Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing A Love For You ❯ Charmed And Dangerous ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yami No Matsuei/X-1999/Charmed Fanfiction

Disclaimer: YNM and X character not belong to me. I borrowed some pinpoint from Charmed.

Wishing A Love 4 U

JuOhCho, Meifu

"Let's all go for party!" Chief Konoe said cheerfully.


Everyone in the room look at the Chief as if he was drunk or what.

"Chief, did you really meant it?" asked Tsuzuki with hopefull tone.

"Do I look like joking?" Chief Konoe said. "Tonight I will treat all of you in Shinjuku Karaoke Box!"

"Waiii!!" Wakaba jumped up and down in happiness. "Hajime, this is your chance to sing with me!"

"I can't believe this!" Terazuma muttered.

Tatsumi sighed then said, "Are you sure, chief? What's with the sudden party?"

"Ck, ck, ck…" Chief konoe pointed a finger then said, "With the bonus I get from EnMa DaiOh-sama, there is no need to worry!"

"Ah… So that's why!" Tsuzuki now turned SD. "Foodd!! I'm coming!"

Hisoka who was reading a book just shrugged.

Miri who sat in front the window said, "I'll pass."

Everyone looked to Miri as if she was crazy.

"What?" Miri asked as she felt everyone's stare at her.

"Now, that won't do, Miri-chan…" Tsuzuki said. "It's a rare opportunity for us to get the Chief for treat us."

"I'm not in the mood." Miri simply said.

"Then I would rather stay in my room. There was some more book I want to read…" Hisoka said.

"Not you too, Hisokaaaa…" Tsuzuki whined.

"Kurosaki-kun, Tsukishirou-san, I would rather having you two in my humble party." Chief Konoe said.

"Do we need to?" Hisoka asked as he closed his book.

"We also have some business to talk about later tonight." Chief Konoe smiling mysteriously.

"If you say so then…" Hisoka sighed.

"How about you, Miri-chan?" Tsuzuki asked with puppy eyes.

Miri look hesitated.

"Come on, Miri-chan!" Wakaba and Tsuzuki pleaded.

"Fine, I guess…" Miri said, she couldn't resist the puppy eyes from those two.


Shinjuku Karaoke Box

"Hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahaha!!" Chief Konoe lift his beer and said. "Let's get lost together! This is holiday time!"

Everyone smiled happily.

"Minna, I have chosen some song for all of you! Let's get to the song!" Wakaba cheerfully said. "The first song would be…"

Terazuma look nervous.

"…Hajime-chan!!" Wakaba squeak happily.

"Noooooooooooooooooo!!" Terazuma make a howling sound like a wolf.


Unnoticed by any living thing, a flying giant bird with scary face lift it wings and fly through the night sky…

The beast throw some black powder upon the town.


"The girls need a break-tonight we're gonna take
The chance to get out on the town
We don't need romance-we only wanna dance
We're gonna let our hair hang down"

Wakaba sang the song with all her heart.

Tsuzuki and Watari clapped their hand together as compliment of her song.

Hisoka just rolled his eyes.

Tatsumi was looking over the menu.

Terazuma looked pale and scared.

Miri smiled a little as she watched Wakaba bow as she finish with the song then Chief Konoe stood to get his song.

Chief Konoe took the microphone and sing with loud voice, "LET'S SPEND THE NIGHT TOGETHER, O, BABY! LET'S GET LOST IN EACH OTHER!"

Everyone sweatdrop.

"You CHOOSE that kind of song for Chief?!" Terazuma whisper to Wakaba.

Wakaba just smile.

They really have a good time together, not knowing what danger might be fallen over them.

Tsuzuki also sang a song chosen by Wakaba.

"I am the sun, I am the air.

I am human and I need to be loved
Just like everybody else does.

See I've already waited too long
And all my hope is gone!"

After finished with the song, Tsuzuki sat beside Tatsumi and frowned as he saw Miri and Hisoka not in their seat.


