Trigun Fan Fiction / Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ D/Chick and County One-Shots ❯ Interviews Don't Have Titles!! ( Chapter 7 )
Interviews Don't Have Titles!!
-Featuring Mistin, the eldest sister, and Jev, the middle sister-
Mistin: (Pushes glasses up her nose and shuffles papers) Um, hello there fellow readers. I'm D/Chick's eldest sister. I have my own One-Shot dealy, too (Grins) Anywho, I am here today to interview my baby sister and that…guy.
County: COUNTY!! My name is COUNTY!!
Mistin: I didn't ask any questions yet. Hold your tongue.
D/Chick: (Whispers to camera) And, you know, she totally copied me on the One-Shot business. She's such a little sneak.
Mistin: No copyright, no infringement!! Simple as that!!
D/Chick: -_- w/e…
Mistin: …And I only go by "Mistin" in this One-Shot world my sister made…I have a total kick-ass name in my world.
D/Chick: (Acting innocent) And Mistin isn't good enough?
County: (Shakes head at D/Chick)
Mistin: (Coughs absentmindedly) And onto the interview…
Mistin: Full names?
County: County Boy. I go by County, but the wench over there (Swings his head to D/Chick) calls me "Boy" more than occasionally.
D/Chick: (Beams) Dryad Chick!! Dryads are mythical beings that are connected to trees spiritually-
County: (Mutters) Tree hugger…
Mistin: (Gives her a stern look) What is your REAL name? You think I'm gonna believe that crap?
D/Chick: (Giggles) Hilary…
Mistin: Okay, just how old are you two?
County: Five hundred and six-
D/Chick: --We're both thirteen.
Mistin: Great. Two hormonal, whiney teenagers. Just what I need.
D/Chick: Shut up. We're not that bad.
Mistin: Height? Weight?
County: Well (Suave grin) I happen to be six feet and three inches tall and weigh…umm, a reasonable amount…plus, I have a most gorgeous build (Teeth sparkle)
D/Chick: -_- you could at least make BELIEVABLE lies, County. Five feet and four inches, one hundred and fifteen pounds. He's five feet and six inches and weighs one hundred and fifteen pounds, approximately.
Mistin: (Ruffles County's hair) You're a lanky one, aren't you?
County: (Shoves her hand away) Shut up!!
Mistin: (Giggles at County's pouting) Teehee…ok, ok, what's up with the hair.
D/Chick: (Picks up a hunk of hair sprawled across her shoulder to show it) Wavy and reddish-brown…and a reasonable length.
County: (Slicks his hair back with a sickening sigh) I have gorgeous golden-blonde hair that I condition every day…it's softer and smother than silk, if I must say so myself, and it glimmers most beautifully in the sunlight…(another sigh) I'm just blessed with good looks and great hair…it's almost a crime, really…
D/Chick: (Thonks him on the head most painfully) Oh jeez, get over yourself…besides…(ruffles it wildly) it's always a disheveled mess!!!
County: (Now shoving her hands away) ACK!! Why must everyone shove there greasy fingers into my breath-taking hair!?!?
Mistin: (Rolls eyes at the two) Next QUESTION…u.u
D/Chick: (Sits back down, County looking thoroughly annoyed) Sorry sis…(laughs)
County: -_- (fuming)
Mistin: Ok, eye colours…spill it.
D/Chick: (Points to County's face most cutely) Well, his are baby blue… (Sits back down and crosses her arms smugly) But MINE are quite ambiguous. Are they hazel, or are they green? (Mysterious wind breezes through the room) No one really knows…
County: Come off it. They're hazel-green.
D/Chick: (Glares at County) You ruin all the fun, Boy.
Mistin: (Keeps on with it) Anything freckles? Moles? Cancerous growths?
D/Chick: (Pats her face adoringly) I have not one freckle…
Mistin: (Starts pointing at her face) Yes you do…you have one right there, and there, and there…
D/Chick: Ack! Not enough to make a difference!!
