Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Kotetsu verite ❯ Let it be... ( Chapter 12 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Let it be..

Out on the far edges of the home system of the Jurain empire a ship flashed in to view then faded into the blackness of space.

"We have arrived, everything looks good there are no ships in the vicinity. We should make planetary orbit in 15 minutes. Prep the shuttle, we will leave once in orbit." Tenchi relayed over the communication system.

"I fell nervous about this, we all know how Jurai feels about Me." said Ryoko

"They may fill that way about you but you no longer look or act that way. They will not even know it is you until we reveal it." said Nefirdyti "As far as they are concerned you are just another bodyguard for the Federation's Rep."

"Any ways take these." Tenchi handed two wristbands and a choker. Each of them had a small square of wood on it. "Put these on and make sure the wood is covering your gems. With them on they shouldn't be able to detect your power. The only down side is that you will not be able to draw on it as well. When it is time to do so just slide the wood section to the other side."

"Thank you, so how are we going down and what is the plan." asked Ryoko

"Sorry to interrupt but there is some information that you may want to know." Chio said. Tenchi nodded for her to continue. "Mayuka said that Ryo-Chai has come by a transmission from the palace. It says that the reception for Ayeka's and Yosho's wedding will begin in five minutes. All delegates and representatives are welcomed to attend it. We also have info on the three houses that have Federation personnel. It says they have not paid for some time."

"Thank you Chio, Tell May that once in orbit we leave right away." Tenchi refocused on Ryoko, Bastet, and Nef. " At least we know how we are going in and what we will say we are there for. Bastet and Nef prep your fighters you will both be running escort for the shuttle. While they are doing that Ryoko check the contraband holding area for some royal wedding gifts. We have to make this look good." *Hope this goes smooth if not...*


Princess Ayeka still could not believe she was married to Yosho. She looked down at her left hand to check. *Yep it is still there. Yosho had told me that he still loved me and for me to make the right decision as to who I was going to be with. I still love Tenchi but he had told me that to love him. 'My wife will have to respect, treat and love the other wives as a sister. You will always put this family first. Meaning if let's say for instance; if it was this family or Jurai, it is us then Jurai.' * She sat in her room for five minutes thinking about that. After that time she met up with Yosho to go to the reception. "Yosho, what will Tenchi say about us?"

"He already knew that I still loved you. That was one of the reasons he made his decision like he did. It gave each of you a chance to really think about whom do you really love. I just hope father doesn't try something with Washu, Ryo-ohki, or Sasami." The two newly weds walked hand in hand talking about other things like if they will stay here or go back to earth.


The reception was a big affair over a hundred thousand attended. Delegates from all parts of Jurai held space and some from outside of it as well.

"Misaki this is a great event isn't It." asked Funaho trying to look like she was not worried. some information she had just received had bothered her some.

"Yes it is, is there something I should know about sister-wife?" asked Misaki

"Yes there is." Misaki looked at Funaho. "A Draczion Federation shuttle and escorts has just came out of sub-space and has just landed." Misaki was taken back at this. Federation ships haven't been seen out side their system in over 800 years.

"Yes this is going to get real interesting in a few minutes." Misaki commented looking at the houses Shin, Genshi, and Toshi. Funaho had noticed where she had been looking and nodded.


Five minutes later

The doors to the reception hall opened to show new arrivals. Once they were seen most conversations stopped.

"This is really going to be bad isn't it?" asked Misaki with a slight worried look

Funaho tried to remember the last time one of them had been to Jurai and what had happened. Then it hit her. * Oh Tsunami please protects us. * she prayed. She then whispered to Misaki "Put the palace on silent alert. Tell them do not interfere unless told to by you or me. One of those don't leave the federation unless he is to collect something for the Federation." Misaki agreed with her and signaled for that to be done.

