Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Kotetsu verite ❯ baths ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Tenchi and all associated characters are the property of AIC and Pioneer LDC. I don't own any rights to them at all. Any other characters are property of their respective copyright holders, not me.
(AN: This is my first lemon so .... plz R&R flames welcome as well)


*Dam this place is as bigger than the onsen I built* Ryoko looked around at the baths there were single baths all connected through aqueduct. Hot and ice cold baths surrounding one big bath which all flowed into. There was a waterfall on the far side that seemed to lead to another area but she couldn't tell where. After scrubbing she was sitting soaking up the warm water when she heard some splashes other than normal. She looked in the direction of the noise to see Tenchi under the waterfall with his eyes closed walking out in the big bath. He sat down to soak still not opening his eyes. *I'll just go over there and surprise him* She phased out and phased in on the opposite side of the bath that Tenchi was in. She started to float over as quietly as she could. When she reached the half way point Tenchi all of a sudden reached up with is right arm. What happened next almost caused Ryoko to have a heart attack. The water in the bath formed a hand and reached up and grabbed her. Then both Tenchi's and the water hand went under water. Ryoko broke the surface of the bath gagging and spiting up water.

Tenchi laughing "Nothing happens on this ship that I or May know about Ryoko. That's why I knew you were there."

"That wasn't funny Tenchi." she phased out and phased next to him. "Tenchi." she said with that seductive voice while drawing circles with her finger on his chest. "You now I've missed you while you were gone."

"I know, so did I." he reached out and pulled her in and placed a lust filled kiss on her that made her head swim. She broke the spell she was under and started to fill him up.

"Hey no fair, you can't have her to yourself now." Nef walked out from under the waterfall over to them (still in her attire but being that they were wet now it was like it was not there anyway.

"Huh?" Ryoko questioned. but it was quickly forgotten when Nefirdyti kissed Tenchi deeply then did her the same. *What's going on here?*

"Ryoko remember when I said 'that to love me is to love your sister wives as well?"

"Yes, but what does she have to do with it?" while she was rubbing Nefirdyti's chest and Tenchi's back.

"Well you see I have been bonded to him do to his actions. So where he goes I go. Who he love's I love." Nefirdyti explained

"Oh, so I will have to share him with one more woman?"

"That's about right."

"What ever as long as I can have Tenchi I don't care." Ryoko pulled Nefirdyti into a passion filled kiss. Tenchi laid back and watched the two for a few minutes before he grabbed Ryoko and lifted her out of the bath and placed her on the ledge. He then started to kiss her and laid her down on her back. Nef joined hem in the kisses and started to caress her left thigh. Nefirdyti slowly worked from Ryoko's lips down her chin to her neck and finished at her left breast. While doing this she unbuckled her front buckle on her belt to allow the dress to slip off. Both Tenchi and Nefirdyti had worked their hands up Ryoko's legs to her lower lips and started to stimulate the woman. Each worked their respective side, each had a breast in their mouth licking sucking and bitting when appropiate.

Nefirdyti then did something that Ryoko never saw coming and would never forget for the rest of her life. The ornament that Ryoko had noticed earlier un-snaked it's self from her leg to reveal that it was a tail which had been coiled around Nefirdyti's leg to hide what it was. Tenchi knowing what was about to happen slowly opened Ryoko's opening to help out, while moving to her neck to distract her. When Nef saw that she was distracted her tail inserted itself into her.

"Aaaaahhhhh" Ryoko gasped as it inserted all the way in, filling her up to the point she couldn't take anymore. After doing so it changed it's shape slightly to give it bumps and different sizes. Nefirdyti started to move her tail in and out of Ryoko. "Ooohhh god, oh god!" Ryoko screamed as she came so hard she nearly passed out. Nefirdyti smiled at her from her spot just below her breast and move up to kiss her deeply. When Nef figured that Ryoko had recovered enough to continue she sent a mental signal to her tail. What happened next took Ryoko a week to remember, even then she had to be told it three times. Nefirdyti's tail (the part that staid inside Ryoko) separated into nine separate smaller tails. Each when to different places inside of her. One moved to her cervix and started to massage it. Two and three went to her C, and G-spot respectively. Four-eight just started to wiggle around inside. Number nine unraveled enough so it was outside of she and it move to Ryoko's ass and entered it. All that stimulation set Ryoko off so hard her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her back arched up so much she was on her toes and her head only. Ryoko was in this position for a good 60 seconds then finally came down slowly, once she did Nefirdyti pulled out her tail. As it did it went back to one solid tail once again.

"Oh god that was fucking great. COME HERE! (ala that yellow ninja she likes to play)" Ryoko exclaimed. She snatched Nefirdyti up and placed her sitting on her face and started to eat her out. Tenchi on the other hand moved between Ryoko's legs and started to lick her lower set of lips that were so swollen by now he could fill the heat from them six inches away as he moved his face near them. Nefirdyti's tail did something that Ryoko loved even more than the other things that it had already done. It uncoiled itself completely to reveal that her tail in fact was made up of nine smaller tail which each can act independently of each other. Which they did, one and two wrapped around a breast groping them. Three and four grabbed the nipples. Five, six, seven, and eight caressed her sides and stomach. Number nine ended up in Nef's mouth getting sucked on. After cumming two more times and causing Nefirdyti to have four of her own, Ryoko inserted her finger in her ass which caused Nefirdyti to cum so hard she fell over in a pleasure induced comma.

"Dam your good Ryoko" Tenchi stated coming up from between her legs to see Nefirdyti laid out on the floor with her tails spread out.

"Huh, why do you say that?"

"Because if she was even partially conscious her tail would be wrapped up in one not spread out like that." Tenchi reached out to help Ryoko sit up. After sitting her up Tenchi grabbed her hips and lifted her up and impaled her on his manhood. Ryoko's head flew back as she arched her back from the pleasure she felt from this. She wrapped her arms and legs around him to hold on as he started to walk over to the waterfall. Tenchi reached the rocks at the waterfall and pined Ryoko to them and began to slowly move his hips. Then slowness of his actions were driving Ryoko crazy, so she grabbed the back of his head and pulled it away enough to see his eyes.


"Ok but remember you asked for it."

"Huh?" was all Ryoko got out before Tenchi started to slam in and out of her. After Ryoko came twice Tenchi flipped her over, taking her from behind for two more and finished her off by doing her in the ass. Ryoko passed out when she came that last time. Tenchi washed her and Nefirdyti off and placed them in bed. They all had a pleasant sleep. Nefirdyti had a dream that she was fucking Ryoko again and so was Ryoko. Unknown to the two and mainly because Nefirdyti keeps forgetting, her tail was doing what she was dreaming it would do.


Tenchi stood there in the master bedroom looking at two very entangled and very beautiful women. "Wake up you two."

"N-No l--later let me sleep tired." they both said

"Can't we got to get ready"

"Five minutes more." they chimed in.

"Nope up," Tenchi reached out with his left hand and like before it flashed dark for a sec. The two ladies phased out and back in above the baths and hung there for one second then fell in the ice cold waters of that section of the bath. After hitting the water the two popped out of it so fast they would have burned themselves if they hadn't been so cold. They landed in the main bath to warm back up.

"TENCHI!!!!!!" They both screamed


Please R & R thank you