Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Tempest's Story ❯ Depression ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hey back again. I just typed two chaps yesterday and then this will be second today. I love this story. So many ideas and stuff runnin through my head.



"Hey Tempest!"

Tempest turned around to see her friend Aya run up to her.

In the last six years, Tempest had adapted to this strange place called Earth. She had learned how to use better technology then Zaibach ever had. Things like cd players and televisions.

"What is it Aya?"

"Wanna go clubbing?"

"Sure, why not."

"Great. I'll be at your house tonight at nine."


Tempest walked home as slow as usual. As she walked, she would always lose herself in the things she remembers from those days back on that other planet. Most of all she remembered her three friends. Gatti, Chesta, and Dilandau.

"I wonder what they look like now?" thought Tempest to herself.

She walked to her house and went inside. Since this was her last year in school and she was eighteen, she was allowed to move out of her foster parents house. Ever since that day that she woke up on a different planet, this planet, she had been in foster care. Many foster care houses actually.

Tempest sat down quietly and did her homework. Then she made some instant Ramen and went upstairs for an outfit. She decided to wear some hip hugger blue jeans and a blue top that showed her midriff. Over top of that she put on her dragon hoodie.

She sighed as she examined herself in the mirror. She wondered what those boys would think of her now. She had grown her curves and other female parts as she hit her teen years. She was sure the dragon slayers had filled out into their forms as well instead of scrawny like they used to be.

When nine came around, she heard Aya honk the horn and a couple wild shouts. Tempest rolled her eyes. Andrea was making those shouts.

"I can't believe that Aya is bringing her along." she muttered.

Andrea was a friend of Aya's though Tempest didn't know how that happened. Aya was a sweet person while Andrea, she was a whore basically. She went around in the skimpiest outfits she could sleeping with guys.

Tempest headed out the door with a bag in hand. After they went clubbing, they'd always sleep over at Aya's.

Tempest flung her stuff in the trunk and got into Aya's viper. She was pleased to see that Missy and Ellen were there as well. At least she wouldn't be going at Andrea's throat too much.

When they got to the club, the bouncer immediately let them in.

All the girls except Andrea, sat down at the bar.

"So what do we wanna do tonight?" asked Missy.

"Let's pick up some guys. You three in?" asked Ellen.

"Sure." said Aya.

"Fine by me." replied Missy.

"Tempest?" asked Ellen.

"I'll pass." Tempest said.


"Leave her alone Ellen. You know that she never does this."

"Yeah I know."

"Then stop hounding her."

"Yes ma'am."

Tempest yawned. She hated going to clubs. She didn't want a boyfriend. She didn't want to watch Andrea prance around in her skimpy clothes. She just wanted to be left alone. She had always been a hermit and she wanted to continue to be one.

'I just want to go home.' she cried in her mind. 'My real home.'

Tempest immediately got up and headed outside. Huge sobs racked her body.

All she wanted was to go back to her friends. The ones that she cherished so much.

Tempest grabbed her bag out of Aya's car and headed down the road towards her room. She was too depressed for this tonight.


Tempest turned as her friends came out dragging a fuming Andrea behind them.

"Tempest what's wrong?"

That's when Tempest finally lost it.

"I can't do this anymore. I just want to go home!" she shouted.

At that moment, a huge beam of light came out of the sky and lifted Tempest and company off their feet. Tempest quickly grabbed a hold of her bag.

"I'm finally going home." she said with a smile before she passed out.


Thank you guys soooo much for the reviews. I'm hoping that you guys like this chap. I'm so excited that I think I'm going to start on the next chapter. I love this story. This is better then Angel of the Night. Anyway, hope you guys know that I don't own Escaflowne and all that. I'll pry stop talkin to you guys in the chapters so… know that I appreciate your reviews very much even if I decide not to talk anymore.

^_^ Night of the Raven