Street Fighter Fan Fiction / Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Sonic Adventure 2: SuperNOVA ❯ Let's Get Out of Prison ( Chapter 10 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 10: Let's Get Out of Prison
Time: 12:20 PM
Inside a prison cell, Kaori was looking at the writing on the wall. Some of it is equations and pictures of what these equations represent. She was dizzy after looking at them for a very long time. “Wow.” She said to herself, “I know Mathematics a lot, but these equations are a killer!”
Just then, she heard an explosion! She looked around at where it might come from. When the smoke cleared, she smiled happily. “Athena! Tai! Sora!” she cried,
“Kaori!” the threesome cried
“Hey. Can you open this cage?” Kaori asked
“OK, then!” Athena cried and she pushed a button. The cage opened. Kaori ran and hugged her three favourite friends.
“We're all set?” Kaori asked
“Yes!!!” the threesome answered and they left.
Meanwhile, in the jungle zone, Sakura kept running. “Must hurry up!” she thought, “Time is extremely short and if I do not make it, who knows what might happen!”
Just then, she heard, “Bison calling to Sakura! Can you hear me?! The dynamite packs have been dismantled! The sequence time has been delayed for unknown reasons! Quickly get to the dynamite control unit and re-activate the sequence to 5 minutes now! Hurry up or the island is going to be loaded with security!!!”
“Copy that.” Sakura replies,
Meanwhile, in the `Metal Harbour' area, Kaori, Athena, Taichi and Sora were in awe at what they saw. The harbour is thriving with everything working from the oil refineries to the rockets being refuelled.
“Wow...” Kaori thought, “It's as if this place was built right for me.”
“Ummm... Kaori.” Athena said, “Don't we have to do some investigating? Bison could be up to something.”
“Sure...” Kaori replies, “But... that can wait! What matters now is that I board a rocket! Got to fly!” She rushed off like a bullet.
The three looked at Kaori. “There she goes.” Sora said,
“You know Kaori.” Athena cries, “She always likes to do something extreme.”
A few kilometres away, Kaori landed on a platform. She activated a rocket by manual controls. The P.A. cried out, “Rocket launch in 10 seconds!”
The countdown was on as Kaori blazed up to the top. “10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...”
The rocket lifted off slowly. Kaori hung on the topmost rung of the rocket and she thought... “This is high enough.” She thought as she reached the clouds.
Then, she jumped off. Kaori blasted from the sky onto a jungle patch. With a thud, she landed on a patch of grass. “Cool!” she cried, “Am I not?”
Then, she looked down. The patch she landed on began to crack. She screamed as she fell down!