Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mea Culpa ❯ MEA CULPA PART FOUR: The Rise And Fall Of It All ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

MEA CULPA PART FOUR: The Rise And Fall Of It All

Ken was licking and sucking at the sensitive flesh on his lover's neck, slowing moving Ran backward toward his bed. A moment later the redhead's legs hit the edge, his eyes flying open as he looked up at the man holding him. "Don't you trust me?" Ken purred, his hands running up his lover's chest. When he looked up to meet the deep amethyst gaze he saw the battling of emotions in their depths. "What's wrong?" He whispered, cupping his face.

"I..." His eyes fell closed, pressing his skin against the warm palm laying on his cheek. "I don't want to lose you Ken."

Dark eyes shone with love, pulling his hand from the pale cheek as they drifted down the man's chest. "You will never lose me Ran, I wouldn't do that to you."

"I know."

It was only a whisper, Ken couldn't help but sigh. "Then why the fears, love?" His eyes opening, Ran finally looked up to meet the younger assassin's intense gaze. "I wish you would tell me."

Nodding, Ran laid his forehead on the tanned shoulder, kissing the skin there. "I just worry." He then said, knowing it wasn't the answer Ken wanted, but it was better than nothing at all.

"You want me to accept that?" He whispered, pulling the redhead closer to him. There was no answer from the man in his arms. Sighing, Ken gently pushed Ran back onto the bed and climbed on top of him. "Trust me, kitten." He whispered, kissing the older man below him before he could protest.


Aya watched as Callan looked up at the ceiling, a slight smirk crossing his features. "What?" Shaking his head, he looked back down at the magazine in his hand. "What! Callan, don't you dare ignore me!"

"It's nothing."

Frowning, she couldn't help but shake her head. "Liar!" Once again he smirked, that was the last straw for the woman beside him. Standing, she walked over, sitting down in his lap. "Callan?" Her voice was low and seductive, her fingers running through his hair. "Do you...love me?" Aya breathed, nuzzling against his neck.

"You know I do baby."

She looked up, a smile crossing her lips. "Really?" He nodded once again, wrapping his arms around her waist. "Do you want to come with me to my room? Imagine the games we could play together?" She breathed, running her hand down his chest. The telepath let out a growl, kissing the woman in his arms deeply. When he pulled away Aya smiled down at him. "Is that a yes?"


"Good." Leaning forward, she nipped at his jaw, her lips then brushing right below his ear. "Cuz if you don't tell me what's going on all you're going to have is your imagination."

He turned, meeting deep blue eyes and frowned. "You are evil."

"So is keeping secrets from the woman you love!" She growled, tugging on his hair. "Now tell me."

Callan sighed. "It has to do with Ken and Ran." He said, she just gave him the 'continue or die' look she had gotten so good at. Leaning to her he whispered into her ear, her face flushing bright red at the telepath's words. "Happy now?"

Aya just sat there in his lap for a moment, going over the words he had just said. "He and my brother are…"

"Let me guess, you didn't need to know that?"

"My own fault." She answered, then laughed. "Next time you tell me it's nothing, I'll just believe you."

He nodded, kissing her neck gently. "So, what about those images in my head... I've been a good boy, so can we go play?" Aya couldn't help but smile back, standing up she grabbed his hand pulling him out of the study.


Ran groaned from the pleasure Ken was causing him, his body was already hot, slicked with sweat from what the younger man was doing to him. He felt two hands run up his chest and neck to cup his face. Opening his eyes he met the dark eyes of his lover's, one hand moved up to brush back damp bangs as Ken's mouth captured his once again. He wasn't giving Ran a chance to think, everything was blurring and when he finally had a chance to think Ken would assault his body once again with a touch. Teeth nipped at his skin, moving from his neck to his shoulder as a hand brushed over his nipple causing him to gasp. "Ken... we need..."

"What?" He purred, sucking on the redhead's earlobe as he rubbed his body against the pale form that was below him. "Tell me?"

Deep purple eyes opened, looking up at the man above him. "This... we..." When he didn't speak for a moment Ken smiled, leaning down he began to nip, then suck at the redhead's stomach. "Gods... don't..."

This made Ken look up. "Ran?" He met the confused violet eyes of his partner. "Do you... want me to stop?" He asked, a hand running down the flushed cheek.

