Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Clash of Claws ❯ The Mirror ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

R. D's A/N:

I have periodical tests… no; actually, they're my finals. Save me. Sorry if it's been a while. I'm torn between four stories: Don't Break Me Like This!, a Yami no Matsuei/ Rei no Kage crossover; Namida no Tenshi, an original story (yaoi); Twisted Sanctuary, another original yaoi; and this. I'm so sorry.


C. A's A/N:

*Yawn* Requiem, are you saying sorry or are you practically advertising? You do know this is Clash of Claws, not an advertising board. :p

So anyways, I only have one excuse for the delay: I'm in a slump people so expect lousy descriptive talents at display. I know I should thank Requiem for coping up with me but I wouldn't dare or James would kill me. (She recently got married to dear old James… scary…) {Req: He is not old!!}


By Requiem and Chrys

The Weiss gaped.

My God! The Yorimichi mansion was huge. No, more than huge. It was gigantic! A big white mansion with a beautiful lawn complete with a white marble (or was it actually ivory?… gotta check next time I visit…) statues of Greek gods and angels, and a fountain.

Ken was impressed. He liked the rare flowers growing in the corner of the lawn.

Omi was curious. What was it like inside?

Aya was so-so with it. Okay, good pay.

Yohji was wondering what Mr. Eikyuu's wife looked like or if he had any pretty daughters.

Nathaniel gave a small cough. "Please, walk this way…." He moved forward, letting his trench coat wave behind him as the rest followed.

"How the hell does he do that?" Aya angrily mumbled.

Yohji recalled what happened last time. He decided not to follow. "Just walk."


The interior was heavily decorated with Victorian-styled furniture. The beautifully designed French windows were draped with light silk curtains, moving gently against the light breeze. A long red carpet welcomed the four men, minus Nathaniel for the sole fact that he was already accustomed to the grandeur of the mansion. "All right everyone, Mr. Eikyuu will join us shortly. As for the meantime, please," he gestured to the luxuriant settees around them, "have a seat."

Aya looked around, "Sure." His eyes passed several oriental vases, a couple of Monet's paintings, the amused face of a man - wait. Dark blue eyes glistened behind his glasses and automatically locked with the tension-filled glare of the redhead. Okay, that's either the employer's employer…. Err… brother-in-law… or it could be the butler.

"Welcome gentlemen. Allow me to introduce myself," he gave a small bow, "I am Moiya Yorimichi," and man, does he have an obnoxious tone. "Did you enjoy your flight? I do hope it wasn't to your inconvenience." He seemed to be directing his question to Aya.

"Your nephew was bouncing around the plane through most of the night."

"Ah… Ryuichi, yes. Well, he received the hyperactivity us Yorimichis never did." He smirked, dark blue eyes containing much mockery. Then it softened as he spoke again, "Oh? Where is Seihi-san?"

Ken shrugged. "Told us that he had some business to attend to."

"I see…" he nodded considerably, noting the absence of the soft sound of the piano filling the air. Business, eh? He almost laughed. "Well then," he moved to turn gracefully.

Aya's hand twitched, If Mr. Yorimichi was going to say "walk this way he'd slice him in half.

*By Requiem Duindain*

To Aya's relief, and mine, Mr. Yorimichi didn't say, "walk this way". He just said, "Follow me." If he had said the former phrase it would be quite something…. Mr. Yorimichi wears a dark blue suit. Where'd he get the trench coat for that? Easy, down the hall, to your right and straight down from the coat closet.


Mr. Seihi Eikyuu sighed in a little joy.

He had been away from his love for too long and he was extremely annoyed that Ryu-kun chose to stay with him and not his other parent…. More specifically, his other father.

Yes, people, if you skipped the last part of Chapter 1 - "Hired for Show"- then allow me to clarify for you. Ryuichi Eikyuu, age six, Race: Dragonian, has TWO FATHERS. (R. D Notes: I was so inspired by Teno Hikari's YnM fic Two Daddies and its Sequels) !!

Without a female/ mother figure around, the two fathers are extremely clueless on how to raise a son, and a six-year-old one at that, while still trying to keep their secret from the media. What, with Mr. Eikyuu being an influential violinist/ painter/ columnist/ member of the society elite, and young Zen Yorimichi, a very famous pianist/ high school student/ scholar/ eighteen year old. A relationship's harder than you think.

(R.D Notes: hah, like I would know.)

