Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: Some things Never Change ❯ Copy-Cat's Question ( Chapter 1 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Author's Notes:
(For those of you who don't know Copy-Cat… its because I made him up myself… the details are all in my first Teen Titan fic.)
Slade had been causing trouble in town again, and it was up to the titans to get him. They had chased him all the way into a construction-zone and split up to search for him.
“I know you're here Slade.” said Robin. “Why don't you come out and fight fair.”
“Should I really make it that easy for you Robin.” Slade hissed. “But you are right… I shall come out… HERE!!” he leapt out from above straight for Robin, but then…
WHAMM!! He got zapped by Starfire's bolts. “Husband, are you all right?” she asked.
Robin shot her a smile and a thumbs-up. Then he turned back to face Slade. “Tut, tut, tut Robin… always letting you little wife fight your battles for you.” he hissed.
Robin withdrew his steel quarter-staff. “She's not fighting for me… she's fighting with me.”
The rest of the Titans hopped out from their hiding places. “And that goes for the rest of us too.” growled Cyborg.
Beast Boy and Terra stood hand-in-hand. “Dude, give us back those wedding plans.” snapped Beast Boy.
Terra nodded in agreement. “Beast Boy and I worked long and hard on them.” she said fiercely as her other first began to glow and a few rocks stood up.
“Ah yes… the wedding plans for your little celebration tomorrow.” Slade hissed as he looked at the box of valuable folders he had stolen. “You want them back so badly… here they are.”
The titans all charged forward. Robin and star missed their shots and Slade flipped Cyborg up over his head and out of the way. “Childish fools.” he hissed… but he spoke too soon.
Beast Boy changed into a Rhino and whammed him hard in the chest while he wasn't watching. Slade got knocked back into a wall and the files all went flying, but Raven used her power to grab them all safely.
“Good catch.” said Terra.
Raven smiled a bit. “Thanks.”
She Gave Terra back the wedding plans and then they both rushed into the battle.
Slade had shoved Beast Boy off his feet, and then… e looked up just in time to see Copy-Cat swing his Wolverine Claws right for him. Slade quickly ducked and Copy Cat's claws got stuck in the rocks.
He pulled and grunted trying to pull himself free. “GRR… Curse this claws!” he growled.
“My, my, my… the poor cat got his own tongue.” mocked Slade. He with drew his own fighting-staff and began walking toward Copy Cat who just couldn't pull himself out.
But before Slade could attack, Terra crumpled the rocks around Copy-Cat's claws freeing him quick as Raven began to power up.
“Azarath… Metrione… ZINTHOS!!”
She used her power to send more boulders crashing down onto Slade, but Slade just leapt up and hid himself in the huge dust cloud Raven had made with the Avalanche.
“I can hide from you titans anywhere at anytime.”
“Oh no you cannot.” said Copy-Cat as he leapt into the dust. “My Psychic Foresight shall lead me to wherever you are.”
For awhile the dust didn't seem to settle… so Beast Boy changed into a Vulture and flapped his wings to blow the dust away. Everyone was most shocked. Copy-Cat was there… but Slade was gone.
“Yo man… he got away again!!” growled Cyborg. He punched the ground angrily “I hate it when he gets away like this.”
“Take it easy, Cyborg.” said Robin. “At least we got the plans back. So we can drop them off on the way back to the tower.”
“Yeah… lighten up, dude.” said Beast Boy. “After all, you know what night this is?”
This was Beast Boy and Terra's last night of being single…. That's right… they were going to tie the knot the next day. Ever since Beast Boy had proposed to Terra on Copy-Cat's home planet, Psyconia. The Titans had been real busy planning the wedding.
Tonight, being their last nights before the big ceremony, the titans planned to celebrate. The girls planned to go out, and so did the boys.
Terra, Starfire… and even Raven went around quite a bit.
They even went to a strip bar, and Terra was asked to dance on stage with the men and even join in the band playing. She did learn how to playa pretty mean Bass Guitar while she was in school… with her amnesia.
Starfire giggled, as she did the twist with some other dancers. “Hmm, mm, mm… I believe I am having a night of my greatest time.” she said. “And Raven… you are enjoying this too.”
“Sure… whatever.” Raven simply said.
Actually, she just sat in the dark corners chatting to a Goth-man who thought she was cute, but Raven was already Copy-Cat's girlfriend, and she wasn't open for the taking guys off the street.
