Teen Titans Fan Fiction ❯ Musical: Some things Never Change ❯ What am I doing here? ( Chapter 2 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Before Beast Boy actually began… he had to tell Copy-Cat some things about himself first… His otherwise, unbearable past life.
For starters, his real name was not really Beast Boy, but most everyone was able to figure that out already. His actual name was… Garfield Logan.
As a child, Garfield contracted a rare, and fatal illness called Sakutia, and the only cure that would pare his life was a serum extracted from a green monkey.
This serum had the unintended effect of turning his skin and hair green, his ears pointy, and gave him the ability to morph into any animal of his choice.
From that point on, Garfield's life was shaped by nothing but tragedy, and misery.
His parents died in a boating accident when he was no more than 10 years old. Ever since he still believed he could have prevented that event.
After he was saved from two kidnappers that tried to use his powers to help them in their crimes, he was left under the care of his despised guardian, Nicholas Galtry, who had embezzled funds from his inheritance. and plotted to kill the boy and have all the wealth for himself.
However, a bit luck began to shine on the young boy, as Galtry's plans were foiled by the Doom Patrol who resuced young Garfield, and recruted him as their newest member. Which was where he donned his uniform, and his name… Beast Boy,
The Doom Patrol was like a second family to him. However, when it came to saving the Doom Patrol by letting the Brotherhood of evil escape… The Team Leader, Steve Dayton, also called Mentor had decided to expel Beast Boy from the patrol.
Beast Boy was most utterly crushed. He saves the team's lives and they expelled him. Leaving him once again, all alone, unloved, unwanted… and as he was before… unhappy.
Beast Boy tried his best to look for employment but nobody would even give him the chance. Badly judging him with his Green Skin and his power to morph into animals.
He could only spend most of his time scraping for food from stands, or whatever he could find in garbage, and he slept those cold and freezing nights in the alleys.
But then things came for the better when he became part of the Teen Titans. He was giving a new home, with friends, food, shelter… and even a chance to use his powers to round up criminals again.
Beast Boy's assumed a role of a comic relief. Telling jokes that nobody thought was funny, and getting himself into mischief at times. However, it was only a façade.
The real reason Beast Boy liked to joke around, and be silly at times was to hide the deep inner pain from his life. All the hardships he had suffered. Losing his parents, to be raised by a horrible man who tired to kill him. Even being exiled from the Doom Patrol.
Beast Boy was likely considered to be the single Titan on the entire team who suffered the most heartache, most despair, and the most unbearable life of them all.
Still, he didn't intend to let it slow him down.
After some time of being on the team, the Titan's met Terra, whom Beast Boy really seemed to take a liking to.
At first, she was just a lone runaway learning to control her powers, then she finally joined the team, only to be unmasked as Slade's apprentice, trying to gather information for Slade.
It hurt Beast Boy all the more to learn this… when he just realized he had fallen in love with Terra.
After a while of disabling Slade's grip on Terra, she had helped the Titan's stop him from destroying the town, but in the process… she had turned herself into the stone statue.
Beast Boy had visited the statue every day with his feelings for Terra still strong.
After the Titan's had beaten the Brotherhood of evil… Terra had returned. Although only Beast Boy was the only one of the Titan's to actually see her… she was just a high-school girl with no memory of her life, the Titan's… her powers… or Beast Boy.
He tried all he could to help her remember, but it was no use, Terra had began to avoid Beast Boy as often as she could. Beast Boy himself had tried and tried to let go of his feelings for her, but he just couldn't do it.
He ended up walking past the high-school every day hoping to at least catch a glimpse of Terra, but this began to creep her out and really make her feel disturbed.
So… What Terra did next was… She took out a restraining order against Beast Boy, and he was not to come within ten yards of her. Either at the school or anywhere else in the city.
And so… the story began of how Beast Boy and Terra got back together.
(Our story begins after THINGS CHANGE, and after TROUBLE IN TOKYO)
The Titan's were chasing some Bank Robbers who had stolen a wide load of cash from the second national bank. Robin was on his cycle. “Titans… Report.” he said.