"I don't know... I mean no, I don't.' Breathing out he shook his head. 'I just don't know what I..."

The redhead sighed, looking away from Ken, the younger assassin sat there confused for a moment, then his rich brown eyes widened. "Ran, have you even been with anyone?" His lover looked away but he didn't respond. "You have never been with a man before, have you?" Shaking his head slightly, he looked up at Ken. "Really?"

"Yes." One moment he was laying there on top of Ran's body, then next his redheaded lover was pushing him off. "This was a mistake." He whispered, climbing out of the bed when arms wrapped around his waist, a warm body pressing against his back.

Ken would be damned if he were going to let Ran get out of this. Holding the older man to him, he breathed out, shaking his head. "No, this is not a mistake." The redhead sighed, feeling Ken kissing his shoulder. "We are not a mistake, none of this is a mistake. I just figured you had been with someone, I mean you're older than I am." There was a pause, Ken knew he had to say something to fix this, he had just assumed that Ran knew these things. That was the problem right there, Ken was assuming that just because the redhead was older he should know as much as him. "I'm sorry Ran, I never should have thought you knew all of this, it was wrong of me. I love you and it doesn't matter if you have or haven't. I guess I just want to know if you want me?"

He turned, looking at the tanned assassin. "What?"

"Do you want me?"

Ran's eyes closed as he breathed out. "Yes, I want you Ken." He felt the younger man nuzzle against his neck, arms once again tightening around his waist.

"Then, that is all that matters." He finally said. "I want you, you want me. So why don't you let me do this, don't be scared." After a few moments Ken had talked the redhead into lying back on the bed again. "You stay right here, don't move."

Ran arched a brow. "Where are you going?"

"Don't worry." He whispered, kissing him once again as he pulled himself up off the bed. "Stay." He saw the older man nod as he walked into the bathroom. 'No wonder he was so nervous about all of this, he's never done anything before. He must have been confused when I first came in telling him we had to do this.' Growling at himself for being such an idiot for not noticing, he looked though the things Ran had in his bathroom. "I could have scared him off. Stupid idiot!" He mumbled, picking up a bottle of lotion. 'This will have to work.' Walking out of the bathroom, he looked over towards the bed and stopped. Ran was sitting there looking over at his tanned lover, cream colored sheets partially hiding his body. Pale skin seemed to blend in effortlessly with the sheets, a light sheen still covering his skin from the foreplay. His hair was mussed, deep crimson as two violet hued eyes watched his every movement. It was the most beautiful thing Ken had ever seen, and ever single inch of it was his.

Ran looked up as his lover walked back out of the bathroom. "I was beginning to think you got lost..." He whispered, slowing moving down to the edge of the bed, pulling the sheet with him. "What were you doing?"

Ken couldn't help but grin, walking over to the bed and tossed the bottle into the bed before pulling his sheet clad lover into his arms. "Just had to get something for you." He purred, leaning down to kiss him, licking and nipping at his mouth until Ran finally allowed him to enter. Gentle hands made there way down his sides, one hand finding it's way down to the pale erection between them. Ran's eyes flew open pulling away from Ken's mouth as he moaned. "Does that feel good?" He whispered, his hand continuing to stroke as the redhead's eyes closed once again.

"Yes..." Ran answered, feeling Ken's other hand on his chest as he pushed him down, crawling on top of him. He continued to torment the older assassin, teasing him, loving the reactions that he was getting from the older man. Ken pulling away was the last thing Ran had expected, so when it happened it was confused, Looking up, he saw the ex-soccer player reaching for something. "Ken?"

Looking back, he smiled seeing the passion and confusion in his lover's eyes. "Don't worry I'm right here." He said, nipping at his jaw as he moved back down. Ran closed his eyes once again, a moment later he felt Ken's hand back. This time the hand was slick as he pumped up at down the pale shaft. After a moment he felt an odd intrusion as Ken slid a finger into him. His eyes fluttered closed as the unusual sensation worked its way into his body. "Relax..." He breathed, lips brushing across Ran's cheek.

