Warhammer 40K Fan Fiction ❯ Whispers of Penance ❯ Chapter 3

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Wow, I really am getting irritated with having to write a damn disclaimer every time…I don't own Warhammer 40,000 and I am not making in money from this.
Chapter 3- Alcedonia Indutus In Cruor
A man screamed in agony as the overwhelming sounds of shells exploding rang through the streets. The loud roar of Sister Aurea's bolter rang out to join the rest of the sounds of combat. Spent shells were ejected smoking to litter the rubble strewn ground that Aurea stood upon. Las fire cracked around her and soared past her face as she let her weapon speak. Within her daunting helm she was calm with hardly a drop of sweat on her pristine face.
A heretic's arm was blown off in a spray of gore and bone as one of her shots found their mark. The following shot punched a massive bloody hole through the man's flak armored torso. He fell to the muddy ground and she had already moved.
Aurea's powerful legs shot her forward to a section of building that had fallen into the street that the squad now fought from. She could see Heretic reinforcements rushing up the rubble littered street. Each man carried the mark of chaos upon their armor or flesh and many had brutal melee weapons on their hips.
Sister Superior Joan stood with her power sword drawn, its razor edge glimmering from the fires of ruined buildings, her other hand had her bolt pistol raised and was shooting into the Heretic positions. Aurea and Sister Kierra had found several traitors trying to flank the squad and after giving the Emperor's Judgment upon them both Sisters had returned to the squad.
Sister Joan's voice crackled over the communicator suddenly. “Sister Aurea, take Sister Hera and circle their flank to the right around our Rhino. We shall advance and regroup with Sergeant Herror's Grenadiers.”
Aurea nodded and she motioned the crouched Hera to follow her. The new Sister stood shakily as las fire tore into her cover. Hera very clearly did not want to be volunteering for the mission. Aurea ran towards the broken down form of their Rhino, expecting the woman to follow.
A sudden flurry of las shots hit around her as she rounded one of the shattered walls. One struck her breast plate and she grunted as the armor took the shot and threw herself back behind the wall. Sister Hera reached her.
Aurea motioned with her gauntlet. “We have resistance. We'll need to rush them.”
Hera nodded and raised her bolter as Aurea leaned around the corner. Before las fire peppered her cover she spotted five heretic Guardsmen crouching in a ruined fountain. With out hesitating Aurea seized one of the frag grenades on her belt and glanced back at Hera.
“Pray my aim is accurate Sister.”
Hera nodded and Aurea knew the young woman was most likely doing just that. In one motion Aurea leaned out from the corner and tossed the prepped grenade in a high arc. It clattered into the pool and the men yelled and one tried to grab it. Aurea and Hera had already moved towards them. With a loud explosion of shrapnel and flamed the five panicked men were torn to pieces.
Aurea hurried past the fountain and quietly praised the Emperor for the accuracy of her throw. She and Hera ran through craters for several hundred feet until they found the full flank of the Heretic platoon that kept their squad pinned, perhaps twenty soldiers. The men were spread out in small clumps while firing from the cover of craters and ruined wall. It was amazing that they had not rushed the entrenched squad of Sisters, it was a deathly mistake. She pointed at the closest squad of men.
“Fire upon them Sister, I will move to attack the second.”
Hera nodded and moved up to the wall and as Aurea rushed forward over the rubble she fired. Two men died immediately. Their bodies twisting and exploding as the bolter fire tore them apart. She fights well. A voice whispered. Aurea quickly shushed it as she sprinted past the dieing men and began to whisper hymns of protection and nearly smiled. A day when heretics died was a good day. Regardless of victory or defeat, it could be considered a success, the voice seemed to agree in its silence.
The squad Sister Aurea assaulted was crouching within the burnt remains of a transit vehicle. Their gleeful smiles and the scream of their lasguns entailing the punishment they were laying down on the squad. Aurea called to the Emperor to protect her and lowered her bolter as she ran.
Two shots fired and a shaggy headed man's head turned into red mist. She smiled as the others looked to her in confusion. She laughed as her rounds turned two more men into meaty pulp. Had it not been for her new helmet she doubted that she could have coordinated her attack as well thanks to the bare traces of light that had started creeping into the smoky sky. Regardless Sister Aurea praised the Emperor the entire time she shot down the traitors.
Two were left and they smiled cruelly as they rushed her over the few feet left between them, obviously assuming that she would be easy prey no at such. Aurea had been so elated with the deaths of the others that she had not noticed the two diving for cover and advancing upon her. That was sloppy and arrogant. Be sure to kill them. The voice whispered again. Aurea was distracted as the voice whispered to her. They were too close for her to shoot and one leapt at her his face smiling manically. Only the Emperor knew what they were thinking.