Starfire, who was carrying Cyborg as she flew. Both of them had a lockdown on the pickup truck the robbers had been using. “They're heading East.” said Cyborg. “We got `em trapped, ya'll.”
The robbers had only two roads with they could take. One lead to the exit out of town, while the other was a one way route into a dead end. “Put your foot down, we got to lose these creeps.”
They headed straight for the exit route, but as they neared it. Raven had used her powers to mash a whole bunch of boulders together to block their way out. They had no choice but to take the dead end way.
They only didn't realize where they going until it was too late. There was the dead end up ahead and Beast Boy, as a Rhino charged right at them… Colliding into the truck and tipping it onto its side and spilling the gold from the trailer.
Beast Boy changed back to his regular form and pulled himself out of the truck parts and Gold bars. “Dude… that totally smarts!” he said as he rubbed his head.
The five robbers pulled themselves out of the Wreckage as the other Titans came onto the scene. “It's the end of the line for you creeps.” Robin said sternly. “Beast Boy… come on.”
Beast Boy shot up. “Right…” he began to run forward, but tripped over a pipe and fell flat on his face.
“Yo man… quit foolin' around.” said Cyborg.
Beast Boy got back up and rushed over. “Sorry about that.”
The battle didn't last very long as the robbers didn't have any supernatural strengths. They were brought over to the police station in no time and the gold was returned to the bank.
The owner of the Bank shook Robin's hand. “Bless you Titans. What would we do without you?” he said.
“It's our pleasure.” Robin said.
“Oh yes… we are deeply obligated into helping those in need f assistance.” added Starfire.
They all stepped down from the Bank and a lot of people who had witnessed the crooks being hauled away came forth to congratulate the Titans. Handshakes, or autographs and photos.
Except… No one came anywhere near Beast Boy, or even took any notice of him, or the fact that it was he himself who had pushed the truck over… though he didn't really have to.
He hung his down a bit and began to walk away.
Starfire saw him and flew over. “Friend… why do you leave when the town's people wish to congratulate us for our victory?” she asked.
Beast Boy didn't even look at her. “Not all of us… just you guys.” he said and he kept on walking.
“But Beast Boy…”
But he was already out of earshot.
Beast Boy sat down up in a tree in the park and smiled as he watched all the happy people enjoying this beautiful day. Even… some couples on dates. That began to hit him hard again.
Then it got even worse…
Four kids were pulling a wagon full of things, including Teen Titan costumes. “Hey… let's dress up like the Teen Titans and play.” said a boy. “I'll be Robin… he's brave.”
Two of the girls picked other Costumes.
“I'll be Starfire… she's really pretty.”
“And I'll be Raven… she's amazing.”
The last kid grabbed one last outfit. “I'll be Cyborg… he is so cool.”
They all ran off playing together, and Beast Boy's smiled completely faded as he gazed at the last costume none of the kids wore or even complimented on… the Beast Boy outfit.
He was still upset that night back in his room, in the tower. He hadn't opened his curtains, or played his video games much for weeks.
Ever since they had gotten back from Tokyo, his life just seemed to becoming more and more unbearable.
The people in the city didn't think highly much of him anymore, and he hadn't received or so much as heard one nice compliment about from anyone in a long time.
Then there was the Titans themselves. Ever since Robin and Star had finally confessed their feelings for each other things had really changed.
Star and Robin had been spending so much time on their dates or training. That they were hardly ever around anymore..
Well, they were still in tonight, but what good was it. Beast Boy was sick of being kept in his dark room all my himself with nothing much to do.
He found Robin in the evidence room trying to track down Slade. After all this time, they still couldn't get him. “Hey Robin… need some help.”
“No thanks Beast Boy.” he said. “I really need to do this alone. Go find something else to do.”
Beast Boy frowned and walked away.
