Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Meryl's Secret ❯ The Dream ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 3

The Dream

~~~ POV

** Thinking

/ Talking telepathically

(Time change)

~~~~~~~~~~~ Meryl's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat there staring in disbelief, Vash had just told me everything, about how he fought his brother and won, about the need to keep his brother from harm and about the fact that he thought there was some good in his brother. My mind raced as thoughts run through my head, I was pulled from them by Vash's voice.

"Meryl, are you ok?" Vash asked, his eyes so full of concern and feeling, for once he didn't hide what he was feeling behind a stone cold mask. **Why does he have to look at me like that? ** I though looking into his emerald eyes, ** WOH! Hold the phone, back up a minute; did he just say my name??? ** He had said my name once before I think, but I was too groggy to remember if he did or not. I think my shock was apparent because he smiled at me **Ah, how I've missed his smile, and it's an actual genuine smile this time, not the fake one he usually has on** I couldn't help but smile back.

" Why did you look so shocked just a minute ago?" Vash's face was so close, all I wanted to do was pull him to me and claim his lips as my own. I looked up at him again, but I had tears of joy in my eyes, " You… you said… my name, I… I thought you didn't know my name."

All he did was smile at me and his hand slid behind his head and he let out a laugh, "Of course I know your name, it's just that I think insurance girl is cute." A light shade of crimson graced his cheeks and his hands came down to fiddle with a buckle of his suit.