The one who leapt giggled as he tried to grab her and Sister Aurea unhesitatingly rammed the handle of her bolter into his face in response. He screamed as his teeth fell bloodily from his mouth. With out hesitating she aimed her bolter at the man on the ground. His hand came up.
“The false God shall fall whore! You may kill me but there will be billions more in my place!” He screamed and blood flew from his ruined mouth.
Aurea looked at him coolly from within her helmet and spoke. “Then let them rise heretic. I shall bring the Emperor's judgment to anyone who betrays Him.” With that she blew his body apart with two loud shots.
The second had not been nearly as fast to react seeing as it was dark and he was slipping on the corpses at his feet. He struggled to get away from the shattered bodies of his ex-squad and grabbed her arm. The heretic was much larger than Aurea. His flak armor covered a massive muscled chest and his unshaven face was tattooed. He raised a pistol and aimed for her chest. Aurea rushed forward as the man fired and pierced her armor. The pain of the las shot was searing but Sister Aurea did not pause as she rammed her armored shoulder into his gut. The man grunted and staggered back a step.
Aurea released her bolter so that it hung from her shoulder and gripped the man. His skin was so pale that she could see his veins beneath his flesh. Using her momentum from running she dragged the man down to her. Caught off guard and still reeling from the blow to his stomach, the man had no choice but to descend. With a growl Aurea slammed her sharpened knee guard into his stomach as the power armor sent mechanical force into her blow.
The sound of ripping flak armor was audible and the man let out a painful moan as her armor tore open his stomach. Shoving him backwards Sister Aurea watched the huge man tumble to the ground. Finish him. The voice whispered. His stomach bled heavily and made the dirt around him muddy. He looked at her with bared teeth. She stalked forward and un-holstered her bolt pistol.
His own las pistol raised to shoot her and he laughed. She narrowed her eyes and squeezed the trigger. Her bolter spoke and his raised hand exploded. He screamed and grasped the stump as blood spurted on him as Sister Aurea advanced.
The man growled and tried to stand, his eyes wild. Aurea slammed her boot into his wound and twisted the tip as blood flowed over it. At her brutal touch the large man screamed as her powered boot dug into his flesh. Let the Emperor guide me. Aurea silently intoned. Leaning forward she pressed and twisted her boot in with more vigor. She felt organs pop as her foot entered his torso.
“Mercy!” He screamed as his stump slapped at her leg.
Within her helmet Sister Aurea smiled and raised her pistol and twisted her foot once more. The heretic writhed and wept as she destroyed his innards. The Emperor's justice could know no bounds, and mercy was for the weak. Aurea spoke to him as she pressed down with her foot and felt his stomach give a wet pop. “Do not consider this mercy heretic. Consider this a gift from the Emperor.” She fired and his head exploded. Dragging her foot out of the dead man reminded her of Geena and she remembered Geena's account of her joining the Order. This is only one to cleanse our souls. Aurea thought. She thanked the Emperor for her luck in battle and then cursed as she kicked off bits of organ that had stuck to her boot.
Sister Hera stood behind her and had clearly watched the entire fight. Aurea motioned to her. The younger Sister approached and looked at the dead body. She had clearly never been in close quarters combat. If her faith and courage hold she may just survive Aurea thought absently. She had seen dozens of Sisters die and would not be surprised if Hera fell today.
“Why did you not just kill him, Sister?” Hera's quiet voice asked.
Aurea kicked off the rest of the mans innards from her boots and turned away to continue her assault. “He was a heretic and deserved punishment more than just a quick death. Now come Sister Hera, there are more to gift the Emperor's wrath upon.”
The sounds of battle came from soldiers who were being attacked by the rest of the squad. Aurea hurried to support them and called to the Emperor to bless her aim and to purify Geena her own souls, as she lowered her weapon on another squad.
It was not long before the Heretics, men who simply fired weapons but did not possess any actual skill with warfare, had been cut down. Sister Joan beheaded their commander and the Sisters regrouped and began moving down the shattered street to regroup with the Grenadiers. None of their number had been lost. Kierra and Aurea both now sported minor wounds but they gave prayers of fortitude and continued with their duties.
The call to fight had been issued when the Traitors made another assault through the North side of the town. The entire garrison that they lived with had rushed to the fighting as fast as possible. It was during the initial attack that Harror's Grenadiers and the Battle Sisters were separated. They met stiff resistance when they tried to regroup and it was not long before the dead from both sides littered the dark streets. In the dead of night it created a shadowy nightmare that only the light of weapons firing revealed anything. None of this was helped when the Battle Sisters were trying to find the Grenadiers.
Aurea hurried next to Sister Superior Joan as they found the Grenadiers. The Guardsmen were hidden within a ruined chapel and had their carapace armored forms stood behind war torn stone walls with several large spot lights set up. Its great gothic arches were bullet ridden and ruined from a shell that had struck the building. The building was apart of a large religious block of the Port Sanctuary and was attached to a gate covered garden walk that led to a large cathedral. Aurea could hear another battle happening towards the cathedral.
