Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Kotetsu verite ❯ Return ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Tenchi and all associated characters are the property of AIC and Pioneer LDC. I don't own any rights to them at all. Any other characters are property of their respective copyright holders, not me.

Command deck of the lead ship of task group 647-Alpha

Ayeka Jurai was one piss-off woman. "Where are my friends at?"

"In the brig as per orders of the emperor"

"I demand you release them at once."

"I cannot comply your highness. The emperor has left strict instructions that they be put in holding cells tell we get back. And not to let you, Sasami, or Yosho near them tells we get back. As a matter of fact place the princess under house arrest as per orders of the emperor"


Day 7

Tenchi walked up to the front door with a smile on his face.

*Won't they be surprise, hell I'm surprise at all I have done in the last 6 days.*

He opens the door

"Tadaima" he stated.

*I wonder where everyone is at*

He looked around and didn't see anyone, the TV. was off he went to the kitchen and saw

broken dishes and the food still on the plates

*Oh, no*

He then run all through the house calling everyone's name while checking the rooms and Washu's

lab room which wasn't there when he open the door. He then teleported to the shrine


But to no avail, nobody was home or the shrine.

*Where is everyone?*

He then went to the cave.


"Tenchi, is that you?" he heard

"Ryoko?" She phased to the outside of the cave on seeing Tenchi she jumped to him and broke down


"Ryoko, what's wrong, where is everyone? Why is the house a mess?"

"They.......they" sniffing "They took everyone!"

"Who, Where?"

"Jurai! mom told me to hide in the cave until you came back when they showed up, they came in battle

ships, they force everyone to go with them".

"Ok, well come with me to the house"


"We need to clean it up plus it will allow us time to think on what we are going to do"

"Well ok, Tenchi"

They walked to the house and Ryoko explained to Tenchi what happened when the Jurain forces showed up

and how they had treated each of them. She also explained, how Ryo-ohki and her mom relayed to her what

they saw and heard until they were out of range of their links.

"hmm, thank goodness that both you and Washu reacted quickly and rationally or it would have been messy." By this time Ryoko finally notice Tenchi's look. He was older looking, his short hair was now down the small of his back. He also was now three inches taller than her and seemed to be solid not the skinny kid from before.

"Ah Tenchi?"


"You look completely different. What happened to you?"

"After we take care of the house I'll explain everything to you. I'll answer any questions you have at that time. So let's get the kitchen cleaned up first then I'll show you what else we need to do." The kitchen only took ten minutes and then they went upstairs. "Here take this to your room and hit the green button. Once it opens put everything in it, clothes, shoes, books, etc... after your done hit the black button meet me outside. Ok?"

"Sure, whatever." Ryoko went to her room and did as he had said and pushed the green button. Out of nowhere a standing wall locker (those that have been in military now what I'm talking about) appeared. She opened it and started to hang up her stuff. Just as she thought there wasn't any more room to put stuff in there seemed to suddenly be more space to put more stuff. Half and hour later she finished her room and closed the locker and pushed the black button. The locker phased out. *now that would have been strange if I didn't know Washu* She then joined Tenchi outside like he had told her to.



"Good, lets go." with that he put up his left hand. There was a faint dark glow from his hand and their surroundings blurred. When everything cleared they were on the command deck of a tree ship.

"Tenchi where are we?

"On my and May's new ship."

"Wh...what? where is " Before she could finish her question a voice came from behind her.

"Mama? Mama Oko?" Ryoko spun around "It is mama Oko. Nana its mama Oko comes quick." Mayuka's tiara flashed and she phased out and phased into Ryoko's arms. She started to hug her as hard as her little arms could. "I missed you mama I really did miss you, so did Dada." After five minutes Ryoko put her down.

"Let me take a look at you." Ryoko took a good look at May. *she looks like she is six but* her eyes flashed confusion. Tenchi saw this and explained.

"She is six Ryoko, for us it's been six years even though it's only been seven days for you. Since we left that day. That's why I look older and why she is older"

"I don't understand how? where? when?" Tenchi got the ship under way and spent the next two hours filling her in on the basics of what has happened. "I'll fill you in on this ship, let's take a walk and I'll show you it."

"Whatever, there is no way this can get stranger than it already is."

Experimental docking slip Alpha-Delta-343

"Yo Rensi"

"Yeah Genoni, what do you want?"

"I found this old list of extra supplies and weapons."


"And it seems someone forgot to tell me about some things on that ships that he built. I can account for the stuff you said before (layout of the weapon systems. 4 x light, 1 x med, 2 x heavy torpedoes, 48 x med, 8 x heavy lasers, 2 x grazers, and to top it all off one heavy Plasma canon) So where is the rest of this stuff on this list?"

"It's all in there minus the armor."

"But, But you said only this stuff was there."

"No I never said that was only what was in there you assumed that was all that was in it. I only showed you what was active at that time."

"So what you are saying is that. THAT SHIP has all this STUFF in it?"(200 x capacitors, 25 x power supplies, 2 x full super dreadnought E.W. "electronic warfare" & targeting suites, 15 grazers, 10 h lasers, and seven more heavy plasma canons. 25 x energy torpedoes and one light D-CANON {the one in movie was a heavy d-canon* this one is only good for cracking planets*})

"Yep, and it all works. To bad though."


"Not even a ship tree like Tsunami could get all that to work at the same time and keep control. That's why it only had that stuff working."

"Thank goddess, for some favors."