Mr. Eikyuu silently made his way to the parlor where he was sure to find Zen… only to find the piano seat empty. Odd…. Zen is always at the piano playing and practicing for his concerts. Maybe Zen was taking a nap? Highly unlikely but still worth a try! So with another sigh, he turned to go to their this-is-three-times-Yuki-Eiri's-bedroom-sized Victorian bedroom.


Zen looked around warily, his purple eyes shinning with something that is barely discernable. Where was it? Where did they hide it?

This house was bigger than it looked from outside. And in this labyrinth-like mansion, there were secret passageways and hiding places around every corner. To make things worse, the walls were equipped with shield crystals thus preventing him from sensing a thing.

Cursing under his breath, he strode through the hall he was in. Damn Yorimichis! Damn shield crystals! And damn lack of enough power.

Zen was powerful, sure, but not powerful enough. Everyone had a limit to the power they had, but this Yorimichi wasn't supposed to. His Limiters had been removed… or so the confidential medical reports said.

"Young Master Zen?"

Zen halted, cursing silently again. Nathaniel was approaching him from behind, steps firm and brisk.

"Young Master, Master Seihi was looking for you." The other man stopped behind him. "I think he is still checking in the master bedroom."

"I-" Zen swallowed the started again. "Is that so?"

"Yes, young Master."

"I see. Then… See you." And almost abruptly, Zen rounded the nearest corner and was gone from Nathaniel's sight.

Nathaniel's eyes narrowed as he followed the movements of his young master. Young Master never said, "See you." Was the Young Master sick?

*By: Chrys Anthemum*

(Note: I placed some of my characters… sorry Req… but I needed them for the guests….)

(R.d.'s notes: Oh no problem Chrysie-wissie!)

(James:*grabs Dark Angel favor* Anthemum!!!)

"Hey!" Jubilee protested as Gambit pulled her headphones away from her ears. The remnants of Evanescence's "Bring Me to Life" thudded helplessly against the breeze as Gambit positioned the headphones to his ears only to be given a reprimanding glare from a fiery red head.

"Darlin', that ain't somethin' a gentleman would do to a li'l lady," Rogue said, giving the headphones back to Jubilee.

"Thanks!" the kid smirked and went back to the listening.

"Cherie…" Gambit gave her a small wry smile. "What's with the motherly instincts?"
Rogue laughed. "I ain't being motherly. I was just pointin' a fact."

"Oui. And so was I," now it was his turn to laugh.

The steal electronic doors opened suddenly and an elegant platinum haired woman entered. Her pristine white cape trailing behind her, "The Professor wants to have an audience with us."


"You mean, if the perpetrators get their hands on the Aegan Staff…" Jean's eyes widened in horror.

"Exactly," Professor Xavier nodded. "Magneto would have complete power over the rotation of earth, using the Garnet orb with the Aegan Staff combined with his powers… I'm afraid that he may become unstoppable.

Beast nodded, pushing his square-rimmed specs a notch higher. Everyone around the long rectangular platinum table fell silent. Yes… if they could not find the suspects soon the world would be in Magneto's bidding... well, at least he was the nearest suspect prone to such act as using magnetic force to rule the world. And I mean the deadly kind of magnetism.

"Professor," The blue guy finally voiced. "Were we to try and find the Orb, it would be more difficult and puzzling. But I'm sure the staff would be easier to locate."

That caught the attention of his comrades.

"You mean, we try and get the staff?" Jubilee asked, her brows knotted.

"No, Jubilee. We stay under cover and protect it. I think, whoever stole the Orb would likely steal the Staff… and if he weren't a minion of Magneto… then he may be under some other force we should watch out for. T's better that we prevent him from taking the staff first, before we force the information out of him."

"So… where do you think this staff is located?" Wolverine asked, annoyed with their blabber. Let's just get this over with…

Beast gave all of them a quizzical smirk.

"Where is it already?" Wolverine barked impatiently.

The blue guy procured a magazine from his lab gown and slid it towards the angry near-blue haired man.

Zen was on the cover of the magazine. He was clad in a black tuxedo and seated behind a black piano. "What does this have to do with anything?" Gambit asked, wondering what an eighteen-year-old pianist had to do with the Staff.

Adamantine claws sprung out from his knuckles, "Stop your joking blue guy or I'll personally return the favor…"

"Stop it Wolverine!" Storm commanded. "All of you be seated."

