Ultra Maniac Fan Fiction ❯ Magicked ❯ Ascension ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1: Ascension
It was so pretentious, that it was almost disgusting.
Yuta Kirishima looked across the enormous ball-room, hands in pockets, leaning casually against the raised podium in the centre. The eighteen year old was attired in his best official dress, a grand thing of maroon velvet and gold lace. And even though one could imagine that he had worn it to blend in with the grand opulence of the Palace ball-room, his reasons were different. The day was a special day for him, and he had to wear something to match the importance of the occasion.
The entire hall was decorated with decoration of the most colourful and brilliant imaginable, and yet, the vivid clash of colour and glitter all over the ball-room was of an elegant, almost royal pattern - reminding the onlookers of the dignity of the occasion which it brightened. Guests were slowly trickling in, all of them bedecked in their best gowns and suits.
It was the riches and opulence of the Magic Kingdom at its best.
And yet…
Yuta found it so artificial, he thought he could puke.
But then again, he thought, Just about everything in the Magic Kingdom is artificial… He was, quite literally, sick of the so-called paradise - fabricated by their magic - that the people of the Magic Kingdom lived in. They needed nature, they needed adventure, they needed to go against the norm, once in a while… they needed to explore.
But then, of course, he was always termed as the “troublesome, but idealistic youth” whenever he voiced his views. After a period of time, he had simply stopped voicing his opinion, out of exasperation.
Yuta smirked. That was about to change.
Standing up straight, he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a gold watch, whose hands were encrusted with the rarest moonstone - a gift presented to him collectively by all the Professors of the Magic Academy, `in appreciation of his true genius and contribution to the Academy's intelligentsia' when he graduated. But, of course, he could tell that the watch was only a `good-riddance' gift… the Professors had been happy to finally get him out of their hair. Reminiscing on all of this, Yuta gave a small sigh.
Being a genius was not easy. Especially if you are an idealistic, innovative, magical genius, who has a hobby of playing pranks on other people.
Yuta shook his head. He had to prevent his mind from going down such lanes… reminiscing about the past did one no good, especially not if one had to wait out just one evening - just one evening!­ - to see all of one's long pent-up dreams come true.
Yuta noted the time in the watch. She should be here any moment now…
“Hey, Yuta!”
A familiar voice broke him out of his reverie, though it was not the voice he had been hoping to hear. Luna stood in front of him, draped in an elegant blue and silver ball-gown, making her fair skin and hair glow against the dark fabric. A cheerful smile danced on her lips, and her normally sad, drooping eyes were now beaming at Yuta with genuine affection.
Yuta smiled in approval. Ever since the Prince's and Maya's marriage, he had virtually taken Luna into his custody, determined to help her get rid of her depressed fits and negativity. He had seen enormous potential for a brilliant witch within her, and he had been determined to help her find the path which would one day lead to her success - and a hope-limned destiny.
But that had only part of the reason, of course.
The other reason was so that he could overcome the heartache of having to face the fact that Nina was going to Earth and never coming back to the Magic Kingdom as one of its citizens anymore… that her heart already belonged to a man on Earth, and to him alone.
… that she would never come back to him, not in the way he had wanted her to.
Yuta shook himself inwardly. All that speculation was of no consequence now - except for him wallowing in self-pity, which was exactly what he didn't need if he was to fulfil his ambitions. Nina was happy on Earth, and if she was happy, he was happy. The fact now was that his efforts with Luna had finally paid off: she was now more cheerful than before, and was now a lot clearer in her judgement and thinking. Maybe the most important thing of all was that she had learnt to hope - hope for better times, for success, for love, for peace… to pray, and to succeed. She was now respected a little more in the social circles of the Magic Kingdom, as a consequence.
And she owed it all to Yuta.
“Hey, Luna,” Yuta said. He bent his head, and taking her dainty hand in his, kissed it lightly. “You look simply beautiful tonight.”
Luna blushed. “Th-thank you, Y-Yu-Yuta,” she stammered.
He frowned at her, his frown being much like the affectionate frown a teacher would give to a student who has just told the wrong answer. “Uh-uh, Luna,” he said, and she could almost imagine him wagging his finger at her, “Remember what we talked about earlier - you got to learn to deal with not only insults, but also flattery.”
Luna fought back a temptation to roll her eyes, and nodded. “Yes, I know, Yuta,” she said. “I'm sorry. Anyway -”
Suddenly he reached out and brushed away the strands of hair hiding her right eye. “I thought I told you to get rid of that hair-style,” he said. “It's not very happy-looking, you know.” Her skin tingled where his fingers had brushed her skin, and she blushed even harder. Yuta leaned back and smiled in satisfaction. “That's better.” Suddenly his gaze was filled with heavy intensity. “You know, Luna,” he said, his voice low, “You've got the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.”
