Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ One Day ❯ He reminds me... ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Trigun….

He had been watching her hips sway to the music for some time now. The tall Spider had left for work and this one had the next week off since her boss had gone to another town for "Family Business". He had gotten up as usually thanks to his internal clock, but she had been awake too and cooking something. When he sat at the table she made it clear the food was not for them and turned on the radio to drown out any rude comments he wished to retort with but he had said none and he was watching her shake her body to the music. By now she had him hypnotized and painfully hard. He watched intently as her well endowed chest bounced every now again. And he was well aware of her hips jerking in all sorts of directions as she moved, by now he had many fantasies running through his mind as he slowly came to realize there was one spider worth the agony.

Yes he was willing to admit to himself he lusted and quite possibly cared for one of these vile creatures. He groaned a little when he thought about the scene that happened a few days ago when he had seen her in the bathroom. He had caught a glimpse into her mind and she was fancying herself a fantasy about the two of them, but there was one problem to this situation.

"What's in the pot, Meryl?" Vash whined looking over Meryl's shoulder only to get hit by the lid to one of the pots. Yup… that was the one problem to his lusting for the bitchy semi violent spider; his moronic brother. It was odd, for the first time the twins agreed on one thing, this female spider was worth the pain of being so turned on and restraining against your pants worth it.

"Vash go get some Milk from the store. The owner's wife will give it to you since her husband is still weary of you."

"Make Knives do it!!" Vash whined but regretted that when her head turned towards him almost stiffly and her face had a scary angry look.

"I have other plans for Knives now go!" She said and Vash whimpered rushing out of the house. She then sighed.

"Other plans?" Knives couldn't help but ask.

"I just wanted him out of here for a little bit." Meryl said. "At least you don't hang over my shoulder like a little kid." She muttered. Knives almost felt like laughing at that comment. Its true Vash seemed to hold onto the childlike innocence. But back to his daydream he thought watching her pull out a chair to reach something on one of the higher shelves. Knives just kind of watched still lost in thoughts of her big mouth, usually used for yelling, trailing kisses down his chest. Or maybe she'd be the type into spanking a guy… that's something he could definitely go for. The feel of her delicate fingers smacking the skin of his rear end inflicting some sort of pain he could really enjoy that.

"Damn…" he muttered softly watching the night shirt she had worn to bed rise up as she reached for the object on the top shelf still. Too bad her height gave her a problem cuz as soon as she elevated to her toes she found herself falling backwards. She waiting to come in contact with the table or the floor but never met and found herself in the arms of Knives. He lowered her but kept his arms around her waist pressing his erection into her back welcoming any form relief.

"Knives…?" She looked into his blue eyes and saw something that just seemed to warm her flesh from her toes up… it was lust.

She could feel him pressing into her back and his hand had been slowly caressing her stomach. God had she become so desperate for the touch of a man that even the psycho man known as Millions Knives, Hater of the human race, torturer of Vash for a while, Murderer of many lives would do?!?! YES! And obviously knives had been feeling a little lonely like that… that or he had something in his pocket and she highly doubted it was the second choice.

"Thank you for saving me from a NASTY fall." She managed out just before his right hand came up to cup her right breast.

Gods she knew it wrong to do this but she was desperate in a way she swore she could live without. For years she fooled herself that she didn't need a man's touch but this proved her theories wrong. She not only needed it but she was practically begging for it. If he wasn't sure if she liked the gentle message he was giving her breasts then the whimpering she made when he pinched her nipples was a sure sign of her neediness. She moaned a little rotating her hips against him earning a strangled moan.

"But I am a spider…" She said softly.

"An attractive as hell one… Don't get me wrong I'll eventually kill you, after earning my fill from you." He said lying through his teeth but she said nothing but whimpered when he planted a kiss of need against her collarbone.

Sadly neither of them heard the front door close as Vash came back with the milk. What he saw made his jaw go through the floor. Knives was feeling up Meryl from what he could see but he couldn't see the looks of pleasure that she couldn't hide and he mistook her soft whimpers as whimpers of protest. He was going to step in but her pot was beginning to boil over and she tore from his grip.

"It'll burn if I don't watch it." She said uneasily.

"I got the milk!!!" Vash declared suddenly making them both look at him. He walked over to Meryl giving her the milk and glared at Knives when he passed him. "Are you okay?" He whispered to her.

"Just fine Vash." She smiled softly at him. Knives just left the kitchen finally deciding he had to help himself.

"He didn't hurt you?" Vash asked Meryl with concern written all over his face.

"No, he didn't…" She smiled softly at him while on the inside she was panicking. 'Did Vash see us?'

"So since the food isn't for us it's for…"

"Jacob, he's moving into to town as the new Sheriff." Meryl said. "He hasn't finished moving in so his kitchen stuff isn't ready and I thought it would be nice if I made him something."

