Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Meryl's Secret ❯ YOU BROUGHT WHO HOME!!!!! ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2


~~~ POV

** Thinking

/ Talking telepathically

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vash's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I had finally reached the city, and it took me long enough with the storm! And my brother's weight didn't help either. I heard a voice cry out "Quick someone come and help, this man had an injured!" ** Ah the people in this town haven't changed a bit ** I thought to myself with a grin. As I came into view of the buildings I saw people running to help me, everyone a friendly face I knew. As people reached me and took my brother from my shoulder, ah what a relief that was, my stomach let out a loud rumble and people looked at me with grins on their faces.

" Hungry huh?" one man asked me.

I slid my hand behind my head and let out a laugh, " Yeah, I've been wandering in the desert with no food or water for a while now." I heard a noise from behind me and turned to see what it was, my heart froze as I looked into a pair of blue-gray eyes that I had missed so much. She moved towards me with a hand outstretched and suddenly collapsed onto the ground.

Forgetting everything else including my brother, I ran to the girl who had collapsed onto the ground and held her in my arms. I held her close to me and picked her up, " Don't worry Meryl I'm home." I said walking to the house. Behind me people were carrying my brother in the same direction, with great difficulty might I add, it took three of them just to lift him. They dropped him twice and I laughed inside and admired them for their persistence as the picked him up again with great difficulty. We finally reached the house only to be greeted by Milly.

" Oh my Mr Vash, your finally home, " She said with tears in her eyes, ah she was a great person to know, her happiness was infectious as I found myself beginning to smile and feel lighter. She looked down to the angel in my arms and gasped, " Oh my what happened to Meryl?" She asked putting a hand on Meryl's forehead.

" She's ok, she just fainted when she saw someone she didn't expect to that's all." I said looking down, well not quite down, move like even, she was a very tall woman, Ok, ok I'm just babbling now, back to the story.

" Oh, ok," Milly looked behind me and gasped, " He looks just like you Mr Vash, that's your brother isn't it?" She asked, ah she was so innocent, if she only knew.

" Yup," I said walking past her to the stairs, " Oh, Milly could you bring Knives up for me?" I asked with my best puppy-dog face on, eyes gleaming. She giggled and picked up my brother off the villagers with ease and a surprising amount of care.

We walked the injured brother of mine, and the unconscious woman to their separate rooms. I could hear Milly laying my brother down in the next room, and I lay Meryl down on hers. I was just about to leave the room when I heard a small voice behind me,

" Vash is it real? are you really home?" Meryl asked me.

" Yes Meryl I'm home." I said closing the door, I leaded against the frame of the door and sighed. ** Meryl I've been away so long, and just being around you again is intoxicating, but nothing can ever happen between us. DAM IT! Why did I have to fall for you, it's not fair.** I thought to myself closing my eyes, it wasn't her fault, it was mine.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meryl's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat up in my bed, unable to comprehend what had just happened. Vash was home, he was home! As I was staring at the door he had just exited I felt a stream of warm fluid flow down my cheek. ** Oh my god! He's back; he came back to me. ** I thought to myself letting my tears run free. A sudden realization hit me ** he may not have come back to me, Milly's here as well, he could have just come back here to be with friends and to have people take care of him. ** When I thought of this the tears came harder and faster that I ever thought possible. ** Why did I have to go and fall for that man? He's an arrogant, conceded, skirt chasing, perverted broom-head! ** But no matter how much I tried to tell myself that, a little voice in the back of my head kept on whispering to me

" You love him stupid, go and tell him!" I pushed the voice aside and just lay on my bed, I had a LOT to think about now that he was back.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Milly's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Mr. Vash had just returned from his journey and apparently Meryl had fainted when she saw the man. ** Those two get on my nerves; why wont they just admit their feelings already! Nicolas and I never beat around the bush, we told each other how we felt. ** My cheeks turned a bright shade of red at the thought and I turned to the man lying unconscious in the bed. Every time I looked at him, I couldn't help wondering how such a peaceful looking man could have caused so much pain and suffering. Lost in my thoughts I didn't see his eyes open, the sudden movement yanked me from my thoughts and I looked down at the injured man. When I saw his eyes I knew how he could have done all that he did, they were evil pure and simple. Against my better judgment I spoke to him with a big smile on my face (you know the one I usually have ^_^).

