Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Love Is A Mystery ❯ New Members ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans. I own my character (that makes his real debut in this chapter), and my friend—Blaze417—owns his character (also debuting). I will note who owns whom when they show up.
A/N: If you have read this story before, I am changing the way my character looks a little.
Thoughts—`Conscience Speech'—“Words from a note
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The following morning, the Titans awoke from the near-dead sleep they were in, still exhausted from last night's/this morning's fight with Plasmus and Dr. Chang. Everyone gave Raven some space, considering she nearly tore BB's head off when he offered her some tea (shocking, I know). The morning progressed without any emergencies, so Robin went into the gym for a little training, almost perfecting the move he was working on while Starfire went shopping for some new clothes—and a little somethin' from Victoria's Secret (^_^). BB decided to play some Halo 2, teaming up with Cyborg for a few online rounds. And as usual, Raven went to her room to meditate.
A few hours into the game, BB gave up because a Spartan named “DarkGirl” kept one killing both boys by herself! However, right after BB quit, an Elite named “Psycho-Dragon” joined the fray, and sided with Cyborg. During that time, BB watched as the two made a few successful kills against the female—although Cyborg had to sacrifice himself every time. During the game, BB joined in again, but the second he did, 15 Elites/Spartans ambushed him for easy kills. Panicking, BB used the Rocket Launcher he started with and blew himself up, taking two competitors that got too close. Since everyone was in the same spot, an all-out brawl started up, Psycho-Dragon and DarkGirl being the last two standing. The last two combatants formed a truce, but the second the steel and green-clad Elite turned around, the steel and blue-clad Spartan finished the fight by sticking a plasma grenade onto the Elite's back, but Psycho-Dragon turned right around and jumped into her, performing the “Hug-Of-Death” before the grenade blew up. Cyborg and BeastBoy stared at the “Game Over” screen, seeing that they came in fifth (Cyborg) and fifteenth (BeastBoy), and that Psycho-Dragon tied with DarkGirl for first.
With the game over, BB settled in for a solo game of Need For Speed: Most Wanted. A few seconds into the game, Raven came into the room—looking like she lost something—and got something for an early lunch. Right after she finished eating, the alarm went off, startling everyone for a brief second. Billy Numerous was starting trouble, attempting to rob a Honda dealership—money and all the cars. The Titans sprang into action, using their own ways of getting there. Unfortunately, by the time they got there, Billy had already stolen every car at the dealership. Seeing that they lost this fight, the Titans were about to head home, but a winged creature flew over to them and dropped something, then flew away, without stopping for anything. The Titans looked at what the creature dropped, and seeing that it was intended for them, they opened it, and found a note inside. Robin read the note aloud, it said;
To the Teen Titans,
We will be at Titans Tower at two o'clock pm. The dragon that delivered this letter is with us, so do not worry. It would mean a lot to us if you allow us to join with you. We will be very helpful to your team, and we don't take up much space.
Thanks in advance,
Shadow Scope-X”
“So, what should we do?” Cyborg asked, looking at the clock built into his arm, “It's fifteen `til one, and Billy's still on the loose, and we all know how hard it is to track him down and stop him.”
Robin thought for a moment, then said, “We should go back to the Tower. I could use a satellite link up to track down the stolen cars. If Billy and his doppelgangers didn't split up, then it shouldn't be hard to track them down.”
“Let's assume they did, then what?”
“We'll get a list of every car the dealership had there, then run individual link-ups for the cars. I think most, if not all, of them has a built-in GPS system, so the satellite tracking shouldn't take long. And we might need a little more help.”
The other Titans nodded in agreement, and they all headed home, stopping for lunch at Three Brothers. After lunch, they had about 30 minutes to get back to the Tower, so Raven felt kind enough to teleport everyone home. Once they were home, Robin went to the computer and immediately started the satellite link-up. While he and Cyborg worked on tracking down the cars and Billy, the others lounged around, except Raven, who meditated silently. Twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang.
“Should we assume that is, the Shadow Scope-X?” Starfire asked as the chime from the doorbell faded. The others nodded, and she went to answer the door.
Meanwhile, outside Titans Tower…
After ringing the doorbell, the members Shadow Scope-X took a step back, waiting patiently for someone to let them in—hopefully. The team consisted of three members, two males and a female. The male that rung the bell, the leader of the trio, looked at his teammates, and gave them a small pep talk about what they were about to do.
“OK guys, let's be nice to whoever answers the door, and however things go, we shall keep our heads held high. And please, NO FUNNY STUFF!” he said more to the other male than the female.
