Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Blast from the past ❯ The woman who knew too much ( Chapter 2 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
It was still almost entirely unbelievable, but it was really happening.
Cyborg decided to take Sarasim back to the tower, as he couldn't just leave her on her own. Cyborg did his best to explain to her that she was transported into the future, five-thousand years from her own time to be precise. It was a big shock for Sarasim, unfamiliar with her new surroundings; she wouldn't stand a chance on her own. She was almost too frightened to even approach the T-car, fearing it was a monster.
Cyborg also notified the titans of the situation, and of his discovery.
On the way through the city, Sarasim couldn't keep her head still. All the new sights and sensations, “It must have taken many generations to construct a village such as this.”
Cyborg agreed, and did his best to explain that she was in a city, not really a village. “You're in a big place now. It'll take some time, but you may like it.”
They drove through the secret underground which lead under the water and over to the island where the tower was. Sarasim couldn't help but admire the artwork of T-structure and believed it to be an ancient creation. Sarasim could hardly believe all this was real, but she could never deny it either.
They entered the lounge as she quoted, “When I was little, I had never believed in, what you called, little green men.”
Beast-Boy approached them, “That's okay… I didn't either.” he simply said. Sarasim gawked at the young green man in near shock and amazement. Cyborg introduced everyone, explained who Sarasim was, and stopped Starfire before giving her usual greeting… a suffocating hug.
He then offered to let Starfire, Beast Boy, and Terra show Sarasim around, “Don't touch anythin', now, but I'll bet you'll find it interesting.”
Sarasim trusted Cyborg, but, “Interesting… does not begin to describe my excitement.”
As Sarasim looked around the tower, Robin, Raven, and Copy-Cat talked with Cyborg about the time-rift he found, confirming that it was indeed just that, a time-portal and the very explanation of how Sarasim came into their world.
From what Cyborg had been told, she was captured by the traitor, Krall, and thrown into a vortex which was supposed to kill her, but obviously, a mistake had been made and transported her to the future instead.
The time portal itself was unstable, and anyone who entered it without it being focused would only end up in a random time era. Raven knew a lot about time-portals and things like this, being able to send creatures and objects through time. “But this one's nothing… soon it'll close up on its own and nothing will be wrong.”
Robin was glad to hear of that, but then he noticed that the others had more on their mind. “Is something the matter?” he asked. Copy-Cat decided to explain that there was a serious problem which involved Sarasim. Cyborg, knew it, and so did Raven. Now Robin needed to know.
“What about her…?” he asked.
Copy-Cat peeked round behind to make sure that Sarasim couldn't hear them. “We cannot return her to her own time.” he stated that Sarasim already knew too much about the titans, and apart from learning more by the minute, who knew how much about the present she knew since she arrived.
“I do not specifically refer to Sarasim, but suppose we were to send her back, and an unscrupulous person were to gain certain knowledge of the future of Earth?”
Robin could see where this was coming from. It meant that if Sarasim was returned home, and someone found out from her about the future, they could alter the course of history and change everything, including the titans themselves… either never meeting up… or even being born.
Cyborg already knew someone would have to tell Sarasim the awful truth, “But what do expect she's gonna act like when we tell her she has to give up everything and everyone she knew?”
Later that evening…
The Titans ordered pizza, and Terra let Sarsim borrow a spare set of her clothes, as her toga was not suitable. Sarasim had never tasted a pizza before, and to her it felt like, “There are peaceful tribes dancing upon my tongue.” her way of complimenting.
Copy-Cat also examined Sarasim's dagger, and it was no wonder the two bad boys wanted to steal it. It was so old, yet it perfect condition, it was believed to bring up to at least one-billion dollars.
Beast-Boy and Terra nearly drooled and fainted at just the thought, but they didn't let it give them any crazy ideas. They knew Cyborg would never let them pawn with any of Sarasim's things.
Sarasim had to admit that she was enjoying herself, “But I must know how I will ever get back to my own world?” she asked. Everyone went silent and felt really uneasy, which concerned Sarsim. “You are all not well?” she asked. “Is the food not to your liking?”
Terra finally broke the silence. “It's not the food… it's you.”
Sarsim was confused, “I… am not to your liking?”
This was it. She had to know, and Cyborg decided to tell her. “We can't send you back.”
Sarasim's features stiffened. “You cannot?”
She was told of everything, how she couldn't be sent back with the knowledge she possessed. Sarasim tried to protest, “My people… they will surely perish without me.”
“And if we send you back… then our people will die, or not even be born.” Robin stated.
Not even Sarsim's disappearance would change anything either. In fact, Cyborg and Raven remembered, while reading that historical record book about Sarasim and her people, and the war they fought. History showed that they won the war, but Sarasim did not live to tell the tale herself. Her disappearance from 3000BC would only leave history to follow its correct course, but if anything upset that, it would most likely cause problems.
Sarasim was horrified to learn of that. If she went back to her own time, and fought in the war, she would win the fight, and lose her life. She was going to lose her home, her family, and people, and all that she had known either way.
She didn't feel so well now. “Would you excuse me, please? I wish to be alone for a moment.” She said as she stood up and left the lounge, but not before the others could see the tears escaping her eyes.
Cyborg hung his head low, “Man… I feel just terrible for her.”
Starfire sniffled and dabbed her eyes with a napkin, “She is heartbroken, as I would be were I in the same situation.”
Beast-Boy knew how she felt the most out of anyone, being a guy who lost so much and many people he loved. Sarasim would need a lot of time to adjust herself to this, but how long did it take to mend a heart that was so severely broken? No one, not even Beast Boy knew that…!