Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Clash of Claws ❯ Hired For Show ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


Chapter 1: Hired For Show


By: Requiem Duindain and some edits by Chrys Anthemum

He scowled, eyes narrowing on the five figures outside the window; their hair and clothing whipped and tousled by the strong wind. On of them was the assistant of Mr. Yorimichi Moiya, Nathaniel, who always goes about in a trenchcoat and Raybansä; He is never seen without a cigarette. The four others were the members of Weiss who he was "compelled" to hire.

Why did he have to to hire some quartet-of-florists-who-are-actually-assassins-in-disguise?

He was powerful enough to obliterate anyone so… why? Dammit! Whywhywhywhywhywhy?

"A penny for your thoughts."

He blinked and looked at the figure of the boy sitting across him, longish blue hair messy because of the headphones that were now sitting on his shoulders, the music from the earpieces faintly heard. "What?"

"What are you thinking?" the boy restated, raising a blue brow. "You look so serious and…" He pointed to the pile of ashes that still held some semblance of what it was before its reader started scowling and glaring. "You burned the newspaper again."

He sighed and grabbed the mini-vacuum-from-God-knows-where and cleaned up the mess he accidentally made. "Could I help it?"

"I doubt it."

"… do you have to rub it in my face?"

"Well, I haven't yet. Do you want me to?"


"Then I won't"

'You've got a smart mouth for a six-year old."

Crimson yes glared, "I'M NOT SIX YEARS OLD!!"

"Are too"

"Am not!"

'Then what's with the body?"

"Do you think I could've helped it?!"


A stress mark made its usual place on the blue-head's forehead and he tried to suppress the urge to jump the older man and tear him limb from limb. So he just tried to grin but his anger made that grin, with its pair of pearly white fangs, gruesome. "You are irritating."

"The feeling's mutual."

"Why you-"

"Behave yourself. I am your father, you know." He reminded matter-of-factly.

The boy suppressed a sudden urge to growl like what he truly was and just settled for rolling his crimson eyes. "Are not."

"Oh act like your age."

"Like I'm a million years old?![1]"

"Why not? It's better than listening to your childish arguing."

Just as the little boy was about to retort the sound of people climbing up the metal stairs silenced him, and on a silent agreement stood up in respect for their guests. As Nathaniel's body emerged he nodded to his boss who returned the signal before he stood aside to allow easy passage for the four other men.

The first one they saw was a blond with longish hair and sunglasses in a long body suit with the famous metallic crosses. He just smiled his usual smile at the two.

The next was another blond with green eyes (R.D's Notes: NOT HISOKA KUROSAKI!!!!!) with the body and face of a teenager. The blue-head's eyes widened with delight as he rejoiced at finding another young person to torture with his questions about the human world.

Next was a brunette… not so strange looking… just normal. Brunette with brown eyes… hmm.

And last was a red head. As soon as he climbed the last step, his amethyst eyes locked with the emerald one's of the contact's boss and they exchanged glares. This was not going to be so easy after all.

- -

Omi glanced at Aya and the older-man-who-was-also-in-a-black-trenchcoat-only-this-time-it-had-a-cross- on-the-back-and-had-ebony-hair-hanging-loose but well kept down his back and green eyes behind a pair of glasses like a number of Requiem Duindain's other characters and vaguely wondered if RD was obsessed with men with that combination of hair and eyes. (RD's Notes: No, Omi, I'm not, just fond) This wasn't good… and why was that blue-haired-crimson-eyed-Kurosaki-look-alike staring at him!? (CA's notes: Lord woman! Are you planning to drive me nuts with all these dashed words or what?!)

"Hey, big brother!" the kid said, appearing suddenly at Omi's side.

"Y-yes?" His golden brows furrowed worriedly at what the kid may ask him. Usually Omi wouldn't panic but this kid… THIS kid was scary. He knelt down so he was eye level with the little one. "How may I help you?"

"What's your name?" He asked, voice young and lisping but still with good enunciation.

"Tsukiyono Omi."

"I see… So, Brother Omi…"


"Do you know what 'Au' is?"