**Vash is embarrassed, oh god he looks so handsome when he blushes. WHAT! What am I thinking, get it together girl, you're still angry at him for not telling you about Knives. But… god I can't help it! ** I rose and ran from the room, I looked back in the doorway to see Vash looking at me in shock, and ran up to my room and locked the door, GOD! Why couldn't I stay mad at that man? I changed into my nightshirt and tried to get some rest.

~~~~~~~~ Ok, this is a dream that Meryl has ~~~~~~~~~

"Lila, Lila where are you?" a Woman, about 25 stood in the middle of a big room, her hands were on her hips and she was looking around. "Lila! God that child can be a pain, where are you?" Still there was silence.

"Ok then, if you don't come out now, when I find you, your in for the biggest tickling session you've ever had young lady," the young woman couldn't help but laugh when she said this, she knew Lila could help but laugh at the possibility of a tickling session. Just as she had expected she heard a muffled giggle and a gasp from behind a crate, then silence. She smiled at her triumph and snuck over to the crate that the girl was hiding behind, then I one swift movement she was behind the crate with the girl struggling and laughing uncontrollably in her arms.

" Ha ha got you, now there's nowhere to run." And with those words she proceeded to tickle the little girl until she begged her to stop.

The little girl was still laughing when she sat up and spoke, "Rem, where do you go when you're not with me?" Rem looked down at the inquisitive girl and smiled.

"I am needed on another ship, to help other special children such as yourself." Rem couldn't help but laugh as the little girl's eyes lit up at the mention of others like herself.

"Can I go with you? Next time you go and see them!" Lila looked up at Rem with a sparkle in her eye and Rem's heart melted.

"Of course you can, we'll be leaving in 6 hours, be ready by then." Rem stood and walked to the door of the room, but looked back at the girl still sitting on the floor, "Well? Are you coming? Or are you just going to sit on the floor all day?" Rem laughed as Lila jumped up and ran towards her. Together they exited the room to get ready for the trip ahead.

( 6 hours later )

Rem sat at the control panel of the small transport ship they were in and proceeded to press numerous buttons. The ship surged to life and Lila listened the gentle humming of the engine as she closed her eyes. This was the first time she had left the ship, but she didn't feel afraid she felt excited. Rem looked over at the girl in the seat next to her and smiled, Lila had never met anyone like her, and Rem was glad that she would be there when she did. Rem pressed a few more buttons and the sped towards their destination.

A little while later they landed in the transport hanger of another ship and the door slid open silently. Lila and Rem exited the ship and Lila was clutching the arm of Rem's shirt as if her life depended on it. They were greeted by two people who led them to their rooms, Lila's room was next to Rem's because she knew that Lila would be scared in her new surroundings and she would want to be close to her.

After they had finished unpacking at getting settled in, Rem told Lila that she would be back in a little while and she should stay in her room. But curiosity got the better of Lila and she went wandering around the ship. She looked around in many rooms until she came to a big door, she pressed a button on the wall and the doors flew open. She stood in the doorway her mouth hanging open and looked around in awe, it was the most beautiful place she had ever seen. Grass laid across the ground with flowers everywhere she could see, and a big tree in the middle of the room. She walked in and the door slid shut behind her startling her, but she just turned around and continued walking towards the tree. As she reached the top of a hill the blocked her view from seeing everything she stopped. Beneath the tree were two figures, not much older than her by the look of it, they were laid out on the grass and were talking about something, but she couldn't make out what. All of a sudden they stopped and sat up, both turned to look straight at her. Her heart raced as they stood and slowly walked towards her, as they came into the light she had a better view of what they looked like. They both looked very similar, both had long blonde hair and wore the same clothes, and the facial features were similar, except one had green eyes and one had blue, the one with the green eyes also had a small mole under his left eye that looked like a tear. She was left standing there in awe, they were both quite handsome, she herself wasn't that bad either, Rem always commented on her beauty. She had long flowing purple hair, her complexion was flawless and she had the deepest crystal blue eyes.

As the two boys reached her she backed away slightly, bringing her hands up to her chest. One of the smiled and spoke, "Hi, my name is Vash, and this is my brother Knives." As he reached out to touch her she turned and fled, leaving the two boys to their confusion.

Lila reached her room just before Rem did, she was sitting in a chair when the door swung open. "Ok, you ready to meet them yet?" Rem said bending down to be face to face with her. Lila's eyes lit up at her words and she nodded, they walked down the same hall she did and stopped in front of the last door she had entered. Her heart froze, **God! Not in here please, not in here! ** she thought, but the doors slid open and Rem walked in looking back.

" Are you coming?" she said motioning to the frightened child, who ran to her and stayed behind her as they walked. They came to the tree in the center of the room and stopped, she laughed and Lila chanced a peek around her side, as curiosity got the best of her once again. She saw the two boys on the ground in the most awquard positions, their legs were intertwined and one had the other in a head lock, yelling in his ear "give up, Ha, you'll never beat me!" Both instantly stopped as they heard Rem's chuckle and straightened themselves out and sat up straight.

"Oh, sorry Rem we didn't see you there." One said looking at the ground slightly blushing. The other however, was staring straight at Lila, who quickly hid behind Rem once more. " Vash, Knives there is someone I would like you to meet." Rem said trying to get Lila from behind her.

Knives lay back against the tree and simply said, " If your talking about the girl behind you, we already have, a little while ago actually."

Rem stopped what she was doing and looked over her shoulder at Lila, " Is this true Lila? I thought I told you to stay in your room!" Rem looked angry and amused at the same time. Lila looked up at Rem and blinked her eyes, " I… I… Well… I… Um…," Lila could fathom the words to speak and bowed her head, her cheeks a furious shade of red.

All Rem could do was laugh, " It's ok Lila, I know your curiosity can get the better of you sometimes, well can you stay here for a while and get to know them, I have some business to take care of then I'll be back ok?" Lila looked up at Rem and all she could do was nod dumbly. Rem took her over and sat her under the tree, where she slid her knees up under her chin and hugged her legs close to her chest. " I'll be back soon," Rem called over her shoulder as she exited the room. For a while there was an awquard silence, but she could feel both watching her, she took a glace up and snapped it back down as she realised that both were staring at her, her cheeks felt like they were on fire. Finally one spoke, "So, how do you know Rem?" Lila looked up and saw that it was Vash that had spoken, while Knives just sat there and stared at her.

" Well she takes care of me on another ship, I came here because she said there were others…. Like me…" Her voice trailed off and she look up to see two boy's with very shocked looks on their faces.

" You're… You're a plant??" Knives asked in disbelief, he was answered by a sudden burst of red in her cheeks.

Before anyone else could speak, the doors flew open and a man came in holding a Knife, "You weren't supposed to leave the ship Lila, why did you go and do that for?" the man had an evil glint in his eye and both boys had an instinct to protect Lila from him. They jumped from their spots and jumped in front of Lila startling her. As the man charged both boys were knocked from were they stood (They didn't know how to use their powers yet) and he grabbed her shoulder and plowed her into the tree. She screamed out in pain and spoke, "Hales… how… did you get here?"

Hales grinned as he spoke, "I hid in the cargo port of the ship you used to get over here, now, WHY DID YOU LEAVE!" she winced at the volume of his voice. When she didn't answer he slapped her across the face, at that moment something inside her snapped and she let out a blood-curdling scream. Hales stumbled back and covered his ears, both Knives and Vash was doing the same, Hales looked at Lila in horror and the boys looked in awe as she changed.

She slowly descended to the ground and white energy flowed around her, her hair was flying around everywhere like a wind animal and her eyes were glowing. She walked away from the tree towards Hales but stopped a few feet away from him, both Vash and Knives could believe what they saw next. In a brilliant flash of light, white wings sprouted from her back and surrounded her body, and Hales flew across the room and landed with a loud thump on the floor in a heap unconscious. When she knew she was out of danger her hair settled down, the wings retracted into her back and she fell to the floor. Both Knives and Vash ran to her side, they look from her to each other and Knives spoke, "Vash, she's… she's a plant angel!" Vash looked at his brother,

" But I only thought they were a myth," Vash said looking back at the semi unconscious girl.

" Well Vash, their not a myth there as real as you or me, and…" Knives was interrupted as Rem burst into the room, she look from the three children to the unconscious man and back, then she ran to the children and looked down at Lila and sighed.

" If only I had paid more attention when we were leaving, then she wouldn't have had to do this!" Both boys gasped at Rem's words, " You… you knew she… she was a plant angel?" Vash stammered in disbelief, Rem nodded and picked up the girl. Lila opened her eyes to be greeted by Rem's face, " How many times have I told you not to use your powers young lady!" Rem stated to the girl in her arms. " I… Had… to… he… was… going to… kill…" and then she fell unconscious.

~~~~~~~~~ Meryl's POV ~~~~~~~~

I woke up with a start and shot up in my bed, ** what the hell was that???? ** I thought franticly. ** It felt so real, but… how! It was as if I was there! ** I was dragged from my thought as the need for sleep took over once more; I didn't have any other dreams that night, but that dream continuously played in my mind.

So what did ya think ^_^, ok the plot is getting interesting now, so if you want to find out what happens, your gunna have to keep reading my fanfics. Please Review, I want to know whether I should continue or not (cocks eyebrow and grins devilishly).

Well till next time LOVE & PEACE!!!