. The trip down the stairway was filled with silence save for their heavy footfalls, and when Osgoode reached the door he paused.

“Let’s not talk about it, all right?” he suggested, looking back at Virgil. “I mean…until I sort things out.”

Virgil crinkled his brow as he folded his arms. He was starting to feel even more heavy about the situation as he stared at the blond with a puzzled silence. “Not talk about it?” he repeated dumbly. “We just---we just shared body fluids, man! You know I feel more for you than I would with a friend! Why can’t we talk about it?”

“Erm…I just…I just don’t think it should come up until I…until I think about it,” Osgoode said with a frown. Virgil realized he wasn’t meeting his eyes---looking everywhere but as he fiddled with the doorknob.


The door opened unexpectedly with a couple clipped knocks, knocking Osgoode in the arm. Virgil felt the world drop out from underneath him when the real Osgoode walked in with a broad smile directed right at him, Burger Fool bags in his hand. Once the twin caught sight of his brother, he gave him a puzzled stare, stopping short in the doorway.

“Hey Virgil...Richard? What are you doing here?” Before Richard could say anything, Osgoode gave him a frown. “I already did your half of the chores, dickhead. You know I hate doing the dishes. You owe me.”

“Mom and dad home yet, Oz?” Richard asked coolly, swinging the door open to step out, Virgil unable to say a word as horror stilled every one of his limbs. His stomach felt as if there was a huge block of ice as Osgoode gave them puzzled looks. “Ozzie Osgoode, you’re going to get fat, mister. I suggest you burn it all and NOT eat…”

“Stuff it, tubbo. Mom called, saying that they’ll be home a little later. She and dad are going to hit a movie before coming home. You owe me homework, I guess, for covering for your half of the chores.”

“Fine, fine. Later, Virgil.” With that, Richard slammed the door shut behind him, and Osgoode gave Virgil a puzzled look.

He then smiled slightly as he walked past the utterly stunned teen, heading toward the kitchen. “I’m glad you two are getting along better. There’s hope for two of the most stubborn idiots I know. I brought grub! We hard-working men need these chili-cheese cheeseburgers with chili-cheese Fritos! Man, Richard’s going to hate me tonight, but what the hell? Serves him right for that chili-bean burrito incident last week…God, I can still smell that ranch…”

Still gaping at the door, Virgil finally managed to swallow the heavy lump in his throat. He had the very desperate urge to take a shower. How could he have not known?


Osgoode looked up from fiddling with Virgil’s computer, frowning over at his friend’s uncharacteristic silence. Since he’d arrived a couple of hours earlier, his friend had been strangely quiet. Usually Virgil did most of the talking. Virgil had, after eating little of his food, taken a very long shower. Osgoode furrowed his brow, returning his attention to the computer to finish installing the memory card while he listened to Virgil bounce a rubber ball against the back wall.

It was starting to unnerve him in that Virgil was so involved with his thoughts that he wasn’t moving to include him with his heavy thinking. He started to worry that he did something wrong---that perhaps Virgil was having second thoughts about their friendship. Such insecurity was common with Osgoode---Virgil was his first real friend outside of Richard. Virgil was so similar to him, so valuable because of that. Virgil was everything Osgoode wasn’t, and even if he felt it was wrong, he had been crushing on his friend for a long while. He wondered if Virgil had somehow picked up on those feelings and was starting to rethink their relationship. Osgoode was familiar with how homophobic people were, and wasn’t ready to reveal himself as such until he was absolutely sure of himself. He wasn’t his brother, who was a little freer in such things than he was.

He cleared his throat, the sound startling Virgil in missing his throw. “Virg…what’s wrong with you? You’re acting weird, bro. What, are you contemplating your…ahem…recreational activities without me?”