"Ken... it..." The man just nodded, then felt another finger slide in with the first. "Gods..." He growled, his head falling back onto the bed. What Ken was doing was causing sensations that he had never felt before. He felt alternately hot and cold as his body began to respond, rocking against his lover's hand. After a moment another finger joined the first two, slowly pumping in and out of him while Ken's other hand continued to work his erection.

Ran didn't know what to do, too many emotions were flowing thought him, and he wanted to cry, to scream, and even drown under these sensations. Then suddenly Ken pulled out of him, he could have cried, he could have killed him! "No!" Ran growled, Ken captured his mouth to stop any further protests. Pulling back from the kiss Ran saw him pick up the bottle he had tossed on the bed earlier. "Why did you stop!" He whined, seeing Ken smiling down on him.

"You know for a virgin, you're really picky!" He answered, running his free hand down the inside of Ran's thigh. "Just wait..." Reaching down he grabbed his own erection with his lotion covered hand. After a moment he stopped, grabbing the redhead's waist and pulling him down partially into his lap. "Now I need you to relax, okay?"

Ran's eyes widened, looking up into the rich brown of his partner's. "I... no, I can't..."

"Yes, you can." He purred, running his hand across his stomach. "Relax, it's going to hurt for a moment then I promise it will be better." Ken could tell that his lover was going back and forth over it, finally he nodded. "Now just relax, okay?" Grabbing his waist again, he slowly started to push into the redhead. Ran tensed at the sudden intrusion, his hands tightening on the bed sheets below them. Ken stopped, looking down at the man below him. "Are you okay?" Ran just nodded, but Ken could see he was uncomfortable. "I promise it will get better, please just relax. I don't want to hurt you Ran, I just want to make love to you."

It was odd, uncomfortable and bordered on painful, but Ran trusted Ken and knew he would never do anything to purposely hurt him. "Just do it and get it over with." He whimpered, feeling Ken's hands run up his stomach, back down his sides, massaging his skin. The soothing feel of his hands began to relax the assassin, his eyes closing from the pleasure it was causing.

Smiling, Ken saw his small distraction was working. He really didn't want to hurt him, he loved Ran deeply. Unfortunately there was no getting around the pain to get to the pleasure that was involved. The redhead all but purred when he ran his hands over the creamy white thighs of his lover. Working his way back up, Ken's hands tightened on Ran's waist once again as he pushed himself in with one motion. Ran could have cried out, could have but didn't. His eyes opened, uncertainty in them at the sudden pain and awkwardness of this position he found himself in. Ken was now leaning over him, feeling the warm hand on his cheek and the gentle kissed brushed across his lips and neck. "That hurt." He said, half apologetic. Ran could only nod as a tear ran down his cheek, a tear that his younger, more experienced lover quickly kissed away. He felt the redhead shift under him, trying to get use to the feel of Ken inside him. "Does it still hurt?"

"A little, not as much." He whispered, Ken smiled moving down to suck on his throat where the neck met his shoulder. The redhead breathed out, relaxing as Ken licked and sucked on his skin. After a few moments he pulled back looking at the bruise that was forming on the pale skin, smiling. "What?" Ran asked, seeing Ken look at him.

"Nothing." He purred, kissing him quickly. "Better yet?" Ran nodded. "Good." He started pulling out, seeing the mixed emotions on his lover's face, smiling as he pushed back in. Ran head fell back, his mouth opening in a soundless moan. "Better?" He asked, grinning at his lover's expression.

"Yes..." He whimpered, feeling Ken pushing back into him once again. Sitting up, Ken pulled Ran up to sit in his lap. "Gods Ken... please..." Kissing his neck, Ken pulled the redhead down onto him hearing his gasp. He continued to push himself into the redhead in his lap, knowing what he was looking for. When Ran's eyes flew open, letting out a cry he knew he had found it. He continued to push himself deeper into the redhead, their mouths meeting in a deep kiss. After a moment Ran had caught the pace, moving himself on top of Ken's lap as the dark haired man moaned in pleasure. They were locked together in an embrace, sweat covering both of them as they continued their lovemaking. Reaching between their bodies, he took Ran's member in his hand matching the pace the older man was using on him.

He growled, his hand moving faster on Ran's erection. Ken was close and he didn't know how much longer he would last at the pace his lover had chosen. "Come on baby..." He whispered, biting at the pale jaw watching as the man's head fell back. His eyes were closed but the pleasure was plain on his face. "Oh gods, Ran..."

