Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Blast from the past ❯ Test of forces ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Krall and the witch were hard at work conjuring up plans for their next attack, but first they would have to test the full strengths of the new strangers in town, not just Cyborg, and hopefully find another way to get Sarasim out of the way.
The witch was stirring up a brew for more of the slime creatures, and it would be easier if she didn't have Krall breathing down her back with impatience. “Just make sure you know what you are doing, Witch. Remember, I can easily send you back to the eternal slumber I awakened you from easily.”
The witch gritted her teeth in fear and annoyance. The many times Krall threatened to lock her back away again only made her want to carry out a secret plan of her own… one she had been keeping to herself for some time.
The morning became midday before anyone realized, but to make sure the heroes kept track of their time, Cyborg programmed his wrist-computer clock to countdown every last second of the remaining hours, which was still well over sixty they had plenty of time…
…as long as nothing else went horribly wrong, but that didn't mean they still couldn't take the time and enjoy themselves.
Raven and Copy-Cat still found their time to meditate, and Robin would train a little, but the others would hang around the village. Starfire would play with the children, and even take them for small fly-abouts.
Beast-Boy and Terra took the time to check out the place and see how the world worked around them. They still didn't quite miss the future too badly, except of course for a maybe a few things. But with all the stuff there was to do… gardening, laundry, baking helping out, even help repair the damages from the battle, which was simple with their powers, who had time to complain?
Cyborg remained with Sarasim, strolling through the village, hand-in-hand, and keeping an eye on things, and checking with the patrols now and then who were scouting the area around the village to warn of an attack.
A lot of the village ladies, who were either single, or widowed kept giving Cyborg flirtingly looks. It was amazing that even in the past he was a hit with the ladies, yet he just didn't feel the way he normally would, not while he was with Sarasim… she was different than all others.
He knew she felt the same way about him too, and it was comforting to know that she didn't think any less of him when she learned that he was a half machine. “To my people and me, you will always be our bravest warrior.” she would tell him. It always made him smile.
The other titans could tell that what those two were feeling was the real deal. “Looks like Cyborg's finally found his soul mate, eh?” Robin teased.
The others all smiled, only to have their mood interrupted by the sounds of some of the villagers screaming. The heroes turned their heads to the gates of the village and saw the villagers running away from an ambush of more green monsters.
Sarasim and Cyborg heard the commotion and saw the ambush, “Quickly, to-arms…!” Sarasim hollered as she grabbed a spear, without her armor. Cyborg and a few warriors raced along side her, and robin signaled for the titans to join them. The battle was on!
Copy-Cat tried to copy one of the creatures to hopefully learn more about them, but they were rather gooey to the touch. “Huh…? Oh… Ugh-h-h…!” he groaned as he gazed at his slime-covered hands.
The others however weren't having so much difficulty. Robin didn't cause too much harm with his staff, but his disc-bombs blew holes right into those beasts. Terra and Raven used their powers to erupt the grounds where the monsters stood, causing them to fall into trap holes, and off ledges.
Starfire and Cyborg easily did the most damage with starbolts and sonic-blasts.
Copy-Cat did manage to fight back using his battle-claws to slice through the monsters, and use his foresight to escape from danger. Sarasim and her warriors, however, weren't fairing so well. The monsters were still much larger and stronger than from the last battle, but the warriors weren't willing to give in.
“Men… hold together!” shouted Sarasim. “Engaurd!”
The warriors all held the spears out in front and charged like jousting knights, but as they neared their targets, the monsters just burst into sludge, “Huh…?” and they were gone; vanished without a trace.
“Where have they gone?” Starfire asked.
Cyborg couldn't scan the monsters locations, and Copy-Cat and Raven couldn't sense them anywhere.
It was Krall, who had been viewing the battle up from the cliff tops. He ordered the witch to recall back the monsters. “I have seen far enough. Let's go.” he hissed.
Later that evening it was starting to get dark, and though the village was grateful for the warriors and the titans for staving off the slime-beasts, but who knew how long the peace would last?
The Titans were all gathered at Cyborg's hut, with Sarasim, a warm fire was crackling and everyone ate some hot soup, but still, no one could understand why the monsters would just suddenly take off like that.
The only person who could control the monsters were Krall and the witch, “So why would they just recall the Calvary?” Cyborg wondered aloud.
“Maybe Krall's coming to his senses and giving up…?” Terra suggested, but even she herself along with the other doubted that. Krall wasn't the kind to give up, not like that especially.
Then Beast-boy had the idea, “Hey… maybe… they were just testing us.”
That was defiantly a possibility, everyone agreed with it, even Raven agreed. Sarasim confirmed the theory, since she knew Krall better than anyone, and any warrior would know never to underestimate the power of an enemy. So Krall sent the monsters to test the village's defenses, and the powers of the titans and the warriors. From the events that that happened, the two forces seemed to be equal in strength.
This could only mean Krall was probably going to do something to make those monsters even stronger. So the next battle would prove more difficult, if not then peril.
Robin urged everyone to stay sharp, and kept their wits about. “The next time those beasts show up, we have to be ready for anything.”
The others all agreed, and then when the sun had set completely and the stars came out…
-60 hours remain
The village was questioning down, and many of the children had gone home to bed. Sarasim had ordered a curfew and everyone not part of her forces were to remain indoors until morning. The titans decided to head to bed as well, so they bid their goodnights and headed to their own respective huts, leaving Sarasim and Cyborg alone together. They both smiled at each other and Sarasim pecked him on the cheek before adjourning to her home. Cyborg peeked out the window of his hut and kept watching her until she was out of sight.