"You've come back…" Hisoka said.

"Yeah…" Miri said bitterly. "I hope for good…"

"That girl, your other self, Misato, isn't it? How did she appear?" Hisoka asked. "Is that because of your fa…?"

"You've talk too much, Hisoka-kun." Miri coldly said. "This is not your business…"

"You've change… You're not the Miri I once know…"

"And how did you know about that? You know nothing about me!"

"What was wrong with you?!"

"Nothing was wrong! I'm just do what I must do long time ago!"

"Being cold toward other people?"

"Speak for yourself, Hisoka-kun!"

"Whatever! I don't care about you!"

"I don't need your concern!"




"What a bothersome!" Miri said to herself as she was a few feet away from the spot where she talk with Hisoka earlier.

She made her way toward the karaoke box. Suddenly she felt ill and she collapsed to the ground with hard breath.



"Daijobu? You look pale." Tsuzuki said as he reach for one of her hand.

Miri drew back almost immediately as if the touch could burn her alive.

"Miri-chan?" Tsuzuki looked hurt.

Miri stand up by herself after a few second and then said, "I'm sorry but I'm alright now. I guess I can't follow the party till the end after all. I want to go back to Meifu."

"I'll go with you." Tsuzuki offered.

"No need."

"But I want too."

"I can take care of myself!" Miri snapped. "Don't treated me like a kid!"

"Miri-chan…" Tsuzuki look sad. "Did you hate me?"

"I'm not… It's just that I want to be alone…" Miri whisper softly. "Is that too much to be ask?"

Tsuzuki move closer to her. "No one should be alone."

Miri closed her eyes. "Fine then, do what you like but, please… Do not try to reach my heart…"

"Miri-chan, you don't want to be my friend?"

"It's not that…" Miri gritted her teeth. "Can't we just go home? I'm so tired…"


Hisoka walk away from Miri. `What's with the attitude anyway? I'm just tried being nice with her, wait, scratch that, I'm not supposed to care about her!'

Hisoka walk toward the street, not really knowing where he want to go.

`I guess I need some fresh air after all…'

Suddenly some powder fall upon him.



JuOhCho, Meifu

"Look at this!" Chief Konoe pointed a few photo at the table when the staff meeting the next 2 day. "Some strange death occurred. 15 people dead with unknown cause. They just got weaker every time like their energy were drained from them."

"How awful!" Watari exclaimed carefully as he observed the photo.

Hisoka looked to the photo silently as if he thinking hard.

"Some of the people said just before they got this disease, they saw some black powder fallen from the skies." Chief Konoe continued.

"Black powder?" Hisoka turn pale.

"What is it, Hisoka?" Tsuzuki asked in concern.

"Oh, no…" Suddenly Hisoka look very pale then he already is…then he collapsed.

"Hisoka!" Tsuzuki yelled as he catch his body in time before he fall to the floor.




"Magical Disease?!" Tsuzuki yelled in surprise. "Are you sure?"

"No doubt of it." Watari said with serious look.

Miri leaned against wall as she observed the scientist talk with Tsuzuki then she stole a look to the unconscious Hisoka in the bed near her.

Suddenly Terazuma rushed to the room, he was holding the unconscious Wakaba in his arm.

"WATARI YUTAKA!!" he yelled in panic.

"Oh, no!" Watari whined. "Not her too…"

"What do you mean by that?" Terazuma snapped angrily. "Get your fricking ass here right now and check her condition right away!"

"It's no use, She also infected by the disease." Watari explain.

"What?" Terazuma look confused then pissed. "What the hell you're talking about?! What disease? Talk clearly!" he said as he grab Watari's collar.

"Calm down! Calm down!" Watari tried to calm Terazuma.

"This disease… Is that any cure?" Miri who was silent for a long time asked Watari.

Everyone silent at that.

Watari sighed. "Unfortunely, no."

Terazuma go berserk again. "What do you mean by that? You know what? You better find the cure right away!!"