“Eh, what are the odds he'll screw something up if I'm right here?” the female asked, holding hands with the second male. She looked at him teasingly, then at something that was on her finger.
“You got a point,” the leader said, “but let's keep in mind that they might not be as easy on you as the might be on us, considering you used to be with the HIGH-FIVE.”
“Key words, used to be. I gave up on those losers. You should know that. I mean, you two saved my ass from those bastards,” the female retaliated with, “I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me falling for him and this,” she said indicating to her hand currently entwined with the second male's hand.
The leader held his hands up in defense. “Sorry, I'm just a bit nervous about this…”
“Why? Cuz that chick you like lives here?” the other male teasingly said.
“HELL NO!” the leader of the (possibly dysfunctional) team said, thanking himself for keeping this hood on so the others wouldn't see his reddening face. “It's just that we have a small chance with this. So for now, I want you,” he indicated to the female, “to stick to him as close as you can, possibly outta sight until we get in the clear.”
“Don't worry. I will.” She said sounding mock offended.
“Alright then, now let's—”
He couldn't finish his sentence before the redheaded Titan opened the door, greeted the team, and escorted them to where the other Titans were waiting, the female completely ignored and unnoticed—for now. Getting to the main room, Starfire asked the two males she could see to wait outside the doors in front of them. They nodded, and waited for the Titans to get organized.
Inside the Main Room…
“They are waiting outside this room as we speak,” Starfire said as she floated over to the others, “shall we let them in?”
“In a second Starfire,” Robin answered, taking a moment to send the satellite the info on the stolen cars. Once he was ready, he and the others sat around the large round table in the middle of the room. Robin nodded to Raven, who used her powers to open the doors. “Team Shadow Scope-X, welcome to Titans Tower. Please come in, and the initiation will begin.”
The two males walked in—doing a good job of hiding the female—and stood at the other end of the table. The Titans took a few moments to gauge the two.
The one to the right—the leader—wore black combat boots, black jeans, a very dark-green shirt, a cloak that was mostly dark-green with black sleeves and hood, leaving most of his face shrouded in shadows. From what they could see, he had a mask over his eyes similar to Robin's, but with a dark-green outline, and a goatee. On the front of the cloak, the black portion stretched across his chest and formed a down-pointing triangle on both sides of his chest. If he turned around, the Titans could see the large triangle pointing down his back. The Titans couldn't see much of his body due to the cloak (He's owned by me).
The other male had brown combat boots, baggy midnight-blue cargo jeans, a white long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, blue tinted sunglasses with metal frames, and a belt that held something secure to his hip. The guy looked really muscular, most likely strong enough to put up a very tough challenge for Cyborg in arm-wrestling (He's owned by Blaze417).
Robin started the initiation with the basics, “Please tell us your name, age, powers and/or abilities.”
The cloaked male answered, “I'm Draco Dragonuv, 17, and I am gifted with psycho- and electro-kinesis. I am also half-dragon, and capable of changing from human to dragon at will—not to mention a half-and-half form. And, I'm Spartan-388 in the UNSC,” at the looks on the Titans faces, Draco reached into his cloak, pulled out his dog tags, and threw them onto the table. The Titans took a brief moment to look at them, then tossed it back at Draco—who caught them with ease.
Next the other male spoke up, “I'm Magnum, 17, and I have aim equal to that of a top FBI sniper, using only a pistol,” he indicated to the holster on his hip, “ and I have enhanced speed, strength, and I'm as stealthy as a snake.” The Titans looked at the two for a moment, then Magnum spoke up again, “Oh yeah, you guys should know who she is.” He stepped out of way, revealing the girl.
She wore black and purple striped platform boots, a bluish-black skirt, a black corset with sleeves a bluish section that covered her shoulders, and a choker necklace. She had pink cat-like eyes (you know, the slit pupils) and pink hair styled with ponytails on both sides of her head. She bashfully said, “Um, hi…?” The Titans sat in shock at who was there, but Starfire took immediate—yet unnecessary—action and attempted to fire a starbolt at the “intruder”. However, her action was halted when Magnum pulled out his M6C Magnum Sidearm (Halo 2 reference) and fired a few rounds around the hand that Starfire had ready to fire. Magnum's action made Draco slap his forehead in agitation.
