Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing A Love For You ❯ Another Me ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yami No Matsuei/X-1999 Fanfiction

Wishing A Love 4 U


Miri frowned slightly.

{Aren't you a fool one?}

Miri shake her head in frustation. 'Stop!! Misato, please........'

{Why you let him break the seals?}

'I don't want him to do that!!'

{Neither do I!! You think I will let him rape our body?? Again?!}

'STOOP!!' Miri closing her ears with both of her hands, wished that she can't stopped the voice that echoed through her mind. 'Please stop blaming me for that!!'

{I hate him, no, we both hate him. Why are you hesitated to kill him??}

'For God's sakes, he was my brother!!' Miri screamed in her mind.

{Like he ever think of you as his sister?! Don't forget that he killed you!!}

'He doesn't kill me!! I choose to die!!'

{So are you decided to forgive him? Even after what he did to you? Raped you? Killed you?}

'STOOP!!' Miri begged as tears streaming down her cheeks.

{I was created from your anger, sadness and pain. You created me. I was born to avenge him for you.}

'But I don't want to kill him!!'

{As long as he lives, we will never be released from the pain. I need to kill him! For our's sakes!!}

'I don't want to do that........'

{You didn't have too. I'm the one who will kill him.}

'You can't do that!!'

{And why I can't do that?? Listen, Miri!! I don't give a damn about he was our brother, but we were one existence. Your pain, your sorrow, I could felt it too, even I could careless about it. But dammit, will you stop pretended like an innocent one? We, no, you! You have lost your innocent the day when he did that to you! Don't you understand??}

`Can I have a right to blaming him for fall in love with me?? Can I have a right to blaming him for he was the Sakurazukamori instead of me?? Can I have a right to blaming him for he just done the tradition of our family to killed all the members of family in order to become the Sakurazukamori??' Miri screamed in her mind.


`He was my brother. My only brother. The one who always care for me when Okaa-sama abandoned me for stupid reasons. It seem so unfair for him to being born as the heir of Sakurazuka family. Couldn't have fall in love with people. Couldn't have warm heart.'

Silent again.

`He was supposed to kill me because I'm his only little sister. But he can't do that because he loves me so much.' Miri crying softly. `Why we were born as a siblings instead of a friends? Maybe, just maybe, could I give him happiness just like other people do? I don't want him to become a cold-hearted assasins. I want him to felt like normal people do.'

{Are you saying that you felt the same way as he did? YOU too falling love to him?}

`Why did you asked me that? You're ME, you know?'

{Even then we're different in any other ways. I was your darkest side. The side that cannot felt just like that supposed members of sakurazuka family must do.}

`But you dohate him.'

{Almost! Just like your dear brother said. I'm not truly become cold-hearted yet. Almost without emotion but still I have that hate feeling. Why do you think I felt hate over him? It's because you hate him!!}

`I know!' Miri felt so stupid now. `I hate him because he did that to me. But I, I don't want to kill him!!'

{I'm started to felt tired over this. Well then, do whatever you wish. But I won't ever release him for what he did to us. And stop screming in our mind about you didn't want to kill him!! I'm bored now. Well, guess I will leave the rest of it to you to being taken care of, since we still have some bussiness to attended to.}

Miri puzzled. `And what is that?'

{Aren't you a fool ones? Check it out the criminal, you idiot!! I guess that Tsuzuki man has already to infect you with his idiotness.}

Miri sweatdrop but then smile softly. `Thank you.'

{For what?}

`For understood me well and for always being there when I can't handle the pain.'

{Can't be helping………Like I have a choose? Afterall you're ME and I'm YOU.}


JuOhCho, ShoKan Division

"Hatchii!!" Tsuzuki sneezed a little. "Hmm, someone must have been talk about me on my back."

Hisoka looking at him and snorted, "You're such a fool!"

"You're so mean, Hisoka!!" Tsuzuki said in teary eyes.

"Because you're a baka!!"


"What??" Kaori screamed. "Are you saying that the killer is not him?"

"Definitly not him." Miri said silently.

"Then who's you have in mind as a suspect?"

"Whomsoever the suspect is, certainly he/she or should I say it(because maybe it was a monster), they do it as a bait to lure me for some reason."

"Using his style of killing? They sure knew how to act." Kaori look like she's gonna freaked out. "But then, that's imposible!! Aside from me and EnMaDaiOh-sama, who else could probably knew about your past?"

"That's what I want to found out."

"Heck, so I accidentally involved with this stupid games of your so whomsoever suspect is?"

"Seems like that." Miri sighed. "I don't know if this involved me or maybe, hopefully, not. But I can't ever forgive the one who responsible for this. Killing innocent people just like there was some sort of toy………"

"Sound awfully like someone we both knew ne?" Kaori said mockingly.

"You mean him?"

"Who else?!"

"Please, Kaori, stop putting yourself in danger."

"What do you mean by that?" Kaori snapped angrily.

Miri looked at her. "Stop chasing him! You're too obsession over him."

"Because he killed Kazuma!!"

"Let me handle him. I will responsible for his acts."

"I don't believe you. You're too careless because of that Kazuma dead. I don't wanna to given up my avenge for you."

"Do you think Kazuma-san will happy to see you like this?"

"What do you know about him?!! You didn't knew anything!! You never understand my feeling toward him!!" Kaori said as tears streaming down her cheeks.

Miri frowned slightly.

"Why? Why he must falling love with you? He leave me, his partner, to being paired up with horibble being as you!!"

Miri looked away.

"I hate you, Miri! I hate you!! You gonna pay for all the pain I have received. You and your stupid brother!!"

"Will you stop that, you little being?!" Suddenly Misato snapped angrily. `Stop, Misato!' Miri begged as her otherself takeover her body. `Don't fight her!' But Misato ignored her beg and continue to flaming the poor girl with such a rough words.

Then for almost 5 minutes both girls continued flaming each other untill a scream sound filled the air.

Both girls quickly ran toward the scream to find another victims has lay beneath a tree.

"And you say it's not his done?" Kaori demanded as she saw a sakura petals on the dead body.

Miri sighed quietly at that.

To Be Continued………..