"It's not easy, you know?" Watari said after Terazuma stopped kicking him.

Tsuzuki raised his chin. "There must be a way."

"So then what was this magical disease meant?" Miri asked.

"It's a type of disease that only infect the people with magical power." Watari explain.

"Magical disease?" Terazuma look pale. "Oh, no!" He shoot a horrible face. "It was that powder!"

Everyone looked to him.

"You also saw it?" Tsuzuki asked with worried tone. "Did you…?"

"Terazuma!" Watari yelled as he saw Terazuma collapsed with a blood cough. "Oh, no!"


Chief Konoe stood in front of the window in his office.

Tsuzuki, Tatsumi, Watari and Miri stood behind him silently.

"I got the report from other shinigamis." Chief Konoe speak softly. "Some shinigamis from around the area also got infected with the disease."

"This no good, you know? At this rate, everyone will die…" Watari said.

"There must be a way! There must be a way! I'm not going to accept this!" Tsuzuki said with angry face.

Suddenly there was a voice: "There was a way after all!"

Everyone look surprise.

The door to the office opened and a girl around Miri's age appear with a smile.

Chief Konoe smiled. "Ah, you've come. Let me introduce you, this is Mutsumi Arisaka, a new shinigami for our bureau."


"Mutsumi Arisaka, 16 years old! Nice to met you!" Mutsumi said cheerfully.

Tsuzuki couldn't help but smile a little. "My name is Tsuzuki Asato and the girl over there is my partner, Miri Tsukishirou."

Mutsumi smiled to Miri.

"I'm Watari Yutaka."

"I don't think we have time for this but…anyway my name is Tatsumi Seichiro."

Mutsumi smile to everyone in the room.

"You said there was a way, what was it?" Miri asked.

"Yeah, there was this portal in the Eden." Mutsumi explain. "And it could lead us to the secret gate to the Chokosai, another realm ruled by Mikagamitaretaremu."

"Mikagamitarewuazz what?" Watari look confused. "I never heard it."

"Of course you don't know." Mutsumi said. "Only whitelighters know about this." Mutsumi said. "By the way, I forgot to mention that I'm an ex-whitelighter."

"Whitelighter…" Tsuzuki murmured. His face somehow look sad.

Tatsumi touch his shoulder in assured.

Watari smiled softly. "I miss them… We all do, aren't we?"

"Yeah…" Tsuzuki said softly. "But it's not the time to get sentimental. Get on with the story, Arisaka-san."

"Mutsumi, would do." Mutsumi said. "So this creepy guy, as the legend say, have this potion that can heal every disease. According what I know the one who spread the disease must be one of his animals. It must somehow run away from that realm and go to this world."

"Isn't anyone guard that gate?" Tatsumi said.

"There was, but currenty they was infected with the same disease. My guess, that animal really did a good job to get out from that place." Mutsumi said.

"Then there was a cure after all…" Tsuzuki said in relief. "So what we waiting for? Let's go the that realm!"

"Unfortunely… We can't." Mutsumi said.

"What? Why?" Everyone protested.

"It was forbidden door beside it was too dangerous." Mutsumi said.

"I don't care how dangerous it can be. If it can save everyone, I will do it!" Tsuzuki said.

"Yosha!" Watari scream happily. "Let's get going!"

"No, you don't!" Mutsumi said.


"Watari-san must stay with other who get infected as well as me. We must watch over them otherwise they could die anytime soon. We don't want to risk having their soul stolen, isn't it?" Mutsumi said.

"Stolen by who?" Miri asked.

"The Megamerototemo." Mutsumi said seriously.

Everyone sweatdrop upon hearing the word.

"Stop. I don't understand." Tsuzuki said as he raised one hand.

"Is that some kind of food or what?" Watari muttered with frustration.

"No. It's the monster from 5000 years ago. It was sealed by a powerful witch

because it like to consume souls of the people with magical abilities. Beside it rebels against the God and it swear to destroy world. So to speak he was very dangerous."

