Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing A Love For You ❯ So much...That much you love her?! ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yami No Matsuei/X-1999 Fanfiction

Wishing A Love 4 U

Miri and Misae was in a store to buy something for the dinner. Misae asked Miri to stay overnight in her place. Misae would make a dinner for her friend.

"Ne, Miri-chan?"

"What is it?"

"Do you believe in love?"


"I don't know." Miri looked at her friend. "Why do you ask that?"

"Just curious." Misae answer simply.

"Today you look strange…and pale, is there something wrong?"

Misae shook her head. "Iie. It's nothing."

Miri looked at Misae suspiciously but didn't say anything.

"Ne, Miri-chan, what did you know about Sensei?"

"You mean Tsuzuki-san, I mean, Tsuzuki Sensei?"

"Hai! It's seem that you have known him for a long time, ne?"

"Not really! He's a friend of my Onii-chan." Miri lied to her.

"Tsuzuki Sensei…I wonder if he's already got a girlfriend."

"Why, Misae? Don't tell me that you're in love with him?"

Misae blushed. "It's not like that."

"Really, you shouldn't in love with him…" Miri said suddenly in serious tone.


"You deserve a good man and he wasn't a person that you should fall in love with."


"Because he's…" Miri shook her head. "Forget about it."

Misae looked confused but then she looked away with sad gaze.


Misae walked toward some room when she heard Tsuzuki and Miri's voice.

"Did you by any chance was in love with Misae?"

"Why would you want to know?"

"Iie. It's nothing."

"You know, I asked myself about it too and somehow I didn't know the answer. I think I'm just respect her, that's it."


"What for I'm lying to you?"


"Miri-chan, daijobu? Why you keep staring at me? Is there something in my face?"

"It's nothing. You shouldn't worried over me, better you took care of her."

"Why you keep mention her name whenever I'm talked to you? Are you jealous? I already told you, didn't I? I'm just respect her, nothing else."

"No need to explain, I'm not your girlfriend nor your wife so stop talking nonsense about me being jealous."

"I mean it! Did you have any feeling to me?"

"You shouldn't asked something private like that. I don't wanna to talk about it. There's no use."


"Misae's life won't last long, what will you do to her?"

Tsuzuki said seriously. "We need to find it out about the one who responsible for all murderer."

Miri said to as she raised her chin. "I believe this is evil done but still I couldn't quite put a finger on it."

"You think so?"

"Hai. I just wanted this to over soon and go back to Meifu."

"I will took care of Misae. Poor girl…She's already suffer so much in her short life…"

"Misae was in love with you. Are you plan to pretend in love with her?"

"Of course not. It's unfair for her if I did that. She deserve a good man."

"And it would be you, of course."

"Are you trying to play matchmaker over me and Misae?"

"I'm not. I just though about her short life, at least I wanted she's felt happiness just once."

"You want to asked me to be her lover?"

"I don't know, love is something that always come without invite, somehow it's difficult to despise it. That's why I don't want to involved with emotion in duty but it's seem I had fail…"

"I understood your feeling but I can't do that. Being cold and never smile, that's one thing I can't never do to people I care about."

Miri said. "Because we're shinigami, we couldn't have a relationship like that. That's why I prefer to being cold to everyone, no need to be loved. Misae choose that too so she suffered, she felt alone in the proceess. And now she was in love with you."

"Is that the reason your partner run away? They can't stand you're being cold, ne?" Tsuzuki sighed. "I knew…Being a shinigami, we shouldn't let our emotion mess up with humans but still I wish her happiness."

"So do I…but not in the way like that."

"Then what will you do to her feeling if you're me?"

"Maybe I should pretend to not notice it."

"Sou de su. Yes, maybe it was the best. Soon after she dies, we should guide her soul to Meifu."


"Misae-chan, daijobu desu ka?" Miri asked her in concern.

"Shinigami…" Misae whispered softly.

"What did you say?" Miri frowned.

"Did you believe there were shinigami in this world?"

"What's up with you? You keep ask me strange question."

"Gomen, just forget about it." Misae looked away.

"Misae-chan?" Miri looked confused.


Tsuzuki and Hisoka was in the library in JuOhCho, they tried to seek information about the monster that Miri saw a few days ago in a book that knowledge every monster and evil in the world.

"Ne, Hisoka?"


"What do you think about Miri-chan?"

Hisoka looked away from the book, frowning. "What do you mean?"