Months earlier, Osgoode had discovered that Virgil led a double-life; as amazing and fantastic as it was, he discovered that Virgil was actually Dakota’s very own superhero, gifted with powers from a freak accident that he used for good. When Osgoode confronted him, Virgil hadn’t denied it, nor did he try to threaten him for secrecy. They began working together, with Osgoode following him everywhere for assistance. It had worked so well, but it took a lot of time away from Richard, who intensely resented Virgil for taking his brother away from him.

Osgoode figuring out Virgil’s other persona, a very important one that the city reveled in, was something that Richard shouldn’t---didn’t---need to know about. Osgoode couldn’t tell Richard that he’d discovered their city’s superhero was his best friend---the secret was just too precious.

Virgil cleared his own throat. “Where were you this afternoon?”

Puzzled, Osgoode turned in the desk chair. “Huh? At home. We had chores to do. Richard ditched me after eighth period. Then I thought I’d grab some food before coming over. What was he doing with you, anyway? I didn’t think you guys would get along well enough to talk without trying to kill each other…”
Virgil didn’t speak for a few moments, but he stared at the ball in his hands with such an intensely dark look that Osgoode began to feel the edges of panic. It was so uncharacteristic of his friend to think so seriously, to hesitate to reveal his thoughts to him that Osgoode was starting to feel light-headed.

Virgil?” he pressed.

His friend finally lifted his head. Osgoode began to feel that ominous feeling in that something horrible was about to be revealed. He started to think that Virgil had learned something in his twin that Richard had been keeping from him. The thought was truly terrifying, and Osgoode began to jiggle his knee nervously.

“He tricked me, man. I thought he was you,” Virgil finally confessed, but his tone was unnaturally low. Osgoode stared at him in silence, feeling something close to ice in his stomach. His mind went blank, but his ears strained to catch everything Virgil was saying. He was suddenly attuned to the fact that Virgil was not looking him in the eye.

Silence was thick and heavy, and Osgoode began feeling as if he were not getting everything from his friend. And for the fact that his twin was involved had him panicky; Richard knew of Osgoode’s crush on Virgil. Osgoode couldn’t hide much from his twin because Richard noticed so much---and horror descended upon him as he realized that Richard may have found out Virgil’s secret.

“Oh no,” he whispered, a real expression of panic on his face. “Virgil, did he find out that you’re Static?”

Virgil tilted his head, then barked something that was supposed to be laughter. But it was ugly and forced, and Osgoode stopped worrying his fingernails. He still couldn’t relax, looking at Virgil’s utterly devastated expression.

“I told him stuff,” Virgil muttered, paying more attention to the ball in hand than his friend. “I told him stuff…that I only wanted you to know.”

Osgoode was confused. He searched the room for something that would give him more of an explanation, and felt his throat itch with dissatisfaction in that Virgil wasn’t just telling him what it was that was bothering him.

“Like…like what?” he asked cautiously, frowning. “If it’s not about Static, then what?”

“Man–!” Virgil gave that ugly sound again, shaking his head so that his dreads knocked together. “Man…I just didn’t…I don’t know how it slipped by me that he weren’t you.”

Osgoode stared at him, not wanting to move. Still, his impatience was starting to show the more Virgil continued to speak so vaguely, obvious trouble hanging above his head. It was starting to scare and worry Osgoode---feeling absolutely horrible that something had happened; something significant and big.

“What happened, Virgil?” he asked sharply, starting to feel angry. “Virge! Just tell me, man. What’d he do?”

Virgil shook his head, fiddling with the ball in hand. The silence was thick and heavy until Osgoode rose from the chair to sit at the edge of his bed. “Virgil, what happened? Just tell me…”

Virgil couldn’t look at him. It wasn’t as if anything were established between them, but…

“Virgil. Whatever he did, I bet we can fix it. I know you two don’t like each other, but it couldn’t have been that bad---”

Virgil suddenly rose from the bed, avoiding him as he threw the ball away from him. “I’ve gotta get ready. Maybe you should just go home, tonight. I’ll just do a quick patrol and come in early.”