When, everyone had stopped to look. what they saw was four women clad in what would be considered a full body wrap. It was the same attire that Ryoko had worn earlier but this time under that she was wrap up like how a mummy would be from the neck to mid-thigh. Her arms were covered all the way to the wrist. The material was a very thin silk but it had the look of cotton. To Ryoko it felt as if she wasn't wearing anything other than the uniform from earlier. She would not remember she was in it if she didn't see it on her it was so light and unrestrictive.

Walking in front of them was a figure that had to have stood 6ft 8in if not more. Misaki and Funaho could tell he was muscular and powerful. He wore a white/black trim with blue runes kilt. Black saddles that were laced up to his calves. They also noticed the two different shaded gauntlets he had on. They couldn't see his face due to the hood of his cloak covering it. In front of him was a smaller version of the other women.

"So what has the Jurai done to receive a visit from the Draczion Federation this time?" asked Azusa

"Nothing we were already in the area doing business when we received word of this joyous occasion. We came to congratulate the bride and groom. Then later take care of some business that we have with some of our Jurain clientele after the festivities are done." said the small one "We also wanted to give a gift to the bride and groom in the name of Federation." The cloaked figure signaled with his left arm and a pallet of fine linen and a chest appeared.

Ayeka and Yosho got up and moved forward to look at the stuff. Misaki and Funaho also inspected the linens and to all their surprise it surpassed the best linen that they have ever seen. They then opened the chest to find it half full of Opal gems of different sizes. Ayeka was lost in thought, thinking of all the dresses she was going to have made from the material. Even Yosho was impressed with the gift. But of course Azusa had to be the arrogant ass he is.

"Do you really think with this GIFT and this new attitude that I would forget what your people did the last time they were here? There is no way I will allow you to conduct any business of any kind here on Jurai.."

"We have no quarrel with the House of Jurai, Only business with the Houses of Shin, Genshi, and Toshi. Once things are settled we will leave Jurai space." interrupted the Federation diplomat. "Further more the gifts were not intended as a political ploy."

"Even if you my say that and it may be true. You STILL will not conduct any business with ANY Houses or factions here on Jurai." Azusa puffed out his chest to show his stance.

"If you continue to interfere with our collections of past debts we will be forced to hold all of Jurai responsible for those debts not just those Houses that accrued them." the little diplomat looked like she was in deep thought. Five seconds later she smiled. "As of now the Jurian Empire is fully responsible for all debts accrued. As Emperor I will give you the option to chose how payment will be given."

"Option one: You will sign over the rights to 218 of the nearest star systems to the Draczion Federation over to us before the day is out."

"Option two: You hand over the products and 116 star systems. Unfortunately you won't be able to hand all three to us so you will be charged for the one that has to stay so add 40 more systems to the total."

"Last but not lease Option Three: We take physically what we deem reasonable payment. Either way we are going to collect what is due."

Azusa laughed, it wasn't the friendly kind either. "HOW DARE YOU THREATEN ME. Leave here NOW!!!!" with that a Light Hawk sword came into being in Azusa's hand.

"Oh my, he's got them." the little one said sarcastically. "You may be strong but you are no match for my friend here." she said as she moved behind him. "How about a challenge, your best fighter vs. him. If your man wins we don't collect and we call it even. If my man wins he gets Sasami Jurai's hand in marriage." Everyone gasped at this. But Azusa had a smirk on his face.

"I have a better Idea. He marries me." those words echoed thought out the hall. Everyone look at the one that had said that. The last person they thought would say something like that was the one who did.

"Sasami?" asked Ayeka, Yosho, Misaki, Funaho, and Azusa. Hell even her Grandma Seto had asked.

"Father for the sake of the Empire and the safety of our people. I believe the best course of action is. That I Sasami Jurai marries this man." A loud uproar began but she put her hand up and spoke again "This union will secure our lower south eastern boarder and give us a powerful allies. That is the role of a princess is it not? To help secure her people's way of life and well being?"

Her family was going to protest but when she added the extra stuff. They had to back off.

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