Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Tempest's Story ❯ Where Are We? ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Couldn't resist talkin. I just entered the last chapter in. Hope that you guys liked it.


Tempest woke up as someone screamed. She looked around urgently. Aya, Missy, and Ellen were covering their eyes as Andrea screamed her head off.

As much as Tempest hated Andrea, she had to do the noble thing. She ran over to Andrea.

"What's wrong?" Tempest asked urgently.

"My makeup is smeared."

The three girls rolled their eyes.

"For the love of the gods." Tempest said rubbing her eyes annoyed with Andrea.

"Hey Tempest?" asked Aya.


"Where are we?"

Tempest blinked and looked around.

They were in a forest strangely enough, but it was weird. It didn't look like the forests they were used to seeing. It had an exotic look to it.

"I dunno, but we need to get outta here."

The traveled for hours on foot finally getting to the edge of the forest.

"Hey we've reached the end. You can undo Andrea's gag if you want." said Tempest.

After they had found their bags which strangely enough had followed them here as well, they started walking on foot. Andrea had whined so much that Tempest had tore off a piece of Missy's shirt which was longer then hers and gagged Andrea with it. Missy had held Andrea's wrists the whole way so she couldn't reach up and take off the gag.

Tempest looked at the city before them. It looked familiar. Very familiar in fact. She just couldn't place it. It was in face a very bustling city by the looks of it. There were no malls or anything. Just humble little shops.

"This reminds me of the dark ages." Ellen observed.

"Maybe it's a set for a play or a festival or something like that." said Missy.

Tempest led the party through the streets. The men and woman looked at them strangely. While all the inhabitants were dressed in long flowing skirts, the girls were still in their clubbing wear.

"This is really creepy." Aya said.

"No kiddin." said Missy.

The girls kept walking until they hit a street full of stands. Everything from cloth to food. As they passed a bread stand, Tempest stopped and clutched her head.



"Get back here you thief."

So scared……..

Almost out of breath……..

'I'm going to die.'

Colliding with someone…..

"Are you in trouble young one?"


"Are you ok Tempest?" asked Aya.

Tempest gasped.

"I think we're……"

Tempest took off suddenly and the girls gave chase.

Tears streamed down Tempest's face as she ran through the alley ways. She knew this place. She knew what street would take her where. She even had it programmed in her mind where the best places to get food were.

"Tempest what is it?" asked Aya catching up to her with the others trailing behind.

"I know where we are."

"Where are we?"

"In Zaibach. Man this place has changed so much."

"Where is this at? I've never heard of it before." said Missy.

Tempest swallowed.

"Guys……we're aren't on Earth anymore."

"What?!" they exclaimed.

"If we're not on Earth, then where are we?" asked Ellen.

"On Gaia."

"On what?!"

"Gaia. It's where I'm from."

"Where you're from?" asked Aya.

"Yes. I lived here. In this very town. Until…."

"Until what?" asked Missy.

"Until Folken. He came and took me to become a warrior."

Tempest covered her mouth in horror.

"What's wrong?" asked Aya.

"Dilandau." she whispered.


"He was my friend and the others….I never got to say goodbye to them. I have to find them but…..after all this time, will they be mad at me?"

"We can at least try to find them."

"Tempest nodded.

"Yes you can at least try. They might still be on the Vione."

Tempest and her friends casually went around town asking about the Vione. Later when they regrouped they told each other about their progress.

"So no one knows nothing about the Vione." Tempest said quietly.

"I think they know." said Aya. "They seem…to look suspiciously at us. Like we shouldn't be asking that."

"What happened here?" Tempest wondered aloud.

"I dunno but we best find a place to sleep." said Missy looking at the horizon.

"Let's go back to the forest. The taverns won't take money from the Mystic Moon." said Tempest.

"The Mystic Moon?" asked Aya.

"Yeah. That's what they call Earth."

"This place gets wierder and wierder."

The girls headed into the woods and camped out for the night.

"Dilandau." said a man in a cloak.

"Can't you see I'm busy." Dilandau snapped at him. "This better be important Folken."

"It is. There have been some inquires about the Vione."

"The war is over. Why would anyone look for this wreck?"

"I don't know. Reports say that it's a couple of girls."

Dilandau raised an eyebrow.

"Women." he spat. "Why would women look for the Vione?"

Dilandau scratched his chin with the tip of his dagger thoughtfully.

"Unless…..they're looking for a hard ride. Real men to show them the pleasures of love." he snorted. "Wouldn't be the first time. Women are always a man's undoing."

"I don't think you are correct Dilandau. However, please check it out."

"Yeah yeah."

"By the way, don't take out your bitterness for women out on them. It's not their fault that Tempest disappeared."

Dilandau fisted his hands.

"GET OUT!" he bellowed.

Folken quickly excused himself.

Dilandau sighed and tipped back his head to take a swig of his wine. Tempest was always a sore spot with him. Still years later, and he could not find her. She had never come back. Even though he would never admit it, he missed her. She was his friend and in a blink of an eye, she was gone.

He sighed and pulled on his uniform. He had grown a lot since he last saw her. His muscles more built and he was taller too. Just for a brief moment, he allowed himself to picture her infront of him. She would be older as well. Her form much more feminine. She would smile up at him and sound arrogant. Her mismatched eyes sparkling with life.

In anger he smashed his glass against the wall. She had left and she would never come back again.

He walked down to the training room.

"Chesta. Gatti. Miguel." he barked.

The three of them quickly walked over and saluted him.

"We are going to check out a disturbance."

"Yes sir." they said in unison.

The three of them plus the commander climbed into their 'melef suits and took off.

Tempest and the girls were woken up by a large noise. Tempest looked up and saw the biggest machines in her life.

"Woah. Is that a gundam?" asked Missy.

Tempest sighed.

"No they're 'melefs. Which means we're in trouble."

"Well well well. What do we have here?" came a voice from the only red 'melef. "Some whores looking for a good time?"

Tempest growled low in her throat.

"Come out here and say that you twerp." she shouted.


All of the cockpits opened and several people dressed in uniforms climbed out.

Tempest watched as the one that came from the red suit came even closer. She gulped, wishing she had her sword.

"I hope you know what you're doing." Ellen hissed.

"I'm out now what?" asked the pilot mockingly.

Tempest looked up from where she was staring at. She looked slowly up over his boots, and his pant legs. Her eyes uneasily rested where his sword was for a minute. She swallowed and looked up into his eyes and gasped.



^_^ Night of the Raven