Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Kotetsu verite ❯ Tsu-Sami ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Tsunami/Sasami had just 15 minutes ago seen her sister get married. * I wonder what Tenchi will say when he finds out that Ayeka has chosen Yosho.*

** You don't have to worry little one. Tenchi had anticipated this that is why he gave the time he did.**

* I don't understand.*

** He knew Yosho's feelings for her and he knew she still harbored feelings for him as well. It is the same for everyone. Each of you has issues that need to be cleared before you could make that kind of choice. **

* What do you mean what issues? I don't have issues do I? *

** Yours was you had to deal with what was going to happen to you. And it still is one. That is why we are still separate in mind. You still have not accepted our merger. **

* And the others?

** Washu still has to deal with her past but she is almost ready. Having her memory and powers back has speed up the process. Ryoko .... have no clue what so ever. (laughing) Ryo-ohki has to decide weather she wants Tenchi or Ken-ohki either way she is happy to be wanted. **

* You? *

** ...... **

* Well? *

** ...... I love him ok you happy. He's the perfect man I should know. I made sure all the best things went into him when I brought him back and rebuilt his body. ** she started crying.

* You feel in love with him when I asked you to help him didn't you? *

** Yes **

* You haven't led me, to like him have you? *

** Never.. never. If you like him it is on your own if you didn't...... **

* .... *
Tsunami felt a change in the solar system. ** What the... **

* What was that? I felt as if a huge power source just came into being. *

** I'll take a look, while I do that find Washu and stay close to her. **
* K * Sasami felt Tsunami's presence leave. Well not leave but no longer up front more at a distance now she could still feel her but she had to concentrate to see what she did.

She found Washu and told her what had happened.

" I felt it to, but it vanished as soon as it came. I haven't been able to locate it since then." said Washu.

" Well I'll tell you what ever Tsunami finds."

"But I thought that the two of you had merged totally already."

"Not in mind yet. I think I'm still afraid what will happen when we do."

"Understandable, it was the same with me when it first happened. But after time you will actually like it more this way." Sasami was floor by this she didn't know that Washu was that way also. "Surprised are you?" Sasami nodded " The two of use have been together so long we forget sometimes. I do what I want and so does she. When she needs to do her godly things she does so without me even noticing. We experience everything together. She also acts like my conscience when need be but most of the time she wants to do the same things so...." Washu got her trademark (I about to do something really bad to you) smirk.

"What about when you were mortal?"

"Oh that, It just meant that I couldn't use her powers or her memory but she was still there as my conscience. She could only use her power anywhere but where we were." Sasami absorbed the information and began to think about what was said.


Tsunami reached out her conscience and looked in the area she felt the power come from. ** Hmm, let me see. ** She changed her focus on a specific signal Tenchi. When she did that the ship that she had told Tenchi he could have popped in to her mind's eye. ** Lets see. ** She unfocused off Tenchi and selected five tree ships in the area and used their sensor nets to look that way. And sure thing they could not see it. While connected she felt a new presence in the net.

"Who are you?" she asked

"Ryo-Chai my lady, newly commissioned 36 days ago." said Ryo-Chai

"Is Tenchi with you?"

" ...... "

"You will not be giving him away this is not being broadcasted over the net. I thank you for your loyalty to you master."

"Yes he is my lady. Would you like me to open a channel?"

"No need I have my ways to talk to him, but thank you for asking."

"Bye my lady." the connection dropped.

Tsunami concentrated on a specific channel she had set up 37 days ago and connected to it. "Hello Tenchi."

Tenchi had felt a little tingle in his right arm and looked down to see a slight glow come from the gauntlet. * Hello Tsunami, how are you. *

"Excellent, and you?"

* The same. So can you bring me up to date on what is going on please. *

Tsunami did so and Tenchi told her all that happened while he was gone. "I feel two other tree's here, I don't know either do I?"

* The big one filled with dark-Jurian energy was Yuzuha's tree, Yusu-Chai and the other one is Sekmet-Chai, Mayuka's tree.*

" I see that you are on your way. What do you plan on doing once you get there?"

* I plan on taking everyone that wants to leave back with me. I will try not to fight but that is up to the emperor. *

" Well I see, we'll be waiting. " With that she unfocused on Tenchi and rejoined Sasami.


Once joining back with Sasami. Tsunami filled both her and Washu in on what she had found.

* Tsunami. *

** Yes Sasami? **

* I've been talking with Washu and I am ready. *

** Are you sure my child? I don't want you to rush in to this without thinking more on it. **

* I had always felt ready, but with what Washu had told me. I found that if I actually looked at it, we already were the same person just we have not accepted it yet. *

** Naaaaaannnnniiii!!!?? **

Laughing * that's right when you became part of me to help me we became one then but our personality split. One wanted to still be a goddess and the other wanted to be a kid. Now it is time for us to be who we really are. *

** I understand, but it was fun wasn't it? ** sounding a little sad.

* Yes it was, but we will have more with Tenchi I believe. *

** As much trouble that finds him all the time. We will never be bored. ** The two halves of her conscience merged.


"Father for the sake of the Empire and the safety of our people. I believe the best course of action is. That I Sasami Jurai marries this man." A loud uproar began but she put her hand up and spoke again "This union will secure our lower south eastern boarder and give us a powerful alley. That is the role of a princess is it not? To help secure her people's way of live and well being?" stated Tsu-Sami. ** How did you like that one Tenchi? ** she said over her link.

* It's going to take me a little time to get over that one, but that was good if I say so myself. You did that to keep Azusa from fighting me didn't you? *

** Yes I did, the last thing we need is for you to beat Azusa. Unless you want to become Emperor this soon. It is not time for you to be emperor yet. There are things that still need to be done before that time comes to pass. **

* I'll do my best to keep from fighting him, but he is a loose warhead when it comes to me. *

** Hopefully Funaho, Misaki and Seto can rein him in. Or this could get ugly. **

* True. *
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