Vampire Hunter D Fan Fiction ❯ Where the Wild Things Are ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"I won't lie to you. I did kill your brother. I wish I could be remorseful, but I am not." D's words were frighteningly cold. He had killed Mashira, while on a mission to reclaim Charlotte Elbourne. However, it didn't occur to him that Mashira would have such a vengeful sibling.

D's words only infuriated him more, and Fenris swallowed hard, choking back the bitter bile in his throat. "I hate you."

"You wouldn't be the first, I assure you." He said softly, turning away. The horse had righted itself, and D took a hold of the reins. Feeling the weight of the stares on his back, he moved on his way, sheathing his sword as he went.

Again he was stopped, this time by the young boy, who cut him off, standing in his way, arms spread.

"You say that you know who kidnapped my town, and that you're a Hunter. Who hired you to find them?"

"No one."

"Since when does a Hunter work without pay?" Josh clenched his fists at his sides.

"I was hired to track a Vampire. It was by mere coincidence that it is the same one who swept through this town."

"How can he do that?" This came from Kat, who was holding Fenris by the wrists. She looked at D's back over her shoulder. "I didn't think Vampires could do that. The most they do is leave behind Ghouls."

"This is an exceptionally powerful Vampire. He has already done this before." He heard Left Hand mumbling.

"I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but remember that little condition you have a habit of suffering from…? Heat Syndrome? Hellloooo?"

He hid a scowl at the symbiot's tone. "A town in the east has already been victimized." He knew the Humans would believe him. The Barbarois was a different matter.

"This is the outskirts of the Human territories." Fenris growled, his lower canines showing. "The only other town in that direction…" It struck him then, and his heart sank.

The Hunter didn't turn. Instead he climbed astride the horse, inciting it to run at full gallop. He'd lost too much time dealing with them as it was, and the sun was at its highest. Courtesy be damned.

When he was no more than a shrinking cloud of dust in the noonday sun, Kat dared to release Fenris. Squinting her eyes to look up into his face, she saw him, his eyes still trained on the departing Hunter. "Fenris?"

"I must go, Kitten."

"I knew I couldn't stop you." She sighed, pushing a strand of hair from her face. "You want to kill him to avenge your brother, don't you?"

"It's not that. …The village he was talking about…"

"What about it?"
"The only other town to the east is my home. The Barbarois City. And if what that Dunpeal says is true, then my people are in danger. I must go help them." The words sounded strange to him. He would run off to help the same people who banished him years ago?

"I'm coming with you." Josh said. "If that's where the Vampire is, I want to see him personally."

"What can a Human do against a Vampire that can take entire towns?" Fenris said icily.

The boy was rigid, holding himself still. The effort left his hands shaking. His lower lip quivered, and he felt his eyes sting with tears. "He took all I had. My parents, my little sister, all my friends." Turning his gaze to Fenris, he him down, his green eyes intense. They seemed to large and severe for his face, his pale flesh having trouble keeping them constrained. "I'm going."

"Me too." Kat chimed in. "I mean, I don't have good enough reasons like you two do, but I'm coming anyway."

"Courage in Humans is rare." Fenris smirked. "Especially in a pair so young. There may be hope for your species yet."

They shot evil glares at the Barbarois' back, as he examined the door to the Inn. "Way to make me feel inferior…" Josh grumbled, but jumped as Fenris, in an attempt to get into the building, pulled the door off the hinges.

Rolling their eyes, Kat and Josh walked past him, under the door, still held aloft in his hand. Without a word, he dropped the door, and followed, stooping down to pass under the lintel. Kat and Josh were busy in the back room, Fenris moving between the empty tables, following the sound of clanking pots and plates. Ducking once more to enter the kitchen, he was silent, leaning against the doorframe.

Kat was standing close to the stove, waiting for the teakettle to whistle. Josh's upper half was lost in the refrigerator, searching for the fresh butter, for the loaf of bread on the counter. "Should we bring anything with us?" The thick walls muffled his words.

"I would think so. This is the last Human town on this continent, or so D said." Kat said over the shrieking kettle. Once she'd poured the hot water into her mug, she turned, putting the mug on the butcher-block table in the center of the room. Dropping a tea bag into the stone wear mug, she chewed the inside of her cheek in thought. Noticing the Barbarois, she looked up at him. "What do you think, Fenris?"

He'd been standing there, blocking the doorway, arms crossed over his broad chest, his head lowered, eyes closed. When the Human spoke to him, his ears twitched, his only movement. "Hrm… Are either of you vegetarian?" He opened one eye, and trained it on them, a sly smile tugging at his lip.

Kat blinked, confused by the question. "…No…" Josh merely shrugged and shook his head no.

"I can take care of the food. Water won't be in shortage, either." He lifted his head, staring at the opposite side of the room. "Extra weight will only slow you down. We will travel light." His gaze snapped so sharply to Josh that the Human nearly jumped. "Are there any other horses left? Or did that stinking Dunpeal take the last one?"

He thought hard. "Uhm… I think there is one left that functions fully. The other one was due for repairs." Scratching his cheek thoughtfully, he stared at the table, as if it held the answer. Kat fixed her tea, the spoon clinking against the inside of the mug, as she stirred in the sugar and milk. "I should be able to fix it, if you'd like."

"One horse will be fine." He said, his tone evident that he didn't want to delay further. "You two will be the only ones riding it. I am used to long journeys on foot."

They nodded stiffly, Kat sipping her tea in thought. "All right." Taking another swallow, she took a deep breath. "Bring the bread. Let's not waste anymore time." Dumping the contents of her mug into the sink, she breezed past Fenris. "Come on."

Josh wrapped the bread hastily in his handkerchief, knotting the ends together. He rolled his eyes, smiling a little. He slicked his fingers through his hair, and followed. "Feisty one, isn't she?" Fenris merely grunted, and trailed slowly behind the Humans, watching Kat march purposefully to the stables.