Her eyes widened in delight at the compliment, and she found herself fluttered. She opened her mouth to stammer at least a word of thanks, before a blessed shard of common sense wedged in her brain spoke up. Of course… he was only saying this to test her… well, she was more than ready to face up to his challenge.
“Why, thank you, Yuta,” she said, her voice perfectly even. “I'm flattered.”
Yuta laughed. “Excellent! You're quite the quick learner.”
Luna smiled. “Anyway, before we deviate from the subject, I came here to inform you that the prince is calling you to his private chambers - behind the ball-room. He wants to have a word with you before the ceremony starts.”
“Whatever for?” Yuta pouted, glancing at his pocket-watch again. “I might miss her arriving…”
Luna felt slightly hurt at that juncture, but she was not sure why. “Come on, Yuta,” she said. “For all the etiquette you teach me, you at least ought to know that you can't openly defy the Prince.”
Yuta quickly looked around them, and then cast a conspiratory wink at Luna. “Who says I'm defying him openly?”
Luna laughed. “Oh, Yuta,” she said. “However friendly you are with the Royal Family, the friendship is not going to last very long at this rate.”
To her surprise, instead of retorting, Yuta merely smiled. “You're right,” he said. “Our friendship is not going to last very long.” Taking in the image of her jaw dropping, in an amused glance, he added, “I mean, it's going to grow into something bigger, something better.”
Leaving her gaping and pondering over his words, he proceeded towards the private chambers of the prince and princess - a suite of rooms behind the ballroom. He walked toward a non-descript looking painting situated among many others of the same type in the back of the ballroom. Standing in front of it, he cleared his throat, and whispered, “Silvery Spider.”
The painting immediately responded to his cryptic password, and depressed into the wall. It slowly slid down, opening a hole in the wall big enough for a man to walk through. Once Yuta had stepped through into the rooms beyond, the painting shot up in great speed, leaving no evidence that it had just opened to a secret passage.
The room Yuta had just stepped into was refreshingly different from the grandeur of the ballroom - it was luxurious, alright, but very subtly so. The best word to describe the room would have to be homely. The prince and the princess - Maya - were seated on a cushiony, silk-draped couch when Yuta came in. Upon his arrival, the Prince immediately stood up, and greeted his friend with a warm smile and a light embrace.
Yuta embraced Maya next, kissing her lightly on the cheek. “How wonderful to be seeing you again, Princess.” Then, turning to the Prince, he bowed. “I heard from Luna that you required my presence…”
“Yes.” The Prince's eyes twinkled. “So, Yuta Kirishima, are you ready for this occasion?”
Yuta looked up at the Prince, his aquamarine eyes slightly clouded in confusion. “Of course I am, your Highness,” he said. “If you won't mind me saying so, it is a rather… strange question to be asking at this stage.”
“Yes, yes, I know,” the prince said, waving his hand dismissively. “Just wanted to be sure.” The Prince clasped his hands behind his back and gazed into a silver-bordered mirror on the side, which served as a one-way window to the ballroom, at the decorations and the anticipatory excitement of the guests. “This, quite frankly, is a very bold step on my part - something which has never been done in the history of the Magic Kingdom before. How people will accept this decision is a matter of doubt.” He suddenly snapped his gaze to Yuta. “You must be prepared for any reaction.” His eyes narrowed. “Any reaction.”
Yuta gave him a small smile of reassurance. “Do not worry, your Highness,” he said. “I'm aware of this, and I assure you that I'm prepared for any sort of situation.”
“Good, good.” The Prince suddenly brought his hands together with a loud snap and rubbed them in anticipatory delight. “Well, then, Maya, the kingdom awaits.” He gestured toward the window-mirror. “Shall we go then?”
Maya nodded and proceeded to get up and follow the Prince, who disappeared into an inner chamber leading to the podium. Yuta turned toward the portrait-entrance to leave as well, when Maya caught his arm. “Wait, Yuta,” she said, her voice low and urgent.
Surprised, he turned to face her. Maya's murky green eyes were glowing with a strange light, and her very skin seemed to be tingling with some kind of magic only she seemed to be able to feel. Yuta had always known that as per magical prowess, Maya was almost his equal. Competition between them had been avoided only due to the fact that Maya had chosen to pursue Black Magic, while Yuta had pursued normal magic. She currently seemed to be in some kind of trance, and he was interested in what she had to say.
“Yes, Maya?”
