Twilight Fan Fiction / Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Why The Clearwaters Will Never Imprint ❯ Dreams ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Why The Clearwater's Will Never Imprint
Chapter 1 - Dreams Of A Wolf More Stupid, Sick and Masochistic Than Any Lamb Or Lion
His mouth trailed down her neck, pausing to nip at her collarbone, before he continued licking his way down to the neckline of her sweatshirt, groaning as he encountered the barrier of cloth. She laughed at his impatience, a light peal of sound that he hadn't in such a long time, bubbly and joyous. He lifted his head from her chest to watch her face, to catch a glimpse of the woman who had disappeared with the heartbreak of first love and the death of a beloved father. His thoughts came back to the moment and he realised that she had finished laughing at his youth and was now looking at him with smouldering intensity. She placed her hands on either side of his face and drew him up to her. Her lips met his, soft and full, her wet mouth engulfed him, warm tongue seeking out his to play and dance within their combined kiss. He pulled back first, a finger going to his lips, tracing them before reaching out to trace hers, swollen and red like his. He barely had time to ponder the wonder of his first real kiss as his mind clouded with the sweet scent of her breath as she leaned in for a more passionate assault of his lips. When she licked the roof of his mouth he felt a jolt of fire burn from that point down to his throbbing member, which was straining against the denim of his jeans.
This time she was the one who broke away, no doubt feeling the urgent pressing of him against her leg. She smiled a wicked, taunting smile, full of sinful promises, a smile he had never before seen on her face for as long as he'd known her. Ruefully he figured that Sam must have seen that smile before, but as soon as that thought appeared it vanished as her sweatshirt hit him square in the face. He pulled it away and scowled.
“Don't do that!” he growled.
“Or what,” she said sitting up, her hands firmly placed on her hips, “You'll tell mum?”
He flushed scarlet, caught between frustration and embarrassment, her breasts jutted out against a thin red lace bra, making the familiar stance alluring instead of threatening. Eighteen years of bickering gave rise to the near instinctual need to retort and win the silly argument. A movement of her head to flick her hair back over her shoulder caused the lace to rub over her nipple, teasing it erect, giving him a new way to win the squabble.
“Or this!” He grunted.
He pounced, propelling himself forward to latch his mouth over the taut lace, grabbing at her wrists to pull them above her head, and trapping her legs beneath his. He felt a wave of satisfaction go through him as she moaned at the sensation of his tongue against her pert breast. She struggled, as expected, she would never go down without a fight, but although she was faster than him, he was definitely the stronger of the two. She gasped when he bit her nipple gently, reprimanding her for her struggles, and she stilled for a moment before writhing up, pushing her hips firmly against his. He pulled away to groan and she deftly flipped them, straddling him although her wrists were still trapped in his large hands.
“Let go of my hands, and you can be on top” she whispered seductively.
“No, you're lying I can tell” he grunted as she ground down into him.
“If you let go of my hands I can take off your jeans...” She said in a sing-song tone
“You'll just trap me, I know you!”
“Fine, well I'll just have to do it the hard way then!” she huffed as she slid backwards.
She shimmied down his body until her cheek lay against the bludge in his pants. She rubbed against him catlike and her hair tickled his bare stomach. The fabric grew tighter and she let out a chuckle, deep and seductive not light like her laughter had been, and his stomach tightened. Gazing up into his eyes she took the button of the fly into her mouth and after a small struggle, popped it out of its hole. She smiled gloatingly at his slightly nervous face, before ripping the zip down fast with her teeth bared. He shifted up the bed slightly, bringing her with him and leaving the pants midway down his thighs. She bent her head again, her eyes never leaving his. His breath sped up, he had never even thought of this, surely she wouldn't, not her. Her tongue lapped at the silk of the front of his boxer shorts, not giving him time to think, she mouthed him and nuzzled him through the increasingly damp silk. He released her hands absent mindedly and she wrenched them down ripping his boxers and jeans off his legs even faster than shifting can rip them.