Ryoko had a pale look to her after he had told her everything about the ship. "...and we got it all to work too."

"Huh, I lost you for a sec there. You said you got it all to work?"

"Yep, see take a look here. See the way this ship is made one tree couldn't run all this and still work so we .."

"We modified the ship and added two more ship trees to It." came a voice from the far side of the area that both Tenchi and Ryoko were in.

"Nefirdyti, I was wondering where you were. Come over and meet Ryoko. Ryoko meet Nefirdyti." Nef was a very beautiful and tall lady. She was two inches taller than Tenchi with long white hair that was braided (like the Amazons in that worrier princess show). Each braid ended with a sharp hook (like a "cat-o-nine" whip). Her skin was a deep golden brown in color and very smooth looking it also had a shine to it as if she was wet. Her eyes made Ryoko blink a couple of times. They were like a snake's eyes look but they were gray in color. Ryoko would try to avoid her eyes but she couldn't, she was getting lost in them. Her build was that of an athlete, very strong but not overpowering in looks. Nef's clothing was of ancient Egyptian in style. It consisted of a very thin white silk for the skirt that went down to her calves. The top was the same materials it came over the shoulders and went in a v to her belly were it attached to her belt on the skirt. It did the same on the back. She also had an all ivory necklace, bracelets, and anklets in that style. Around Nef's right leg was an ornament that seamed to snake around her upper thigh down to her knee. Ryoko couldn't see the tops of it do to the skirt but it looked like it went up most of the way.

"Hello, Tenchi told me a lot about you and the others. Nice to meet you." she smiled and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you too. Two more trees?"

"Yes, it allowed us to separate the weapons between two trees and use the other tree for E.W. and tracking. Getting them to work together was the problem but we got it to work after a year."

"Nef we are headed to Jurai, but we will be stopping at Draxion 4 first. Can you get everything ready for it please?"

"Sure thing, and its been a pleasure to meet you miss Ryoko. See you both later."

"See you soon, Nefirdyti." Ryoko said with a smile and a nod.

"I'll show you the baths so you could clean up if you want."

"That would fill good thank you Tenchi."



*Dam this place is as bigger than the onsen I built* Ryoko looked around at the baths there were single baths all connected through aqueduct. Hot and ice cold baths surrounding one big bath which all flowed into. There was a waterfall on the far side that seemed to lead to another area but she couldn't tell where. After scrubbing she was sitting soaking up the warm water when she heard some splashes other than normal. She looked in the direction of the noise to see Tenchi under the waterfall with his eyes closed walking out in the big bath. He sat down to soak still not opening his eyes. *I'll just go over there and surprise him* She phased out and phased in on the opposite side of the bath that Tenchi was in. She started to float over as quietly as she could. When she reached the half way point Tenchi all of a sudden reached up with is right arm. What happened next almost caused Ryoko to have a heart attack. The water in the bath formed a hand and reached up and grabbed her. Then both Tenchi's and the water hand went under water. Ryoko broke the surface of the bath gagging and spiting up water.

Tenchi laughing "Nothing happens on this ship that I or May know about Ryoko. That's why I knew you were there."

"That wasn't funny Tenchi." she phased out and phased next to him. "Tenchi." she said with that seductive voice while drawing circles with her finger on his chest. "You now I've missed you while you were gone."

"Know, so did I." he reached out and pulled her in and placed a lust filled kiss on her that made her head swim. She broke the spell she was under and started to fill him up.

"Hey no fair, you can't have her to yourself now." Nef walked out from under the waterfall over to them (still in her attire but being that they were wet now it was like it was not there anyway.

"Huh?" Ryoko questioned. but it was quickly forgotten when Nefirdyti kissed Tenchi deeply then did her the same. *What's going on here?*

"Ryoko remember when I said 'that to love me is to love your sister wives as well?"

"Yes, but what does she have to do with it?" while she was rubbing Nefirdyti's chest and Tenchi's back.

"Well you see I have been bonded to him do to his actions. So where he goes I go. Who he love's I love." Nefirdyti explained

"Oh, so I will have to share him with one more woman?"

"That's about right."

"What ever as long as I can have Tenchi I don't care.

(A N : The finish to this is in a lemon named Baths AT http://www.tmffa.com/fanfic.html?id=190&segment=1)


Tenchi stood there in the master bedroom looking at two very entangled and very beautiful women. "Wake up you two."

"N-No l--later let me sleep tired." they both said

"Can't we got to get ready"

"Five minutes more." they chimed in.

"Nope up," Tenchi reached out with his left hand and like before it flashed dark for a sec. The two ladies phased out and back in above the baths and hung there for one second then fell in the ice-cold waters of that section of the bath. He then phased himself to the kitchen to eat with Mayuka and Chio (AN: May is the only one allowed to call Nana).

"Hello May and Chio."

"Hi Dada"

"Hello Tenchi" Chio was nice looking woman very soft looking. Her black hair was sort it was kept in Predator dreads (AN: its the only way to explain it) She had white eyes on black. She is every soft-spoken person and her personality showed that. Her entire world rotated around Mayuka. Being a daemonetti nanny from Maulges once bonded to a child like she was she would stay that way tell Mayuka's 18th birthday. After that she may say around tell either May has a kid or she is bonded to another.

"Where is mama Oko?"

"Well..." that's when you could here a loud scream echo throughout the ship. "Hey they didn't want to get up so..."


Please R & R thank you