Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction ❯ Kimera Humanis ❯ Release ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
--Kimera humanis--
I do not own Tokyo Mew Mew or any of it's related characters.
Thanks to Kitty the Wandering Wood Nymph for reviewing. I left out the gory parts in this chapter since, in my opinion, too much violence will only ruin the atmosphere. But don't worry, there'll be lots of action the next chapters. Now, let's get started.
02: Release
bridge of the alien ship had become a rather quiet place in the last days. Taruto's gaze crept over the numerous control panels and monitors, when he heard someone enter the bridge. "Still awake, Kish?" The older alien simply floated over to a huge screen. "Not much going on.", he said. The image of the earth on the screen was changing into a 3-D model of Tokyo. Taruto floated over to the screen and asked: "Anything new from Pai? He's locked himself in that damn laboratory for two days now." Kish answered: "What? Do you expect me to know about of his and our 'great' master's little secrets?" He looked back to the screen. "But.. you know, I was really wondering what they needed me to catch that specific human for them." Taruto blinked and asked, a little surprised: "He told you to get that specific geek?" Both frowned a slightly. Kish broke the silence. "Whatever. It's not gonna matter anyway. As far as I know our mutual friend and his percentages we will only end up failing, again." He smiled a little bit at the thought of their last attempt. 'Oh man, this is just like some kind of TV show. Especially with 'her' and...' "Kish?! You're not thinking about the old hag again, are you?" Taruto turned to Kish, only to see a too-well-known mocking expression staring back. "Taruto.... who are you to talk anyway?" And with that said, he teleported away. Leaving a very pissed off alien, alone on the bridge, yelling at no one special that what Kish said was stupid crap and that he hated that Monkeygirl .
decks below them, a bright light that shone into Naoki's eyes woke him from his narcosis. It took him a few moments to remember his situation. He looked at his arm, only to see that it had turned pitch-black. It had also become shiny, like a reptile-skin or an insect's exo-sceleton. He assumed the rest of his skin shared the same fate. He growled at the darkness: "What are you doing? I don't care who you freaks are, but this game makes no fucking sense." He knew the older stranger was there. He didn't know why, but he could feel a person's presence and if it were the younger one, 'Taruto', the childish voice would have made some sly comments by now.stranger answered in his distant, monotone voice: "I told you already, we're destroying and reconstructing you." A clicking sound came from the table. "In every way." Pai moved aside and Naoki could see another syringe, this time filled with a bright green chemical. The alien walked over to him and stung the needle into his black skin. He didn't feel the pain. The deaf feeling in his body prevented him from feeling the small needle. "You'll fail.", he stated. The alien pulled the needle out and turned to the table. "Just keep telling you that." Naoki growled slightly, unnoticed by himself, but remained silent.short while later a cold chill went through Naoki's body, or what parts of it he could still feel. The alien spoke again: "All you do to resist it will only make it stronger. It's running through your very veins right now and the change has already begun." He paused his work at his instruments to ask: "Or haven't you noticed that you are not breathing anymore?" For a second nothing happened, suddenly Naoki began to gasp for air. A painful expression spread over his dark face. "Don't try. The machine is supplying your blood with oxygen. Your lung's bio-structure was altered to support your heart-pressure and blood-flow. That raises your metabolism by over 300%, allowing quicker reflexes and faster muscle coordination." Naoki had stopped his truggle for air, but was even angrier than before. "Stop talking shit!! What have you done?!" Pai turned around, Naoki still tried to figure out the stranger's face. "What I have done? Not much. The rerouting of your circulating systems was nothing, replacing most of the calcium in your sceleton with more stabile material, for extreme damage resistance, was a simple procedure. All that physical upgrading is meaningless. The biggest change are your own doing. And I'll be there, when you realize that." Before he could answer to that, Naoki was sedated again.
in Naoki's mind he felt like crying and laughing at the same time. 'Yeah, funny as hell, idiot.' Shyzophrenie could be a blessing. At least then, one personality didn't know the other exists. Naoki had never considered himself mentally instable. On the contrary, he always knew what was going on with him. He did have depressions, but he was aware of that and accepted it as a part of himself. He hadn't led a bad life, but something had always felt wrong, and he hated that. He didn't want to be happy with the world. Not with that grey useless place. Maybe that's how it had begun: from the inside. Nobody wants to live happily, when his life is the darkness within himself.leaves only two solutions that wouldn't result in selfdestruction: either continuing to live with a grey, passive outside and the chaos inside your head.the darkness spreads from your mind to your outside, controling both. The consequences would be too severe to contemplate.