“I wouldn't do that if I were you,” Magnum said while he steadily lowered the gun and kept it aimed at Starfire's wrist, “unless, of course, you wanna—”
“Magnum, what did Draco tell you outside?” the semi-quivering girl said to her “defender”, “I'll explain for myself, so put that damn thing away.” The gun vanished instantly. The girl gave her info, “As you know, I'm Jinx, I'm 15, and as you also know, I'm a harbinger of bad-luck, formerly leading the HIGH-FIVE.”
“Wait a second! Magnum, I thought she was 17?” Draco asked the team's gunman. He was answered with the barrel of the sidearm aimed at his face.
“She's 15. I told you she was 17 cuz I didn't want you to think I had a thing for younger women. You got a problem with that?”
“Uh…[gulp] no. Why would I care?” Draco nervously said, hoping that he wouldn't have to use his best/secret ability. Why do you think I woulda cared anyways?
Jinx elbowed Magnum, and he immediately holstered the gun. “I'm sorry about him,” she said while indicating Magnum, “he can get outta control sometimes, but he listens to me.” More than I like to admit… she thought to herself, smirking mentally.
The Titans eyes were as big as bowling balls after these new tidbits, but it seemed that despite the fact they don't get along all the time, they made a good team. There was just only one more thing that had to be done, and that was a trial fight. Just as Robin was about to announce that, the computer started beeping, indicating that Billy and the stolen cars had been found. The alert caused the noobies to peer over and see what was going on.
“Sorry, but this will have to wait. We need to deal with Billy Numerous. Titans, GO!” All the Titans bolted out the door, completely ignoring Jinx. Magnum and Draco looked at the door the Titans just bolted through, then to Jinx, then back at the door. At that moment, Starfire popped her head back in, and asked the three to come along. The trio that formed Shadow Scope-X nodded, then after Starfire bolted—still scared of Magnum (who wouldn't be?)—Draco transformed into his dragon form. Magnum and Jinx hopped on Draco's back, then he flew out an open window and followed the Titans.
Once in the open air, Draco roared—nearly deafening his passengers—letting the Titans know he was around. Since Jinx knew Billy the best, she told Draco to find the Titans and let her do the rest. Draco didn't like having his role as the leader undermined, but when it came to aiding his teammates and their problems, he let it slide. He found them with ease—Starfire's starbolts acting like beacons in the afternoon sky—and after swooping down the ground, Jinx and Magnum hopped off just as Draco shifted back to his human form before the Titans saw him.
“Guys,” Draco started, “Jinx knows the members of HIGH-FIVE like the back of her hand. If you don't mind, I think Jinx should lead this fight. We could count this as her initiation or somethin'.”
Robin thought for a moment, then said, “Alright. Jinx, consider this your loyalty test. If you've reformed, and if you're serious about joining us, then you are to help us stop Billy. But I warn you, any tricks, and consider yourself gone.”
Jinx smiled, nodded, and then told the Titans all she knew about Billy and his tricks. The key thing she told them was that if the real Billy was attacked, then he would summon three doppelgangers to defend himself. Just as their little `meeting' ended, one of Billy's copies showed up.
“Hey, Billy! Lookee what I found over here! I just found the Titans!” he called out to the other Billy-copies. Soon, the Titans and Shadow Scope-X found themselves surrounded by Billy Numerous (A/N: the next few lines will be between Billy and his copies until I say so).
“Well, well. Looks like we found that prissy backstabbing lil' bitch!”
“Hey, Jinx! Why'd you quit? Don't you know that Gizmo's been going crazy? He has us doin' all the dirty work!”
“Yeah, that lil' buckaroo just wouldn't stop his search for your ass. He wants you dead or alive, preferably dead after what happened to him.”
“Hold on, Billy, what did happen to him anyways? All I know is he went chasing after her, then came home screaming in pain and a bit well done. Looked like one of the steaks you made Monday.”
“Um, if you wanna know what happened to Gizmo, you're looking at it!” Draco said as he shifted into his dragon form. A few of Billy's copies sweat dropped, and a few more looked incredulously at the giant lizard.
The Titans got a good look at the dragon this time. About size of a T-Rex, dark-green skin, razor-sharp claws on his hands and feet, pointy teeth—a few showing even with his mouth closed (crocodile mouth), a dorsal spine protruding along his back and neck down to his tail, large bat-like wings, a few spines protruding from his elbows, and glowing green eyes. Overall, you wouldn't want to see him pissed off, which he slightly was…
“Well how `bout that! He's got `nuff skin to make us some crocodile-skin boots and shirts…for all of us!” Billy said, enraging Draco. Had Billy known better, he woulda started running, but he didn't. A big mistake.
