Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Born Of The Moon ❯ Beginning Of Partings ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Born Of The Moon

Chapter V

Beginning Of Partings

The dinner Yuhan cooked had been fabulous and as we cleaned, I put on some music for us to move to. Just a soft beat was heard. I didn't enjoy heavy beat music. Only when I was in a bad mood.

"So, Hitomi . . ." Yuhan started as he washed the last plate. "Tell me about this king. Van Fanel."

I dropped the plate I was holding and it crashed to the ground into dozens of tiny pieces of glass. Blood had to of rushed to my cheeks at the mention of his name. "What is there to tell? You read all about him."

I began to pick up the broken pieces of glass that were scattered across the floor with the towel I had been drying the dishes with.

"Well yeah, but I wanna hear it from you. It always sounds better from someone who is in love than written on paper, even if it was written by that person."

"Uhm . . ." I gathered all the glass and placed it in the garbage. "I don't really know what to say. He was so cold hearted and emotionless when I first met him. You could say he was kind or raw. As I talked to him more, I found his nice side."

"Hearing you say that was more emotionally intense then anything written could ever be." He came and knelt beside me. "And I respect you for lasting this long. I think would've gone insane."

I began laughing, resting my forehead in my left palm "I don't know how I've made it this far without losing my sanity. When I left, it was heartbreaking for the both of us for sure. It was like losing a part of ourselves. If we saw each other for even for ten minutes, the emotions would be so overwhelming.

"I can understand that."

Yuhan and I talked until midnight- around the time I was finding it hard to keep my eyes open. I went to my room to get some extra covers for him, and I pulled out the futon bed.

"Wait, actually . . ." I took the mattress off of the metal frame and dragged it up the stairs.

"Uh, Hitomi? What are you doing?" Yuhan began helping by picking up the other end and I led him to my room with the mattress. I was lucky that I had a lot of floor space.

"I don't trust my father. He'd probably try to torture you in your sleep. At least if you're in here, I'll know is something happens."

His face fell. "Well then. Actually, I agree. Your father didn't seem to like me at al when we met." He yawned deeply. "I can honestly say I'm quite tired."

"Yeah, so am I."

"Hey!" His expression now told me he was slightly pissed off, yet amused. It's very hard to describe that look. I think he invented it. "Little miss 'slept for three hours on the subway'. I've been awake for more than twenty-four hours! I have more of a right to sleep now more than you do." He fell to the awaiting mattress happily. "But I have a feeling that I'm going to sleep like one of the dead tonight."

"Me too." I walked over to my cotton sheet-covered bed and pulled the covers up over my head. After about ten minutes I still wasn't asleep, to my amazement. I removed the covers from my head and stared at the ceiling for a few seconds before deciding to pull something out of my dresser drawer. After carefully stepping over a sleeping Yuhan's form, I opened the bottom drawer quietly as possible and removed a long, rectangular box. Treading back over him, I jumped onto my bed and touched the golden part of my three toned touch-lamp. A dim pale blue light barely lit the room as I opened the box and removed the item from the blue silk cloth. A few weeks after I had returned from Gaea, I was walking along the shoreline with Yukari and we saw a swan. In Japan, you don't see swans every day. It was timidly floating just before the shore, staring up down. Of course, never seeing a swan before in our lives, we stared right back at it, but not before I decided to take a picture of it. Just before it began to swim away, it pecked at its back and a single, glossy, ivory feather floated toward me. I caught it, and I've never parted with it since. Gods, it even smells like Van. Needless to say, when I got the pictures developed, that picture was just a simple picture of the shore- no swan. I never showed Yukari the picture though. Now here I sat with that same feather and that same blank picture in both my hands. Ironic things happen in my life. I wonder if I'm the only one.

I put both items back into the box and placed them down at the foot of my bed so as not to forget them tomorrow when I started to pack my bag. The bag I would bring with me when I went back to Gaea.

As I touched my tone lamp a few more times to turn it off, I saw Yuhan toss in his sleep. He was now on his side and was also facing me, his raven hair falling just over his face. If only I had moved on from Van years ago, no doubt I'd be dating him right now. We're too alike to not be together, but my love for Van has held me back and he respects me for that. I'll always respect Yuhan for his kindness and value his friendship with me. I just wish I could've given something to him in return. Then, a thought occurred to me. Just a simple act of kindness before I left could probably make him that much happier. He's always basked in hugs he's given me, never wanting them to end . . .

I jumped purposely noisily down onto the mattress with him. He moaned, trying to turn over but I didn't let him. "Yuhan, wake up."

"Urg . . . wha-" His voice was so much deeper after he didn't talk for a while. It made me laugh.