"But you said it was sealed!" Tatsumi said.

"Yes, it is. But recently there was a rumour that Mikagamitaretaremu have some connection with him and to the worse is he maybe have figure someway to unseal him."

"So we've to kicking this guy and stop him from unseal the dangerous alien then get the cure from him, to summarize it all?" Miri asked.

Mutsumi grinned. "Indeed."

"Nicey…" Miri muttered.

"Then I will go alone." Tsuzuki said.

"What? It's too dangerous! I'll go with you too!" Tatsumi said.

"No! It was supposed to be me and Tsuzuki, after all we're partner." Miri said.

"No, you can't, Miri! It's too dangerous!" Tsuzuki said.

"Speak for yourself! I'm going whether you like it or not!" Miri said.

"Fine, Tsuzuki, Miri…you two can go together while Tatsumi go catch the animal that caused all this trouble." Chief Konoe ordered.




"Is that the gate?" Miri asked.

"It seem so." Tsuzuki said.

Suddenly a woman and a man appear before them. The woman is an angel but the man is a demon.

"Are you Asato-san and Tsukishirou-san from EnMaCho?" asked a woman with blond hair.

"That would be us." Tsuzuki grinned.

The woman smiled. "Hi! I'm Kiriko Segawa." Then she pointed to the handsome man behind her. "That would be my partner, Kubota Hayama."

"Are you the new guardian of this gate?" Tsuzuki asked politely.

"Yes, we're. Let's go. We'll open the gate for you two." Kiriko said. "Need I remind you, this is a dangerous realm. Don't separated and be careful with the surrounding. Don't go the wrong door, otherwise you two will stuck in that realm forever."


"This is Chokosai?" Miri sighed. "It look like a desert to me."

"More like a wasteland…" Tsuzuki said. "Let's get going, Miri-chan."


Tatsumi have a very bad day trying to capture the damn beast, so he preferred to call, the beast seem to know his intention yet playing with it.

Tatsumi must summon his shadow in order to catch it but to no avail.



Meanwhile in Chokosai, Tsuzuki and Miri are no better. They keep being attacked with this creepy monster which can turn everything into plant.

"This is insane!" Miri said as she dodge the attack then purposely throw an ofuda to the monster.

"Watch out!" Tsuzuki yelled.


"Kuso!" Mutsumi yelled.

"What is it, Mutsumi-chan?" Watari asked.

"It's that monster." Mutsumi said. "Watari-san, did you have some candle?"

"Err, wait a minute!"


Tatsumi was wounded by the attack from the beast

The beast then transformed into a beautiful woman.

"What the…?"

"Tatsumi-chan…" The woman flied toward him and whisper in his ear.


Meanwhile Mutsumi was working with some ritual, something like witchcraft. She draw a pentagram in the floor and set some candle in every pointed star.

Watari lay Hisoka's, Wakaba's and Terazuma's bodies in the circle made by Mutsumi.

Mutsumi lit the candles and chant some incantation then she draw a symbol with her blood in every bodies.

"That symbol?!" Watari look surprised as he saw the symbol.

The symbol are three arcs interlocked inside a circle.

"You recognize it?" Mutsumi asked him.

"The three girls used that symbol too." Watari said.

"Ah… Of course, that incident…" Mutsumi said with a smile.


Tsuzuki and Miri keep walking in the desert, not really knowing where to go.

"Look! There was a castle! That must be that guy with strange name live in." Tsuzuki said.

"Blessed be." Miri said as she rolled her eyes.

Tsuzuki looked to her.


"Nothing. It's just that word remind me of someone precious to me…" Tsuzuki said. "Wonder what she was doing right now…" Tsuzuki looked to the sky above.

Suddenly a dragon appeared out of nowhere and it attack them with a high speed.

"Oh, crap!" Miri scream.

Tsuzuki giving her a look.