Tsuzuki sighed. "She was a strange girl, wasn't she? I don't know her trueself. Sometimes she could be cheerfull, funny and full of smile then the next time, she's being cold and looked so sad and melancholy."


"Yes, didn't you notice it? It's look like she wears 1001 masks over herself…"

Hisoka sighed, he know the reason why she looked like a 2 different people in the times being. She tried to hide away her pain and memory of the past.

"Everyone has a secret lies beneath theirself, including you, me and her." Hisoka said. "Well, we can't doing anything as long as she doesn't want to open her heart to us."

"You think so?"


"Maybe you're right but somehow I felt sad for her for unknown reason. I can't stand to see her behave like that. Doesn't she know that she was not alone anymore?"

"You should told her by yourself."

"Ne, Hisoka? Did you like Miri-chan?"

"What do you mean?"

"Any crush to her?"

"Baka! We can't have a relationship like that!"

"Why not? It's true that we can't have a relationship with human but Miri-chan is no longer human, she was a shinigami like us. There is no rules against that we can't have relationship to other shinigami, isn't it?"

"I know but I never think that way…"

"Why? Did you still think about her?"

"Who? You mean Tsubaki?" Hisoka asked him bitterly. "Maybe that was it, I felt guilty for not being able to save her. I killed her."

"That's not your fault. It's can't be helped, she was dying and what you did is just to end her suffer."

"I know but did I have a right to do that? Even if she was the one who asked me to do that, still I can't forgive myself."


"Forget about it. Maybe you wonder if I was in love with Tsubaki, the answer is I don't know but she's really meant so much for me, I won't ever forget her, she will always live in my heart. She makes me to felt again, to care for other people. I respect her, I appreciate her." Hisoka looked away and though. `And I, maybe…love her even though she doesn't love me back…'


"How about yourself? Did you love Miri? Or…Misae?"

Tsuzuki smiled and teased him. "Why? Are you jealous?"

"Of course not, you BAKA!"

"Today Miri asked me the-almost-same question about I being in love with Misae-chan or not. Funny, that both of you ask that, if I didn't know you well I will though that you're jealous."

Hisoka blushed. "I'm not a shounen-ai, you know?"

Tsuzuki grinned. "I'm not too, you know?"


"So I'm not have any feeling for Misae-chan, I'm just respect her and sympaty toward her but it seem that she misunderstood my feeling…"

"What do you mean?" Hisoka asked him with curious.


Tsuzuki and Misae was in the garden back off the school.


Tsuzuki smiled warmly. "What is it, Misae-chan?"

Misae looked nervous. "I, Sensei…I…"

"You can called me by my name if no one around, Misae-chan."

"Ano, Tsuzuki Sensei…"

"Tsuzuki is fine."

"I…I…I was in love with you!!"

Tsuzuki frozen. "What are you saying?"

Misae avoid seeing him. Her heart raced so fast. "Gomen! But I can't stand it anymore!"


"I know it's unusuall for me to said that. Gomen! Gomen! Forget about it!" Misae bowed continously and then excused herself.

Tsuzuki hold her wrist and asked her not to go.

Misae looked like about to cry but she tried to fight back her tears.

"Misae-chan, I'm sorry but I can't receive your feeling, I don't deserve it. You deserve a good man but it's not me."

Tears start to fell from her cheek. It's hurt so much. "Why? Why?" Misae asked him.

Tsuzuki said uncomfortablely. "I…I already have my special person."

"Who? Who is she?" Misae asked him.


"Is it Miri-chan?" Misae asked again.

"I don't know yet about my true feeling but for now I just can say sorry. I'm sorry for you to misunderstood my feeling toward you. Gomen!"

"Sensei, you.."

"Gomen!" Tsuzuki bowed.

Misae then smiled painfully. "I understood."


`I wonder if she really understand…' Tsuzuki though to himself.


Hisoka's voice snapped his back to reality.


"Are you honest to yourself about your feeling toward Misae?"

"Of course."

Hisoka sighed. This times it was true that Tsuzuki's feeling for Misae is none other than respect but not long ago Tsuzuki has lie to himself about his feeling toward that one girl, it's Hisae. Misae…Hisae… Come to think about it their names almost the same.

"Ne, Hisoka, what are you think about?"

"Iie. Nothing."

"Eh? What's times now?"

"Almost 7 o'clock already, why?"

"Shimata! Miri asked me today to go to Misae's house, she said that she wanted to told me something and then..."

