Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Blast from the past ❯ Incompleted Task ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Later that night, Sarasim was sleeping in the lounge on the sofa. It was a good thing she was of primitive warrior-people, and used to finding comfort in most areas, only she finding it difficult to sleep. That was to be expected as adjusting to the awful truth can't just happen overnight.
Cyborg came in to grab a midnight snack, and also to check in on her. He found her standing by the windows and gazing out at night. “Sarasim…?”
“Please…” she begged softly. “I wish you not to see me weeping.”
Despite the fact that it was un-cool for a full-grown warrior-lady to cry, that still didn't change the fact of what Cyborg knew that even the bravest of people experienced sadness, fear… and that was exactly what Sarasim was now.
Cyborg approached her and held her in his arms to comfort her. Sarasim liked that, it made her feel slightly less miserable, but as she gazed back up at the stars she wondered if her people were watching her. “I never believed that my favorite past time would bring me much more grief than it would delight.”
Cyborg knew what she meant, he remembered the time she told him about watching the sunset, and how she used to fear that, since the war started, would it be the last she or her people would ever see? Now, the stars only reminded her all those more of how she was doomed to remain in the present.
Sarasim and Cyborg were both roughly the same age, but in modern life Sarasim was useless. She knew nothing about the present day, and all the changes. Five-thousand years was a really long time.
Cyborg could understand how she felt, but he wasn't willing to give up. At least she had a chance. After all, Sarasim was still smart, and a smooth learner. She only needed to be retrained, reeducated, and adjusted to life in the present.
“Look… Sarasim. I'm not askin' ya to just accept all this and let it go…” Cyborg said to her, “But all I know is…I don't wanna see you like this, and I'll do whatever it takes to perk up your spirits. Just like the brave woman you are.”
He held her hand softly, and their eyes met. They shared a romantic embrace, and Cyborg never went back to bed all night.
He was still there on the sofa holding Sarasim in his arms. They both had awakened to the sweet smell of food. “Rise and shine lovebirds. Breakfast's on.” Robin said.
As they all sat down to eat, and Sarasim took yet another fondness for such good food she had never tasted before, Starfire was curious to know how Cyborg and Sarasim spent the night. “Beast Boy had told me of your… embraces, and being close.”
Sarasim and Cyborg felt embarrassed, and disturbed. Beast-Boy rubbed the back of his head shyly, and Terra blushed. They were playing truth or dare with each other last night, and Beast Boy was dared to his old fly-on-the-wall trick…
“Heh-heh-- Sorry…” he said.
Copy-Cat finally came into the lounge, and he had heard the conversation. “A very slippery, unorthodox, but effective method of spying.”
“What does that mean?” asked Sarasim.
“It's only a joke.” Raven explained.
Copy-Cat never really joked, but he did have some news for everyone that they would find most interesting. He had been awake half the night studying that book Raven and Cyborg had about Sarasim and her army, which had not been altered yet by the effects of time change, “And I find that we shall have to return Sarasim to 3000BC for a short while after all.”
Everyone bolted upright in their seats, especially Sarasim. “I thought that my disappearance was to affect no change in the time continuum.”
“Poor choice of words on one's part.” replied Copy-Cat. “It was neglected in our initial run-through to correlate the possible contributions by heroism during the times of the war.”
Copy-Cat explained that from what he had read in the annals of the book, it turned out that it was Sarasim herself who delivered the absolute finishing blow, which destroyed Krall, and ended the war, thus saving her village. The result was to be suicidal which would have lead to her apparent and certain death, and the knowledge that her body was never recovered.
So, unless Sarasim was to return to her time, and carry out her task to destroy Krall, history would indeed be rewritten, for Krall would survive to crate more damage and more havoc.
Unable to argue with all this, it was decided that this objective had to be met. Sarasim would have go back, “And I'm comin' with ya.” Cyborg offered. Sarasim felt touched that Cyborg would do that, and after all the difficulties he had the first time he appeared in 3000BC
“I will join you as well.” Starfire offered.
“Count us in…” said Beast Boy.
“Totally…” added Terra.
All the Titans agreed to go. If Krall was as bad as Sarasim described, then it would be obvious that she and her people would need a little help, and the Titans being there, they would also do their best to prevent history from being altered.
All the rest of that day, the Titans were preparing for their trip. They didn't exactly have to pack anything of any major importance, but Cyborg was taking no chances this time, and installed special solar-panels to his armor, so if he went back to the past he wouldn't have to worry about finding electricity to power his cells.
Raven studied the time portal Cyborg had found all she could and meditated for a long time to prep her powers for the long journey.
The others were all training and warning up in the gym. Copy-Cat was even helping Sarasim by training her the way he once trained the titans to make her stronger and faster. Especially how to read someone's breathing to determine their every move.
By the next morning, after a good night's rest, it was almost time to go. Sarasim was dressed in armor. The very armor that Cyborg had kept since his return form the past. It didn't quite fit her, but she didn't mind. Sarasim was just amazed to realize how long he had kept it in memory of her.
Raven, however, had one vital piece of information to warn everybody about. She would be able to get them all to the past and back to the present with the aid of the portal in the alley, but there was one catch. “The space time continuum will be out of phase in seventy-two hours.”
A few of the Titans felt confused, and it was revealed that what Raven meant was, if they failed to return within three days, “We're history.”
“Dude!” cried Beast-Boy.
“No way!” added Terra.
Starfire nibbled nervously on her nails, but keeping in mind that future of Earth and their own lives depended on the success or failure of their mission. The plan was to return three days within the time of the war, somehow manage to allow Sarasim to defeat Krall, allow her to survive, but let the people think she was dead, and then return with her to the present. This way they would not harm history, at least not badly.
But no matter what, they were not to let a single living soul in the past know too much about the future.
Now in the alley and faced with the time gate, the heroes all held hands together, forming a ring around Raven. Sarasim gripped Cyborg's hand extra tight. “Let's do it.” Robin said, and Raven concentrated as hard as she could, “Azarath… Metrione… ZINTHOS!”
All eight of the heroes felt the strong waves picking them up, and throwing them all into the portal. The adventure had begun!