Across town…
The boys sure were rocking it up too at another Jazz-bar clean on the other side of town so Terra and Beast Boy wouldn't see each other.
Copy-Cat even found the way Earthmen partied to be somewhat amusing.
Sadly… the Jazz band had a few problems. Their Main singer got delayed, and couldn't make it, and their piano player was sick… but Beast Boy decided not to let this happen.
He offered to play and sing himself.
At first the band was hesitant. “Does this cat here even now how to Jazz it up good?” asked one of the band-men.
“Dude, trust me.” said Beast Boy. He sat himself down at the piano.
“Oh, yeah, man… play it good.” said Cyborg.
Then the whole band began playing “Lullaby of Birdland” and Beast Boy began to sing with a different voice to his own.(In a Kevin Clash jazzy voice)
(Beast Boy)
-Lullaby of birdland, that's what
I always hear when you sigh
Never in my woodland
Could there be words to reveal
In a phrase how I feel
-Have you ever heard two turtle doves
Bill and coo when they love
That's the kind of magic
Music we make with our lips
When we kiss
Bill and coo when they love
That's the kind of magic
Music we make with our lips
When we kiss
-And there's a weepy ol' willow
He really knows how to cry
That's how i cry in my pillow
If you should tell me
Farewell and goodbye
He really knows how to cry
That's how i cry in my pillow
If you should tell me
Farewell and goodbye
-Lullaby of Birdland whisper low
kiss me sweet & we'll go
Fliyin' high in Birdland
High in the sky up above
All because we're in love
kiss me sweet & we'll go
Fliyin' high in Birdland
High in the sky up above
All because we're in love
The song kept playing and everyone in the bar was really getting' in the groove.
“I got to say… Beast Boy really has a knack for all this.” Robin said as he passed by Cyborg in his dance walk.
“Boo'yah! You said it.” said Cyborg. “Terra sure is lucky getting a guy like him… and to think they almost didn't make it.”
Copy-Cat had heard those words and wonder what they meant by that. “How could Beast Boy and Terra have almost not been able to rejoice their love?” he wondered.
Later thatnight…
Beast Boy was still wide awake… too excited about his wedding tomorrow, and to Terra. His Dream Goddess… his one and only love. The only person who seemed to like the things he liked, and even laugh at his jokes.
He just turned on his Electrical keyboard, and keeping the volume low, he began playing a slow sad song he remembered he played long ago… a song that sounded very much like… “As Time Goes By”
Copy himself was also too wide-awake to sleep. He had been wondering about what Cyborg and Robin had said about Beast Boy and Terra all night.
Well… he did know Beast Boy was still up… so he decided he had to go and ask.
As he stepped in front of Beast Boy's bedroom door, he heard the music he was playing on his keyboard, in piano-mode, and he could here him singing.
(The Sesame Street: Casablanca Parody)
(Beast Boy)
-You must remember this,
an `s' is just an `s',
a `y' is just a `y'
the fundamental things apply
to the al-pha-be-e-e-et of despair.
Copy Cat slowly opened the door and walked in as Beast Boy kept on playing.
(Beast Boy)
-And you will always
it goes from `A' to `Z'
on that you may rely
the world will always know you're a prisoner
of the al-pha-be-e-e-et of despair.
That's when Beast Boy turned and saw Copy-Cat. He stopped playing… “Ooh… sorry dude.” he said in his regular voice. “Did I wake you up?”
Copy-Cat shook his head. “You did not… I was wide awake in any case.”
He came in and sat down, Beast even told him he was so excited about his wedding tomorrow, and Terra was even more excited than he was.
That's where Copy-Cat brought up the subject involving what Cyborg and Robin had said. “Beast Boy… I wish to know… what was it that happened between you and Terra?”
Beast Boy's expression changed. From all excited to looking pretty grim. “I don't think you want to know that.” he said.
Copy-Cat had a feeling this was going to happen. “Beast Boy, I am your friend.” he said. “But remember that I am able to read minds. So you may as well tell me what had happened because I will just find out for myself.”
Beast Boy really wasn't sure. “No man… I mean it's a really long story.”
“Beast Boy…” replied Copy-Cat. “I am a Psyconian… I love long stories.”
Beast Boy sighed. “All right… you win. So get comfy.”
They got comfortable in their seats, and Beast Boy began to tell him the story… not just about him and Terra… but his entire background.