He felt like he was burning inside and just when he thought it couldn't get any worse, it would. He couldn't think, nothing made sense and only one word would come to his mouth. "Ken..." The man holding him growled at that, kissing and biting at his neck. Just when he thought he couldn't take the sweet torture his tanned lover was inflicting on his body anymore, his whole world exploded. Ran cried out the man's name as his body tightened, a sticky warmth covered his chest.

He growled as Ran cried out his name, tightening around him. At that moment Ken couldn't take it any more finally reaching release deep inside his lover's body, Ran's name the only sound leaving his lips. He felt the redhead collapse against his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around the trembling form. They just sat there for a while, Ken's arms holding the older man to him. After a few minutes he ran his hand down the smooth pale back. "Lover, are you okay?" He asked, worried since he hadn't spoken since crying out his name.

"Yes..." He breathed, kissing the man's shoulder. "I'm okay." The hand on his back worked its way up his neck into his hair, stroking gently at the damp blood red strands. "Ken?"


Ran breathed out, sending a chill across Ken damp skin. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." He replied. Shifting, he laid the redhead back down on the bed, slowly pulling out of his lover's body, Ran winced but it was only momentary. Lying down beside the pale figure, he pulled the sheet up on them, taking the man into his arms. "Thank you for trusting me." He said a moment later, Ran looked up at him. "You don't know how much it means to me that you trusted me so much."

That confused the assassin. "Why wouldn't I trust you?" He asked.

"I was hoping you would." He said honestly. "But I didn't know how far you would let me take this. Ran..." He paused, his eyes closing. Ken opened his eyes once again, feeling a warm hand on his cheek.

"Tell me?"

Nodding, he pulled the man so he was half laying on him, cuddling against the redhead. After a moment Ken pulled away looking into those deep violet eyes he adored. "Ran, I love you. I have loved you a long time. I loved you that night I kissed you on the roof of the Koneko no Sumu Ie." Ran couldn't help but smile at the man. "I think I may have loved you before that. The night I first met you...you could have killed me but all I could think was how beautiful you were."

"Yeah, then the next time we met, you punched me and knocked me out!" He said with a smirk.

That made the ex-soccer player blush. "Well, you were being a prick, and I didn't know I was in love with you at the time. I just knew that you made my heart ache by just looking at me. You have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my life. I have tried so many times to compare them to something and I can never find anything that matches their beauty." Reaching up, he brushed back the long bangs.

Ran saw the odd look Ken got on his face, then the smile. "What?"

Ken looked at him for a moment, then reached up to pull on his bangs. "Oh, I was just thinking how much I missed your eartails, how much fun they could have been if you still had them."

That made Ran blush, shaking his head he sighed. "I hated them, I think I was going though a phase."

Wrapping his arms around the redhead's neck, he pulled him down for a kiss. "I love you Ran."

"I love you too, Ken." The rich brown eyes lit up at those words. "I mean it." He whispered.

"I know you do." Suddenly he grinned. "Hey, you know what's better than the sex?" He asked, Ran shook his head. "The after sex shower! We get to wash down each other's body... it's very fun!"

Ran rolled his eyes. "I'm new at this... but that sounds like it would just lead to more sex?"

"Duh! Why you think it's so much fun!" He purred, nipping at his chin. "You want to come join me?"

"How could I refuse?" He answered as Ken jumped out of the bed pulling the redhead behind him into the bathroom.


Ran was a light sleeper, this in and of itself had its ups and downs. Over the years he had perfected his awakenings, having two modes. The first was waking by degrees. When he knew he was safe and nothing was wrong or felt odd to him he allowed his body to awake by degrees. At first he would be aware he was awake, then his thoughts would gather and he would be aware of his surroundings. That being done, he would then open his eyes slowly taking in his surrounding then he would fully wake. His second was waking all at once, when he knew something wasn't right or something felt different he would wake all at once and that could be nerve-racking in and of itself. Especially if his thoughts couldn't gather as fast as his reflexes could. Today was one of those days, all he knew was that someone was in his room, not only in his room but in the bed beside him. Luckily his thoughts gathered fast and the previous night came back at him in full force. Smiling to himself, he rolled over looking at the sleeping face of the man sharing his bed. 'Gods, Ken if I could just be sure that you're going to wake up and not regret this happened. Do you truly love me?'