Osgoode was extremely puzzled as his friend left the room, the bathroom door slamming shut moments later. He heard muffled shouting, as if his friend were cursing the air blue, but he was absolutely clueless as to what it was that Virgil was fretting over. He thought of how awkward the scene had been when he’d arrived earlier, upon seeing his twin at the door and Virgil’s face turning absolutely pale for his coloring. Osgoode couldn’t think of a thing that would inspire such reactions, but he was truly curious as to what his brother was doing with his friend.

Both of them snipped and snapped at each other so much that it was nearly impossible to relax within their company. Osgoode had given Richard plenty of stern ‘talking-to’s’, and he’d worn his throat sore over trying to soothe Virgil’s pride and confidence whenever the teen had a bad encounter with the other twin, but Osgoode had already decided that Virgil was more important.

He loved his twin dearly---but Virgil was new and the fact that Osgoode had a massive crush on him made Virgil more important than his brother. He’d spent all his life with Richard---he thought it very selfish of Richard to throw such a fit when he knew how important Virgil was to Osgoode.

Richard was just jealous of what they had, the other blond being too scared to try out new things. It wasn’t Osgoode’s fault that Richard didn’t want to make friends, but it should be obvious that if Osgoode could do it, Richard should have been better.

Osgoode frowned, leaving the room to knock softly at the bathroom door. “Virgil? Do you want to talk about it?”

He listened for a long while against the wood, and heard his friend sigh. It hurt that Virgil was not talking to him. His fingers curled into fists, his teeth clamping shut. Maybe Richard said something to Virgil about Osgoode’s feelings. It was something that Richard would do---Osgoode could see Richard ruining everything by being so selfish.

He swallowed hard, eyes watering. Virgil wasn’t a homophobe---he had been pretty tolerant. And there were certainly times when it seemed that Virgil looked at him longer, walked next to him more closely than friends should. There were times where he just thought that there could be more possibilities…

“Virgil…I’m going home. Call me if you feel like it,” he said against the door, turning to leave. He felt angry and rejected, feeling it hard to breathe as he hurried down the stairs. If Virgil was going to push him away because of what his twin said…

He slammed out of the house, rushing down the sidewalk for the bus. He’d make Richard tell him what happened, and if Virgil was lost to him because of what Richard said…then his brother was going to be very sorry.

That night, Richard thought over what he’d done and while he felt guilt over it, he felt even worse that some of his worst fears were confirmed. He’d had a feeling that Virgil returned his twin’s feelings, and the very fact that Osgoode would be lost to him because of some---hussy---made him feel absolutely wretched. It wasn’t enough that Virgil had come along and taken his brother away from him, he had to go and have feelings for Osgoode; feelings that Osgoode returned.

While Richard would have been happy for Osgoode in finding some romance---proving that Osgoode was capable of such things---it wasn’t agreeable in that they would have such feelings for each other. Ensuring that Osgoode would be further out of Richard’s clingy reach.

Richard fumed about this, feeling angry and resentful. He was smoking a vanilla-flavored cigarette, thinking over what was happening at Virgil’s when he heard the scuff of shoes against pavement on the sidewalk outside the fence. He hurriedly tossed the cigarette away, exhaling the last of the smoke he’d inhaled and hoped that he didn’t smell too bad. Looking up, he watched Osgoode hurry into the backyard, looking angry. Richard cringed---there were few things he feared, and his brother’s temper was one of them. Despite the fact that Osgoode was considered the more reserved twin, Osgoode was a completely different person to his brother when there weren’t others around.

Osgoode spied his twin immediately, face twisting with anger as Richard waited for him within the shadows of their yard. Their parents weren’t home yet, giving Richard plenty of time to smoke and think before cleaning up.

“What did you say to him?” Osgoode demanded, reaching his mirror-image’s side, grabbing his arm. “What were you doing there with him in the first place?”

