Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Born Of The Moon ❯ Dancing In Tokyo ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Born Of The Moon

Chapter IV

Dancing In Tokyo

Even now as Yuhan and I walk together through the crowded streets of Tokyo. I still feel embarrassed by my behavior on the subway. The hot feeling in my cheeks still remained. My head was hung low and we hadn't spoken a word since exiting the subway station.

"I believe you, Hitomi."

His voice caught me off guard and I jumped a little. "W-what? You believe what?"

"Your story . . . I would call it an adventure of a lifetime."

"O-oh . . . well . . ." My blush had to of increased by ten at this time. "Thank you."

My beaming smile didn't last too long though. I became distracted by the people around me. My train of thought seemed to becoming slower, either that or everyone around me was slowing their pace. Even though it was nine in the morning currently, the sky appeared to be losing its brightness quite quickly. I looked at my watch and noticed that my second hand was gradually slowing down.

'What the hell?' I thought to myself. Yuhan was even coming to a halt in mid-pace.

"Yuhan! What's going on?!" I tried to pull on his sleeve but he was cemented in place. As I began to look around, I noticed that no one was moving at all. There was no noise in the city, no animals were making sounds, no one was speaking- there wasn't even a breeze. This had stopped.

While I was off in my own little world, Yuhan and my body continued on as if nothing was wrong.

"Hitomi, when did this all happen anyway?" My eyes must've appeared clouded and much darker, and my expression was no doubt stuck on lost- after all my soul was somewhere else.

Back in my lifeless world, I could've sworn I heard someone walking- someone else was actually alive here with me. I was about to call out but I was spoken to first.

"Don't speak, Hitomi. Keep the silence as it stands." this person-- this man, was communicating with me through my mind somehow. That voice . . .


Yuhan sensed something was wrong with me so he guided my still functioning body to a seat. "Hitomi? Hitomi!"

"Yes Hitomi, it's me. It's Folken. Just please, try not to speak. This world might not remain stable if too much noise disturbs it. I came here to present you with an offer."

Hearing his voice brought back so many memories of Gaea, it was nearly painful.

"Tell me."

I could head him chuckle as he smiled. "These people, all these different people. Their young faces, their varying bodies, fresh personalities. You don't belong with them. You're unlike them all. Even with all of their differences you can still be singled out from them by people who possess magical powers. There is an aura surrounding you, Hitomi. You're above them all, and you deserve to have a better existence amongst the people who adored because of whom you were, not because of the person you tried so hard to be. The people you live among are too materialistic for your liking, and I know this for a fact. I have been watching you suffer amongst them for a while now. Come back to Gaea which rejected you prematurely. Come back to the people who loved you-- for you."

I understood well what his point was, but his voice, his tone was . . . deeper than usual. Folken was a man with a deeper voice to begin with, but it was even lower now. It sounded almost sinister to me. Not giving it a second thought though, I spoke to him with my mind.

"What do I have to do to get back?" I was still madly searching the grey immobile crowd to see Folken.

"In your heart, you now. Go there the night of the next full moon. That leaves you the rest of today and tomorrow. I'll come to get you."

"B-but Folken, why are . . ."

Unfortunately, before my question could even be finished, Folken's presence left me and color began to return to the land, and people and movement commenced once more. On no time, the streets of Tokyo were chiming with noise anew.

I blinked and found myself seated on a street bench with Yuhan watching me attentively.

"Hitomi! Are you okay? What happened?"

"Uhm . . ." I rubbed my eyes and tried my hardest to focus on him. "Remember in the story, how visions occurred?"

He nodded in agreement.

"One of those happened." I stood up and began to walk again.

"Wait! So where are we going anyway?"

"I'm going to stay at my mom's place until tomorrow night. That's when I'm going to leave."

"Oh . . . then I'm staying with you until then. Just to make sure you're safe." I saw his face fall into sorrow as I said that. Now I had to cheer him up somehow. "Hey, wanna go get some breakfast? Or maybe some lunch?" His smile returned at my mention of food.