Suddenly her mouth moved away and his hips bucked upwards, searching for the heat that had left, but she pined him down. He opened his eyes when he felt something drip against his leg, and what he sees is the single most arousing sight he has ever seen in his entire life. She had rid herself of her own jeans and underwear, and was now hovering over his leg as she dug through her overstuffed wallet. While she is occupied he slips a finger up into her, wriggling it up and moving it around in her tight, warm passage. She's dripping and his surprise attack causes her to drop the wallet with a faint curse, bucking as he adds another finger twisting them and hitting something inside her that makes her throw her head back wildly.
“Fuck it!” She growls, pulling his hand roughly away from her snatch and pushing the wallet off the bed.
She moves over his hips and impales herself down on his shaft.
“Seth” She hisses.
“Leah” He moans in reply.
“Seth” She hisses less enamouredly. He wonders why she hasn't moved yet.
A sharp stinging against his face makes him lurch up, hand to his hurt cheek. Moving his hands to rub the sleep out of his eyes, he squinted wearily up at the shadow looming over him.
“Hunh?” he says intelligently.
“What the hell Seth!”
“Yes `Le-ah'!” The room is sent into a blur of light and colours as his bedside lamp is switched on.
Leah is standing, red faced in anger, arms crossed and glaring at him from beside the bed.
“What's up?” he asked blinking and dragging himself into a sitting position.
“Why don't you tell me, darling brother?!” She growled sarcastically gesturing towards the tent made by the blankets draped in his lap.
“Oh Shit!” He cursed a shoved a pillow in his lap, grateful for his superhuman speed.
“Try to dream quietly Seth! Mum is downstairs and the last thing we need is for her to hear your `Leah! Le-AH' s and wonder what the hell is up!” She said each word through her gritted teeth.
Seth stared down, face burning and he felt himself become limp beneath the pillow from the shame that welled up.
“I'm sorry Leah. It's all my fault, I'm so, so sorry” he whimpered quietly, brokenly.
She sighed and pulled his head against her stomach, smoothing his hair between her fingers. Seth turned, slipping his arms around her waist, the satin of her nightgown cool against his face as he pressed closer to her.
“It's not your fault Seth...” She sighed, “Blame the stupid imprinting werewolf genes or whatever, not yourself. Maybe I should leave, go to college or something. The distance might make it easier, I could-”
“NO!” He yelled, thankfully muffled by her stomach, and pulled back.
“Don't leave me, please! I'll be better, I'll shield even tighter against Jake and the others! No one will ever find out! I'll even tell Carlisle I'm having nightmares so he'll give me sleeping pills so I won't dream! Just please don't-”
She placed a finger on his lips, her face softened by his desperation.
“I won't go squirt, and don't go taking pills; our metabolisms would just burn them up too fast anyway. Just, I don't know - maybe sleep with your head under the pillows or something.”
“Okay Leah.” He looked relieved that she'd given up on leaving.
“Mum doesn't sleep here much these days anyway, she's usually with `Charlie'!” Leah said agitatedly, she didn't like the idea of one day getting Bella Bloodsucker as a sister-in-law.
“So keep your dreaming to nights she doesn't feel the urge to keep us company, alright?”
“I love you Leah.” Seth smiled at her, beaming.
“Yeah, I love you too squirt.” She replied.
“Now go back to sleep,” she growled, shoving his arms off her, and roughly pushing him back into bed.
“It's freaking 3am! And if you so much as utter my name again tonight, I'll rip your tongue out myself and solve your sleep talking problem, got it!”
Seth nodded dumbly from where he fell. She reached out to turn out the light, when he grabbed her wrist.
“Don't I get a goodnight kiss?” He whispered in his most hopeful voice.
“No!” She hissed through her teeth and wrenched her hand away, flicking him in the nose.
She clicked off the light and stormed quietly out of his room.
He spent the rest of the night concentrating on the lingering scent of her hair and the memory of her waist through the satin of her nightgown. He ached to have her close to him, to feel that satin pressed against his bare chest as she slept, wrapped in his arms. A tear ran down his cheek, dripping down his ear and onto his pillow, as he mourned the forbidden love he may never receive.