Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Kotetsu verite ❯ Plans ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Ayeka Jurai crown princess of the most powerful empire in the galaxy was one hot woman. 31 days ago she was unceremoniously ripped from the place she had grown to call home. A place she and the people she called her family. Since that time she has been looked up in her room unable to see or talk to anyone. What makes it worse is the fact that they are now at the final destination she is still locked up. She was locked up in an energy sphere that is floating one meter off the floor. She was currently floating through the halls of the palace toward the throne room. That part didn't bother her that much. What bothered her was the fact that she was being escorted by 30 knights and two guardian logs. While Sasami, Washu, and Ryo-ohki followed with one knight each. She still didn't have a clue where Yosho was but that still wasn't the cause of her fury. It was from the fact that her-own M-F-ing guardians were the one's applying said sphere.

"This isn't going to go good is it miss Washu?" asked Sasami

"Hmm, oh hell no it isn't going to be good. Just remember to stand behind me when they release her o.k.." commented Washu "That goes for you to Ryo-ohki."

"Yes mama, can I ask you a question Washu?" asked Ryo-ohki. Washu nodded. "What do you think is going to happen to us and do you think he will try to hurt us?"

"I don't know and I don't think so. He may be bold and arrogant but he isn't stupid. I don't think he will do anything to bring Tenchi's wrath on him no matter how powerful he may think he is."


Azusa, Funaho, and Misaki were finishing some business with some delegates. When a Guardian walked in.

"My lord, the ones you requested have arrived."

"Good we are finished here anyway, show them in." Azusa said. The guardian signaled to the door.

"Do you know what this is about?" asked Misaki to Funaho

"I believe so, and if it is there could be trouble with a capital T. As in one very mad Tenchi." said Funaho "It would be wise of you to double the guard and patrols for the next few days."

"Is it that bad?"

"If my sources are correct, it is far worse than that." Normally Misaki doesn't have too much to worry about but what Funaho said frighten her. The two queens looked at the people coming in and froze at what they saw.

"What is the meaning of this Husband?"


"What is the meaning of this Husband?" Ayeka heard this and looked up. She had not been paying any attention to where she was going or where she was. Now she knew she was in the throne room and that was Funaho and Misaki's voice she heard.

"Your majesty, I have brought them as you have requested. Your son is being prepared as per your other orders." said the commander

"Good work you may leave."

"Sir." the commander and the troops saluted and left. Sasami and Ryo-ohki stood behind Washu will Ayeka be still in the sphere.

"Release her." was all Azusa said

Ayeka waited till the sphere disappeared then released all of the energy that she had throwing Azaka and Kamidake into the walls on opposite sides of the room. "Father, how could you treat me and the others like this? You owe us an explanation."

"I don't owe anyone and explanation I am Emperor. I don't have to answer to anyone." Azusa stated back. "I have done what I saw was the right thing to do at the time." he turned to the queens "Funaho, Misaki prepare my daughter for marriage she is to be ready for the ceremony in one hour." With that he turned and left not allowing for protest or question.

"Mother....?" Ayeka pleaded and fell to her knees. This proclamation had floored everyone. It was five minutes until anyone was able to make any rational thought.

"Come Misaki, we must do as we are told. Maybe then we will find out what is going on. This has the potential to break this empire."

"Tenchi where are you?" said Washu under her breath.


Draczion Federation

Tenchi and the rest just finished re-supplying. "So Nef, what do you think of the new class fighters and drones?"

" I like the new look, it seams more polished than the old ones. Once I take mine out for configuration test and gunnery I'll give you a better report." Nefirdyti said while locking down the last of the supplies. "We must be getting a new Federation Rep. with us ."

"Why would you say that?" asked Ryoko

"We brought on three fighters, one Shuttle, and five full sets of drones. We only requested two fighters and three sets of drones. This configuration is for two active and one inactive fighter. Only one of my race can bring a fighter to full active status. With training I my be able to get you to ready status but not to full."

"That's true and Ryoko."

"Yeah Tenchi."

"I really do like the new look you have. The tail does make you look more exotic."

"Thank you, I'm finding that there are a lot of things you can do with a tail." For the last couple of days Ryoko has been with a tail. She had changed her body so she would have one. She had made her tail look and act like Nef's. She had also begun to dress just like Nef, very rarely did you ever find her in any of the dresses she would normally be in back on earth. During her free time she would study the Federation and look at the ships records so she could be up to date on everything.

"Tenchi there is a Federation Rep wanting to come aboard." stated Chio over the COM system.

"Let her come on. Once on board show her room and have May prep the ship for fold to Jurai. I'll be up in ten minutes."

"Ok will do."

"What another lady to deal with?" asked Ryoko

"You don't have to worry about this one or any other one from my people." Nefirdyti comforted Ryoko. Seeing Ryoko's skeptical look "Once one is bonded we put our mark on them. It makes the person untouchable to others. He can still sire them but after that they will not desire him no longer."

"I herd you say that before I still don't understand what it is." asked Ryoko

"Currently Tenchi is the Sire of 587 fighter class of the total 800 currently alive. Of which there are only 5 that have a different Sire. A Fighter cannot become a full fighter until she has a Sire. Tenchi is the only Sire that has been around for 700 years. He currently holds the rank of Anubis. It is the highest Sire rank attainable. He is considered the Alpha male. If a war broke out right now all fighters that he has Sired will allied with him no questions asked and those that do not have one will fall in with him because he is the dominant Sire."

Ryoko had taken all this in as they walked to the command area. "So how does on become Sired by him?"

"On the day of naming, the day you are officially named and made a warrior you would have a choice of Sires. Normally there are Four Sires Amaunet, Horus, Sebek, and Anubis. Each has their own specialty. Amaunet for hand-to-hand combat. Horus for flyers. Sebek for home fleet. And Anubis for all-purpose elite fighters. The fact that there is only one and the fact that Tenchi is so skilled. Once one has been chosen, in most cases where you had excelled would be the choice, you would visit that Sire for the ceremony of Verite."

"And what is that?" Ryoko asked even though she had a good idea what it might be.

"Basically they get naked, get on top of the Sire and simulate having sex with the him but actually do have an orgasm. There is a lot of chanting prayer and drinking as well but that's the basic version." said Tenchi

"But in Tenchi's case everyone of them actually did have sex with him wanting to have not only the mental imprint but the DNA imprint as well. Even after death you will be able to tell who is their Sire." added Nef.

Ryoko was taken back by this * he has been with 589 women. * and I thought I had a past.

The three arrived in the command area and saw the new Rep. She was like Nef but with pink hair. "It has been a long time Nefirdyti."

"Yes it has Bastet, yes it has. Tenchi and Ryoko this is Bastet my younger sister."

"Hello." both said

"I also brought the new forms that were requested. They have all the updates that you requested plus some others. Here is the data on them." She passed the folder over to Nefirdyti and took a seat.

"Daddy we are ready for fold all systems green." said Mayuka "Travel time two hours."

"Good." Tenchi's left hand glowed a blackish purple. "Once out of fold I want full E.W. and cloak. I want Ryo-Chai (AN: name of the youngest tree the one first meant to run this ship) on the space tree net monitoring all communication." He got confirmation from all three trees. "Lets go."