"Sounds good to me. Where should we go?"

"I know where we can eat for free. Just follow me."

I had never really told Yuhan about my father before, and how he hated young men under the age of twenty-five. Too bad Yuhan was only twenty-one. He was almost in the clear. That also meant that he didn't know that my father owned and operated his own restaurant.

"Apparently, small restaurants serve better quality food." Yuhan remarked as we entered my father's restaurant. Inside, soft music was playing and skimpily dressed dancers were on the stage performing sleek movements against each other. I saw Yuhan tense and stop. Frowning, I crossed my arms.

"They aren't going to strip, Yuhan, They may be performers but this isn't a strip bar. They're my friends."

"F-friends?"His eyes shot back to them when they began to dance very close. "They aren't . . ."

A large was plastered on my face for sure by now. "Lesbians? Oh very much so. I'd like you to meet them. See the one with the long curly hair in the red? That's Hiyaki. The blonde in the blue is Miyasi. Come on!" I pulled at his hand, feeling much hesitation. We sat at a table near the middle of the room and waited for them to finish their song.

Even in the midst of his nervousness, I could still see the anticipation in his eyes. Why men were so entranced by lesbians, I'd never know. Maybe it's better that I don't.

"Hitomi! Is that really you?!" Miyasi had noticed me immediately after the stage lights went off and her vision of the crowd was more clear.

"You'd surely be embarrassed if it wasn't, now wouldn't you?!" I said back to her. She and Hiyaki ran to me and gave me a crushing hug each.

"I can't believe you're really here! What brought you back to Tokyo?" And this early in the day?"

I began to laugh; just seeing the two of them made me unbelievably happy. Then I remembered Yuhan who was still waiting behind me.

"Oh, uhm, Yuhan. This is Miyasi and Hiyaki. The two main dancers for the restaurant. I've known then since the restaurant's been open . . . about twelve years."

He bowed politely to both of them. "I-It's a pleasure to meet the both of you. Your dancing is captivating, I must say."

I was getting the biggest kick out of this- his tone was even nervous! My mind couldn't stop laughing at him, although I felt bad for lying to him. True that they weren't lesbians, they both had steady boyfriends the last time I checked. Besides that fact, they were sisters.

"I take it that was a practice run for tomorrow night?" During the early morning hours, business was close to nothing so they always had at least an hours worth of practice. "That was an awesome song. What language was it in?"

Hiyaki looked at Miyasi. "Oh gosh, it's a dead language . . . I think the old man said it was Atlantean. It's a legend about the draconians."

"What are draconians?" Yuhan asked.

"They were the people of Atlantis. They possessed supernatural powers and also had angelic wings." I replied without even realizing the context of what I had said.

"True, but there are many different legends about the people of Atlantis. If you ask me, I think it's a crock of shit. I don't believe any of those legends." This didn't get me mad, or even strike me as odd because Hiyaki didn't believe in anything whatsoever.

Miyasi was next to speak. "You guys wouldn't happen to be hungry, would you?"

I saw Yuhan's large smile from the corner of my eye. I remember that he hadn't eaten in at least four hours. "Food sounds absolutely amazing right about now."

"Well then," Hiyaki giggled, linking onto Miyasi's arm, "We'd better get changed and prepare these starving customers some food, ne?" Together, they walked to the back of the stage. Yuhan stared in amazement yet again. I sighed, kicking him in the shin. He yelped and grabbed his lower led instantly. "Hey, what the hell was that for?!"

"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's not polite to stare? Now come on and sit down. The last thing I need is you following them absentmindedly."

"Why would I do that?!"

My head fell down as I sighed again. "You obviously know nothing about the average male mind, although you happen to be male yourself. You aren't keeping any secrets form me, are you?"

It was his turn to sigh, and a long, exasperated breath came out. This was certainly going to be an interesting meal. A twenty-one-year-old male with his good female friend and two other women of twenty-one years whom he believed were lesbians. Interesting indeed.

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