Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Clash of Claws ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]




~ by Requiem Duindain and some edits by Chrys Anthemum

He had stayed quiet.

He didn't question their new mission even if it was quite odd.

Hell, a lot of their missions were odd. They were downright odd and bloody and gory and full of guilt and regret.

That guilt and regret wasn't good for their line of work.

I mean, while he contemplated whether or not he had done something right, an enemy who was somehow spared might creep up on him and kill him.

That had almost happened more than once but it didn't keep him from feeling that way. It did teach him to be sharper and more attentive, though.

The others felt that way too.

In their bloody- goody- ol'- honest-to-goodness-justice-for-mankind quartet called Weiss, they all suffered though they were quite used to it by now.

Yohji, whose outrageous attempts at flirting annoyed the three others, suffered.

Omi, with that smile of innocence no one could possibly hold even after killing so many, suffered.

Aya, cold and apathetic or just plain distant and impersonal (C.A's notes: And extremely grumpy too), suffered.

And even he, Ken, suffered.

It was no big secret. Their missions revealed to them the ugliness of humans. The two rules that would forever be true:

Rule 1: Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution adapted by Mr. Shishio Makoto's "The strong shall live and the weak shall die" Survival of the Fittest motto.

Rule 2: Life's Facts such as "If one does not oppress, he becomes oppressed" slogan of the millennium for those suffering poverty.

Sad, but true.

Such is the way of nature. Nature isn't cruel, it's just the way it is. Who could defy nature? (C.A's notes: Me Duindain, who else?)

Why did they have to keep on doing this? Why were they given this new mission by Persia? "To eliminate some unwanted bugs," he said and that didn't help at all. They were assassins dammit, they had to know their targets!


He blinked and whipped his head to the direction of the voice, and found himself looking at a pair of glassy green puppy eyes. "Huh? What?"

"We're here."

"Here? Where 'here'?"

"The airport," Yohji answered for him and glanced back at him from the driver's seat. 'Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah…. Fine."

Aya merely said, "Get yourself together."

"Ken-kun, are you afraid of flying?" Omi asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

"What? Of course not!"

"Good. There's our contact." The red-head said, gesturing to the man standing near the airport, smoking.

Would Ken regret this again?


By: Chrys Anthemum

He looked up, eyes hidden against the RaybansÔ he wore. He was leaning against the pillar, a white butted cigarette between his middle and forefinger.

He could see the four men descending from their transportation and directly walking towards him. Their strides were long and purposeful. Especially the trenchcoat clad man.

Especially the red-head with the weird do.

He met them half way, extending his right hand in greeting.

"The mission," was what the red-head leader said and his hand quickly dropped back to his side.

He cleared his throat as he reached for the folder that was hidden in his gray coat. "You will be boarding a private jet by -"

"Who's the client?" came the fearless leader's cutting inquiry.

"He's the head of the Eikyuu clan and he wants-"

"What are we to do?"

"Your group's primary purpose, actually, is to guard the host of the Yorimichi auction."

Ken almost fainted with relief. He's probably thinking, Yay! Custody mission!

Aya scowled deeper than he already was. "Explain," he ordered.

The agent shook his head. "I'm sorry but I was only advised to orient you with the preliminaries of the mission. Mr. Eikyuu will be the one to explain further."

He turned his back on them, motioning for them to follow him. "Please, walk this way." He flung his coat to one side, making it wave behind him almost regally as he strode towards the hangar.

"I can do better than that," Aya grunted as he moved, trying his best to fling his tightly buckled trenchcoat to no avail.

Yoji snorted a laugh and posed. "Let the expert handle this," He twirled, making his suit bound up around him before he broke into a sudden halt and walked like Keanu Reeves in The Matrix.

Ken and Omi laughed.

"What," he glared. "Are you laughing about?"

Aya, sweatdropping, pointed to the door. "Wrong way."

Yoji, covering his embarrassment, pushed his glasses up and shoved his hands in his side pockets simultaneously bowing his head.

Ken and Omi's laughter echoed behind the poor embarrassed playboy.