Richard took a long look at his brother’s face, searching for any indication that Virgil had told Osgoode what had transpired between them earlier. When it was obvious that Osgoode was still in the dark, Richard furrowed his brow with a sort of hesitant curiosity.

“What do you mean?” he asked slowly

“Don’t give me that,” Osgoode snarled, shaking his arm roughly. “He’s acting all out of character with me, and I know it has to do with you! He won’t talk to me about it, but---!”

Richard shrugged, unsure of how to go about confessing. He knew he would confess eventually, but how to go about it was a different story. He watched Osgoode’s face with mute uncertainty, watching his twin grow even angrier with his silence.

Osgoode’s fingers shifted to instead to dig into his brother’s arm, pinching skin and muscle until Richard grimaced, trying to pull his arm back from him. Osgoode applied more force as he hissed, “Tell me what you did! I can’t believe your stupid childishness, going about this idiotic act just because you are jealous of my friendship with him! I won’t let you ruin this, not when you know how I feel about him! Now, tell me what you did so that I can fix this! And when it is over, you need to keep your fucking face out of it! Find a friend of your own so you can stop obsessing over what I managed to find!”

“I’m jealous because you spend more time with him than you do with me! I hardly ever get to see you anymore, Osgoode!” Richard protested, wincing once more. Osgoode’s grip was like a vice, surprising for someone that looked as he did. He managed to wrench his arm out of Osgoode’s hand, but the sharp stinging pain made him rub at it hurtfully. “He knows this, and he only instigates it! I just want to spend more time with you, just like we had before!”

Osgoode scowled at him, pacing restlessly. “So, what did you say?”

“…It was what I didn’t say that’s going to get me into trouble, Ozzie. Just know that I did it just to…I didn’t know what else to do, and I confess, I didn’t think it through, I guess. What I did was stupid, and…but what I find upsetting is that if Virgil….liked…you as he said he did, he would have known that what he did was wrong. If you really have someone to blame, it was Virgil’s fault as well.”

Osgoode stared at him in silence. Richard met his stare, still rubbing his arm. When Osgoode finally spoke, it was low and filled with ominous danger. “What. Did. You. Do?”

Richard shrugged once more. He told Osgoode what happened, his brother going incredibly still as he listened to him. When Richard was finished, he stared at Osgoode in silence, waiting for some sort of sign in what his brother was thinking. Osgoode’s features were blank, but his eyes, a slate-gray, were nearly as black as the shadows they were standing in. The hairs on the back of his neck stood straight up, and he held his breath as he waited for Osgoode’s next move.

Pale skin shifted into an alarming red. Osgoode’s teeth flashed as his lips curled back, eyes widening with frightening fury.

“It’s his fault as well, Oz,” Richard murmured. “If he hasn’t been able to tell us apart in all this time…I spent all afternoon with him, and he just…everyone knows that he wanted to hook up with either of us, but…some friend you have. He couldn’t even tell the difference. There are really big differences between the two of us, and I had thought that if he spent so much time with you, he’d be able to tell right off that I wasn’t…you.”

Osgoode stared at him in silence, visibly shaking with anger. Richard watched him cautiously.

Osgoode looked away, beginning to pace once more. Richard continued to watch him, chewing on his bottom lip as he waited for Osgoode’s reaction. He hoped that what happened helped---if Virgil spent so much time with Osgoode, Virgil should have been able to tell the difference between the pair of them.

Osgoode lifted a hand and began chewing furiously at his thumb, still not meeting his brother’s eyes. “He should have been able to tell,” Osgoode muttered. “I spend all this time with him…I know he…so this means that he had feelings for me if he told you all of that…then, but still---you have different color eyes than I do. You’re older. You hate him. You can’t stand him, yet you managed to spend over four hours of time with each other, then almost sleep with each other….but then again, it makes sense since I’ve never gotten naked with no other male and Virgil hasn’t seen me naked so he couldn’t possibly tell the pair of us apart if the pair of you were naked---”

“Not completely naked. Just half,” Richard supplied in a not-so-helpful voice, shuddering as he thought over what had transpired. “He wasn’t thinking with his head, I can tell you that. If he was, he would have noticed that I---”

“Shut up, Richard. You’re not helping anybody!” Osgoode snapped, whirling to face him. Richard fell silent, clenching his teeth as Osgoode began pacing again.