Starfire was in the bathroom giving Silkie his bath. “Mmm, hmm, mm, mm... you like the suds and bubbles, do you not, my little bongorf.” she giggled.
Silkie splashed happily.
Then there was a knock at the door. “Hey Star, it's me.” called Beast Boy. “Do you need some help with Silkie in there?”
Starfire called to the door. “I believe it would be best if I accomplish the bathing of Silkie alone, Beast Boy. Perhaps you may find some other ways of to entertain yourself somewhere else.”
Again… he frowned and walked away.
Raven was meditating in the lounge.
Three years since Trigon ad been destroyed, and she was free from his grasp forever, but she still stuck to her old ways. Staying in her room, meditating, reading… or just being herself.
Suddenly, she was interrupted by the sound of the TV being turned on. She shrieked and fell on her chin. She got back up, and then hovered over towards the sofa, with fury on her face and her body glowing angrily.
Beast Boy looked up. “Hey, Raven.” he said. “Who's it going?”
He could see the anger in her eyes. “Out… now!” she said very deeply.
“No way!” Beast Boy said. “Why don't you just go and mediate in your room.”
Raven growled fiercely causing Beast Boy to run out of the lounge like a frightened mouse, Literally. Then he changed back to himself, and walked away for a third time.
Cyborg was in the hanger-bay giving the T-Car a tune up when Beast boy walked in. “I don't suppose you want any help either do you?”
“Sorry man… I built the T-Car… and I'm the only one who gets to fix her up.” answered Cyborg. “Besides… it's not like you know where everything goes anyway.”
Beast Boy grunted. “Man… nobody wants me around here.” he moaned. “You're all treating me as if I'm not that important.”
“Yo man… of course we think you're important around here.” said Cyborg.
Beast Boy began to lighten up a bit. “Really? You do?”
“Sure.” replied Cyborg. “Now please get out of here so I can get back to work.” he said sternly.
Beast Boy crashed again. “Fine… I'll go!” he said.
On his way to the door, he was so incredibly upset that he furiously kicked down a metal-post… which happened to be the support for one of the shelves.
The shelves began to fall over like dominoes, and Cyborg came out from under the car just in time as a whole pile of tools, metal, and even some oil spilled all over him and really made a mess of the car.
Then next thing…
Beast Boy was kicked out of the garage. “Form now on… you stay away from my car!” said a very angry Cyborg. “No more rides for you!” and he slammed the door.
Beast Boy angrily pounded the floor with his fist. “What's wrong with you…you're bolts too tight.” he growled.
“I heard that!”
Beast Boy angrily walked back upstairs, but he was so lost in his anger and his misery, that he accidentally walked into the wrong room… Terra's room.
The Titans never had the heart to take it out, in case Terra would ever want to come back, but only Beast Boy knew how that wasn't going to happen.
He sat down on the sofa with the Heart shaped mirror box he had given to Terra, and a lot of flashbacks came back to him.
When he and Terra first met…
When she ran out on the Titans…and then came back.
They way he gave her the box and they went on that date.
“If you were really my friend…I could tell you anything… would you still like me?”
“Yes… I promised Terra … no matter what.”
(So close to that kiss and it breaks up)
Finding out she was Slade's spy all along…
Having to battle her and lose her as she turns to stone.
Then, seeing her again as a school girl, with amnesia…
And that restraining order…
Beast Boy held his chest in great pain and despair… he had to get out, and Now. So he left the tower without saying anything to the others and headed off into town… Singing a real sad song in his head.
(Music plays)
(Beast Boy, in thought)
How many times have I said and said.
How many time have I said in my head,
What am I doing here?
-Why must I be tortured by,
people, and crocks.
And I say “how I wish,
I could turn back the clocks.”
And have the fine life that I dreamt of before.
And again be an innocent guy once more.
-Living a sweet life
with people whom I love and trust
with no problems, no worries,
and no painful lust.
-What am I doing here?
It doesn't matter much how.
Because I had a sneaky feeling,
Now that I feared… no one cares much for me now.
