Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing A Love For You ❯ I just wanted to be alone!! ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yami No Matsuei/X-1999 Fanfiction

Wishing A Love 4 U

Miri and Misae walked toward the school together. They looked happy as they talked and joked around untill a few boys come by and stopped them.

"What do you want?" Miri demanded.

"Die, witch!" One of the boy suddenly threw some blood to Misae while some boy were catched Miri's arms.

"Hei! Let go of me!" Miri shouted angryly.

Misae looked at her uniform that was stained by the blood and screamed. In her mind, a voice shouted to her that she was a killer. She killed all her family and friend because she hate them, that the blood all over her were the blood of the victims.

Miri panicked and tried to calmed her down while the other boys looked afraid and said, "It's worked! She would transform soon to her true form!"

"Stop it! You're gonna make her insane with all this!" Miri demanded angryly and kick the boys that caught her and then ran toward the hysterical Misae and hugged her.

"I'm a killer! I'm a killer!" Misae looked shocked, her eyes turned blank.

"No! You're not!" Miri said to her as she quickly pulled a handkerchief and wipe all the blood over her friend's body.

Misae fainted in Miri's arms.

"So she finally revealed herself ne?" One of the boy said cruelly.

Miri glared at him and shouted, "You're all monster! You keep told her that she was a killer, an evil but what's about all yourself? What you did to her were definitly a work of an evil!"

Suddenly one of the boy screamed fearfully as something invisible ripped his body violently and he dies.

The other boys stared in horror and ran away, called police and other people and screamed about an evil.

Miri looked shocked too and quickly recovered, she held a talisman paper and read a spell to let her saw something that can't be looked by ordinary eyes.

A white kind of monster appeared before her eyes and attacks her violently.

Miri held a kekkai to protect Misae and concentrated herself as a white eagle shikigami appeared before her and fought the monster.

The eagle hoared as it ripped through the monster and the monster screamed and fades aways…

Tsuzuki and Hisoka came all the ways after heard about the monster and found Miri hugged Misae carefully.

Tsuzuki asked the girls with panicked tone, "Miri-chan! Misae-chan! Daijobu?"

Miri quickly let Tsuzuki hold Misae and said to brought her to hospital while she leaned against Hisoka and begged him to brought her home.

Tsuzuki looked Miri in concern and strange as Miri threw him a genki smile. Tsuzuki then quickly hold Misae in his arm and went away.

Hisoka helped Miri to stood up but suddenly the girl fainted.


That days Misae didn't even opened her eyes, the doctor said she was in shocked and must rest peacefully.

A few days later as Miri wanted to visited her friend in the hospital, she meet up with Reiji again.

"Yo, Young Lady, we meet again!" Reiji greeted her.

Miri glared at him because she still mad about the incident the days before.

"I'm sorry to hit your head that time, it's an accident."

"Yeah, right!" Miri said mockingly.

"It's the truth! I don't expect you to shield that gaki."

"Hisoka isn't a gaki!"

"Whatever!" Reiji rolled his eyes and asked her if Hisoka was her boyfriend or not.

"That's none of your bussiness!" Miri said coldly. She said even though Hisoka not her boyfriend, it has nothing to do with him.

Reiji chuckled. "It's seem you still can't forgive me ne?"

"Of course!" Miri shouted angryly. "If someone hit your head, will you forgive him?"

"Forget about it, I didn't come for fight."

Miri stared at him suspiciously. "What do you want?"

Reiji asked her with confident, "Won't you go out for a date with me?"

Miri frowned. "A date?!"


Miri's head expanded 3 times bigger than normal. "Didn't you heard me well?! I'm still angry with you! Leave me alone!"

"Your angry won't last long." Reiji grinned.

"What do you mean?"

"I knew who you are, little one…"

"What are you saying?"

"I saw you a few days ago when the incident of Hakamura-san happened."

Miri frozen. "What are you talking about? I don't understand!"

"You could pretended not know but I knew what I saw…And I already memorized it in my camcorders, It's so wonderfull the way you fought…" Reiji said in dangerous glint. "If I want, I could let other people to watch the moment in my camcoders."

"You!!" Miri shouted angryly.

"If you killed me now, everyone would know your secret."


Miri asked, "So what do you want then?"

"Simple…Just a little favor and everything gonna be okay…" Reiji said. "I wanted your power…Give me some power of yours!"

"What?! Are you crazy?"

"I don't care what you thought about me. So did we have a deal?"

Miri frowned again then told him to meet up with her in the school tomorrow because she wanted to think about the date and their little deals.

"Remember this, if you told that gaki or that weird teacher about our conversations, your history end up here…." Reiji said seriously.

Miri sweatdrop as Reiji laughed idiotly and walked away.

Unknown to them, a pairs of cold eyes watched the scenes silently and then grinned evilly.


The next days as Miri meet up with Reiji, he looked strange, no confident anymore, he looked like being chased by mafia.

"I was in danger! You should protect me from her!" Reiji begged her.

"From who?" Miri asked confused.

"Hakamura-san! She was an evil!"

"I told you that she's not…"

"I saw it by myself!" Reiji said stubbornly. "That time, she made the girls suicide."


"Yes, the girl cried for help as suddenly her own hand move by itself and ripped her own throat!"

"It's not like you though!" Miri said. "I believe there was something wrong with Misae but it's not something like that!"

"Yes, something really wrong with her and that because Hakamura-san is the evil itself!"

"You're lying!"