Draco roared loudly, effectively scaring all that haven't heard it before, then took to the sky. Magnum and Jinx took this as their cue to start their attack. The Titans began their assault as well, only because Billy had some of the doppelgangers attack them. Each Billy was posing as a big annoyance; none of them would shut the fuck up, not only that, but most of them were attacking and further enraging Draco. Another mistake.
Jinx knew Draco wanted revenge, so she aimed her hexes at the Billy group that was loud mouthing about using his skin for clothes. She aimed her hexes at them, and they tripped over a slab of concrete that popped up, then fell over on them, keeping them pinned to the ground. They looked at her, and seeing her smiling face as she pointed above them. They looked up, screamed as one, and then tried to get loose. However, they stopped their efforts when Draco pinned them down with his foot. He opened his mouth for another roar, and Jinx immediately turned away, knowing whatever Draco was going to do was not going to be pretty. She heard screaming, then jaws snapping shut causing an abrupt silence, followed by crunching and swallowing sounds, and then she felt a little nauseous.
He ate them…I think I'm going to be sick. At least I know that won't happen to me. Jinx thought to herself, holding her stomach. She looked ahead of her, and saw Raven about to be ambushed from behind while she dealt with her own Billy group. She decided to help out the Titan, and shot a few hexes at the doppelgangers behind Raven, and a stone slab fell in front of them, so the ended up smacking right into it, alerting Raven. She turned her head, gave Jinx a thankful nod, then went back to dealing with Billy copies trying to surround her.
Jinx turned to her left, and saw the real Billy. The two started each other down for a moment. In the blink of an eye, they lunged at each other and started trading blows. Jinx had to admit that Billy's fighting skills have improved since their last fight, when she was quitting the HIVE-FIVE (not due to Kid-Flash in “Lightspeed”, I'll explain later. Remember, this is set after Season 4). Jinx used a few hexes to push him into the path of a green rhino that was about to run over a bunch of copies like it was bowling. Billy hopped out of the way just in time, and BeastBoy got a strike against the Billy-pins.
“Well, well, so the two-timin', pink-haired lil' bitch is back for more fun, huh?” Billy teased, not knowing that someone was about to deliver a lot of pain, and he was currently finishing up with the last of the copies.
Magnum looked around, each Billy he fought was on the ground—all doppelgangers—were dead from fatal gunshots, and he spotted Jinx fighting another Billy. He was about to take a few shots, but it seemed that Jinx still had a little frustration to take out. Being smart, Magnum focused on helping out the Titans. Unfortunately, Magnum's attention was diverted at the sound of a jetpack; reinforcements were coming. Luckily, Magnum knew who was on the way, the rest of the HIVE-FIVE.
While Magnum went off to “greet” the reinforcements, Jinx and Billy continued their fight, and Jinx was starting to loose. She did her best to defend herself against the lone Billy, but he was faster and slightly stronger than she was. Eventually, she was beaten and near knockout as she laid on the ground.
“Heh, heh, heh, looks like callin' in Gizmo and the others was a waste of time. Don't you think, missy!” Billy was getting on Jinx's nerves to no end.
Lying on the ground, Jinx knew she had to do something, but she didn't know what, and from the look on Billy's face, he had another trick up his sleeve. The Titans had to redirect their attention from Billy and Jinx to the rest of the HIGH-FIVE, yet Jinx didn't know her former allies were there, save for Billy. However, she knew something Billy didn't, and that was that Draco was behind him, still in dragon form! From the way Draco crept closer, she knew he wanted to make the final kill, and there was one more target to vent on, the real Billy! She had to warn Billy, no matter how much she wanted him dead.
“You know, Billy,” Jinx said while slowly getting to her feet, “I'm not the only one with a trick up my sleeve. You still don't pay attention to what's going on! Why don't you look behind you!” she finished with a smirk, pointing behind the human copy-machine. He didn't heed her warning, another mistake.
“You think I'm still a fool? There ain't nothin' behind me!” was Billy's last comment before he was aware of heavy breathing right behind him. He turned around SLOWLY, and nearly pissed himself at what he saw; several pointy teeth, nearly coated in blood. Billy also noted blood on the beast's claws, toe-claws, wing tips, the spines protruding from the elbows, even on the tip of the tail. He couldn't see the blood stains along the dorsal spine though…
Draco roared as loud as he could—momentarily deafening Billy and everyone around—and then he stood as tall as he could, pointed his head straight down over Billy, then effectively roasted him with a waterfall of green lightning. The display was sorta unnecessary, but it scared the rest of the HIGH-FIVE away, save for Gizmo—who fled the second he saw Magnum (I'll explain later). The Titans as well as Shadow Scope-X surrounded the lone Billy, and before he could do anything, Raven wrapped him up in a cocoon of her dark energy. While the Titans took Billy to the cops, Draco was on clean up duty—which to him was devouring the corpses of the doppelgangers while still in dragon form.