"Gold," Omi stared at the kid. How did he know what AU was at that age? Gifted child maybe?

"Oh… 'Dy'?"


"Who discovered it?"

"Paul Emile Lecog de Boisbaudran."

"I see… what's Dubnium?"

"… Go save me." HE muttered and patted the boy's head. 'You're certainly a smart boy."

"… no, I'm not. I'm Ryuichi."

"…But Ryuichi's a smart boy, right?"


"How old is Ryuichi?"

"Umm…" He brought his hands up and started counting his fingers, muttering numbers under his breath.

Omi breathed a sigh of relief and grinned triumphantly at Yohji, who was staring at him, amused by the blue-head and all the smart questions he was asking Omi.

Then the boy said, 'I'm, in human years, two million sixty-five thousand fifteen hundred and twenty seven. And you are?"

Omi's grin faded. "God save me."

Yohji chuckled.

- -

"Mr. Eikyuu?"

"Yes. Mr. Fujimiya Aya?"


"Good. Sit." And on cue everyone sat down. Poor Omi had the "privilege" of being the kid's seat and felt the sudden need to quit this mission as he felt the kid's arms wrap about his neck and he muttered, "God save me again. But his whimper of the phrase was drowned out as Nathaniel closed the jet's door and the metal stairs were removed. Then over the intercom the pilot announced the usual rules and safety precautions while on the plane/jet and then the destination which made Ken, Omi and Yohji exchange looks, and in unison they asked, "New Orleans?"

No one said anything as the jet moved and sped up the runway slowly rising, rising, rising then finally leveling on the air and they were on their way to New Orleans.

Finally Mr. Eikyuu spoke. "Your luggage has been moved to your rooms; you'll find your name on the doors. Can I interest anyone in a drink before I explain your mission?"

"Cognac," Yohji said simply, and then added, "please."

Mr. Eikyuu nodded and gestured to Nathaniel and immediately the drink was produced. He eyed the blue-head and cleared his throat. "Eiykuu Ryuichi!" Hollered the autocratic tone of a parent

The boy pouted and hopped off Omi's lap, stuck out his tongue at Mr. Eikyuu who the Weiss boys have figured out was the unfortunate father then smiled at Omi before running out of the room and, presumably, to his own room.

"Your son?" Yohji asked, gesturing to the retreating back of the boy.

"Unfortunately." Mr.Eikyuu groaned.

Aya cleared his throat, which in Aya Language meant, "Stop the chatting and explain or else you'll feel the wrath of my sword!"

Mr. Eikyuu sighed. And he thought Ryu was hard to handle… 'My name is Eikyuu Seihi, head of the Eikyuu clan. I'm sure you've met my assistant Nathaniel," he said, gesturing to the Weiss' contract. "You've also met my son Ryuichi-"

"The mission, if you please." Aya interrupted.

"… I'm sure Nathaniel has told you the basics… The Yorimichi family's holding an auction for a painting 'Holy Orders' [2] and you have two missions: One is to protect the Yorimichis. Two is to keep the painting from being stolen. There it is, simple no?"

"Simple?" Aya snorted. "We're not some guards…" (CD's notes: Yeah Aya-kun, we know. You bad. You smash. You throw katanas and scream "Takatori" as if it's your lifeline.)

Mr. Eikyuu gave a laugh. "Ah, but of course. You will be paid a very good amount for this mission Mr. Fujimiya. After all, you are all just hired for show."

The read-head scowled. "Is that so?"


"Excuse me, Mr. Eikyuu," Ken began.


"I don't seem to understand this. If you're hiring us to protect the Yorimichi auction, what's your own role here?"

Mr. Eikyuu smiled, "I'm also guarding the auction and its host, just not the painting."

Omi blinked. "So does that mean you've been hired by Mr. Yorimichi?"

"Not hired. I'm doing this for free."

"Why, if I may ask? What's your relation to Mr. Yorimichi?"

Mr. Eikyuu was silent as he pushed up his glasses with a hand and a cough then muttered under his breath, "I'm Mr. Yorimichi Moiya's brother in law."