County: (Wrinkles his nose) There's nothing wrong with freckles. I have some on my nose…see? (Points to his nose)
D/Chick: -_- Sure, make me look like a liar, County…whatever…
Mistin: ^_^ umm…ok then…let's move onto the One-Shot World questions…
D/Chick: (Claps hands together) Awright!!
Mistin: Who is this "D/Chick"?
D/Chick: -_- Your baby sister…
Mistin: Yes, yes, but WHO is D/Chick?
D/Chick: Well, in the real world, I go by no other name but Hilary, and the occasional "Harry" (an old family nick name…I love it and hate it, really). In the One-Shot World, I am the devious D/Chick!! (Sparkly peace-sign)
County: (Rolls his eyes) Basically, it's her computer persona…Dryad Chick is the more formal version of that persona…
Mistin: Oh. Ok. So who are you, County?
County: (Grins) Well…
D/Chick: (Shoves him away) Lemme explain this one…all he'll do is show off, y'know…
Mistin: Umm, ok then…
D/Chick: (Gets into lecturing mode) Well, County here does not truly have a real-world persona…he is simply a creature of my imagination…I brought him here to live in my wonderful One-Shot World, so he should be kissing my feet in eternal loyalty, but whatever. He is based off of a real-world person, though …County started out as a small character in a crappy comic-thing that I drew in my notebook for friends. Back then he was the comic version of a guy-friend who called himself "Senor Sexy". Basically, I made fun of him in it, and it was fun. Then, I started writing a short-lived Escaflowne humor, where he was kind of my side-kick. He still represented my guy-friend, but he was gaining more and more of his own personality. When I got bored of the Esca humor, (All of two pages long ^^;) our team-ship was no more…for awhile, anyways (grin). I had this idea of a humor thing involving Trigun…you see, I was supposed to drool and fawn over Vash's nakie body (Which is now the "Trigun Spiff", may I add) but it would be boring without someone there with me…and a girl sidekick would be even more boring because then we'd both be drooling and fawning over nakie Vash, soooo…me n' County's team-ship was alive once again. By then, the only thing that remained of his original basis was the hair and eye colour…otherwise, he was County, the sarcastic Boy. And, thus, the One-Shots were born…(sigh) such fun memories, really…
County: (Nodding off) Huh? (Wakes up) Does she ever shut up?
Mistin: When she's on a role, no ^_^
D/Chick: (Takes a deep breath) So, County is based off a person, but does not represent a person…nifty, huh?
County: (Rolls his eyes) Fascinating.
Mistin: Ok, now your One-Shot World powers…one really wouldn't call them "powers", though…
D/Chick: -_- Shut up. Ok, I can make either sparklies or glitter suddenly fill the air if I do a peace sign or a thumbs up. I poof away at the end of One-Shots to my room, which is really convenient…easy escape from the weasel here (Indicates County)
County: (Pouts) I'm not a weasel.
D/Chick: …And I usually poof away with my Zell-Plushy, but it isn't really necessary. I can also somehow suddenly have random things appear in my hand…it's convenient, too (Grins) Otherwise, I'm just a normal girl…(sigh)
County: I can disappear without warning. That's all the wench gave me -.-
D/Chick: (Pats his head like a dog) Oh, c'mon!! Most people don't have useless powers!!
County: (Growls at her) That's because most people don't LIVE in the One-Shot World, dumba-
Mistin: (Throws her Nyago plushy at him, it's insanely enormous head lodging in his mouth)
County: Mpmhfphmph-(Spits out Nyago plushy) What was that for!?
Mistin: -_- Don't mouth off my sister (Picks up the now-slimy plushy) Eww, now I have to take it to the cleaners…
County: Your fault-(Shields himself from D/Chick's attack)
Mistin: (Puts her arm in between them) Next question, please.
D/Chick: (Glare) Ok.
County: (Glares back) Ok.