"What a handsome man…" The woman whisper softly as she gently caress Tatsumi's cheek.

Tatsumi was under her spell right now.

"From now on you will be my husband, my lover, my friend and also…" She snickered. "My slave."


Miri managed to kill the bird as Tsuzuki faced the dragon but to his surprise, the dragon disappear right after the bird dead.

They continue walking but it seem the more they walk the more far the castle would be…

"What the hell?! Must be some illusion covered this place." Tsuzuki said after he observed the surrounding.


Tsuzuki turn around to see Miri standing with pale face.


Miri collapsed to the ground but Tsuzuki managed to catch her in time.

"Woahh!! What happen, Miri-chan?"

Miri's body was trembling and she coughed violently.

"Miri-chan! Impossible! Are you…?"

"It seem…I was also…infected…" Miri said with a tremble voice.

"No…" Tsuzuki whisper as he felt a slice of pain stab right in his heart.


"It's coming!" Mutsumi said.

Watari stood outside the circle nervously.

A strange wind blow toward them and suddenly all the window in the room exploded.

"I want the souls…" A creepy voice of a man. "I want them…"

"Not a chance!" Mutsumi scream as she start to chant.

"Magic force charm and wide,

Take this evil away, don't let him stay,

The Circle of Good shall not been broken,

Protect this place till the sun rise…"

The man howled in protest as a barrier push him away.

"You can't stop me! The souls are mine! Those whose infected with the disease are mine!" he scream as he slowly disappeared. "I'll come back soon…!"

Mutsumi sighed. "I don't know how this barrier can hold on any longer. But it would hold him for a day."

"That's so cool!" Watari exclaimed. "Are you a witch?"

"Ex-witch, actually. When I was alive, I was killed by a demon then the Elders kindly make me become a whitelighter but due of some reason, I screw the rules and in the end I was end up become shinigami."


Tsuzuki was holding Miri in his arm. By that time, Miri's body was grew weaker and weaker.

"Miri-chan, we made it! Did you hear me?" Tsuzuki said.

Miri opened her eyes. "Thanks God…"

Carefully Tsuzuki lay Miri to the floor.

"Mikagamitaretaremu!" Tsuzuki yelled as he finally reached the castle. "Where are you?!"

"There is no need to yell." A calm voice of a boy. "I was right under your nose. Youth this time really impolite…"

"Wha…?" Tsuzuki's eyes gulped as he saw this kind of SD little boy.

"I'm Mikagamitaretaremu Omuhatata Talula Athoma Bin Asalajadeh." The boy introduced himself.

Tsuzuki sweatdrop.

"My name is Tsuzuki Asato and I'm coming in order to get the cu…"

"I know what your intention!" The boy raised one hand. "I will give it if you give the girl to me." He said as he pointed to Miri.



"This is like the end of the world…" Watari muttered as he observed so many strange bird trying to break the barrier.

"What took them so damn long?" Mutsumi yelled in frustration.


A chaos come over the skies.

Screams. Desperate. Tears.



Megamerototemo laugh evilly on top of Tokyo Tower.

"This world would be mine!"


"What do you mean?" Tsuzuki asked.

"That bitch kill my dear son…"

"What do you mean?" Tsuzuki look confused.

"Don't call me like that!!" Miri protested. "You Chibi Uncute Idiot Bastard with Idiot Names!" Miri or should we say, Misato was really annoyed with him.

Tsuzuki sweatdrop again.

Miri sat leaned against a pillar with hard breath.

"Watch your mouth, little girl! Otherwise I won't give you the cure!" The boy threaten.

Miri silent.

"You are afraid of me now?" The boy asked her with a triumphs smile.

"Should I be?" Miri smile mockingly. "For your information, I'm not afraid of death and especially not you!"

"Why you?! Bitch!" The boy scream.

"Enough!" Tsuzuki yelled. "Where is the cure?"

"You will handed her to me then?"

"I won't do that!"

"Then forget about the cure!"