"Go and have your time." Hisoka said. "Dinner in Misae's house, ne?"

Tsuzuki sweatdrop. "How did you know?"

"I'm an empath, remember?"



Misae's house.

"What did you cook for dinner, Misae-chan?" Miri asked her friend from guest room.

Misae in the kitchen, answered her. "I will cook something delicious." Then she said to herself as she pulled a knife and smiled coldly. "Really delicious."

Miri looked busy with Misae's collection VCD Anime.

"Misae-chan, I didn't know you like this kind of stuff."

"I did like it once…Now I didn't like it anymore."

"Sou de su."


"Misae-chan, are you ok?" Miri asked her friend as she walked toward the kitchen. "Misa.."

Misae collapsed in the floor and coughing violently.

Miri hurried to her friend and asked her if she was okay.

Misae coughing up with blood and it's shocked Miri as she panicked whether she need to call a doctor or not.

"You didn't need to pretended anymore, Miri…"

"What are you saying?"

"Stop pretend to worried over me!!"


"Don't call me like that!!"

"Ok, calm down, Misae…"

"I hate you…"

"Misae, why?"

"You think I didn't know that you're a shinigami?!"

Miri frowned. "What? How did you…?"

"Surprised?" Misae laughed. "You wanted to kill me, don't you? You wanted to bring my soul to the so called Meifu place!!"


"Yes, I heard what you and Tsuzuki said today…" Misae laughed painfully. "You're lied to me, pretend to befriend with me and in my back you terrorized me!!"

"What are you saying?"

"Those nightmare…You have planning it all to well…."

Misae pulled the knife and stab Miri.

"I don't understand what you mean!!"

"Don't makes me laugh!! You know damn well what I'm talking about!! You are the one who killed my family and that girl…and Reiji…"

"I'm not!!"

"You're a shinigami afterall, isn't it your job to kill people?"

"You got that all wrong!!" Miri shouted. "It's true that I'm a shinigami but I'm coming to protect you from the evil…"

"What evil? There's no one!! The evil one is you!!" Misae shouted back as she chase Miri and tried to stab her.



Hisoka opened page to page and felt boring untill something caught up by his eyes.

"This is…???" He looked shocked. "Shit!! Miri and Tsuzuki was in danger!!" He said as he quickly ran and bump into Gushousin.

"What is it, Soka-san? You looked terrified?"

"Miri and Tsuzuki was in danger!!" Hisoka said as he quickly storm off.

"Nani?!" Gushousin looked confused then ran after Hisoka.


"Misae, please STOPP!!" Miri dodged Misae's attacks but she couldn't stopped her.

"I don't want to heard anymore! I hate you!! I wish you never exist in this world!" Misae started to attack her violently.


"Why he must in love with you? Why you of all people?" Misae said as tears start falling from her cheek.

"What are you talking about?"

"Sensei…I was in love with you…" Misae said as her eyes turned blank. Then a white monster that a few days ago encounter with Miri appeared from Misae's body and it's attack Miri.

"What on earth?!"


"The monster that Miri saw a few days ago was a reflection of all the hate and pain that Misae suffered all this time. That's makes sense why none of us can sense the monster." Hisoka explain it to Gushousin.

"So the one who killed all that people recently is…"

"…Misae's reflection!!"


Tsuzuki walked toward the road and stopped in front of a cake store. He wanted to bought some cake for Misae and Miri.

Meanwhile Miri flies to every top of building as the monster chased her around and blow up everything that stopped the way.

"Oro, wasn't it Miri-chan?" Tsuzuki asked himself as he saw Miri's shadow flies on the sky above then he noticed the monster and quickly ran toward Miri's direction but lost track…

Tsuzuki then concentrated to locate Miri's life force.

Meanwhile Hisoka and Gushousin arrived at Misae's house and shocked to saw the house so mess up and there was a blood…

"Damn! We're late!!" Hisoka cursed under his breath as he looking everywhere tried to find out where Miri and the other went to. Then he noticed the unconcius Misae in the floor and quickly gathered her in his arm, tried to wake her up.

"Oi! Open your eyes!! Miri and Tsuzuki was in danger!!" Hisoka shouted as he shook the girl's body.

"Calm down, Soka-san!"

"How could I?! She's the one who can stopped the monster for now, or else the monster will killed everyone!!"

Gushousin looked scared.

"Gushousin, please go after Miri and Tsuzuki and told them about the monster, I will took care Misae!"