They followed, the magazine still lying on the center of Wolverine's wrath-filled attention.

"Let me explain…" Beast began, clearing his throat at the same time. "He owns the Staff. And he is-"

"He WHAT?!"

"Yes. He is a Yorimichi after all. The Aegan Staff is an artifact and his brother, Moiya Yorimichi is known for his rare collections. They are going to display the staff, together with other rare and interesting artifacts, tonight at New Orleans."

"And we're going to go there?" Scott guessed.

"Well, not all of us. Only some of us. Perhaps you, Jean, Logan and Gambit may. As for the rest of you, you will wait for their signals." The Professor instructed. "Proceed to the Black Bird when you are ready."

The X-men nodded. They understood the gravity of the mission. They had to catch the Orb thief… the fate of the world depended on it.


The sun was setting and it was an hour more before the guests started to arrive.

The Weiss boys were escorted to the room where they were to change, their uniforms all ironed and ready for them to wear. Youji immediately ran towards the full-sized mirror, Omi and Ken ran directly to the bed and started bouncing on it, hitting each other with soft pillows.

Aya's brows knotted. Why in the name of hell did they ever take this mission? Hired for Show? This is totally not the style of Weiss… especially not Persia's style… hired for show… he still couldn't get over it! Aya grumbled silently, making himself squirm and suffer as he sat there like the anorexic toothpick that he was (Aya: ehem… sexy anorexic toothpick). Well, he first thought it was like, no big deal… but when he contemplated more… where was all the action? Where were all the blood, gore and violence? Most of all, where was all the DRAMA? He hoped like hell that there was a Takatori attending the party…. He desperately needed to use his over-wrought vocal chords. How could he look cool when all they do is wear blue suits and those stupid shades that were just recently brought to them? His eyes looked longingly at his beautiful black leather trench coat… it was just helplessly laying on the couch in front of him. This was torture… no, it was style raping…

His cold violet gaze skittered on his other comrades who were happily putting on their uniforms.

Youji smirked at the full-sized mirror, posing to his right then to his left saying, "Who's that handsome guy?"… Resembles some short dumb-blond guy stuck in Cartoon Network.

Ken was apparently blinking at the shades. "Blue shades don't suit me…" he said to Omi. "Where am I going to put my goggles and my yellow sweat shirt with all this?"

"You look kakkoi Ken!" Omi gushed appreciatively only to be answered by the older man's skeptical look.

Omi chuckled, "Ken-kun, you just put them aside. We'll only wear them now. I mean, it's good to have something formal and uniform for a change."

"You don't like your costume?" The older brown-haired ex-goalie asked in disbelief. "The costumes Koyasu-sama, the God of all gods, made for us?"

"Iya… Ken-kun… It's not that!" he sweat dropped. "I do like my costume! I mean, I much prefer it than this… but we should try other outfits as well."

"Well…" he paused, contemplating and assessing Omi. "You do look prissy in your parka and long shorts…. And the bandana too..."

The younger boy blushed furiously, "I do not!"

Ken smiled, "Yes you do!"

"Well, you look stupid with your useless yellow sweatshirt around your waist! It's completely useless! I even wonder if it impedes you from your actions!"

"Hey! It's not like your bandana doesn't -"

"Stop fooling around; our show's about to start," Youji announced as he gave himself a last check on the mirror.

The red head stared at his beautiful boots. Was he to part with it too? His eyes transferred to the leather shoes that awaited him, then back to his beloved boots.

"Aya? Are you done or what?" Youji asked in an obnoxious tone, which didn't make Aya feel any better.

He didn't even see it coming, he didn't even expect it; the katana's hilt just automatically rammed into his face, the pressure causing poor Youji to slam against the adjacent wall with an additional nose bleed.

The redhead walked past him, "You're not the boss of me." He strode down the hall way

(C. A's Notes: Oh… before I forget… one rule about Aya, when he's mad: better shut up and clear out. Oh yeah... the perennial rule… don't ever EVER boss him around. Where'd I get it? *Shows ten lumps on his head* yeah… got it from the recent interview fic I made…)

Ken and Omi blinked as they followed their "oh fearless" leader.

Youji *nose bleeds*: Ara… @.@.... why is it always me?!?


Zen fixed his bowtie as he checked himself with the aid of the mirror. Sighing he turned only to ram against Seihi's hard male frame.

"Zen! O-sashiburi da ne?" The influential violinist/ painter/ columnist/ member of the society elite held the younger boy close him.