"Push back a little." He did as he was asked, probably because he didn't want his sleep to be more disturbed than it already was. As soon as I had enough room to lay down, I pulled up the covers and got very close to him.

"Uh . . ." I could tell just by the tone of his voice that he was more alert now. "Nothing like that, Yuhan. I just want to pay you back for all the kindness you've shown me. And for believing me."

He still didn't quite know what to do. Since I was laying on my right side, I took his left arm and put it around my waist, and slightly intertwined my legs with his. He was still kind of uptight but with past experience, I've learned that he's highly adaptable to uncomfortable situations. "Yuhan, I won't bite." I felt his laugh from his chest which was pressed up against my back. "Body heat. I'm freezing. Plus," I turned around to meet his dark eyes. "I'm sure you've wanted just to hold me for a long time, ne?" I saw his eyebrows rise as he laughed again. "Friends, Yuhan. Friends." I smiled and turned back around. As I knew he would, he soon became adjusted and we both slept peacefully together, just as friends, nothing more. I didn't see his sweet smile when I said some very important words.

"Thank you, Yuhan. For everything you've done for me."

The next time I awoke, the sun was hanging low, just outside my window. I blinked a few times, not believing it. Considering that my window is the west side of the house, if the sun were to be where it was at that moment, it'd have to be around past five o'clock at night at this time of year. I also noticed that Yuhan was gone.

"Oh, shit!" I screamed, jumping to feet and running downstairs as fast as I possibly could. I found him sitting at my kitchen counter, my story of Gaea spread around him. His back was to me, so I coughed so that I wouldn't scare him. I noticed he was deeply emerged in it, seeing as he didn't budge when I coughed.

"Yuhan?" This time he jumped, scattering a few pages.

"Hitomi . . ."

I walked behind the counter and grabbed an apple. "How long have you been awake for?" I asked, biting into the blood red fruit. "Well?"

"About three hours. Why?"

"I'm wondering how you're still alive with my father in this house." I laughed.

"Actually," he started gathering up all the pages and replacing them in order. "They haven't come home yet."

I continued to eat my apple in silence.

"You look pretty sad. What's up?"

"The fact that I didn't wake up earlier. I wish I had 've set my alarm or something. I must've been more tired than I thought."

Yuhan retied the string on my folder and rested it on the counter. "I'm sorry for not waking you. You just looked to deep in sleep to be woken."

I gave him a hug before heading back upstairs to take a shower and to begin to pack for that night.

My warm shower had calmed my nerves and diminished my worrying of the whereabouts of my parents. After I was dressed and packed, I got Yuhan to help me make sure that I had everything I needed.

"Ok, name some things I'd need."

He smiled, crossing his arms and sitting down on my desk chair. "This is going to be a long list. Ok, first, changes of clothes."

"Five pairs."


"Socks are very important." I smiled.

"Underwear and bras?"

"Any other guy would've laughed at that."


"That word is hilarious."

"Uhm . . . hairbrush?"



"Uh huh."

"Uhm . . . shoes?"

"Running shoes."



"I'm running out of ideas here." He sighed. "We're getting to less important things."

"How about tampons?" I saw his eyebrows raise, along with his eyes widen.

"Considering the fact that tampons are not an item I normally carry with me and are things that I'll never have a use for in my life . . ."

"Speak for yourself. Hm, ok then I think I'll be good even if I end up in the middle of nowhere." I zipped up the double zippers on my backpack and lifted it up to my bed from the ground.

"You're forgetting one thing." He reached into his back pocket and pulled out something in a white envelope. "Don't read it now, but if you ever feel discouraged, open it."

"Ooh! Yuhan, thanks. Thank you so much." I gave him a large hug. "I'm going to miss you so much. Thank you for coming here with me and for staying with me yesterday in Tokyo. Do you want to borrow my car so you can drive you home?"

"No, I'd rather stay with and until you leave. I'd love to see this pillar of pale blue light lift you away with my own eyes."

I had to bite my bottom lip so that I wouldn't cry. I noticed that it was now six thirty and the sun was starting to set.

"I don't know when he's going to come for me, but I do know where I have to be. We'd better get going."

All of this time was going by too fast for me. It felt as though I was being rushed into this and I wasn't liking it. The only thing that kept me going was Van. Thinking about seeing him again kept me pushing against ill fate and my own personal hell of solitude. Nothing was going to keep me from seeing him again. Nothing in this world.


Seeing as it's 5.47 AM and I have to go to school today, I'd just like to say that I've been up since about five typing out this chapter I wrote for you people during my french classes the past week. Please leave a review to show that you do care about my labor for you all! LOL that and the fact that you actually like the chapter. Sorry if there's a lot of mistakes!