"Hai!" Gushousin then excused himself.

Misae slowly opened her eyes and saw Hisoka and the mess in her house, she looked a little confused.


"I…What happen?"

"You don't remember?"

"The monster appeared from my body…" Misae whispered weakly. "And it's attack her…"

"So you do remember…"

"What on earth happen to me?"

"The monster…It was the reflection of your feeling."

"What?! I don't understand!!"

"The one who killed your family and the other people recently…It' was the monster in you…Your pain, your hate…The monster killed all that people for you, because you wish it deep in your heart."

"You're lying!!"

"And now it seem that you hate Miri, didn't you? So the monster gonna kill her, please stop hating her! She's too suffered the same fate like you…She was unwanted child in her family back when she's still alive."


"Doesn't matter if you don't want to believe but there is one truth only in the world…"

Misae frowned as Hisoka went away, he wanted to help Miri and Tsuzuki.

"You're a shinigami too?" Misae asked him suddenly and it's shocked him.


"I knew it!! You all really…Sensei was too, right? He's one of you too?"

Hisoka sighed, he know there is no use to lied to her now and decided to tell her the truth.

"Yes, he was." Hisoka said and turned around to go when suddenly Misae hit his head and he fainted…

Misae looked at Hisoka without emotion then went away toward the direction where Miri was.


On top of Twin Tower Building, Miri stood up against the monster.

"What in the world this monster?! No matter I attacts it, it won't wounded nor died…?" Miri asked herself as she tried to heal her wound with her power.

The monster roared and blows some fire onto Miri.

Miri shocked, she can't move her body because her wound and tired of flies.

Suddenly Tsuzuki appeared and attacks the monster with a talisman paper but the monster dodged it well.

Tsuzuki looked shocked. "This monster…it's seem that someone controll it, but who?"

At the time, Gushousin appeared and told them everything.

"Misae is the one who controll the monster!!" Gushousin said.

"Nani?!" Tsuzuki and Miri looked confused but there is no time to hesitated as the monster attacks Miri and blows something like knife over her.

Miri then begged, "Misae, if you're here, please stop all this!!"

Misae did hear but didn't said anything.

Tsuzuki shield Miri with his own body.

It's happen so fast. No one can undo what already been set.

Miri looked shocked.

Misae looked pale.

Gushousin looked terrified.

Tsuzuki coughing up with blood as he leans against Miri weakly.

"Tsuzuki-san!!" Both Miri and Gushousin shouted in horrified.

"It's okay, it's just a little pain!" Tsuzuki said and winked weakly.

"Tsuzuki-san…" Miri hold the older man, her whole body trembling. Tears streaming down her cheeks.

Misae's hand went to her mouth as tears escaped from her eyes.

Tsuzuki looked at Misae and said, "If you wanted me…so much to be yours then kill me…"

Misae gasped.

"Kill me then you can do anything you want to me…but if you lay a finger on Miri, I won't forgive you!!" Tsuzuki said as he winced for the pain that consumes his whole body.

"So much…That much you love her…?" Misae said. "No matter what I do your feeling may never change…?"

Tsuzuki didn't said anything but suddenly he felt something bad gonna happen.

"Then both of you can die together!!" Misae screamed painfully.

The monster roared and attacts both Tsuzuki and Miri. Tsuzuki quickly shield Miri again as Miri begged him to run away. But the attacks never come…

Tsuzuki and Miri looked at Misae in confused.

Misae looked at them without emotion as the monster faded away. Her eyes turned blanks.

She said, "I have change my mind…Both of you can live forever…as for me…" She smiled bitterly and whispered. "Sayonara!!"

After saying that, the girl run to the other side of the building and jump!!

Everything happen so fast.

Tsuzuki-ignored his pain-ran toward Misae, tried to prevent her from doing suicide.

But it was too late now…

Tsuzuki stared at Misae's body down there with such a sad face.

Miri shakingly walked toward Tsuzuki and looked to the scenery down there…


Tsuzuki quickly hold the girl to his arms and not letting her to see the bloody scene. He tried his best to comfort her as the girl collapsed to the floor, shockingly.

"No!! This is not supposed to be happening…No! No!" She said trembling hardly. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!! AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!"

Her heart was broken…



It's started to consume her.

Her scream echoed throughout the cold night under the moonlight that claiming another soul.

Misae's soul.


Her soul.

To Be Continued…….