They approached cautiously and stepped quickly over slaughtered heretics. The Guardsmen hailed them and it was Sergeant Harror who welcomed them into the strong point.
“Sister Joan, good to see you still breathing.” Harror said. His voice vainly tried to hide the slight note of disgruntlement from the meeting with their commanders earlier.
“The Emperor blessed our attack. If it was not for the night attack we would have been here sooner.” She replied indifferently to his tone as she pulled her helmet off of her head. “Do you know of any of the details of the attack?”
Harror nodded and suddenly motioned over his shoulder and shouted. “Toradaes! Get some medical supplies and tend to the Sisters.” He turned back to Joan. “As we both know they punched straight through the sentries and the first outer defensive potions before we were deployed. After we were separated I received orders that we were to hold this chapel. It seems that the traitors are searching for something.” Aurea's ears picked up at Harror's words. Geena had said that that she sensed the taint of Chaos within Port Sanctuary. Harror continued. “They only set up a battle front quickly to distract us and then other heretics search their objective. Once they are done searching they will break the battle and retreat into the shadows. My men and I have already fought two waves trying to search this building believe that this chapel is their objective.”
“How do you know that this is the building they search for?” Joan asked.
Harror motioned out of one of the large arched windows. “Because each time they attacked this building specifically they do not search the other structures around us.”
Sister Superior Joan's dark eyes stared into the dark street. She glanced at Aurea and Lea, whom stood still and looked at her. If Chaos wants this building, then we must hold it. Harror began to tap his armored forearm with impatience. She nodded her head suddenly and turned back to Harror. “We will hold the line with your men. And I will be keeping a close eye upon you.” She turned to her squad. “Sisters, we defend this building. The Heretics wish to possess a building of the Emperor's and we shall not give it to them.”
Tordaes brought over medical supplies and he rolled his neck as he placed the med sealants next to Aurea as she removed her helmet. “What a long night…” He muttered and glanced at her. “I'm pretty sure I look just as tired as I feel, just how do you maintain looking so fresh?”
“Delivering the Emperor's vengeance should be more than enough reason for your body to remain strong and not need sleep.” Aurea responded as she cleaned her wound, no more than a minor las shot that had penetrated her body. It radiated pain through out her body when she touched it, but she knew that it would heal quickly.
Tordaes looked at her and lifted his hell-gun to rest in the crook of his arm. He was taller than her she realized with light brown hair and a very attractive, if unshaven, face. He is handsome. The voice whispered. Aurea very nearly whirled around at the thought. Is that you, Sister? She asked herself. There was no reply and Tordaes was chuckling darkly. She glanced up at him.
“What is the cause for your laughter?”
He shook his head with a smile, his hazel eyes merry. “Don't you ever get tired of having to recite the prayers, Sister? I mean it must become rather repetitive.” She glared at him. Perhaps Joan was right to suspect Harror and his menShe thought wryly. He held up his hands at her icy glare. “I'm just saying that it is ok to lighten up every once and awhile.” How dare he, that is nearly heresy! He groaned as she began to open her mouth angrily and her hand drifted to her bolt pistol, he lifted his hands still smiling. “Sister, I am just as devout as any other Servant of the Emperor, I was just trying to lighten the mood. I'm just not good at talking to women.” He stared her dead in the eye. “So if you would remove your hand from your pistol and not shoot me just because of a little jibe that would be great.” He smiled warily at her and his eyes sparkled making her stomach flutter in a way she was not used to. “Though I must say that the look I got of you last night was…” He coughed nervously and swallowed as he saw her hand tighten on the grip of the weapon. “Sorry… I think…” He trailed off and his eyes searched for some form of apology. Instead he let out another small cough.
Surely he cannot be suggesting, attraction? Her face was still icy and her hand had stopped rubbing her wound yet she gripped the grip of her bolt pistol tightly. She did not know how to process Trooper Tordaes' statement, anger was her first instinct and she accepted it quickly. “Your lack of faith is unsettling. If it were not for our current situation of having to guard this chapel, I would end that issue.”
His eyes widened and his smile disappeared. “That's what I mean! A little humor is not that bad of a thing, Sister.” She opened her mouth angrily and he sighed. “Sister, I only wanted to start friendly conversation. I figured it is better for soldiers to get along rather than be threatened into fighting. We are posted together with several others on the north western edge of the chapel. I didn't want to enter a death match with out at least knowing the name of the one who is supposed to be watching my back.”
She looked at him blankly. Perhaps she had overreacted? Tordaes turned around. “Once you're done cleaning up you can meet me over there. I only wanted to pass a few words with you, and I of course had to run my mouth and now I may be shot by the one who is supposed to be my comrade. Emperor protects, Sister.” She was silent as he walked away but she caught him grumbling to himself. “Sarge is right; I am going to get shot because I can't keep my mouth shut.”
