Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing A Love For You ❯ Where is she? ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yami No Matsuei/X-1999 Fanfiction

Wishing A Love 4 U

Miri opened her eyes, her sigh were blur and her head hurt like hell.

"What in the world....?" She muttered.

"So you finally wake up..." A man said.

Miri looked around and saw the man. "you..." Miri shouted and feel an ache in her head.

"Be careful, Little One! I hit you pretty hard." The man smirked.

"Who are you?"

"I'm the one you want..."


"I'm the one who killed the boy and the other people recently..."


"To make my wish a reality."

"What are you saying? I don't understand!"

"You didn't need to understand..." The man said then he stared her. "You're pretty..."

Miri blushed.

"Too bad I must kill you!" The man said with a sad mocking smile.

Miri froze. "Why you wanted to kill me?"

"Why you followed me?"

"Because you're killer."

"That's right...I'm a killer." The man laughed heartly. "No times left..."

"What do you mean?"

"For my beloved..." The man said gently as he looked to the altar not far from where Miri sat. There, in the altar, there was a dead body of a beautiful woman. "To gave her a new life, a new soul..."

"With killing other people?"

"I don't care about them! I just need her! The world can go to hell!"

"Do you think the woman will happy if you did that?"

"Why not?" The man asked with a dangerous smirked. "Afterall I just give her a new life so that we can always together forever..." He said lovingly.

"You're such a pain..."

"Whatever! Even if you told me that I was crazy, I will still do it!" The man said. "It's for my woman. I'll do anything he asked as long as he capable to gave my woman back!! You won't understood such a thing because you're just a kid!!"

"Who told you to do that?" Miri demanded. "Who was he?"

"You didn't need to know since I'm gonna kill you anyway..." The man suddenly attacked her.

Miri dodged the attack well enough.

"You really a brave girl, Little One...but you won't do anything anymore..." The man smirked coldly.

Miri sighed and held a talisman paper in her shaking hand. "Please, I don't wanted to do this to you..."

"Shut up!" The man scream and transform into a monster.

"What?!" Miri shocked.


"Are you intend to told me or not?!" Tsuzuki

Muraki smiled. "The man is one of my patient."

"Your patient?"

"Yes, he lost her wife. Her wife died because of an incureable disease. I can't help her. The man was such a pain, he keep scream that I was the one who responsible to his woman's death. So stupid..."

"So you told him to kill people?" Tsuzuki asked.

"No, I'm not."

Tsuzuki looked surprise.

"He sold his soul to Evil in exchange to brought back his wife's soul. Apparently he should kill at least 10 people in 1 painfully week." Muraki explained.

"What? Then Miri was..."

"In dangerous!"

"No way! I have to save her!" Tsuzuki quickly stand up.

"It's seem that your partner would be the last one..."

Tsuzuki's face turn pale.

"He's going insane soon and gonna slaughtered your partner..."

"Shut up!"

"Please have a sit, Tsuzuki-san! I'm not done yet..." Muraki said as he getting a coffee again to his and Tsuzuki's cup.

"What do you want?!"

"Simple! Just drink the coffee while I finished my story."

"But Miri was..."

"Even if you leave now, you didn't know where she was..."


"Basara..." Muraki said. "The man made a deals with him..."

"Oh, no! Not him!" Tsuzuki looked definetly nervous. Suddenly he grabbed Muraki's collar. "Tell me where is she?!"

"Calm down, honey!"

"I'm not your honey! Just told me where is she?"

Muraki smiled innocently.

Tsuzuki knew there are no use to force the man so he decided to leave the man alone and tried to locate Miri's life force. Tsuzuki quickly stand up and leave.

"She was in the old church nearby..." Muraki suddenly said with a serious tone.

Tsuzuki looked surprise, he quickly went out after muttered something like 'Thank You'

Muraki smiled.


The man attack her wildly.

"You...You sold your soul to Evil, isn't it?" Miri demanded.

"Whatever you have in mind, Little One!" The man said mockingly in monsterly tone.

Miri quickly avoid his strike. Suddenly she heard a cried. A softly cried. It's was the woman spirit. She was crying in the back of the man but the man didn't seem to acknowledge it.

'You are...?' Miri asked the spirit in telepaty.

'Please, help him!' the spirit asked her.


The man attack her wilder and dangerous movement.

Miri can't concentrated anymore and the man quite clever, he attack Miri with a sword. A sword that has taken so many innocent people soul.

Suddenly Tsuzuki appeared and protect her from the sword. His back was wounded and ripped so badly.

Miri was shocked, she almost can't do anything.

Tsuzuki collapsed before her eyes. "Run....Miri...." He said before fainted.

"No...This can't be happen..." Miri muttered softly. Tears drop falling on her cheeks. "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!"

The church started to shaking wildy like there was an earthquake.

Miri's red eyes shining coldly as she said to the man, "You dare to attacks my friend, then prepare to die!!!"

There were a symbol of a pentagram appeared on the ground where Miri hold Tsuzuki carefully. A red light appeared from nowhere.

The man seem already insane then he attacked Miri without thinking.

Miri glared at the man with such emotion. Her eyes fix up to the man's form and the man suddenly cried in pain as he slowly dies...

The man spirit meet up with his woman spirit, they hold each other hand lovingly and muttered 'sorry' to Miri. Slowly they shadow fades away...

Miri stared at Tsuzuki's face as she said gently, "I'm sorry too..."


JuOhCho, Meifu

Tsuzuki has been in the hospital of Meifu for almost 5 painfully longest days.

Everyone seem worried to him, they keep visited him in the hospital.

Hisoka came in too and said he was sorry for yelled to him earlier while Wakaba keep him up with some fruits and candies.

Tsuzuki waited for Miri to pay a visit but she's never came. When he asked Chief Konoe and Tatsumi, they said the girl was gone...

Tsuzuki recalled the memories when he still in the old church. He rembered Miri's word before he consume by the darkness.

'You dare to attacks my friend, then prepare to die!!'

Tsuzuki smiled at that.


Yes, they're definetly would meet again...


"Because she was my partner cute partner...." Tsuzuki muttered to himself as he looking at the scenery in the window and ate an apple.

To Be Continue...............or The End??

How was it? Should I doing some fic again?