((He truly loves you, last night wasn't a fluke so calm down.))

Ran growled mentally. 'What are you doing in my head Callan!'

(( Like I could ignore your head... )) A laughter washing over his mind. ((Oh kitten, you enjoyed what he did to you a little too much last night, you were just leaking sexual pleasure.))

'I'm sorry.' He thought, knowing he should have blocked his mind off better. 'How much did I let through?'

((Oh, the whole thing, but I blocked you out about the time Ken was undressing you. You know about the point you were thinking how big his...))

'Please... stop...' Ran blushed, looking back at the man beside him. Once again he heard that laughter in his mind.

((I just wanted to ease your mind, leader mine.)) Callan said. ((The boy truly loves you, so don't do anything stupid like trying to push him away or get rid of him. You need him, if you know it or not, you do need him.))

'Thank you Callan.'

((Mmmhmm, now it seems lover boy's starting to wake. Don't worry about rushing out of bed. You don't have anything important to do until you leave tonight, just stay with him a while. Reassure one another you are truly in love. Have a nice morning, I'll put up MY shields this time.)) And with that he felt the man's presence leave his mind.

At the same moment dark brown eyes opened meeting his. "Good morning." Ran whispered, running a finger down his cheek. Ken smiled, cuddling closer to the warmth the redhead was radiating. "How did you sleep?"

"Very well, you?" He asked, wrapping one tanned arm around his lover's waist. "Are you still hurting?"

Ran shook his head. "No, I feel fine." The two men just lay there for a while, enjoying the silent companionship they had. Suddenly he felt Ken's fingers gently brushing his neck. "What is it?" He asked, eyes sliding closed. He loved when Ken touched him, it made his senses burn.

"Can I ask you a question?" He whispered, looking up at the redhead, Ran nodded. "This... the scar on your neck? How did that happen?"

'I didn't think he would bring that up.' He though, arms tightening around the younger assassin. "Well, it happened on one of my first missions with Schwarz. I was trying to get them over to Kritiker and away from Estet and we were attacked." For a long time Ran said nothing, then felt a gentle squeeze on his arm. "There were too many, a man attacked me and as I fought back... I felt something around my throat." Once again he paused. "To make a long story short I lived and Crawford died saving me. I couldn't believe that he had done that, I sat there for the longest time just looking at the man. It was Jei that dragged me away, he said I needed a doctor, I didn't think they would care."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up."

Smiling slightly, Ran kissed Ken's forehead. "No, you had a right to bring it up. I just forget sometimes."

"I understand." He answered, laying his head on the pale chest. He could hear Ran's heart beating below his ear, it had a gentle, calming sound.

Ran couldn't help but watch the assassin for awhile as he dozed in his arms. Soon he found himself wanting to see his lover's eyes once again, the older assassin reached up, running his hand though the mess of chocolate brown hair. "I was thinking, now that this happened..." He stopped, chewing on his lower lip.

"What?" Suddenly Ken sat up, looking down at the man beside him. "You're not afraid things are going to change are you? Or that I don't love you? Oh gods, don't tell me you changed your mind about us, Ran!"

He frowned as the younger man panicked. "No, Ken calm down! I wasn't thinking any of those things, you idiot."

"Oh good!" He said smiling, then looked down at Ran. "Hey! I'm not an idiot!"

"I'm sorry love, no actually I was thinking that maybe... I mean if you want to." Ken arched a brow. "I thought you could move in here with me? I know I'm going to be gone for a while with this Crashers thing but I thought it was a good idea. You know, this could be our room instead of just my room." Brown eyes widened but he didn't respond. "I'm sorry it was a stupid idea... I just liked waking up beside you and I thought how nice it would be to wake up like this everyday. It was a stupid." He was silenced as Ken's mouth covered his, when he finally pulled away Ran was breathless.

Smiling, Ken laid back down beside the man. "No, actually what I was thinking was that had to be the last thing I thought you would ask me when I woke up beside you this morning. I like the idea of moving in with you, actually I love the idea. If you want me to be in here with you, then I will be glad to move in."