Aurea knew that faith in the Emperor was all that mattered. But for some reason she felt guilty for treating the man so. But was she not just in her threat? It was her duty to end any disbelief in the Emperor. Or perhaps he had only meant to be friendly, she had never been skilled in communicating with anyone outside of her Sisters… I do not know what to doShe finished cleaning her wound and let out a sigh as she stood and replaced her helmet as she walked out the door. Perhaps conversing with the man would not be so bad. So long as he did not blaspheme.
Sister Lea fell into line with her. The woman still had her helmet on and she had been cleaning her meltagun of imaginary grime. “That Guardsman was in there with you an awfully long time, Sister.” Lea said teasingly.
Aurea glared at Lea through her helmet. “This is why you are punished so often, Sister. Your impure thoughts are not fitting.” She said tightly.
Lea stopped and looked at her. “Sister Aurea I was only teasing you. You are not just my fellow devout Sister, you are also my sister. We are friends; friends are allowed to pass light comments to one another so long as we do not blaspheme His name.”
“Your thoughts are not pure, Sister.” Aurea responded as her Sister's words and Trooper Tordaes's words sunk into her. “You would do well to remember purity.”
Lea shook her head and laughed over the private communicator. “Perhaps your sudden rigidness is born from your own thoughts. What did he say to you?”
Aurea growled and hurried forward. Lea sighed and stopped her and took Aurea's hand in her own and bowed her head. “Sister, the Emperor protects us and we him. We love Him and He loves us. When we return if you are this concerned and high strung, perhaps you should serve penance.”
Aurea laughed then. Lea looked at her, clearly glaring even though her helmet. “And just what is so funny?”
Aurea, still holding Lea's hand in her own, turned and marched towards the northern side of the chapel. “I would be serving my penance right next to you every day then.”
Lea muttered something about “just trying to help” and “I don't serve penance that often.” Aurea only chuckled more at her Sister's griping. Tordaes did not deserve rudeness, chastisement certainly, but she would introduce herself. Perhaps Sister Geena was helping her reveal more of her human side. Silently she asked the Emperor for forgiveness for her attraction, it may have been slight but it was attraction to the man, and proceeded to her post.
She did not get to talk to Tordaes when she reached her post. Instead she heard Kierra let out a shout as she approached.
“To arms! The foe approaches!”
And they did. These were not the unskilled rabble of soldiers they had fought earlier. These were full fledged heretic Guardsmen, warriors whom served directly under the Traitor Astartes. The spotlights revealed that many sported mutations and all grasped their weapons with blood hungry chants on their dark tongues. They attacked from the north and all the warriors within the chapel moved to combat them. Dianna's heavy bolter suddenly roared to life and five exploded from the heavy rounds tearing into them.
Sister Joan moved up to an opening and unsheathed her sword, her dark hair blowing lightly in a sudden breeze. She raised her sword and called out so that all the gathered Imperials could hear her words.
“Sisters! Let the heretics feel the Emperor's anger!”
Every gun fired. The spent shells rang on the floor of the chapel and the sounds of the Heretics chanting as they advanced as every soldier fired into the company that assaulted them. Aurea stood next to Tordaes, who had donned his mask and helmet, as Sister Tynea fired from a walkway above them with another soldier. Every shot found it's mark and the blood of the heretics wetted the ground in great gouts.
Another man went down from one of her carefully aimed shots and she dedicated each kill to the repentance of Geena. Once or twice she saw the body of her fallen Sister laying among their dead but quickly blinked away the mental picture. And each time the voice inside her would whisper. Concentrate. She did not know if she was actually hearing Geena speaking to her or if she was stark raving mad. Regardless she cleared her head of such thoughts and faced the attack with determination and sent many of the traitors back to hell.
Aurea did not know how just how long it had been before the first wave finally faltered. The enemy retreated into the ruins beyond the chapel, stumbling over their dead comrades bodies. Aurea thanked the Emperor for his protection and looked at Tordaes. He was attempting to wrap a bandage around his wounded upper arm. He had removed his helmet and he was sweaty and dirty. His combat gloves were certainly were making a mess of things. I can tend his wound. Aurea thought as she moved to him while feeling heat rise in her cheeks.
He cursed as the bandage slipped again. “Damn those heretic bastards back to hell!”
He grabbed at it again but Aurea gently; or as gently as she could in her armor, moved his hand and took the bandage that was soaked with blood and threw it away. He stared at her as she quickly went over to a crate that held on-hand medical supplies and retrieved a fresh bandage and med sealants. She went back to Tordaes who still stared at her, and began to dress the wound. Within her helmet Aurea blushed, but did not stop her touching of the man. He was muscular and hard and his hazel eyes studied her closely with horribly disguised pleasant shock in his eyes. Med sealants sealed his wound and she then tightened down the fresh bandage to keep the wound clean.
