Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Blast from the past ❯ Return of a very far off friend ( Chapter 1 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The next day, Cyborg was feeling a little different. Not exactly his old hip self. He was feeling a little down in the dumps.
It was only one more week before Beast Boy and Terra's very first wedding anniversary. Cyborg was very happy for them both, but it reminded him of how much he was the only one left of the titans who didn't have a special someone. Sure he liked being a ladies man, and going on several dates with many girls, who liked that, but he still felt it would be nicer to have a love of his own.
His sadness only worsened as he entered the lounge, and what did he see? Starfire and Robin were sharing a milkshake at the table. Married for about two years and their love was as strong as ever.
Beast-Boy and Terra were making out on one of the sofas. Thank goodness they were only getting mushy and not really deep.
And Copy-Cat was sitting near the window with his new canvas and easel, and he new set of paints. He had recently taken a shine to painting, and Raven awoke form her meditation and asked, “What are you painting?”
Her boyfriend smiled and answered, “It is something that I admire the most.” This turned out to be a beautiful painting of Raven in a misty meadow. Raven felt flattered and tackled him to the floor, kissing him passionately.
Cyborg couldn't help but smiled, but his frown quickly resumed, and he sighed heavily and turned to walk out the door. “Cyborg…?” Starfire asked.
“Where're you going?” added Robin.
“Ah… nowhere really. I'll keep in touch.” Then he was gone.
All the titans heard and saw that. “Dude… looks like somebody's feeling blue.” Beast-Boy stated. Terra agreed, and it didn't take a brain surgeon, or even Copy-Cat's foresight to tell what was wrong.
“He is feeling left out.” Starfire realized. She and the others always had known that sometimes their romantic relationships would make Cyborg feel a little bad, since he didn't have anyone special.
“So… what do we do about it?” asked Raven.
There wasn't really much they could do. They could never just find a girl and force the love to happen. Even Beast-Boy and Terra knew that… they were together because their love was true, and nothing could conquer it. Not Slade, not Terra turning into stone… not even Things Change.
“Do you think Cyborg will ever find a girl for him?” Terra wondered aloud.
The only thing the others could do was believe just that.
Cyborg went out on that sunny day, driving along the roads in his T-Car. He hadn't had a date for about a week, and even still, that wouldn't solve his problem. He stopped for a soda and pizza, and he could see a couple of slick dudes on a double date with their girlfriends. “Hey, hey…. check it out… it's Cyborg.” One of the boys said. Cyborg held up two fingers in the “Peace” gesture. The other boy responded causing the girls to laugh, and Cyborg to feel just a littler more down in the blues...
Still, he wouldn't give up hope; maybe there was a girl out there somewhere. Someone who would like him just for being who he was, even if he wasn't all human… He shook his head to wake himself back up, “Watch it, Cyborg.” He said to no one. “You're hallucinatin'…” he looked around and realized he was pretty much on his own, “…and… talkin' to yourself.”
Just then, his wrist-communicator began beeping, warning him that something unusual was in the area. He turned and walked into an alley where the signal was stronger, and he did the calculations “What the…?”
He continued to walk forward and not paying attention, he kicked a tin-can. The can rolled ahead, hit a brick wall, and vanished. “Whoa!” He found what he was looking for, and he realized what this thing was already. Being a whiz at quantum physics and stuff like that…
“It's a time portal.” he muttered. Nothing else would explain it, but he didn't dare enter it. Who knew where or when he'd end up, and if he even would be able to come back. He would continue to study it, but in the meantime, he pushed one of the dumpsters in front of wall to block the portal so no one could fall into it by accident.
But he wouldn't keep this to himself, he had to let the other titans know, but just as he was about to contact them when he could hear the sounds screaming. He peeked out of the alley and saw two boys running down the street and being chased by someone dressed like a sheik; a beige toga, and a white sheet over the head, and across the mouth.
Cyborg didn't know what this was about, but he had to step in…
The stranger had chased the boys all the way to the park, and it turned out the cloaked person was chasing those boys for stealing something belonging to that person, which turned out to be a really old dagger, probably worth a fortune.
The boys decided to fight this person, but to their surprise, the person was very skilled in combat, and usefully retrieved the dagger, the boys were about to get really rough when Cyborg shot his sonic-cannon just missing them. “Yo'… this park's off limits to guys like you.”
The boys knew better than to mess with a teen titan, so they ran for it. then Cyborg confronted the cloaked person. “Yo', man… you okay?”
The person turned and gazed at Cyborg, froze dead on the spot, and softly muttered, “Light of a-thousand stars.”
Cyborg head jerked back, “That… that voice.” he stuttered, and also recognized the person's blue eyes. “No way…!”
The person removed the sheet from her head and face. “Cyborg…!”
Cyborg couldn't believe his joints, his head, or his heart. “Sa… Sar… Sarasim…?”
Was he going crazy? Was it really her? That warrior lady from five-thousand years ago when Cyborg visited the distant past?
Cyborg suddenly felt Sarasim throw her arms around him and kiss him deeply. It was no illusion. Cyborg wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back.