To his surprise, the glow faded away, and she smiled slyly at him. “Congratulations,” she said. “For today.”
He couldn't hold back his smug smile. “All congratulations are reserved to until after the event,” he said. “But thanks all the same.”
She nodded, the sly smile still etched on her face. “Yes… did you know that you're making history here?”
“I think the Prince has made that abundantly clear.”
“Yes, I believe he has.” Her gaze turned thoughtful, though the smile still remained. “You know, we have a really crazy political system here. For instance, consider the method we choose our princesses.” For a moment her eyes clouded as memories rushed in, but they cleared almost immediately. “Outdated, dangerous, biased, deceiving -” Here her smile widened. “Sadly the results don't always justify the means.”
Yuta smiled, knowing that she was referring to herself. But what he didn't know was why she was telling him this…
“But do you know how we choose our Princes - our Rulers?” Maya's voice had suddenly grown incisive at that point, and Yuta took an involuntary step back, taken aback. “N- No,” he stammered. “No one but the Royal Family is supposed to know…”
“You're right.” Her eyes narrowed. “But I suspect that you'll know soon…” Abruptly she shook her head. “No… no. You will know soon, and you'd better be prepared for it.” With that, she turned sharply and disappeared after the Prince, her long mid-night black, silver-embroidered gown trailing after her. Yuta stood stock still for sometime, experiencing his turn to be confused. Just what had Maya had been talking about? For all her beauty and her genius, Maya was eccentric - he knew he was a bit like that as well - but even he was baffled at what she had said. What did she mean, he would soon know how Princes were selected?
Suddenly, his eyes widened.
Could it be…?
No, his mind dismissed before the thought had even formed completely in his head. Impossible. Shaking his head, he walked out of the portrait hole, the door sliding close behind him. He had more important things to do than mull over the cryptic words uttered by some eccentric princess…
He was just on time. The hall was full now, all the guests chattering in low excited voices. They had gathered round the podium, where the Prince stood, Maya by his side. Yuta could understand the excitement - this was the first time that Prince had shown his face to the public. He had dismissed the suggestion that he make the announcement from a high, secluded balcony - as was the custom - his reasoning being that, since the announcement was revolutionary, he'd make the entire occasion revolutionary through
and through.
Yuta had wanted to laugh at the Prince's idea of “revolutionary”, since it only reaffirmed his opinion that the Magic Kingdom really needed to escape from the iron clutches of orthodoxy.
The Prince cleared his throat to start speaking, and the entire hall soon grew silent. The door to the room opened slightly, and Yuta was the only one to turn his head to see who it was. He found bittersweet relief flooding his soul when he saw that it was Nina Sakura, followed by her grandfather. So late… typical Nina.
She caught his eye, and smiled brightly at him, though she couldn't reach him, thanks to the amount of people that stood between them. Yuta's heart jumped to his throat. Nina looked stunning that night, dressed in a simple long red sleeveless gown, the golden Sakura family crest on her left breast, with matching long red gloves on her arms. Her auburn hair was tied into an elegant knot at the nape of her neck, with a couple of strands of hair artistically arranged so that they framed her delicate face. Unlike the other women in the room, she wore minimal makeup, though her beauty easily outclassed all of theirs'. Her eyes seemed to sparkle like diamonds, and Yuta found himself drowning in poetic pleasure…
The prince's voice pulled him unceremoniously out of his musings. He couldn't afford to miss this… the rest of his life hung in the balance…
“Welcome, welcome, my people,” the Prince said, his deep, clear voice resounding in the vast room. “I am sure that many are in curiosity as to what this event signifies - all this decoration, this gaiety - well, to all of them, I assure that their curiosity will be satisfied soon.”
The Prince paused to take a deep breath. “The Magic Kingdom has, over the years, grown into a large, almost paradise-like society that innovates itself every day -” Here Yuta rolled his eyes “- and so I have realised the need for a wider administrative body to see to the task of administering such a growing, prosperous kingdom.
“I will, henceforth, appoint a Chief Minister-cum-Chief Advisor to the Royal Family, who will oversee the running of the government. His decisions are paramount and can be over-ruled only by the word of either myself or my wife.” The Prince suddenly removed a gold ring with an enormous, sparkling garnet, and held it up for everyone to see. “I am to appoint, tonight, the person who is to take that position!”
Surprising everybody - even Yuta - the Prince jumped down from the podium, striding over to Yuta. The guests left a wide berth for their ruler, forming a large ring around Yuta and the Prince. He grabbed Yuta's hand and shoved the ring onto his forefinger. The entire hall took in a collective gasp.
“Yuta Kirishima!”