Once finished Aurea went back to staring out of the window and prayed. She had done all of it with out a word, not that she would have been able to for her voice had been caught in her throat. Tordaes placed his helmet back on and suddenly shook his head and laughed. She glanced back at him and felt a mental twinge within her mind. He smiled as he pulled on his re-breather unit. The automated lights clicked on and he spoke.
“Sister, you are full of surprises.”
Sister Tynea let out a call. “Sister Aurea?” Aurea turned on her heel and began to walk to the rough stairs that led up to the second level and tried to calm her heart rate. Tordaes spoke to her back.
“Your name is Aurea?” She stopped and looked at him, safe within her helmet that could not betray her face. I will need to cleanse my soul heavilyShe nodded and walked away, he robes swaying on the curvy armor. She could not see it but Tordaes smiled and nodded to himself as he spoke softly. “Aurea…”
Laufeia L'Amia watched the soldiers die as the False Emperor's toy soldiers shot them down. She did not mind their deaths; the fools actually thought their blind charge would overthrow such a well entrenched foe. She was thin and willowy with dark red hair that hung in one long braid down her back while an ornately detailed head dress with a dark red gem held in its center held back her bangs. Laufeia's eyes were violet and they complemented her pale skin beautifully. She wore deep blue robes and had light armor over her torso and wore combat boots. Her forearm armor was ornate and heavily detailed. Her elegant hands carried a staff that was only slightly taller than her. Power conduits attached on it with a daemon's skull attached at its head.
“Do you sense it, Sorceress?” A deep bear-like voice growled from her right.
Laufeia broke her view of the slaughter and turned back to the speaker. A massive ten foot man covered in a great suit of dark blue power armor stood behind her. A bronze eight pointed star of Chaos marked his chest and his shoulder pad bore nothing but a skull with fangs on a twisting purple background. A mighty blade hung from his hip and was accompanied by a plasma pistol. The man within the massive suit was handsome with a square chin yet was scarred by several white scars on his face. Despite his attractive appearance his eyes betrayed his dark will and Laufeia knew of the pointed teeth that hid behind his lips.
“Yes I can, Lord Rhodar.” She turned back to the scene she had been staring at. She could sense the same strange psychic call as she had for weeks. Lord Rhodar had led his war band from the Black Legion to wage war on the pathetic world at the will of the willowy Sorceress after she had approached him. Rhodar's war band the `Shadow Lords' had set out from their fortress within the Eye of Terror with the weaker armies of regular Guardsmen that were the servants and slaves of the Shadow Lords and had joined forces with a larger attack force. They were here to investigate the psychic call that Laufeia felt. “I am almost positive that it came from the cathedral.”
Rhodar grunted. “They are well entrenched and they have many guards within the house. Are you sure it is here?”
Laufeia sighed irritably. “Yes, Lord.”
Rhodar growled and a massive hand suddenly spun the sorceress around. “Careful woman! You have been wrong all night and I am tired of wasting time following your words. If this is incorrect I will throw you to the men and let them have their way with you.” He spat. “But you Slaaneshi whores like that kind of thing don't you?”
She glared up at him defiantly and the great fanged skull suddenly seemed to suck what little light was around them into it. She spoke sharply. “The Gods favor me, Lord Rhodar. Do not forget that I went to you because I knew that the World Eaters had recently decimated much of your territory. The Gods may not be looking upon you fondly at this time and I am the one who can sense the Call. I do not only follow The Keeper of Secrets. I have served the Changer of the Ways and it was then that I learned much of my abilities. Both have spoken favor for me. It is not wise to anger one such as me.”
Rhodar looked at her and after a tense minute of silence smiled. His teeth sharpened and glistening as he chuckled darkly. “I respect your guts Sorceress. If you were not so powerful or favored by the Gods I would take you as my concubine. And break you.” She stared stonily up at the chapel. Rhodar let out a chuckle that reminded Laufeia of Daemons she had summoned and he continued. “We shall crush them and find my reward. Then you shall receive yours.” The massive man turned around and motioned behind him another Astartes in the same colored armor. “Send another wave and gather the commanders. Keep the Imperials distracted and send to the fortress to send us reinforcements of Marines.” He turned back to her. “I must go organize the attack. We will need your support and possibly your tongue to speak with the Gods.”
Rhodar's massive form strode off to his commanders and Laufeia went back to studying the chapel in front of her. She could feel the calling again. This close it nearly made her waver at such a potent psychic ability touching her mind. A voice spoke to her.