" Well, your finally awake Mr. Knives. Mr. Vash will be so happy, how do you feel?" I looked over at him and waited for a reply, and got none other than a look that said <Get away from me or I'll kill you>, you know, that kind of look. I stood and walked over to the bathroom to get the things I needed to change his bandages (cause they were soaked with blood) and returned. I moved my hand over to remove the sheets to get to his wounds when he growled at me ** what the fuck! Is he a dog or something?????** I thought to myself franticly trying not to look scared, be he could tell I was and a huge evil grin spread across his features. While he was busy grinning to himself I had pulled the sheets away from him and was taking of a bandage from his leg as carefully as I could (which for me isn't exactly that careful *_*). He let out a yelp and glared down at me and spoke for the first time,

" What the HELL do you think you are doing spider? Get away from me and don't touch me again, UNDERSTAND!" His eyes were but narrow slits and he spat venom as he spoke. But you know me I just smiled back at him and continued to dress his wounds (Rather roughly if I might add.) I smiled at him to mask the anger that had built up inside me at his outburst but did nothing. From the doorway I heard a small giggle, and turned to see who it was, it was Meryl trying to mask her amusement with no avail. She looked from me to Mr. Knives and burst out laughing and walked away. I stood and walked after her to find out what was so funny (most people should know I'm sometimes like that, a bit ditzy if you will ^_^, but I wouldn't be me if I wasn't) and left Mr. Knives to his solitude.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Knives's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON!!! The last thing I remember was being shot by my simpleton, idiotic brother, now I'm here with an overly happy spider, WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED!! I felt pain shoot up from my leg and I was shocked when a noise that sounded like a yelp came from my lips. I glared down and her and said,

" What the HELL do you think you are doing spider? Get away from me and don't touch me again, UNDERSTAND!" I looked intimidating and I knew it, the look on her face was priceless. But all she did was smile and kept dressing my wounds (A lot rougher if I might add.) Pain writhed through my body and I heard laughter from over near the door.

My head snapped up and looked over to see who would DARE laugh at me. It was another spider, but something was different about her, something I couldn't put my finger on. I tried to delve into her mind but something stopped me, I looked up at her in shock and she laughed and walked away. ** What the??? What just happened??? She couldn't have stopped me from going into her mind could she?? If she could HOW THE HELL DID SHE DO IT!!!** I was to busy thinking of and explanation that I didn't see the other spider get up and leave, I looked over to the doorway where she had been standing. A wicked thought came into my mind, **It might not be so boring a recovery after all, at least I have a spirit to break** at this thought a huge grin spread across my face and a low gruff laugh left my lips. This was going to be a very interesting recovery indeed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meryl's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I had just walked into the kitchen to fix dinner when Milly came in with a strange look on her face. I laughed when I looked at my friend, " What's wrong Milly, you look strange today." I turned back to stir the rapidly boiling pot, " Oh and by the way, where did you find that Vash look alike, Ha, anyone would think it was his brother Knives." I shuttered at the thought of being anywhere near that maniac. And turned with a plate in each had and started to walk towards the table.

" By Meryl, it IS Mr. Vash's brother. It is Mr. Knives." She said, the seriousness in her voice took me of guard and the plates dropped from my hands. The shattering ceramic brought me back to reality and I looked down at the mess on the floor I had just created ** Great more mess to clean up ** I thought as I bent down to pick up the shattered plates. As I picked up a piece of ceramic, I felt a sudden pain in my thumb and looked down to see it was bleeding. My mind suddenly snapped into gear and I jumped up and looked over to Milly.

" Milly before you said that Knives was here, you were joking right?" I asked looking hopefully at my friend.

" No, sorry Meryl I wasn't, he's here alright." She almost sounded disappointed at her own words as she looked to the ground.

I felt rage build up inside me as I realise Vash had let that little detail slip when he told me that he was back. My small fists clenched that tightly into balls, I didn't realise that my nails were digging into the flesh of my hand and I didn't care. Milly backed away slowly, fear in her eyes and she ran behind the door way and up to her room.

" VASH!!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vash's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

" VASH!!!!!" a scream came from the kitchen **Oh great, she knows about Knives, shit, shit, shit!! I'm gunna get it now** I cringed at the thought of what she would do to me as I walked ever so slowly to the kitchen. " VASH!!! GET HERE NOW!!!!" Meryl's voice possessed a commanding quality that she never had before and something in me told me I'd better run before I got her madder than she already was. I ran to the kitchen as fast as I could and froze, my jaw was on the ground and my heart pounded in my chest, boy she was angry. If I didn't know any better I would have said that her eyes were red and that she had flames surrounding her, I shook my head and looked again but the vision was gone. I was too lost in my thoughts that I didn't see a frying pan coming flying at my head, it hit me fare in the kisser and I fell to the ground.

Meryl stalked over to me and loomed over me (man I never thought she'd be able to do that ^_^), " Well mister you've got some explaining to do." She hissed at he ** what the fuck, I've never herd her hiss before** I thought to myself, I looked up and saw fire in her eyes and was mesmerized, ** Oh god, she so close, all I want to do is just grab her and make love to her. **. ** No, bad Vash, Bad Vash, stop thinking like that she really pissed off with you and she looks so cute when she angry. NO! Bad Vash** I mentally kicked myself and looked up at her once more. Her hands were now on her hips and what hips they were ** No, Bad Vash, stop that! ** I kicked myself again mentally.

" Well, WHO THE HELL DID YOU BRING BACK WITH YOU!!!!" Meryl's fire had turned into fear and she fell to the floor. I sighed and started to explain, this was going to be a long night indeed.

Hello fanfic fanatics ^_^. In this chapter Knives decides he's going to try and decipher Meryl, Has all characters POV's in this one and it ends with one VERY mad Meryl screaming at Vash. Well I'll continue if I get reviews.

Till then LOVE & PEACE ^_^.