"I want you with me, Ken."

"Good." He whispered, pulling the redhead into his arms. "Now, how about I show you the right way to say good morning?" Ken purred, running his hand down his lover's body.

"I think I would like that."


Ken stood up from the chair, once again pacing back and forth across the room. "Calm down." He couldn't help but shoot Aya a dirty look as she said those words. Brushing back dark hair, she continued to watch the tanned assassin pace the room like a caged animal. In a way it was understandable, Ran had been gone just under a month, he had said he would be coming home today. The reason Ken was panicking was the simple fact that the redhead should have been home two hours ago. "You're not going to make him get here any faster Ken, sit down and clam down."

"I don't want to sit!" He whined. "I don't want to calm down, I want him home and I want him home now!" Growling, he once again took up his path across the room. "Stupid Kritiker, stupid Persia!"

Aya sympathized with her brother's lover, he had ever right to be uptight about this whole situation. They had only consecrated their relationship the day Ran had left, she could see how hard it was for the two assassins to be apart. In the end it couldn't be helped, Ran was commander and had to take responsibility for his teams. Not only did he have to go, he had to go alone. It was risky to send more than one person down to meet with the Crashers, especially since they had been attacked and one agent was down. "You can't blame this on Persia, it's not our fault."

"She admitted it was her fault!" He shot back. "She said she made the wrong choice while Ran was sick, that is why he's in this position!"

(( That is the truth love, she did say that. ))

The dark haired woman just sighed, looking from Ken to Callan. "Okay, fine it was her fault."

"I just wish he was home."

Yohji looked up from his magazine, over at the pacing man. "He did say he would try to be home about three, he didn't say he would be. Traffic is a bitch sometimes, he's just running a bit behind so calm down."

"Yohji and Aya are right, he will be here soon and there is nothing you can do till then." The blond said, looking back over at Nagi.

Sighing, Ken ran a hand thought his hair. "I know, I'm just nervous... what if he doesn't want me anymore."

The German laughed, looking over at the younger man. "Please, you're like air to Ran. He's thoroughly addicted to you, anyway he called you... what? Everyday almost? I doubt he feels anything but the same possessive love that he has always felt for you." It was hard for Ken to not believe what the telepath said, especially when he was an everyday resident in the commander's mind. "Just trust me kitten, what Ran feels for you is not easily lost. Being apart from you only makes him want you more, not less."

"Okay, I'll accept that." He whispered, finally sitting back down in the chair. "I just want him here so I know he's okay." Sitting back in the chair, Ken sighed. "I think I'm going to be sick."

"You're nervous." Aya answered, arching a brow. "Have you eaten today?" The blush that crossed the man's face was an obvious answer. The whole month Ran had been gone, the younger assassin had been throwing his version of a tantrum. Some days the man would get himself so worked up he wouldn't eat, or would forget. Which lead to the obvious effects, he looked thinner than he normally did. Aya had a feeling Ran wouldn't be very happy that his lover had reacted this way to being apart. Looking back over at the man she saw he was zoning out as his leg bounced up and down against the floor. 'Poor Ken...'

(( Poor Ken my ass... boy's in love and has a man who adores him. Ken's being an idiot and Ran's not going to be happy that he's acting like this. ))

'I agree.' She thought back, her eyes closing after a moment.

(( Ha! Someone's finally home... )) She just nodded as she heard the front door open.

"He's home!" Ken yelled, jumping up from his seat as he ran for the main hall.

Ran couldn't help but smile as he let out a deep breath. He was finally home, and a little more than happy about that fact. The last month had been annoying, stressful and hectic so all he wanted was rest. Well rest, and to see his lover again, the phone calls hadn't helped the emptiness he felt while separated from the energetic man. Dropping his bag to the floor, he turned, smiling at the four behind him. "You can stay here tonight, we will go down to Kritiker tomorrow and get you guys moved to a new safe house to rest up."

"Thanks Ran." He nodded, smiling up at the blond.

((Welcome home Captain. Careful, worried lover incoming...)) Ran looked up at the heard voice as the doors to the den flew open. The four men with Ran watched as a younger dark haired man bolted into the hall.