Kill them…Find me and I will make you immortal and more powerful than you could ever dream…Kill them all…
Sister Superior Joan strode among the Imperial soldiers and her Sister's maintaining a constant vigilance. It would be dawn soon and the vox set had said that they would receive reinforcements. They had suffered no casualties but larger numbers would certainly ease her tenseness.
Aurea looked at her Sister Superior as she approached where Aurea stood vigil at a window. Joan had not donned her helmet again and she looked fresh and rested. How the woman was not exhausted and falling over was a gift from the Emperor. Aurea felt the few hours of sleep she had gotten slowly drain away during the battle but she would not let her self accept the fatigue.
“Sister Aurea.” She greeted, you would have never have thought they were in the middle of being besieged by the tone of her voice.
“Sister Superior.” Aurea replied with as much strength as she could. “It has been long night. Thank the Emperor that it is nearly over.”
Joan chuckled. “We have delivered the Emperor's wrath. But it will not be over any time soon.” She sighed slightly, the first time in over a week that Aurea had even remotely heard her Sister Superior make such a sound. For a moment Aurea could see the exhaustion in Joan, but then it was gone just as quickly as it had come. Sister Superior Joan was stalwart and resilient. The entire five years that Aurea had served under Joan; she had shown the charisma, command, friendship, and the strength the beautiful woman possessed by an officer and a mighty warrior. She was devout to the Emperor and was beloved by her fellow Battle Sisters. Even when the Celestine Sisters approached her to join their elite ranks as a Celestine she turned them down. Saying: “I belong on the battle field with a holy bolter speaking the Emperor's anger from my hands next to my Battle Sisters, I do not need more to be satisfy my pride or justify my hand.” She had been frowned upon by the Celestine but none could upset her decision. She loved her squad almost as much as she worshiped the Emperor.
The dark haired woman turned to Aurea. “I saw what you did for the Trooper you are stationed with. I have never seen you help anyone outside of our squad when they were wounded. Quite `Out of Character' I think the phrase is.” Aurea froze. Joan did not seem to notice, or care, and continued. “We have only room for the Emperor in our lives, Sister Aurea. Sister Lea informed me of your behavior after speaking with him.” Aurea was grateful for her helmet so that Joan could not see her shocked face. Joan leaned against the stone wall and watched the breeze stir loose hair and cloth on the dead outside. Her armored hand was stroking her bolt pistol fondly. “I have known you and Sister Lea the longest out of our squad. You have always been a curious one, Sister; at least when you were younger.”

“Sister Superior, I-!” Aurea started but Joan held up a warning hand and her eyes were sharp.
“I have known this and you have not shown this kind of behavior since before you were but freshly in the squad. I wish to know why this behavior has resurfaced.”
Aurea was silent a moment as she thought about what Geena had said about their thoughts and possibly their desires possibly merging and then responded quietly. “I was only helping him treat a wound.”
Joan stared out into the street. “Please, Sister. Please, keep this at nothing less than between soldiers. We are not required to be celibate. But it has been punished with execution in every case I have seen. You are too valuable and close to me to have that happen to you…” Joan's eyes became slightly distant, another trait that Aurea had never seen the woman show. “I once knew a Sister who became pregnant after finding a man she cared for.” Aurea blushed at her Sister's obvious hinting. “When the Canoness found out she reported it to the Inquisitor that she served. They yanked the child out of her belly and crucified the poor woman.” She looked at Joan, it was inhuman to do such an act but the woman was a Daughter of the Emperor and it was not acceptable to share affections in this day of age. “All because she found care and companionship with a man and was discovered.” She pushed off the wall and looked again at Audrea. “Keep your thoughts pure and a prayer on your lips.”
“Yes, Sister Superior.” Audrea replied as she dropped to her knees and bowed her head. “Emperor, forgive me for my transgression.” She murmured as Joan watched her beg forgiveness.
“Stand, Sister. You do not belong on your knees.” Aurea raised her head and saw that Sister Joan was smiling. “I did not necessarily mean drop to your knees in prayer though I am sure the Emperor heard you. If you wish to reprimand your sins do so once we return to our monastery. But now we have a company of Heretics to punish.” Aurea stood but her head was still hung and Joan made a motion over her bent head. “The Emperor protects, Sister Aurea.”
“The Emperor protects.” She intoned.
The sound of foot steps reached their ears and Tordaes' grey armored form trooped through the doorway. Tordaes walked up next to the two Sisters, whom both stared down like a hawk would stare down a mouse He had two canisters of field rations in his hands and a weary smile on his face as he tiredly hummed a happy tune. He froze in mid-step and his smile disappeared when he saw the two women staring at him. He recognized the measured look he was receiving and immediately began to sweat; he had seen men executed after such stares from a Sister of Battle. Coughing slightly he looked away from Joan's stare and walked outside the door to wait. Joan turned back to Aurea and threw her a wink.
