Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing A Love For You ❯ Do I sense a lovebird here? ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yami No Matsuei/X-1999 Fanfiction

Wishing A Love 4 U

Reiji and Hisoka stared at each other dangerously while Miri watched nervously.

Reiji punch Hisoka but the boy dodged it well enough and send a good kick to Reiji's stomach.

A few student came and quickly called a teacher to stopped both of them.

Reiji fought against Hisoka wildly while the boy just calmed and dodged his attacks.

"What's the matter, kid? Afraid, huh?" Reiji demanded. "Don't just dodged my attacks! Fought me bravely!"

Hisoka glared at him.

"That's enough, Hisoka!" Miri begged. "We already got so much trouble today, we didn't need one again."

Hisoka stopped fighting and stared at Reiji. "You're lucky today."

Hisoka took Miri's hand and goes out, leaving Reiji angry.

Suddenly Reiji took a stick from nowhere and used it to hit Hisoka. Miri saw this and quickly make Hisoka avoid it so it was her instead hit by the sticks.

"Watch out!" Miri screamed as she shield the boy from Reiji.

Hisoka looked shocked when he saw Miri's head started to bleeding.


Miri collapsed to the floor but Hisoka catch her in time before she hit the floor.

"Daijobu?" Hisoka asked panicked. "Quickly call a doctor!" He shouted to one of the student nearby.

"Iie! No need…to call doctor…I'm fine!" Miri said as she smiled weakly to Hisoka.

Hisoka frowned. "Baka! Shield me like that…" He stared at her blood that staining on his hand.


"Why would you apologized for?"

"To make you angry…and worried." Miri said and smiled before fainted.

"Miri! Miri!" Hisoka gathered her in his arm. "Make way! Make way! I wanted to go to clinic!"

Reiji stunned in his place, he stared in horror as he saw Miri's blood that staining in the floor.


Medical Clinic School

"Nothing serious with her wound in the head but maybe for a while she would suffered for a bad headache." Said the doctor on the clinic as she checked her note.

Miri lay down in the bed helplessly while Hisoka listening the doctor said. Her head already been checked and the doctor gave her some medicine.

"I told you not to call the doctor, didn't I?" Miri whispered to Hisoka.

"Yes. But I didn't call the doctor, I just brought you to here." Hisoka said and smiled innocently.

"Baka! We're shinigami. This wound won't last long, it could recover quick."

"I knew that already, but if I didn't took you to the doctor they will suspicious to us."

"Ok! Ok! Whatever!" Miri muttered.


"What is it?"

"Thanks for saving me!"

"No problem!"

Hisoka grinned. "But I still think that you're so idiot to shield me like that!"

Miri sweatdrop. "By the way, where is he?"

"You mean Tsuzuki?"


"He `s with Misae, I think Tsuzuki wanted to accompany her to her home."

"WHAT?" Miri looked shocked. "But isn't it more suspicious that a teacher went to his student's house together?"

"I don't see something wrong with that."

"How about her uncle?"

"Misae said that her uncle went to other countries for work but actually he was afraid to live together with her."

"Sou de su." Miri sighed. "Well, shall we go then?"

"Where to?"

"Misae's house."

"What for?"

"To help him to protect Misae. I don't trust Tsuzuki could handle Misae."

"He could. Trust me. He always could." Hisoka said. "Tsuzuki maybe looked foolish but he's quite powerful."



"Still I can't leave Misae to him. What if he did something to her?"

"Like what?"

"How should I know?" Miri said and grinned evilly. "I won't let him have fun by himself."

Hisoka slapped his head. "I don't believe I have a partner like you two…"

"Hei! What that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Now we better go. I believe the thought of Tsuzuki have fun with Misae had throw away your headache, isn't it?"

"You're so mean…"

"Whatever! Whatever!"


Misae's house

"It's horrible!" Misae sat on the chair and sighed.

"Would you mind if I asked you about that?" Tsuzuki asked politely after he makes some tea for her.


"Good. Could you tell what happen to the girls?"

"The police has asked the same question. Sensei, are you suspect me killed her?"

"No! No! That's not it!"