"Uhhh…" he struggled. "Umm... excuse me…" And he pushed Seihi away from him.

This was odd… "Is something wrong Zen?"

Zen blinked. Oh shit… this man is definitely a marvelous specimen… ohhh…. How I would love to- He blinked again. This was supposed to be Ze- err… Seihi… uhhh… my benefactor and friend. He smiled apologetically, "I'm really sorry Seihi… I was kinda tense… and also… you caught me off guard. Imagine how it would feel like." Damn… act manly dammit! He turned to face the mirror again and pretended to fix his tie while he kept a close eye on the older man.

Seihi wrapped his arms around his waist and buried his head on the nook of his neck. "… You forgot to say your lines…"

He stiffened. He found out… was it that obvious?... oh no…

"You were supposed to say you missed me…" -he almost sagged with relief-" is anything wrong Zen?" Seihi turned him around without warning and tucked a finger under his chin.

The younger boy cringed as he bent down and motioned to kiss him. Are they kidding me? Is Seihi, this hunk, actually and really gay? Eeeeww.

His black brows shot up, "Daijobu desu ka?"

Okay… I don't know what that means… He pulled away from him. "I'm really sorry… it's just that..." Find the right words… find the right words…. "I'm tense." Lame excuse. His eyes narrowed to the bedside. Well, if he finds out... I could always execute plan B…

"All right," Seihi sighed, placing his hands on both his shoulders, "I won't push you. Just lighten up a bit… you look a little pale. We'll reserve our talks when we go to bed."

The thought actually earned a knot from his stomach. Him and Seihi…. Together… in bed… disgusting…. That completely destroyed his image of attractive men.

Zen nodded. "Thank you," he said gratefully as he followed Seihi outside the room and to the hallway.


Mozart's Symphony No. 40 and the soft light from the chandeliers created an easing and gentle ambience around the Yorimichi main hall.

Guests ranged from the infamous to the unknown prestigious and elite class.

A huge smirk spread on Youji's lips. There were so many beautiful women around him. This was heaven. With his manly charms maybe a rich sexy woman would approach him and ask him out… and then he'd decline graciously and say "Sorry, I'm on duty." And then the women would gush around him, praising him for being so manly.

A metal fan slammed on his head breaking his fantasies to near horrific reality. "Ero Kappa!" A blond guy dressed in Saiyuki monk garb barked and sped off. He blinked… how did that Saiyuki character get here? Especially THAT Sayuiki character?!? Maybe he just imagined it… but it was impossible… with the lump on his head was all too real…

But the conspiracy was soon forgotten as he spotted a beautiful red head, alone and quite lost.

"Excuse me, Miss. May I help you?" He asked as he strode casually towards her.

Jean blinked. Who was this guy kidding? "Yes. Please get out of my way," she strode past him and went on crying out "Scott!"(… for all I care….)

A firm hand patted him on the shoulder. He turned and saw Ken.

"Well? How is it going? Still no luck, huh?"

The taller Weiss shrugged his hand off. 'Don't give me sympathy. I don't need any."

"Well… pity and sympathy are two different things."


Ken smiled and left him wandering around the room only to bump into another fabulous looking red head. This time she smiled at him. Her neck was shimmering with the clearest of all diamonds. And her body… my god... her body was perfect! The burgundy tube-gown she wore accented her already curvaceous body.

For the first time in his life, Youji lost his wit. "H-hi…"

Karin smiled, knowing how flustered he was. "Hello."
"So… what's your name?" Stupid… stupid…

She chuckled, her laugh bubbly like champagne. "It's Karin, Karin Myers."[1]

"MRS. Karin Myers," A tall blond man added behind her. His eyes were narrowed dangerously towards him.

"Tom! I've been looking all over for you," Karin gave him a wifely kiss. "Come on. Lee is about to play her piece and Syren is accompanying her with the harp."

If it were possible for Youji to turn into dust at that moment, he would.

Was he unlucky or what?! His attention snapped back to the boring party. Yeah a lot of pretty ladies… none for him.

Moiya walked up on stage to with Seihi, presenting his sibling.

"Everyone, please welcome Zen Yorimichi." He announced, "My youngest brother,"

Youji clapped and stiffened. Wait… Moiya Yorimichi had someone here that they should be protecting... well… play protecting… but it's still the same story... right? And Mr. Eikyuu said that the person was his spouse, meaning wife, right? And since he never saw a hair or a skirt save for some scullery maids…. And since he just recently found out that THE MASTER Yorimichi had only sons…

His shades lost grip as he turned different shades of green, then purple before fainting.