"Ran!" Running over to the assassin, he wrapped his arms around the man's neck jumping into his arms. "Oh lover...I missed you!" He purred, claiming the redhead's mouth. Ran instantly tightened his hold on the dark haired man in his arms, returning the kiss with equal passion.

Callan grinned as the rest of Ran's group walked out of the living room. "ROWR! It's time like this you wish you have a video camera."

"Very kinky..." Yohji said, agreeing. Both of them looked at one another, then back at the two lovers as they pulled apart. "Oh, Encore!"

"Yes, very nice form!" Callan agreed as the both began to clap.

Ken couldn't help but blush as he unwrapped his legs from around the older man's waist, Ran just shot them both his look of death. "Shut up!" The two men stopped, still smiling as Ran looked back to Ken then frowned. "You haven't been eating?" He said, concern plain in his voice.

"I ate, just not a lot." He responded. "I was worried about you, my stomach kept feeling all sick." He then reached up, cupping his lover's face as he turned it from side to side.

"Ah, Ken? What are you doing?"

"I'm checking to make sure you're okay!" He answered, reaching down to undo the coat he was wearing. "No wounds? Cuts, scrapes, even a nick? Cuz I'll kill whoever touched you!"

The redhead could only laugh. "No love, I'm fine..." He said, then kissed his cheek. "You can check me from head to toe later." Ran whispered into his lover's ear, the younger assassin grinned.

Shaking her head, Aya cleared her throat. "Well, since you two are so consumed in one another!" She snapped. "Hello boys, how are you?"

Ken turned, seeing the four men and instantly got jealous. "Who are they?"

Callan smiled over at his leader's lover. Ah yes, the boy's mind was constant entertainment. "Jealousy doesn't suit you, kitten!" Ken simply arched a brow, shooting the telepath a look. "Don't worry, none of these good boys would try to steal your boy from you. This is the Crashers team. Knight, Pawn, Rook and Bishop." The four men nodded as Callan said their codename.

"Sorry." He whispered, nodding to the men.

The man named Knight just smiled. "Damn, I wish Manx would greet me home like your lover does Ran. She just bitches at me then says I can't get myself killed till we are married." He saw the short blond boy smile.

"You're Yuushi? Hanae told me she had fallen in love with a man from the Crasher team named Knight."

He smiled. "That's me, and you are?"

"I'm sorry." Ran said. "The blond is Omi, Yohji is beside him and this is Ken." He said, smiling at the man beside him, the dark haired man smiled back. "And of course you already know Nagi, Callan and Aya. They are only going to be here until tomorrow morning, we are going to headquarters in the morning."

"Then lets get them settled in, I'll go with you tomorrow." Ran nodded to his sister, once again picking up his bag.


Ken yawned, looking around the bedroom but didn't see Ran. "Baby?"

"In here." A moment later the redhead walked out of the bathroom, looking over at the sleepy man that now shared his bed. "Stay, I'll be back in a few hours."

Nodding, Ken cuddled back beneath the blankets. It was getting colder as fall ended and winter started in. A few more days it would be December, Ran had told him that it was beautiful at his home when it snowed. "What time is it?"

Ran walked over, sitting down on the bed as he kissed a tanned cheek. "A little before five in the morning, I need to get Crashers to Kritiker. After we get their new safe house out of the way I'll come home."

"Promise?" He whispered, dark eyes looking into his lover's violet. "Cuz if you do, I'll just wait here till you get home."

Ran knew the smile on his lover's face a little to well. "Yes, I promise." Kissing the man one last time, he hopped off the bed walking for the door. Opening it, he turned to look at Ken again. For some reason, something felt off today and he couldn't pinpoint where that feeling was coming from. It was leaving him confused and anxious, he really didn't want to leave Ken's side, but he knew he had to. "I love you." He said, closing the door.

Aya looked up as her brother walking into the dining room. "Morning, ready to go?" He nodded, looking over at the four men from Crashers Team.

"How are you guys doing this morning?"

"It was nice to sleep in a real bed." The man codenamed Bishop answered, smiling. "Come on, the sooner we get to Kritiker the sooner they can place us." He nodded, as they stood to walk out.

Slipping an arm though his sister's, Ran looked down at her. "What's wrong?" Aya asked, noticing he looked worried. Though he always had some sort of worried look going for him, this one was different than what she was used to.

