Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Oh Repeditive Yet Ever Changing Future ❯ I Need You ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own it, and probably never will. I don't make any money off of this.

Oh Repetitive Yet Ever Changing Future

By Neko Suzu

By Medatsu

Prologue: I Need You

An aged fist stretches towards two large ornate oak doors. *Nock, Nock* A voice from within the chamber calls out in response.

"Enter." Three aged men enter the study. Each dressed in lordly robe, of color according to their rank. The senior adviser wears shades of green, and of the two subordinates one is dressed in blues and the other in yellows.

"Lord Van." The three men say bowing deeply. The figure seated behind a large Oak desk acknowledges them with a slight bow of his head. Never raising his eyes above his work.

"We have come with a matter of some importance." The Adviser draped in Green states stepping forward.

"What could be so important that you see fit to interrupt me when we are about to enter war with Fukkyu?" Asks Van with a lack of conviction in his voice.

"It has, your Lordship to do with your Coronation." The Adviser in blue says stepping forward. Van pauses at the words.

"Alright, what is it?" He says setting down the quill in his hands and looking at them directly for the first time. In this position Van seemed to become more formidable, the top of his head being nearly level with those of his advisers. It wasn't because they particularly short; it was due to Vanfs height. He had received his final growth spurt only three years ago, which had left him towering over most people - not unlike his now deceased brother. His dark hair, although unruly, framed his face in such a way that it gave him look of intensity that demanded attention. This coupled with his look of annoyance and stress only served to make the prospect of trying his patience all the more dangerous. Not that Van was an unreasonable individual - quite the opposite actually - he just seemed to have relatively short fuse when it came to certain subjects, the Coronation ceremony being one of them.
The three advisers hesitate under his gaze, after a moment the one in yellow manages to find his voice. "We have been consulting the texts on the procedures for the Coronation my Lord. And have discovered a neglected detail."

"The Coronation of a King must not only occur on his Twentieth Birthday" Interjects the Blue Adviser.

"It must also be accompanied by a Wedding Ceremony." Concludes the Green Adviser.

"A Wedding?" Van asks.

"Yes, Lord." The advisers confirm.

"So, I need to find a wife in a matter of four months." It was more of a statement than a question.

"No, my lord." Says the Yellow Adviser.

"Excuse me?"

"You must find a wife in three months." Concludes the Yellow Adviser. A brief look of shock covers Vanfs face.

"You see my Lord," The Blue Adviser comes in. "There are certain purification rituals that must be perform before the Ceremony may take place."

"And the Coronation must take place" Begins the Yellow Adviser.

"On the eve of my Twentieth Birthday." Van cuts in. "You've told me many times. *Sigh* is there anything else I should know before the Coronation?"

"No, Lord." The advisers say simultaneously.

"Then you are dismissed." The three advisers bow. The Blue and Green advisers exit, while the Yellow remains.

"My Lord?" He asks.

"Yes, Ronriteki?"

"I realize it will be difficult for your Lordship to find a suitable Queen under the pressures of the on coming war. So I am prepared to offer assistance in the location of eligible women for your Lordship."

"Thank you Ronriteki, but that wonft be necessary."

"As you wish my Lord." He bows and exits the study.

"I've already found a suitable woman." From the folds of his robe he produces a small, red, tear shaped pendant, to which he softly whispers. "Hitomi."

Night shrouds the sleeping castle. Deep within the quiet and privet darkness of the royal bedchamber Van sleeps soundly dreaming of Hitomi, the pendant resting softly upon his chest. Then from behind a vale of clouds the crescent Mystic Moon slowly glides into view, shining its silver light upon Vanfs sleeping form. The pendant slowly begins to rise, itsfclasp slipping free. It hovers in the air for but a moment, and with a flash of blue light disappears from the world of Gaea.

(A/N) This is the start of my story, and I only have a very vague idea of how itfs going to end. There are just so many possibilities. So try to bare with me.
I also have lots of commitments and other fics to write. So the next chapter could take a while.

Oh, and I often get off my butt and write faster if I have motivation. Naturally that means Read & Review people.

P.S. I lay claim to the Advisers and the Empire of Fukkyu.

Japanese Word List (In order of appearance)

Fukkyu - means erestorationf (The reason for this will become evident later on in the story.)

Ronriteki - means elogicalf (As in argument or analysis. Hopefully the reason for this is rather obvious.)

Pointless Japanese Word List (In order of appearance)

Van - (which would be pronounced eBanf in Japanese.) means eeveningf or enightf, ewatchf or eguardf (There are a few other meanings for eBanf, but I thought these ones fit the best.)

Hitomi - means epupil of the eyef (I just felt like looking this up for some reason.)