Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Kotetsu verite ❯ Nefirdyti ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Tenchi and all associated characters are the property of AIC and Pioneer LDC. I don't own any rights to them at all. Any other characters are property of their respective copyright holders, not me.

(AN: the lemon for the chap before is labeled Baths it's already up)


Nefirdyti and Ryoko relaxed in the bath trying to recover from the events of the night before. After awhile the two began to talk.

"So tell me how did you and Tenchi meet?" Nefirdyti asked Ryoko. Ryoko explained how they meet and about all the adventures that they and the rest have gone through over the years

"So how about you, how did Tenchi meet you?"

"That is a long story, it's more about how Tenchi became who he is now than how he meet me. You don't know this but Tenchi saved my race and that's how I meet him."

"He did? But how?"

"You see I'll have to explain my race and how it works so you will get a better fill for the situation then I'll be able to tell you how he saved it. You see my race has different classes and looks. We have two types of bodies one that looks like myself and the other that is completely different it's more of a lizard man like look. The latter are the bases of what are race is. The classes work out this way, fighter, worker/breeder, and play being. The worker and breeders are the ones that have that lizard man look they are the only ones of are race that can bread more of ones like myself. We on the other hand are not capable to bread with our own race, but we are able to do so with other humanoid races. Babies from us will have predominant features and abilities of the other race and only have our races eyes. The only difference between the fighter and the play being classes is the ability to bond and have babies. The play being can bond but does not have the ability to reproduce."

"So you must be a play being, right?"

"Actually no, I'm a fighter."

"But you said that ..."

"I know what I said, but remember I did say I was bonded to him do to his actions." Nefirdyti smiled and nodded to Ryoko. "Now to continue, once a play being bonds (they can only bond to other races not our own) there soul purpose is to provide pleasure to the one that they are bonded to. There so focused on that one thing they cannot perform other task without lots of concentration. They also must stay within a half a mile of their bonded one or it will cause them to go into a depression. Now for our fighters, yes we can have babies, but only if WE want to have them. We have full control over our reproductive capabilities. On our side of the Universe our fighters are some of the most sought after. Same thing goes for the play beings. The skill of one of our fighters is about equal to a Jurian knight if not more because we are also skilled fighter pilots."

"I still don't see were Tenchi comes into this"

"Ok, ok, ok, remember I said that our play being and fighter were sought after?" Ryoko nodded "Well normally if one wanted one they would come to our planet and bid for one of our services. Trust me it would be a hefty price for a play being most didn't have that kind of money, goods, or service that would be good enough for one. And for the fighters paying to get one then coming up with a suitable contract to keep one hurt the pocket book plenty. So one day someone got fed up with having to pay our prices and attacked our home. We defeated them but it hurt our population greatly. We had lost over 3/4 of our breeder and worker classes when they bombarded the planet. Because of this, and because of the reproductive cycle of one fighter or play being per 20 of the other. It made them very rare which drove prices to almost unreachable heights. And it's been that way for the last 2000 years we have finally been able to drop the prices lately because we are finally back in balance. That is when they attacked again, but this time with a force that was too big for us to handle by ourselves. We put out a distress call but everyone ignored us because if we were defeated it would benefit him or her more that way. Our fighters were holding their own out in space and on the ground in combat but were getting over run slowly. The fortunate thing for us was that they were taking prisoners and not killing us off once defeated. We were on our last stand when Tenchi arrived on the seen. This ship was amazing. Even at 25% of what it is today it was amazing on what it could do. As it came into the fight it's E.W. came online and fried most tracking and radar in the area so our fighters shut down our systems and only used reception catching the signals bouncing off the enemy ships coming from this ship. After recalibrating our systems to that we started back into the fight only staying to the outside portions of the combat area. Within five minute all but two ships of the enemy forces were destroy from the on slot this ship put out. Not once did they get a shot off in its direction that was even remotely close to hitting. We just watched and cleaned up afterward. Once finished we all headed to the planet. The enemy had retreated into a staging area with all it prisoners. After some negotiations they were allowed to leave the planet on a ship with their lives and the wounded. We were able to get back all our people back both prisoners and injured. Tenchi was offered anything he wanted for saving our people. He original declined saying that he was just doing the right thing."

"Sounds just like him."

"Thought so, but our people wouldn't have it. So not only did we fix this ship for him so it would work properly at full power. We told him that we were going to send a representative of our people with him when he left. After he saw that we wouldn't take no for a answer he asked for a fighter pilot saying a play being wouldn't go over to well once he got back home."

"Dam straight it wouldn't have. It would have been body parts flying all over the place in that cat fight. But it still doesn't explain your bond with him."

"Well that happened six months later. We had a great professional relationship he trusted me and I trusted him. I was teaching him our fighting style and he was teaching me the style his grandfather taught him. Though it did look Jurain to me with some slight changes here and there."

"It is"

"That does make sense, with the ship trees, Guardian logs, and the other stuff. When it comes to the Bond it isn't the kind of bond that a play being has. Mine is not based on pleasure like theirs is it is more of a deeper full body and soul type of bond. It happened when we were attacking a compound that held black market supplies. Oh yeah did you know for a short time he was a bounty hunter." Ryoko shook her head "Well we were good one of the best. We had attacked and we were inside fighting. I had gotten separated from him during the fight. Once I had finish my area I searched for him. What I had seen when I found him scared the hell out of me. I've seen some bloody fights but this was way beyond that. He had this look on his face that could make your heart stop. It had an evil look to it and while he was fighting it look like he was getting pleasure from killing them. He would even make a berserker think twice about fighting him at that moment." Ryoko was shocked to hear this about Tenchi "What made it worse is that when they gave up he wouldn't stop he was suffering from blood lust. As with a play being, fighters have the ability to use empathy but not at a level as high as they can. I reached out with it with everything I had to break through to him and it worked. He slowly came out of it. That was when I truly saw what kind of man he was. After we had clean up and finished the mission, I desired I had to go though the bonding of the blood with him. When this is done with one of my race it bonds us completely."

"Hmm, so what is your true feelings about the rest of us now that you know?"

"I really don't care I'm with the man I chose not one that was chosen for me."

"We are both coming from the same place aren't we."

"We need to get dressed we are going to fight later today so we need to get prepared."

"Alright lets get going." The two got out of the baths, dried off and went to their separate rooms to get their cloths (AN: everyone has a separate room to change in or do other things in. It's a room where they could go to be by themselves if that is what they wanted. It is also a place where no one could go into unless you let him or her in. When they came out Ryoko was wearing her favorite dress, and Nefirdyti was in a dress that was a long dress that went to her ankles. The neckline was a low v cut showing her cleavage. She still had the Ivory jewelry from before. Nefirdyti 's tail this time was wrapped around her waist. It was holding the dress front and back together with the help of two ties, one on each hip. Nefirdyti saw Ryoko's tail on the dress and saw how it was reacting with her emotions as they walked to the kitchen.

*I wonder* with that thought Nefirdyti grabbed the tail and put it in her mouth. She sucked and licked it for a few seconds to see what Ryoko's reaction would be.

"AAhh" was all that came from Ryoko's mouth as she shuddered.


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