"The girl teased me, she said I was an evil. She keep saying like that and I'm angry. I slapped her but suddenly she pulled a knife from her pocket and tried to make me scared." Misae said and drank her tea carefully. "I don't know what happen, suddenly everything make me confused. Why she keep told me that I was a killer, a witch? She said I shouldn't exist in this world…"

"Misae, did you believe that you're an evil?"

Misae looked shocked. "Well, maybe…Afterall I always brought unfortune to my family. Ever since I was child, Oto-san didn't love me because I'm not his daughter."

"What? But I thought…"

"My mother have a boyfriend, they're make love and that's why I was born into this world but apparently my father found it out then ever since that my father treats me so badly and so the other family, especially after my mother dead. Sometimes I wish that they will disappeared from my life…"

Tsuzuki looked at her in sympaty.

"One month ago, I went to the hospital, they said I was suffered for an incureable disease." Misae said, almost without emotion. "They said my life won't last long…My father knew about that, but still he never treats me with kindness. He said I would better dies quickly."

"What kind of family is that?" Tsuzuki said disapprovely.

"Why if something bad happen they always fault me?"

"They didn't mean to…"

"What did you know?! I had lost my family and all my relative was afraid with me so all my friend. I was alone in this world…always." She was crying. "Everynight I always have a bad dream. My family hate me, they said I'm a killer."

"That's not true. Your family dead because an accident."

"They dies because of me, always because of me!! I always brought unfortune to my family."

Tsuzuki hold her in his arm and said, "You shouldn't thought like that! It's not right!"


"It's okey, Misae! I will always with you…."

Misae cried uncontrollablely on Tsuzuki's breast.

Hisoka and Miri looked at the duo silently. Miri has a tears in her eyes.

"Miri, daijobu?"

"I'm fine, just a little tired."


Miri quickly wipe away her tears and smile cheerfully. "Were coming!"

Tsuzuki shocked and quickly let go of Misae.

Hisoka leaned against wall while Miri went to Misae and start babbling.

"Hei, Miri-chan? What's up with your head?" Tsuzuki asked.

"None of your bussiness!" Miri stick out her tongue.

Tsuzuki and Misae sweatdrop.

"Ne, Misae-chan, what did Tsuzuki done to you till your eyes looked red?" Miri asked innocently.

"Iie." Misae quickly replied. "We didn't do anything?"

"Are you sure?" Miri teased. "Why I could sense a pair of lovebird here?"

"Stop teasing her, Miri-chan! I think she was tired…" Tsuzuki said.

"Yeah, maybe you're right." Miri said. "Ne, Misae-chan? Where is your…" Suddenly Miri felt an incredible pain in her head. She almost collapsed.

Tsuzuki quickly pulled her to a chair and asked her if she's alright.

"I'm fine just a little hit only…" Miri said with genki smile.

"Are you sure?" Tsuzuki asked. "Maybe you should rest too?"

"I'm fine!" Miri replied in angry tone which make everyone in the room went silent. Miri quickly apoligised and excused herself.

"Wait!" Tsuzuki quickly after her but being stopped by Hisoka.

"I'll talked to her later, you better accompany Misae."

Tsuzuki looked confused.


"Damn it! Why I couldn't control myself?" Miri was angry with herself. "Now Tsuzuki and Hisoka would definitly worried about me…"

"Why you're afraid if Tsuzuki and I worried?" Hisoka appeared.

Miri frowned but said nothing.

"When Misae told Tsuzuki about her past, I sense pain and fear…" Hisoka said in serious tone. "But most of all the pain was from you…"

"Wha…? How did you…?"

"Didn't Tsuzuki told you that I'm an empathy?"

"You WHAT?!"

"I'm an empathy, you knew what it mean, ne?"

Miri laughed. "So that was it…I should more carefull then…I shouldn't let my emotion flow."

"The pain…I was sense from you is…"

"Forget about it, Hisoka. Don't let out a word about that…" Miri asked him in sadness. "Misae, when I saw her it's like I saw my own reflection…I should burn all my emotion away…My emotion brought pain and it make me remembered about the past I don't wanted to saw."

"You too…"

"Yes, I'm the unwanted child in my family so that why I felt sad too for her…" Miri said as she looked the sky above. "Now forget about this conversation, ok? Don't let Tsuzuki or Misae knew about this…"

"I understood, I will keep it as a secret."


To Be Continued…

I know this chapter is boring, well, can't be help it. Please read and review.