Gambit had to blink. He turned to the bartender and winked at her, "Cherie, do you happen to know him?"

The pretty blond bartender nodded anxiously, chuckling while she answered. "Well, he was a hired bodyguard for Young Master Zen. He asked me if Mr. Eikyuu had a wife a while ago, I told him yes and that I doubted she was here since it was only the Master, Mr. Eikyuu and the young Master who is here. He asked me if Master Yorimichi had any sisters… I told him they didn't."

"Which is true, cherié?"

"Of course. Why would I lie about my employer?"

"Then why did he faint?"

She shrugged, "Maybe he drank too much champagne…"

Omi stepped on Youji's body as he ran as fast as he could outside.

"Oww… that has to hurt," commented the bartender.

Another kid, a blue-haired six year old ran over him again screaming, "Ne, ne, ne Omi-niichan?!"

Gambit had to blink again. His endurance to physical torture was uncanny in that state of drunkenness where you are supposedly sensitive to thinks that you hear, touch and smell.


Zen's eyes opened and closed rapidly. There was too much light….

Why was he on stage? Why was everyone clapping? He examined the stage and took a good look at everyone.

There was an oriental goddess smiling up at him, bringing her violin and the Greek goddess of love sitting behind a harp. They were all smiling at him. His gaze turned to the beautiful lacquer black pianoforte Wow… someone's going to play… that's nice…. I wonder who's going to play.

"Go on Zen," Seihi pushed him gently towards the empty piano seat.


"I know how much you miss me, but you have to play for the audience tonight," The raven-haired man ordered gently, no longer wearing his smile as he escorted him to sit behind the piano.


"But what?" Moiya was suddenly behind him, urging him to sit; his hands firmly planted on the supposed-to-be world-renowned pianist's shoulder.

For a minute Zen was in silent contemplation. I didn't think he would actually play tonight…. Damn this…

"Zen?" Seihi asked worriedly.

"Zen?" Moiya prompted, suspicion making his eyes narrow to a deadly blue. "Is something wrong?"

Zen nodded for a while, face wan and pale, before he closed his eyes and fainted.

Seihi caught him before he touched the ground. He furiously shouted commands for everyone to "get out of the way!" as he rushed Zen to his room. Ryuichi? The blue-haired dragonian sniffed behind Seihi screaming, "Hold on!" like a mini-Goku. Moiya? Well, as for dear big brother, he just stared with his platinum brows knotted.

A few minutes later, Nathaniel appeared beside him. "I heard about the Young Master… Should I call a physician?"
He gave a vague nod. "Did you notice something utterly different from the Young Master?"

Nathaniel's brows knotted, "With all due respect sir… he wasn't quite his usual self… I'm afraid he had a slight grammar impediment when I met him down the secret rooms, Master Moiya."

He took this into great consideration. Zen's grammar was infallible… how could that be? "I see…" he turned.


"Yes, Nathaniel?"

"Should I call the physician?"

He gave a tired old sigh. Perhaps I'm getting too old for games… "I'm afraid it isn't necessary." Then he strode in front of the audience telling them to stay calm, and assuring them that everything was in perfect order. "The artifacts shall be displayed in a little while…"

End of Chapter 2

[1] More than blatant reference to Chrys' Save my Soul. Check in fictionpress.net.

C. A's Notes: This was longer than I expected it…. Oh well. Here Req!! Here's my due!! *Goes back hugging his April-chan doll* *April-chan comments on Chrys' lousy descriptions on the X-men characters* Yeah… I ought to read more of the comics and see more of the series… problem is… It's been like decade or so since I last saw an episode of it!

R.D. notes: Heh, well done hermaphrodite! It managed to capture Zen, Seihi and Moiya very well. Poor Zen-chan…if that is Zen-chan.

Any comments and suggestions are open. Please send them to either my e-mail add or Requiem's… if you have no idea what so ever of our e-mail adds here's mine:

chrys_anthemum@hotmail.com or dragoon_abbey@yahoo.com (this is a shared e-add with Rhean-sama. ^_^). For Requiem it's: r_duindain@hotmail.com.

Thanks for reading chapter 2 of our Clash of Claws installment.