“He is handsome though, Sister.” Aurea felt her jaw drop. Is Geena affecting Sister Joan!? She wondered.
I'm not in her head. Geena whispered suddenly.
“In the Emperor's name!” Aurea suddenly whispered in surprise. Get out of my head! Emperor save me I have gone mad!
I wish to help you, Sister Aurea. To do that I must be here, and you are not mad. Though after what you did to the heretic in the street earlier I do believe you are almost too fervent in purging the heretics. It was cruel what you did. But he was a traitor.
No! This is my mind!
I believe the darkness I sense is coming from some where behind you.
Get out! Aurea mentally begged.
Very well Sister, remain vigilant. But I will continue to watch.
Then she was gone and Aurea was left wide eyed and hardly able to breathe. She was mad. There was no other way to describe it. Her dreams could not drift into her mind and speak to her. She realized she had not stopped staring at Sister Joan.
“Oh come Sister! You know I am but human.” Joan said with a sly smile. “I will serve penance for my thoughts and words as well. May the Emperor forgive me.”
Chuckling at her own jest Joan looked out into the street once more and suddenly she was on her feet yelling into her com. “Sisters! To battle!” Her blade was in her hand as was her bolt pistol as Tordaes rushed back into the room with his weapon ready and rations forgotten. He raised his hell-gun just as the heavy bolter rang out and sent advancing traitors scurrying for cover. Joan turned to Tordaes. “Tordaes, we will need more support in this room.”
Tordaes nodded and began to speak quickly into his com. The heretics rushed forward and Aurea could see an autocannon being set up in the cover of a ruined window. She squeezed her trigger and watched one of the heretics drop with a scream as his leg was separated from his body at the hip. She continued to fire into the horde of Heretics that advanced toward her. Suddenly the autocannon roared and upstairs a loud crash of shattered stone sounded out.
Joan accessed her com. “Sister Tynea, report.” There was more firing and another shell slammed into the dirt outside of the chapel and sent a spray of rubble and dirt. Joan turned to Aurea. “Sister Aurea, check upstairs for Sister Tynea.” Joan said calmly as she raised her bolt pistol and aimed out of the window. “We will hold them here until you return.”
Two Guardsmen rushed into the room just as Aurea advanced up the stairs. Half way up she saw a blood splash on the wall. She steeled her self resolve and rounded the corner. The center of the wall between the two windows had been blown in. The Guardsman was clutching his throat where blood was seeping out quickly. Aurea accessed her com.
“We need a medical officer, Sister Superior.”
“Is Sister Tynea alive?” A mental twinge alerted her of Sister Geena's presence.
Aurea saw her helmet-less Sister laying against the wall with blood dripping out of her mouth. She had a large hunk of stone sticking out of her side. The autocannon thundered again and another part of the house was hit. Aurea knelt and tried to check her Sister's vitals. Tynea moaned out in pain and looked up at her. Her pretty oval face was spattered with blood and several long cuts disfigured her once pretty face and wept ruby blood heavily.
“She is alive but heavily wounded.”
Tynea grasped Aurea's armored shoulder guard and moaned out to her. “P-please…! S-sister… please… Oh…” She panted and moaned as more blood dripped out of her open mouth as her eyes clenched shut and tears mixed with her blood. “Oh E-emperor! I-it... h-hurts!”
“Sister Aurea, is she capable of being saved?” Joan asked quietly. Down below Aurea could dimly hear the Sister Superior's bolter firing. She stared quietly at her dieing Sister.
Tynea let out a loud cry and leaned forward and grabbed Aurea's armor with her other hand and looked into Aurea's eyes. Give her mercy…A voice whispered, she could not tell if it was Geena or herself. Behind them the medic rushed up and began to drag the wounded trooper down the stairs. Tynea's tears ran down her bloody face. “W-why…? Oh… it hurts!” She gasped with wide tear filled eyes and began to choke. “Sister…! M-mercy!
Aurea stroked an uncut part of Sister Tynea's face such as a mother would do to a scared child. “Do you wish the Emperor's peace, Sister Tynea?”
The girl sobbed and Aurea felt what ever little 'good' feelings she had earlier die. Tynea shook and wept but her head nodded as more blood leaked out of her mouth. Tynea shook and wept but her head nodded. “Y-yes…”
Aurea stroked her blood clotted auburn hair gently s her insides froze and her heart felt dead and slack. She felt Geena almost protest as she un-holstered her bolt pistol. She did not want to kill her Sister, far from it. But she was too far gone. Or at least that's what Aurea told herself as she placed the bolt pistol against Tynea's heart. Tynea wept harder but began to stutter out a prayer through a blood filled throat. Aurea commended her soul as she stroked Tynea's hair and face soothingly and felt wetness touch her eyes.
“Let your soul travel fast to His heaven, Sister.”