Their neighborhood was quiet; the city noises were subdued with their location, with the occasional sounds of vehicles driving about, as well as the voices of dogs and people in the distance. A phone rang, and Osgoode immediately placed it as a familiar sound of their own. He left Richard without a word, charging in through the back door to grab the cordless from the wall. He inhaled and exhaled slowly to calm his voice as he answered without looking at the caller ID window.

“Oz…it’s me. Look…I need to talk to you,” Virgil’s voice was quiet, full of remorse and heaviness that made Osgoode grit his teeth. His anger washed over him like liquid, his fingers curling over the phone fiercely, making it crack. Maybe their relationship hadn’t been established, but his brother was right---with the amount of time Virgil spent with Osgoode, Virgil should have been able to tell the difference! Why he didn’t added to Osgoode’s anger over the situation.

“You feel better now, Virgil?” Osgoode asked quietly. “Do you feel good enough to come over and talk to me over what happened this afternoon? That you very nearly slept with my fucking brother, giving the excuse that you couldn’t tell us apart?!”

Virgil sighed heavily over the phone. “Look…it’s not what you think. But I am responsible, and I just---!”
“You haven’t noticed the difference between the pair of us by now, Virgil Ovid? You---look. There is nothing to talk about, right now. I’ve got to go, Virgil. I’ve got things to do. See you at school tomorrow, all right?” Osgoode hung up as Virgil started to speak. He put the cordless back onto the receiver, feeling a turmoil of emotions flooding through him. Staring at the plain wallpaper on the wall, he heard Richard walk through the back door. He shut the door as quietly as possible, saying nothing.

Osgoode turned away from the phone, his eyes bright behind his glasses. He searched his mirror-image’s face for any indication of remorse or guilt and saw neither. He saw only the cautiousness of a person who was prepared to defend themselves not out of guilt, but because it was the only thing they could do. He removed his glasses, swiping at his eyes with the heel of his palm.

“I really liked him,” he said shakily, accompanying his words with a low chuckle. “We spent so much time together…I thought he had the same feelings as I did. I thought for sure that he had the same feelings---I truly thought he was, at this point, able to tell us apart. Even when you tried to impersonate me over the phone…he was always able to tell that it wasn’t me he was speaking to. I just don’t get how he wasn’t able to tell today…”

Osgoode trailed off, gesturing helplessly as Richard continued to watch him. He looked away from his brother, hearing him stomp into the kitchen. “Anyway, I guess it’s better to find out sooner, rather than later,” Osgoode said in a distracted voice.“What do you want for dinner, Richard? Mom left out some hamburger. Want me to make hamburgers, tonight?”

“Sure.” Leaning against the glass backdoor, Richard sighed quietly, drumming his fingers on top of the glass as Osgoode opened and shut various shelves. The refrigerator opened and shut, the pantry rummaged. It then went silent as Osgoode stopped moving about, the air heavy with tension.

Richard wondered what pitiful excuses Virgil had tried to say to Osgoode. He hid his smile behind his hand, shaking his head slightly as he wondered how Virgil hadn’t noticed that his eyes, a light gold, weren’t Osgoode’s. Osgoode’s blue-grey eyes were a striking color---his were bland against his own coloring. Even behind their matching wireless frames their color differences were noticeable.

He looked up to see if Osgoode was functioning when his eyes widened with a start. Osgoode moved noiselessly, rolling pin in one fist as he swung fiercely at his brother’s head.