Ikebukuro, a northern suburb of Tokyo, the sun slowly rose, sending rays of it's blinding light over the horizon. The light also fell on the alarm-clock next to Ichigo's bed. The display changed to 6:30 and the morningly peace was ended by a noisy beeping sound. Ichigo turned over and switched the alarm of, got up and, following her routine, crawled towards her bathroom to wash her face. But something made her stop, turn around and look at her calendar. A reliefed shiver went through her body and she silently praised the person that had invented Golden Week (a line of japanese Holidays which, by coincedence, are all in the same week). "Yaaay, no boring school for a whole week." She quickly took a shower and dressed.half past ten she decided to call Lettuce and discuss what to do in the next days. However, the moment she reached out to take the phone, it started ringing. Startled, she shrieked and dropped the phone. "Ha.. hai. Momomiya here." Ryou Shirogane's extremly pissed off rung in her ears: "God damn Ichigo! Golden Week doesn't mean that you don't have to show up for Mew Mew briefing. Now come to the caffe, everyone's waiting." "Ahh, yeah.. okay, okay. I'll be there in a second." "On the double." Click.could be a bitch.
at the caffe, Ichigo could imediately tell that something was wrong. No crowd of giggling schoolgirls, no Purin, running havoc on the enviroment, nothing. Just a simple note on the door saying: 'Closed'. She hasitated before knocking on the wooden door and saying: "Anyone there? It's Ichigo." Ryou's voice could be heard: "Ichigo?" She could hear footsteps and then the door swung open, right into her face. "RYOU YOU IDIOT!" Instead of answering he simply grabbed her arm and pulled her inside. The other Mew-Mews and Keiichiro were already waiting for them. Ryou spoke in an angry tone: "As I already said: bad news. During a routine check of our database I found out that ca. 55 hours ago the chimera alert was triggered. However, the signal vanished after a few minutes without a trace. At that time a subroutine in the program switched of the alarm and stacked the file away. Since no one was here at that time, no one noticed and the incident was forgotten." The others didn't really know what to say. Lettuce asked: "So what should we do about it?" Keiichiro stepped forward. "Maybe we can still find some traces." Minto cut in: "After two days?" Ryou simply stated: "Either we get onto that source and investigate or we do nothing and the option of sitting around is not on the menu. So we'll go." Ichigo asked: "Where was it anyway?" Keiichro answered: "Yoyogi-koen."
will be ... time ... everything is ... for the ... steps," Somewhere, on the other end of the room, the stranger was talking to someone. Naoki couldn't understand them, it was as if he was constantly on the brink of unconciousness. '..wonder what time it is... and what day.' Being locked away in a cell makes you loose all feeling for time. In the end, the confusion adds up to the prisoners exaustion, making him crack.
master, the change will be complete soon. Everything is going as scheduled." His master's voice answered: "I see. As soon as it is finished, deploy the creature in the area where you caught the human." "Yes, Deepblue-sama." The tele-holograph vanished and Pai focused his attention back on his experiment. He wasn't concerned that Naoki might hear them. Instrument readings had shown that the psychological change was holding him in a near comatose state. 'The experiment is a succes. In 6 hours the full physical change will be completed.' He spoke out loud: "Time for the last step." 'Oh, right.' "Computer, lock all acces to this room. Internal scanners, shut down." The deep, echoing sound of locks moving into place rang through the room and it's connecting corridors. Pai walked to a shelve on the wall and pulled out a metal box. He placed the small container on a table, removed the 'Biohazard' seals and opened it. A bright red light was emitted from the fluid, sealed in a little glass cylinder. Pai hesitated. He knew what this would do, he should know. He created it. He mumbled: "For our race," With that he took out the cylinder and loaded it into a special syringe. Carefully, he carried it to the object of his experiment. Naoki was barely alive. Fog was filling his mind, blocking his thoughts. "This might feel... strange." He injected the flaming chemical into Naoki's left arm. For the moment, nothing happened. "We won't meet again." Pai then teleported out of the room. Walking down the corridor, he counted the seconds. '4... 3... 2... 1...'
the room Pai had just left, Naoki snapped out of his trance. He could feel something, moving through him. Suddenly he realized that the room was gone. He was in the park again. But everything was black, the trees, the grass, the benches. Then he could hear it. Something was in the tree above him. 'Oh god, what...' He froze on the spot, when he heard the creature drop from the branch, onto the ground behind him. A voice in his head told him to run, to forget that thing and run. Naoki couldn't run, his feet wouldn't move. A growl, only a few steps behind him, made him turn around. He stared into it's red eyes. None of them moved. Before he could react it grabbed his throat. Naoki fought for air, tried to break free from it's hold, but the creature quickly extended it's claws on it's hands. Naoki tried to scream, the creature made it's move. It closed it's claws around his neck.
day, both Taruto and Kish could have sworn they heard the voice of a human, the voice torn apart into an inhuman scream. None of the two ever heard it again. The next day, no trace could be found that a human had ever been on the ship.end is always another beginning. And when the lights went out for Naoki Takezawa, no one could have guessed what would come from his mutiliated life and soul.
was already evening and their search had turned up nothing. Purin, Lettuce, Minto and Zakuro were already on their way home. "Face it, Ryou. Ther's nothing here." Said person was tired himself, so he let the rest of the Mew Mews go. In his car, he and Keiichiro summarized the search, but nothing came from that. A little while later they arrived back at the caffe.the park however, things were going to be far from quiet. Under the cover of several trees and bushes, a pair of red eyes opened for the very first time.
of Chapter 02---
chapter will be more horror and action centralised. (as you might guess)