After the Titans dealt with Billy, it was about 4:00, so the Titans and Shadow Scope-X headed back to the Tower to finish the initiation. Upon arrival, Robin gave the trio some news.
“Due to the way you three fought—even though you didn't have to—and succeeded despite the odds, your chances of joining have increased. Also, Jinx,” at the mention of her name she stepped forward, “You asked us to use this as proof of you quitting with the HIGH-FIVE. You and your teammates requested of us to use this fight as a test of your loyalties. Raven has informed me that you aided her during the fight. Taking that—and the fact you fought the real Billy by yourself—we have come to the following conclusion,” he paused to draw out the suspense for her—and her male cohorts—before saying, “YOU'VE PASSED! You are now welcome among us, Jinx.” The three soon-to-be Titans cheered for Jinx, while she leapt into Magnum's arms. Draco patted her on the back lightly, then allowed his attention go elsewhere…
Once their little celebration was over, the Titans looked over to Draco, who seemed to be staring at Raven—who didn't notice he was staring at her. Before she could notice, Robin got Draco's attention and delivered a small newsflash.
“Now, Draco, your performance was of noble standards. However, the sight of you eating your foe(s) is a bit unnerving. We ask that you refrain from doing so in future battles. Other than that, we need to have you three go through an initiation fight with any of us. Who would like to go first?”
Draco noticed a certain smirk forming on Magnum's face and knew what it meant. Before the gun crazed teen could say anything Draco quickly said, “I'll go first.”
Robin nodded and said, “Which of us do you want to Test you?” Draco's answer scared him and the other Titans slightly.
“I'll take on…Cyborg,” he said while pointing to Cyborg, then used his other hand to point to his other selection—or selections—“as well as Raven and Starfire.”
The two girls looked at each other in shock while Cyborg answered for the three, “If you want three-on-one, then that's what you'll get! I'm game for that! Ladies, you two ready for this?” The girls nodded slowly, swallowing the lumps that formed in their throats, both wondering why they were chosen for the fight as well.
“All right, we'll do it. Where do we start?”
“In our training facility, just outside.”
Anything Cyborg was about to add never came out as Draco leapt out an open window. The Titans ran over to the window, looked out, and found no trace of Draco. Looking at each other in bewilderment, they looked back inside at Magnum and Jinx, wondering what that was all about.
“Hey, are we gonna fight, or what?” Draco's voice came from outside the window. The Titans looked back, and found him in mid-air outside, suspended only by the flapping of his large wings. The Titans didn't know how to respond, but they all made their way outside.
This should be interesting. As if BeastBoy wasn't enough, but now I might have to deal with two of them. However, there seems to be something more to Draco than he shows us. Maybe I should get to know him a little before I make any judgment calls on him… Raven thought to herself as she made her way outside via her teleporting shadow-form.
Starfire however, was a bit more concerned. I do not think that this will go smoothly. He seems harmless now, but the way he fights when he transforms scares me. Not only that, but his male friend listens to one of our adversaries. I do not think I should upset her, nor Magnum, I'm more afraid of him than I am of Draco. There's one thing that bothers me, will he use his other form in our battle? What is his weakness? Does he even have one?
As everyone made their way outside, Draco flew around the base of the Tower in lazy circles like a hawk, waiting for his combatants to arrive. While doing so, he turned his thoughts towards a certain someone he was secretly attracted to…
Damn, Raven's cuter in person, although I wish I could see her face. I hope she's available. I just need the perfect moment, and a chance to get to know her. I hope she's way different than everyone says. Hopefully I can prove myself to the Titans, and impress Raven in the process.
His conscience chose this time to add in some foresight, `One thing, if you wanna prove yourself to Raven, then why are you about to fight her?'
Simple, she can see how strong I am, while I do the same to her. Not only that, but I want to test my telekinesis against hers. Should be a good match-up.
Once he felt his conscience was satisfied, even if it was a tad skeptical, he completed a few more aerial laps—lightly blushing for a few seconds while thinking of Raven—the others finally got outside and to the arena. He landed, and got ready for one of his biggest fights.
To Be Continued…