The four Weiss boys just blinked.

[1] Ryuichi's a Dragonian. Meaning he's immortal but is stuck in a body of a six-year-old brat. ^^;;

[2] Named after the BGM of Guilty Gear, playing in the background as I wrote that part.

R.D's Author's notes: Hehheh… Poor Omi. I pity him. Ryuichi's not evil just curious. ^^;; Thank God he hasn't hit puberty yet, get what I mean? Like it? Love it? Hate it? Or just want more> Then e-mail either Chrys or me so you can fuel our self-vanity or you could just review right now. Remember, more reviews = more writing

CA's notes: You know, bribery won't get us anywhere if the readers aren't politicians.


By: Chrys Anthemum with some edits by Requiem Duindain

So far we have Ken-kun jumping out for joy at the casualty mission. Ken: Yay! No bloodshed!

Aya seems to be a lot more than apprehensive. Aya: We are not just some pawns to be played! Hell, I don't see a board anywhere (Yes Aya. Let's act _civilly_ in this _primitive_ world.)

Omi is… well, sort of trapped between snickers of annoying older men and the constant nagging of a child. Omi: Tomare! Tomare! Kamisama tasukete.

And Yoji? Well… Yoji just can't second-guess how Mr. Eikyuu's wife looks like. I mean, he knew Yorimichi only had younger brothers, no sisters.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the School for the Gifted or whatever you call that school that Mr. Baldie-err… Xavier established, a shriek of horror resonated from training room. Hearing the cry of distress, Scott ran to aid the owner of the familiar voice.

"Jean!" he barged in, melting the metal door that was locked. Smoke covered the whole training grounds, revealing the laser traps below. "Jean!"

"Scott!" she called out against the smoke. "I'm right here! Help me!"

The red head moved, placing back his shades against his eyes. He moved lithely, avoiding each red beam. "Where are you?"

"Over here Scott! Quick, it's going to get me…" her voice trailed into a shriek.

"Jean!" He sliced through the smoke and found Jean against the wall on tiptoes, trying to avoid something or someone covered by the clouds of impure air. Just as he was about to lunge to her rescue, he accidentally stepped on one of the beams that triggered the whole session to be a failure. The sirens rang in unison with Jean's scream.

There was something wrong here…. There must be an intruder.

"Scott! Help me!" came her faint cry for help. "Please Scott!

He sharpened his senses, scanning the smoke-filled room. He walked over to Jean who met him halfway and jumped in his arms. Behind her, he could see a figure moving against the fading fog.

"There you are!" the booming baritone echoed around the room. 'Now, don't be a bad girl and come back to papa…"


Moving closer


Scott prepared his visors. If this maniac will continue I swear I'll kill him.

Blue seem to appear against the fog, moving ever closer.

"Scott, I've been wondering about the Garnet Orb that Professor Xavier has been studying," Beast smiled, holding a rat in his palm.

Jean muffled a scream and buried her head in the nook of Scott's neck. "Get that … that thing away from me!!!!"

The redhead strangled a laugh. "Yes, what about it?"

"He asked me to take a look over it today," Beast said conversationally, both forgetting the frightened lady in Scott's arms. "I went into his room and it's gone."

Scott dropped Jean on the floor, eyes wide with disbelief.

Jean suppressed a shriek before running out of the training room when the rat in Beast's hand found itself free.


Zen Yorimichi walked towards the patio, wondering when Seihi was going to arrive. He couldn't wait to see Ryuichi.

He so wanted to spend the lovely morning with the two men he loved most.

The sky was clear and blue that day, making his anxiety rise. He walked, trailing the pebbled stone steps before stopping. He had noticed a trace of a faintly familiar black trench coat behind the tree a mile away from him. Smiling, he walked forward, minding his steps. He wanted to surprise him. Seihi loved surprises.

Tiptoeing behind him, he reached out for the older man's shoulder and was-instead- pulled into a dark corner of the garden. His screams muted.

CD: ~ _~ ; Gomen, minna. I'm in a slump. Hope you like/hate it though.