"I'm not!" Reiji shouted stubbornly. "I saw it by myself!"

"That was a nonsense tale!" Tsuzuki suddenly appeared and stared at Reiji with such cold eyes.

"Tsuzu, upps, Sensei!" Miri looked nervous.

Tsuzuki walked up to Reiji and said with scary tone, "I'm warned you! Stop disturbing us! Stay away from Miri and Misae!"

Reiji looked scared and storms off.

"Chotto!" Miri shouted, she really has a bad feeling about this but she couldn't put a finger on it.

Tsuzuki stopped her. "That's enough, Miri, you shouldn't involved with him anymore."

"What's up with you? I just felt something wrong with him!"

"Are you saying you believe what he said about Misae?"

"No! Well, I just wanted to found out what he know and you mess up everything!" Miri shouted.

"Well, sorry about that!" Tsuzuki storms off.

"What's up with him? Recently he looked strange!" Miri asked herself.

"So you do notice…" Hisoka suddenly appeared.


"I think he was in love with Misae but he did strange."

"Are you saying he's under controll by some spell?"

"I don't know!" Hisoka said. "This is bad! A Shinigami can't have relationships like that…"

Miri and Hisoka stared each other seriously.


"Help! Someone help me!" Reiji screamed as the monster teared his legs apart. `AAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCKK!!"

In the dark, someone smiled coldy at the dead body of Reiji….






Misae opened her eyes, she looked nervous.

`What happened to me?' Misae asked herself. "What in the world that dreams?"

Misae coughing up violently and was shocked when she saw blood stained her hands…


Reiji was killed.

"What in the world happened?!" Miri screamed in distress. "That days…if only I came to his house to asked him everything he knew maybe now he's still alive…" Miri said to herself.


Pain devoured her souls.

`I'm stupid, I shouldn't let my emotions mess up with me. What was wrong with me? When did I start to change? Is it because of him?' Miri though carefully. `Come to think about it, since I meet up with him, I'm started to change.Tsuzuki…I wonder if I was in love with him….or….'

"What are you thinking about, Miri-chan?" Suddenly Tsuzuki appeared in front of him.

Miri looked at him strangely then shooked her head. "Iie, it's nothing."

"Are you still angry to me about yesterday?" Tsuzuki asked her. "I'm sorry, I don't know what got to me that day."

"Who's said that I'm angry anyway?" Miri asked back.

"Really? So you didn't?"



"Are you thinking about Reiji?"

"He's said that he was in danger but still I…I was so careless, I should pay more attentions to him."

"It's not your faults! It was his fate to die."

"Maybe. Maybe not."

"No one can escaped from their destiny."

"I knew, but still in my heart, I felt sad over him."

Tsuzuki silently looked at her.

Her face somehow looked so sad and melancholy.

"Why you looked sad?" Tsuzuki unconciusly asked her.

Miri looked calm. "Did I?"

"If you felt guilty about Reiji, then you shouldn't. If it was someone fault, that would be me, of course."

"Iie. It's not anyone fault, maybe what you said earlier was the truth. It was his fate, the same like us."

"What do you mean?"

"Become a shinigami, it was fate, wasn't it? No one can't ran away from their destiny…"

"Why? Miri? You looked like wanted to seek death."

"I'm already dead, aren't I?"

"You're right, what's up with me?" Tsuzuki gave her a small smile. "You didn't like being shinigami, did you?"

"I could ask the same question to you too, Tsuzuki-san?"

Tsuzuki said in serious tone. "To tell you the truth, I don't want to become shinigami."

"Then why you…?"

"First time, I though become shinigami, I could helping people that suffered but what I did instead taking someone life to Meifu."

"But what you did is just guide their lost souls, right?"

"I know, but I couldn't help to feel guilty."

Miri looked to the window and sighed.

"Say, Tsuzuki-san….Are you by any chance was in love with…Misae?"


"Did you?"

"Why would you wanted to know?" Tsuzuki smiled and teased her. "Are you jealous?"

Miri look away from Tsuzuki with melancholy face. "Iie. Forget about it."

Tsuzuki sighed. "You know, I asked myself about it too and somehow I didn't know the answer. I think I'm just respect her, that's it."


"What for I'm lying to you?" Tsuzuki grinned.

Miri looked him. `What did you do to me, Tsuzuki-san? Why I can't pretend just like I want whenever you were around me? I don't want to feel…..I just want to be alone, but with you and Hisoka around me, I….' Miri though silently. `Guess, both of them really affected my whole life…'

"Miri-chan, daijobu?" Tsuzuki asked her. "Is there something in my face? Why you keep staring me?"

Miri blushed. "Iie, I'm fine. I'm just thinking about something else…"

"Are you sure?" Tsuzuki asked in concern. " You looked somehow so sad, make me worried."

"I'm fine! Really! You shouldn't worried over me, you better took care of Misae, if something happened to her…"

"Why you always mention Misae name whenever I'm talked to you?" Tsuzuki asked suddenly. "Are you jealous over her? I'm already said that I was just respect her nothing else."

"You didn't need to explain it to me, afterall I'm not your girlfriend nor your wife, so stop talk nonsense about me being jealous, ok?"

"I mean it! Are you by any mean had a feeling for me?"

"Don't ask something private to me, Tsuzuki-san. I don't want to talked about it. There's no use."

"Sorry…" Tsuzuki muttered. `Guess you didn't feel anything.'

To Be Continued…

Merry x-mas & Happy New Year!!