"I see…" Vash's tone did a complete 180. "You're spending the afternoon with him?" His jealous inquisitive side showed up and Meryl picked this up immediately.

"No need to be Jealous of Jacob. We dated way back in school there's nothing left now. If you want to be jealous about me being with someone you should watch your brother… he's got nice hands." She blurted out before gasping at her own words. She did not just say that out loud. She glanced at Vash who was looking like a kid who had accidentally snatched Santa's beard off find out the person was an imposter. Yep she said that out loud. "You know what this can simmer. I should go shower!!" She said turning the temperature down on one of the final pots and scurried off. Vash stood there a little longer before his face turned red from anger and jealousy. Knives had been touching the one woman he cared about? And she had been enjoying it?!? Whatever his brother was planning would come to an end now. Vash Sat at the table and was still sitting there when Knives returned from wherever he had been to relieve himself.

"What are you planning?" He asked his twin. Knives just raised an eyebrow at him. "With Meryl… what are you planning?!?" he demanded more forcefully. Knives could have laughed at the desperate under tone in Vash's voice.

"I just plan on giving her something you refuse to." Knives' voice didn't' let anything on and a statement like that would confuse the hell out of anyone… Vash suddenly was scare. He was scared for Meryl, had Knives picked up on their need to be with each other?

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Your woman is lonely; I'll just keep her company." Knives said opening the milk and Vash's face was white and he looked as if he wanted to rip Knives' head off. Vash Looked at Knives a moment longer before leaving the house once more to think about everything that has just been said to him.

Had he really been ignoring Meryl's needs because of Knives? Sure Knives still wasn't in the best of mental health, but then again neither is Meryl. He had finally managed to get a conversation going with Millie and the tall girl had told Vash of how close Meryl nearly poisoned herself with alcohol. It stunned him to no end to think that she nearly killed herself because of his negligence of her feelings. Sure he loved the ex insurance girl, that much he had deducted after the little bathroom touch game from a few days before. He had really wanted to go all the way with her that day, the aching throb in his pants pointed that out as plain as day, but he had been so worried that Knives may think he's deserting him for her and get rid of her.

Then he thought about what he would think if she had become one of Knives' victims and it hurt him more than anything. But obviously Vash had been so caught up worrying about what Knives might do to Meryl he was becoming afraid of what would happen if he lost Meryl to this Jacob guy. No, he couldn't allow that to happen. He needed Meryl to be with him just like she needed him to fill the blank ache in her body and that's just what he is going to do.


"Okay Millie you've got an hour break!!"

"Ok!" Millie chimed happily climbing out of the hole in the ground that she had been digging. She was starving and was grateful of the break. As soon as she stepped out of the hole she saw several kids playing with a ball. More like playing keep away with the smallest boy's ball and he was starting to whine and pout.

"Gotta get the ball, Bobby!" One of the taller boys held it out of reach of the smaller boy's grasp. "Coming your way Timothy!!" He called to one of the other taller boys but he missed it and it rolled right towards the hole. Of course the smaller one, called Bobby, ran after it and tripped along the way.

"Are you okay?" A foreign voice asked lifting Bobby off the ground. Apparently Bobby was little in height and age because he was crying now that his knee had been skinned and is bleeding. Bobby looked up at the man who was currently cleaning the new cut with a handkerchief he pulled from his pocket.

"I'm okay Mr.…" Bobby said.

"Just call me Jake." Jacob smiled at the boy.

"Are you teasing your little brother again Timothy?" Millie fussed at the taller boy who missed the ball.

"We were only playing, Miss Millie."

"Around the hole, AGAIN!" Millie said sternly. "I told you boys don't play around here and you know how your mother gets when you bring Bobby around." She said. Timothy frowned at her. Millie then walked over to Bobby. "I got your ball before it fell down the new well we're digging." She smiled softly at the boy who only returned the small smile.

"Do you think it will take as long as the last one?" Bobby asked with his eyes wide with curiosity.

"No, not at all." She smiled at him. "Now what do you say to Jake?"

"Thank you Mr. Jake." Bobby stood checking out his new bandage. "And thank you Miss Millie." Bobby said taking his ball from her and ran off towards his older brother. "I'm telling mom what you did!!!" Bobby called running ahead.

"He's a polite lad." Jacob said.

"Yes, well his mother and father are the Jamisons. The richest in this town, his mother insists they put a handle on adult's names despite requests." Millie said before looking at him. "You handled him fairly well."

"Well, I grew up in an orphanage all my life and I was the oldest there. I always had the younger ones to take care of."

"I see…" Millie said finding this situation a bit eerie. "Well, I have to go off to lunch."

"Yes, I have to be off as well. I'll see you honey." He said walking off making Millie tense up.

"For a second he sounded like… him." She thought thinking back to the one man who managed to capture her heart completely. She turned to look at Jacob and currently the way he was walking with his bag over his shoulder reminded her of a man with a cross on his back.