Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ My Love ❯ Strange Dance ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I went to the wardrobe he'd nodded to and…I can't describe what I saw, all I know is it was full of all sorts of clothes! Dresses, laced tops, sleeping gowns some things that were too beautiful to describe to you, and of course ladies underclothes, but you don't want to know about that. I remember turning back to Legato and say that I couldn't accept them and he just waved his hand and told me that he wanted me presentable. I couldn't argue, that's the only thing I hated about him…. you couldn't argue with him.

He recommended a dress to me and left me. He had chosen this ballroom type of dress, it had a bell-bottom and the top piece was comfortably tight, it was a powder red colour, so basically light pink. Then came the difficult part, my hair….I had no idea what to do with it. After staring at a mirror for two minutes I decided to wear it up in a loose bun and let a few stray hairs float around my face. I was ready to be Legato's little arm ornament, at the time that's what I thought he was using me for. It took me ten minutes to find that dining area! I hate sand steamers they're so big!

I found my blue haired knight sitting at a table talking to some guy. The man had black hair slicked back, a pink shirt, even though at the time he said it was pastel red. He had this, nose, it was unique to say the least, it was long and straight…that's all I'm saying. He was very polite; he had to be the biggest butt kisser ever to grace Gunsmoke! I think his name was something stupid like Mid Von Dilly……no I lie! Midvally, that was his name, he had a saxophone. I knew I'd get it, any way it was quite a dull dinner, mainly because I had no idea what they were talking about.

Midvally excused himself and picked up a couple of whores. I think that's when I decided he was a complete jerk. Anyway there was an orchestra or something like that playing some tunes and a dance floor, I don't know how but Legato had somehow managed to get me on the dance floor with him. I wouldn't of minded but…..I didn't know how to dance to this weird music! He said all I had to do was follow his lead, so after a very clumsy start, and me with a bright red face I eventually got the idea of it.

I couldn't help it at the time but I got a sudden bout of the giggles, I couldn't stop! It must have been contagious because Legato gave a small laugh and smiled. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Everything just seemed to…..stop.

We must have been there for a very long time because before I knew it I was leaning on Legato and he was leading me back to our room. I think I must have been so tired that I changed, dropped on my bed and was asleep before I hit the pillows. I dreamed of his smile that night, the way it made my insides burst with warmth, his beautiful golden eyes, so deep and mysterious, the strange blue hair……..I'm sorry I'm babbling.

A few days past on the steamer and that Midvally character knocked on my door, I think Legato had gone for lunch or something……………(flashback)

"Mr Midvally? Can I help you?" he just ignored her and entered the room.

"Well actually, Jade, you can. You see I was talking to Legato and I found out that, well, how to put it? That you are quite a little madam." Jade just glared at him.

"A madam? You mean a whore, right? So what, is that a problem," Midvally smirked and moved his face closer to hers.

"Correct, it isn't a problem at all. In fact I was wondering if you were willing to spend a little time with me, I could pay you no problem. What do yo-" Jade slapped him around the face and walked closer to her bed away from him.

"No! I wouldn't touch you! I'm not a little whore you can pay, now get the hell out of here!" Midvally strode up to her and backhanded her. She fell onto the bed and tried to scramble off it but was quickly straddled so she couldn't move.

"Bitch! I always get what I want, so why don't you just lay back and enjoy."

"GET OFF ME YOU BASTARD!! I DON'T WANT YOU! PLEASE!!" Midvally tore at her clothes and backhanded her once more, he tried to muffle her screams but she bit him.

Suddenly he was thrown off her by some invisible force, Legato stood at the door an emotionless look across his eyes. Jade took the chance to run into the bathroom and locked the door, she heard Midvally yell in pain and Legato's warm voice turn icy and threaten him. There was a loud crack, the sound of a rushed exit through the door. And then a soft knock on the bathroom door.

"Jade, open the door."

(End flashback)

Sorry I went into my own little world there. Do you want a drink or something? Ice? Okay, I'll be back in a minute.