Mistin: Who are your little buddies, oh dear sister?
D/Chick: Eh?
Mistin: Y'know…your friends besides County here…
D/Chick: (Nearly falls out of her chair) FRIEND?!? You have got to be joking!
Mistin: WHATEVER, just answer!
D/Chick: Ok, there's Munki and Candi, who are just some school friends…Naiad Babe (N/Babe) has been my friend since preschool…uhh…Robbitt, Yuki…Kuroneko PB…hmm…well, no one else is really mentioned in the One-Shot World, really.
Mistin: …
County: …
D/Chick: …uh, yeah?
Mistin and County: (Confused) just whom the hells are you talking about?
D/Chick: …uhh…
Mistin and County: …
D/Chick: (Gets what they're talking about) OH!!! You mean Munki and Candi and all those people!! They'll pop up later, trust me…
County: (Mutters) Ditz…
D/Chick: (^^;) And since now everyone is thoroughly confused, a short analysis:
Candi: She's thirteen…woo! Her hair and skin are dark since she's African American…uhh…about my height, I guess. Has an unhealthy obsession with cheese. Owns many-a-bishi. A.K.A. Natsu, One Happy Banana
Munki: Another thirteen-er. A tad taller than me, "auburn" hair, pale-freckly skin. Total Green Day fanatic…touch her Billy Joe and die. Also worships the cheese -.- likes some anime, but not an abundance of. A.K.A. Laura, One Funkie Monkie
Naiad Babe: We've known each other forever! She's asian, so of course she has the perfect skin and beautiful hair…(*sulks*) so unfair. Another anime nut. About yay height…quite an individual. Likes books. A.K.A Liz, Lizard, N/Babe, Naiad Babe of the Divine Waters
Robbitt: Woo!! The Canadian Diver!! ^^; yeah…blondie here has this big goal of some day going to the Olympics, and the scary thing is that she'll probably make it (she's really good!) My height, my age, tan-ish skin, but not really…yeah. Crazy LOTR fan…even has her own guild at Neo Pets ^^; A.K.A. Robyn-O
Yuki: O.O my god she's a good artist. She's asian too…I'm constantly surrounded by these people with gorgeous hair and what-not (*grrr*) Umm, my height? Shes 13, too. she may look shy, but when you get her going, THERE'S NO END TO IT. she draws the anime, but doesn't watch loads of it. A very nice person. A.K.A. Michelle
Kuroneko PB: Another "good-god!" artist. She can gob it off too if you get her into the right topics. A little shorter than me, light-brown honey-ish hair. 13, I think? And she's so funny!! Not to mention she's the greatest for praising my literary works! Yahoo! A.K.A. Neko, Neko PB, PB, Kuroneko P, P/Chan, Paige
Mistin: (Starts mussing up D/Chick's hair) Why do you not like your hair??
D/Chick: (Sighs) I do, I do, it's just a…well, big pain in the ass.
County: o.O Your friends are weird.
D/Chick: Huh?
County: -.-
Mistin: (Narrows her eyes, cloud of darkness growing behind her) Are Munki and Candi those girls that borrowed MY Escaflowne tapes without MY permission?
D/Chick: WHAT!?!? Just how did you-(Slaps hand over mouth) I have no idea what you're talking about, oh great sister of Doom.
Mistin: Cut the crap, you know that I know and that's all that I need to know so now you know that I know…(cough) so there.
D/Chick: -.- whatever. And they're OURS too…
Jev: (Peeks head in the room) Eh? Did someone say Escaflowne? Is Van here? You know Van is mine. Did someone steal my Van? If you did I will be forced to strangle you (Keeps a straight face)
County: You people scare me.
Mistin: (To Jev) Rach, can you think of any more questions to ask these…
D/Chick: (Gnawing on County's arm like it's a leg of meat) GRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
County: (Pulling on her hair) ERAUUA-RARG!!!
Jev: Nah, I think they're getting bored.
(Interview circa September 19 2002)