Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Blast from the past ❯ The future says hi ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
-72 hours remain.
Everyone woke up in a daze, all feeling as if they had just plunged from the dizzy height and smacked on solid ground… which it turned out they had. No one was hurt though. Cyborg checked his wrist-computer and reported that they were in deed in the year 3000BC… that was the good news.
The bad news was, “Uh… where are we?” asked Raven. All ways there was nothing but the dawn breaking skies, and miles and miles of solid barren wastelands, not too much vegetation either.
“Guys, over here… Quick!” cried Terra. Everyone rushed over to where Terra, and discovered the skeleton a giant creature, none of which anyone recognized. “Whoa!” cried Cyborg, “Looks like somebody had a bad day.”
“Dude…!” groaned Beast Boy as he held his stomach “I think I'm going to turn green.”
“You are green.” said Raven.
“Oh… yeah… heh-heh.”
Robin put everyone's mind back on their mission, and it was a good thing that Sarasim knew her way around the lands. Here village was far to the west but not so far that they couldn't reach it. Especially since most of the Titans could fly. Sarasim and Robin rode with Terra on a flying boulder.
Sarasim found it to be most exciting. She always dreamt of flying, but never imagined it would come true. The journey did not take long, and daylight finally shone on everything, but as soon as they crossed over the mountain range a terrible sight met their eyes. “My village!” cried Sarasim.
There was smoke coming from the lands below, and the heroes could hear the villagers screaming in panic down below, and they could see the warriors fighting the green monsters. “Let's go!” shouted Robin.
Down below, the warriors were fairing too well against the monsters. They were grossly outnumbered and their weapons proved useless against the monsters newly given strengths form Krall, or rather the witch.
Krall was on horseback, and laughing maliciously as he knocked more of the warriors coming at him out of the way. “Surrender!” he growled, “This village is now mine to control!”
“KRALL!” shouted a familiar voice. Krall turned and what he saw on the hill side made his blood turn cold, “It… cannot be!” he shouted.
The other warriors gazed round and cheered for joy at the site f their leader, yet some were confused of the strangers she was with, except for Cyborg. The heroes raced down the hill and join in the fight.
Cyborg cocked his sonic-cannon and poised it at a large gaggle of monsters. “I'm ba-ack.” And he fired several shots which actually damaged the monsters.
The other Titans joined in the fight, and with Sarasim instructing her warriors. Some of the monsters were finally destroyed, and the rest all retreated. Krall fled too, but he promised to return!
The warriors and villagers cheered for joy, and Sarasim, as leader of her village, declared to hold a victory feast, as well as to honor her return and the new champions of the village. “To the Teen Titans… we shall feast in their honor.”
More cheers erupted from the crowds.
Back in his cavern hideout, Krall was roaring like a banshee at the witch, “Idiot! Fool! You told me Sarasim had been destroyed, and now she returns with the accursed Cyborg and MORE STRANGERS!”
The witch couldn't understand it herself. She did throw Sarasim into the vortex, and Krall saw her do it. That didn't matter now. Sarasim was back, and with these Teen Titans by her side… he knew they were only going to give him no ends of trouble.
“I may be weak now, but I shall gather my strength and strike again.”
Sarasim's village, despite it being primitive, still made pretty great food. Sarasim even told the cooks to make some salads for Beast-Boy. “Dude… suddenly I don't even miss the future anymore.”
His friends chuckled softly. Sure he was saying that now, but like anyone he would soon begin to not like it so much anymore.
There were also a few empty huts in the village, as the soldiers who occupied them didn't make it. Sarasim allowed the Titans to have them.
Starfire and Robin shared one…
Beast-Boy and Terra had another…
Raven and Copy-Cat took a third one…
Which meant Cyborg was by himself again, but he didn't mind, especially since Sarasim came by a lot to see him the most, dressed in her toga as well. Cyborg smiled at her admiring how pretty she looked.
She smiled back at him. “I cannot begin to say how grateful I am that you and your friends are with us, Cyborg.”
Cyborg didn't mind at all. He was happy to be back too. It almost felt to him as if nothing had changed, and at least this time he didn't have to worry about his power cell.
Still, Sarasim kept in mind that thought she was back in her own time period, she would be staying for too long. She was doing her best to keep brave about it, while at the same time not let any of her people know of her plans to return to the future to avoid her death, as well as not alter history with the knowledge she had.
Cyborg held her in his arms and comforted her. “Hey… listen I don't like it any more than you do.” He said, “But at least we're doin' somethin' for the people. We're makin' the future brighter for them.”
He motioned out the window at all the happy villagers. Despite that Krall would be back, just seeing how happy everyone was made Sarasim's decision all the more easy to accept. She would be able to return to the future and start a new life knowing that the sacrifices she would make would help her people and village prosper throughout the ages.
After all… a true leader would only want what was best for her people, even if it meant not being there to grant it.