"When the hell I kill your damn son anyway?!" Miri yelled.

"Miri-chan…" Tsuzuki sweatdrop. `She's not like the usual Miri. Impossible! Is she her otherself?'

"You kill him! You kill the bird! It was his other transform body!" The boy finally got to the point.

Tsuzuki and Miri look at each other.

"It's not her fault! Your son attack us!" Tsuzuki yelled.

"With good reason!" The boy yelled.

"What is the reason then?" Tsuzuki yelled again.

"We don't like outsider people!"

"But we have important mission! Plus, my friend's lives in great danger! Not to mention we have to stop whoever your plan was involved Megameromero!"

Miri sweatdrop. "It's Megamerototemo." She corrected him.

"What the hell you're saying? I never know about the Megamerothings!" The boy scream in frustration.

Tsuzuki and Miri look confused now.


"Oh, no! The barrier is breaking!" Mutsumi scream in panic.

Megamerototemo stood in front of her and waved his hand toward Mutsumi, send her flying across the room.

"Mutsumi!" Watari yelled and run toward her but stopped by Megamerototemo.

Megamerototemo raised his hand toward Watari's head. Watari scream in agony as a light come out from his body and the monster eat it. Watari collapsed to the floor, dead.

"No!" Mutsumi scream as Megamerototemo walk casually toward the circle and start do the samething to Hisoka…


"I will stay then…" Miri finally said. Misato has gone.

"What? Are you crazy?" Tsuzuki exclaimed.

"I have to do this otherwise Hisoka and the other dies!" Miri said calmly. "One must die in other for everyone to survive… Sound fair to me."

"No, you can't do this!"

"Yes, I can and I would."

The boy chuckled. "Good decision."

"Let's get it done!" Miri looked up to the boy. "You want to punish me, don't you? Then do it!"

"Miri-chan…" Tsuzuki helping the girl to stand up.

"It's ok, Tsuzuki-san…"

"I promise I will come back for you…" Tsuzuki whisper to her silently. "Even if that's mean I need to destroy this realm…"

Miri didn't said anything.

The boy smile and he raised his hand toward Miri and suddenly Miri was frozen inside the ice wall.

Tsuzuki touch the wall gently. He looked to Miri's face who look peaceful.


"She would spent her eternity inside the wall…forever…"

The boy raised his hand, a black mist appeared, a bottle appeared. He send it to Tsuzuki with telekinesis.

"That is the potion. You better hurry otherwise your friends is going to die." The boy said. "As for the animal who cause this, I've my people to bring it back to me. Don't worry, I assured you that all those people will live again."

"Is this potion much enough to do it?"

"Of course… Now go!" A black mist appeared from the boy hand and become larger pushed Tsuzuki away, back to the Eden, alone…


"Chief, what happen?"

"A demon entered Meifu. He kill Watari." Chief Konoe crying. "It's also kill Hisoka and the other…"

"No…" Tsuzuki look so desperate. He let the potion fall from his hand and collapsed to the floor…


Megamerototemo laughed evilly. "I'm win! I've consumed the souls! My magical abilities has increased now! No one can beat me now!"


"Who is there?" Megamerototemo scream. "Show yourself!"

A figure covered by flame appeared.

Megamerototemo look surprise then he bow to the figure. "I thank you for unseal me, O, Great Source Of All Evil…"

"In order to be more strong, you've to kill The Charmed Ones and a Shinigami called Tsuzuki Asato…"

"Considered its done, Master…"


"He was going to after The Charmed Ones?" Tsuzuki look very shock.

"Yes." Mutsumi said. "They're the powerful magical beings in the world…"

"But why?"

"I think the Source ordered him to do it."

"Why would he do what the Source said? Beside The charmed Ones already vanquish The Source long time ago!"

"It was the circle of Light and Darkness. In order to live on, we need the darkness. That was what called balance…"

"The hell with it!" Tsuzuki was very angry. "I'm going to San Fransisco!"