Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing A Love For You ❯ Forbidden Past ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yami No Matsuei/X-1999 Fanfiction

Wishing A Love 4 U

There was a handsome man with black clothes leaned against a sakura tree. One of his eyes was blinds. He was smocking silently and looked onto the sky above.



"Onii-chan! Onii-chan! Look! There was a bird! A beautiful bird!" six years old Miri shouted to her older brother.

"Where, Miri-chan? Where?" asked her brother, eight years old boy.

"There! Can you see it?"

"Hai! You're right! It's so beautiful!" Her brother said as he rubbing her hairs lovingly.

Miri smiled and hugged her brother. "I love Onii-chan! When I'm turn into an adult, would you marry me?"

Her brother laughed heartly and said, "Baka! We're brother and sister!"

"So what? So what? I love Oni-chan, I won't marry to another man unless you!" Miri said in childish tone.

"Hai! Hai!" Her brother smiled. "I will not marry to another woman unless you, imouto!"

"Honto ni?"

"Honto desu ka."


Seishirou Sakurazuka smiled at the memory. Miri was his beloved little sister back there. He really love his sister no matter what happen, no matter how their mother hate him for that. Another memory flashed in his head.


"Stop disturb your brother, Miri! He need to learn!" Setsuka Sakurazuka forces a little girl to a dark room.

"No! Oka-sama! No!" screamed the helpless little girl.

"You were born as Sakurazuka but you didn't have any power! You're useless!!" Setsuka slapped the little girl's face in hate. "What a shame you're!"

"Oka-sama! Please let Miri go! Lets her playing with me!" Seishirou begged.

Setsuka running her fingers through her son hair and said, "You should think about youself only, Seihirou. Don't think about your sister anymore! She was such a pain, didn't have a power at all! Learn your power more, because you're the heir of Sakurazuka family."

"I understand, Oka-sama! But please let Miri out from the room! I promised I will learn more! I promised to become strong! I promise to become a great Sakurazukamori!" Seishirou begged.

"Fine! You should keep your promise!" Setsuka said in distress tone as she let Miri out from the dark room.

Miri ran into Seishirou and cried softly.

"Hush...Oni-chan will always with you forever...Oni-chan will protect you always..." Seishirou said to her little sister.



Miri sat in her bedroom in her house. She looked at the mirror in the wall on her side. A girl with an innocent looking stared back to her. The reflection in the mirror showed a girl in sad and pain....

"Onii-chan...." She whispered weakly as tears streaming down her cheeks. She unbutton her first and second button of her shirt to revealed a symbol of pentagram that glowed in her white skins. She could felt the burning mark on her breast.


On her 12th birthday, Miri was sent to America to study and live with their uncle and ever since that time, Seishirou started being cold and mean to all his friends especially girls.
Untill one days, Miri came back to Tokyo after 5 years gone. She grown up into such a lovely lady. Even though she just 16 years old, she looked like a blossom flower in the field.

Seishirou waited for his sister arrival in the airport.


"Miri-chan!" Seishirou smiled gently. He looked her with such a look as he raised his chin. "You have grown up ne?"

"Mou, Onii-chan! You're so mean! Do you wanted me still like a little girl instead of an adult?"

Seishirou laughed warmly and rubbed the girl's head.

"Yamete, Onii-chan!" Miri glared at him. "Don't treat me like a child!"

"Did I?"

"Yes! You rubbed my head like one would do to a small child!"

"Gomen! Gomen!"

"How was Oka-sama? Where is she?"

Seishirou looked very sorry. "She can't coming!"

Miri knew that look and said, "It's okey! Oka-sama still didn't love me, did she? She hate me ever since I was born into this world..."


Miri smiled forcely. "Iie, daijobu!"

"Well, forget about Oka-sama! You'll have fun playing with your Onii-sama ne?" teased Seishirou tried to cheer her up.

"Shall we go then?" Miri asked with her childish tone.

"Ok! First we should go home to saving your luggage then we could go to anywhere you wanted."

"I wanted to saw the best high school!"

Seishirou sweatdrop. "Are you sure? Why high school of all place?"

"'cause I'm gonna studying here again."

"Really?" Seishirou looked happy. "So why you didn't register yourself in the same high school as mine?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea!" Miri smiled but then looked scared. "But Oka-sama..."

"Don't worry! I'll talked to her later on!"

Miri smiled happily and leaned against Seishirou's breast like a lover. "What can I do without you, Onii-chan?"

Seishirou smiled gently and rubbing her head.

A glare again. "Onii-chan!"

Seishirou laughed heartly, it was the first time he laughing happily after 5 years...


"I love your school, Onii-chan! All your friends definitly was so good and warm!" Miri said as she slowly twisted dancing in her room with her new uniform.

Seishirou chuckled. "The uniform suits you well, don't ever took off it with else uniforms!" Seishirou said meaningfully.

Miri smiled too and winked to her brother. "Of course! I won't ever leave Japan again! I don't wanna come back to America."

"That's good news."

"Ne, in the class yesterday, I meet a girl, beautiful girl. She knew you quiet well! Is she your girlfriend?"

"You mean Himiko-san?" Seishirou asked. "Yes, but I'm broke up with her 3 weeks ago!"


"I was in love with someone else."

"Nani?!" Miri shocked. "But I though you...she..."

"I know what you wanted to said! You wanted to told me that I'm a baka who stupid enough to abandoned such a lovely lady but that was it...I can't undo my love for her!"

"But...Well, who was this lucky girl anyway? There so much girls after you but you just wanted her only?"

Suddenly Seishirou's face turn serious and he hold her wrist, pulling her to him. He quickly pinned her in the bed.

"Onii-chan, nani...?" Miri asked in panicked tone.

Seishirou next word make Miri shocked to hell.

"I was in love with you..."


"Always...For along time now..."

Seishirou kissed her lips gently.

For a brief minute, time like stop between them.

Seishirou brokes the kiss gently and stared to his sister.

"No..." Miri whispered and she tried to struggle but his grip was strong.

"I really was in love with you, Miri...Even though you're my sister..."

"No...Onii-chan, you can't..."

Suddenly the door of the room were opened and Setsuka stared in horror as she looked her son and daughter in such intimate position...

"What are you doing?" Setsuka shouted to them as Miri quickly pulled away from Seishirou's grip.

"Oka-sama, It's not like you though, it's..." Miri tried to explained but Setsuka doesn't want to heard, she slapped Miri's face.

Seishirou quickly pulled her mother and said, "Oka-sama..."

"Shut up!" Setsuka shouted. "This girl really such a troublemaker! I should killed you long time ago! You, the unwanted child! You should dies! Why you come back to Tokyo? You wanted to seek revenge? You wanted Seishirou for your purpose isn't?"

Miri cried softly. "No! No!"


Unconciusly, Miri shouted too. "No! No! Oka-sama don't said such a things to me!" Her tears streaming down her cold cheeks.

"Miri-chan! Miri-chan! Wake up!" A man voice.


Who was there?

To Be Continued...........

What about it? Maybe I'm crazy to make such a story...I'm not good in writing english language, so sorry if you get confused with my fic. Well, in fact, I'm just wrote this for fun. Originally, I translated my fic from indonesian language to english language. I hope you're like my fic. Could someone tell me if there was a web for indonesian fic? He...he...he..!