Tynea shook with sobs when the medic ran up stairs. He looked at them and suddenly rushed forward. “Stop! I can help her! I can-!”
The bolt pistol spoke and blood spattered against Aurea's breast plate. Tynea's young face, that was not so naïve or innocent appearing any more, stopped weeping and stared out into the night with dead glistening eyes. Aurea bowed her head and commended her Sister's soul to the Emperor and lowered her pistol. Another dead Sister… this time slain by her own hand. She stood and walked past the gaping hole that had been a wall. I am so tired... She did not blink as las shots peppered the wall behind her, yet none touched her. I killed her…
The medic was staring at her from the stairs and he spoke shakily. “I could have saved her…”
“She desired the Emperor's peace.” Aurea responded stonily.
Aurea suddenly yanked out her pistol and pointed it at his head. She saw Sister Geena laying in the mud and Tynea's wet eyes was all she could see. “Are you questioning an act of the Emperor?”
He raised his hands. “I'm sorry Sister! I was not questioning… I just think I could have saved her.”
She slammed her pistol back into its holster and walked past the medic. “See to your wounded Trooper. Save the one who still clings to life.” She said coldly. She had given Tynea the Emperor's peace yet she felt guilty. Let her soul travel fast. She mentally whispered to herself.
You are not used to showing mercy are you Sister? Geena had returned and had asked the question gently.
Inside her helmet Aurea felt a tear touch her covered cheek and stick the metal of the helmet. I am so sorry, Sister Geena.
Sister Lea once told me, when I was alive, that you hardly blinked at killing. That you were always the dangerous one of the Squad and had executed a rebel leader as others argued that they should interrogate him. Aurea remembered shooting the Guardsman on another planet during another war. She had been brutal and had told the others that the man was a Traitor to humankind. He had been a rebel fighting because the Governor had been a tyrant, words of him stealing the lower and middle class wives and passing them around the rich men of his court like a common harlot. She had gone and shot a man who most likely had worshiped the Emperor and only wished for a change from the fascism he had lived in. There could be no rebellion.
You were always the first to pull the trigger and deliver death. I always looked up to you, Sister Aurea. And now that you have shown mercy I accept your apology and realize how human you really are. She had never shown mercy. Her treatment of the heretic early that night was standard. Her body felt exhausted and she had to stubbornly force her feet forward.
I am so sorry… Aurea thought again. And she was. The guilt threatened to eat her alive as she reviewed all whom she had killed.
Don't apologize again Sister. That is done; we have a war to fight and Sister Tynea is gone but you shall fight for my memory, hers, and above all the Emperor. She was silent for a moment. You are strong Sister remain stalwart. Geena was gone.
She entered the room below and saw Tordaes and the two other Guardsmen firing into the squads of heretics that hid in craters outside. Sister Superior Joan saw her and called out to her.
“Where is Sister Tynea.”
“The Emperor has taken back his Daughter.” She reported in a dead voice as the medic went to the wounded man on the floor and began to tend him. She stepped around him and raised her bolter and took her place at Sister Joan's side.
Joan growled. “They have murdered too many of my squad.” She bowed her head and quickly murmured a prayer for her fallen Sister. She looked up and began to carefully shoot the heretics in the craters.
Aurea fired her weapon and watched men die. They beat back every wave. None of the heretics ever getting closer than fifty feet from the stone chapel in their mad charges. Their bodies were scattered and bled heavily into the dirt. Aurea continued her firing and stared into their howling faces as they died.
It was finally over. A break in the fighting left all exhausted, all except for Harror and Joan, but all had to maintain a vigil. Aurea let Tordaes catch some sleep and stared out of the window as dawn approached. She saw in the dim growing light the corpses of the dead, their faces twisted in their final agonizing moments. She was so tired. She stared into the battlefield and she did not see the dead heretics. She saw Sister Geena laying on her side, the mud sinking into the creases of her armor as her blood shined. She could hear Sister Tynea's pleas for mercy within her head and saw blood tears course down the young girl's face. She prayed. She did not know what else she could do.
She stared at the dead and prayed.
Chapter 3 done! *high fives self* You have no idea how hard this chapter was to write. I certainly hope this is enjoyable for you all to read because I've shirked eating all day to finish it.
Well I was an idiot and had to throw a romance complex into the story. (Just when a talking dead woman saying cheesy lines was at its peak I add some heart related stuff) I am curious how it will turn out; though I know my writing style and I think I already have an idea. But I'm not telling you.
I have introduced our Traitor caste and now we (Hey, I'm right there with you in wondering just where the hell this is going) shall see how this turns out.
I really tried to expand Sister Superior Joan's character in this chapter. She is possibly one of my favorite characters as of yet.
I have the start for chapter 4 written but it could be awhile before I get to it. But never fear, more of my corny story will be posted as soon as possible.