Transformers Fan Fiction ❯ Dying Love ❯ Trapped ( Chapter 2 )
Chapter two: Trapped
By KellyQ
"All right," Optimus agreed, "you can go. Just be careful all right?"
"I will, big bot," Cheetor responded giving the maximal leader peek on the cheek before leaving.
Optimus couldn't help but feel like something bad was going to happen. He always felt that way when Cheetor left the Maximal base; He's only going to have some time with Airazer and Tigertron ... they'll protect him if any Preds show up.
"First time for everything is it not?" Rattrap said leaning against the door frame.
Saying nothing more, Rattrap sat down at his post then noticed that Dinobot was not present; hmm. I wonder where Dino-dip is. It's not like him to be out this early. But why do I miss him all of a sudden?
"Rattrap, is something wrong?"
"Nothings wrong fearless leader." The small Maximal lied as he turned the computer on, "what the ---"
Optimus turned his head to see that the computer screen was displaying nothing. I don't like this; the leader thought hearing thunder rumbling from outside, the surveillance has never done this before when we had an energon storm.
"Rattrap, tell all field units to return to base."
"I'm on it big-banana," the rat said pressing a button getting nothing but static, "it looks like our program has been canceled. I guess 'the Rattrap and big-banana show' was not a big hit ..."
"Rattrap really," Optimus responded with an 'I'm-in-no-mood for-your-joke's' look as he folded his arms, "can you get through or not?"
"I was just playing ... eh ... your no fun. But I can't get through. There's too much energon interference."
"We've had this problem since last night," Rhinox announced from the golden plat-form, "the energon storm fried it."
He stepped off the plat-form with an 'I-hate-this-' look.
Dinobot looked at the gray hostel sky seeing that the energon storm was going to hit any time soon. He looked back at the direction he came to notice that it was too far to walk back and even if he ran he still wouldn't make. With a sigh he started to walk south toward the direction where he knew where there was a cave.
Once he got closer he could see something moving in the darkness. Not taking any chances, he jumped into the air; his claws and teeth ready for who ever it was when ...
"Dinobot, it's me!"
The x-Predacon stopped in mid air knowing whose voice that belonged to
Without realizing what position Dinobot was in he landed right on his chest with a thud. Looking up he saw Cheetor coming out of the shadows.
"That must've hurt ..."
"Yea. What are you doing in here?" Dinobot asked lifting himself off the cold moist ground.
"Same thing your doing hiding out until the storm dies down."
One hour later:
Dinobot looked annoyingly at Cheetor as he sighed for the umpteen time looking down at the ground as his paw moved back and forth like a clock. Taking deep breath he let out another sigh when ...
"Will you stop that!" Dinobot demanded slamming his foot to the cheetah's side his long claw taping.
"What?" Cheetor snapped looking up at the x-Predacon.
"Your sighs! Don't you have anything better to do like run the hundred mile dash?"
The cheetah looked at Dinobot and noticed something different that he didn't notice before but he couldn't quit place it; he got an idea.
"I would if I had a track Dino-breath." Cheetor said trying to sound like Rattrap.
"Don't call me that," Dinobot responded turning away.
"What? Dino-breath?" The cheetah asked as the x-Predacon turned growled showing his teeth, "but Rattrap calls you that all the time ..."
Cheetor then paused then an evil grin appeared on his face.
"Oh I get it," he continued, "only Rat-breath can call you ...."
He stopped when they both heard thunder as the sky lit up. Dinobot sighed turned walked to the other end of the cave curled up and stayed there looking longingly out at the mouth of the cave.
"Gee. I'm sorry Dinobot," Cheetor apologized still staying put, "I was just trying to cheer you by acting like Rattrap ... he's the only one who can do that ..."
"It is true," Dinobot responded still looking at the mouth of the cave, "he can be a pest ... but I'd rather him here insead of you ..."
Whoa! So that's it ... he miss' Rattrap ... Cheetor turned when he heard thunder, but I have to happen to relate to Dinobot ... I'd rather have big bot or big cat here instead of him. With another sigh he flopped down, this is going to be long night.
Cheetor: How can you do this to me?
KellyQ : Do what?
Cheetor: Being stuck in the cave with Dino-dip!
Rattrap: Hey! I'm the only one who can call him names!
KellyQ : *clears throat* tell me what you think of this chapter
Rattrap: And they better good!
KellyQ: Just ignore him. He's just jealous because Cheetor's stuck in the cave with Dinobot and not him.
Rattrap: Who says I'm jealous?