"Just an weird feeling." He answered with a shrug, closing the door behind him as they exited. "I can't explain it, just worried."

She nodded, brushing her hair back. "That's odd, Callan was complaining of nightmares last night. When I told him I was leaving he looked almost frightened and told me to call him once I got to work." Ran didn't respond as he led her to the van. "Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine." He finally answered, kissing her cheek. "You go ahead and I'll be right behind you. I might leave before you do so I'm going to take my own car.

She laughed as she climbed into the van. "Going to play catch up with Ken today?" Her brother flushed slightly as she grinned. "Should have known, okay I'll see you at base."

"Be careful."

Three hours later and Aya was ready to collapse as the words flashed before her on her monitor. Angel's had been working on the latest mission that Kritiker wanted to execute with some team based in Kobe. Most of the information that had been transferred to them was encrypted, she and her teammates had been working on the files from the moment she had arrived. "So, we have one out of three files done?" Uriel nodded, she was a pretty woman who was slightly older than Aya. Blond haired and green eyed, she reminded her of those 'beach bunny' type girls she had read about in America. Though Uriel was in no way the fabled blond that you would hear about, she was an absolute genius. 'If she's having problems hacking into them I would be worthless... though we all have our strong points.'

"I have the basics of the coding system they used, it shouldn't take me as long with the last two."

Aya nodded. "Good, if you need any help just ask."

"Will do, Cassiel."

Aya turned, sitting back down at her desk a frown touching her lips. She remember years ago when her brother had come back to Tokyo to get her, she had been confused not understanding where she was or why. Then Ran had arrived, another redhead in tow. 'He told me of this life, of what he did. Ran made this all sound so simple, like any other job and I just accepted it. Now I am like him, though I have yet to become a killer.' Ran and the other redhead that she knew as Manx had brought her back to Kritiker. She was trained in multiple fighting styles and Ran had taught her a few things with the katana, she even kept her's hidden beside her desk. Aya wasn't stupid, she knew no matter what, you were never totally safe. When Kritiker had made her take an IQ test, they had been shocked. 'They said I was brilliant, at that time they had just begun to form Angel's. Now I run this division.'

"Off in your own world?" She looked up seeing Zadkiel standing beside her. Returning the smile to the man, she nodded.


Brushing her apology aside, he dropped the folder he held on her desk. "Those are the maps for Naha, also put in the latest docking for that area and it seems they are right. Unregistered boats are bringing illegal drugs into Japan though that island."


The man grinned. "Yeah, I know I am." Aya couldn't help but laugh at him. "Anyway I'll go pull up whatever else I can on these unmarked ships, see if I can get an idea of where else they may be stopping."

She nodded as he walked away. 'This is just want we needed, now if we can just get those other two files decoded we can put this mission together and present it to Persia.' Her phone ringing brought her out of mission thoughts and procedures. "This is Cassiel?"

"This is Abyssinian."

"Hey! Are you going home already?" Aya remembered one of the first lessons she was taught. Manx had told her that when you are in Kritiker you are no longer yourself, you are what they made you, therefore real names were not allowed in Kritiker headquarters, only codenames.

There was a grunt on the opposite side of the phone. "If I can get Persia to shut up, yeah. I should be out of here in the next twenty minutes or so. What about you?"

"I wish. Seems Angels will be working awhile longer." Sighing, she leaned back in her chair. "All that information on the illegal drug ring coming into Japan though Naha is coming in, I need to get the mission organized."

"Isn't that the mission for that team in Kobe?"

"Yeah." Aya opened the file, looking down at the map. "Persia told me she wanted to use them, they seem to be good at the drug bust scene." Her brother said nothing. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, don't worry." There was a pause. "I have to go, I'll see you later on this afternoon then."

"Yeah, Abyssinian? Tell Schuldich I'll be late, tell him I love him." He made a noise. "Come on, you can do it."


"Thanks! I love you too by the way, now get out of here!" She heard her brother set down the phone, hanging up her own end when a hand landed on her shoulder. "Gods, Arael you scared me."

"Sorry." She whispered, dark eyes looking back towards her monitors. "I want you to come and look at something." Aya nodded, following the older woman to her area. "Camera 5a and 6c were working just a moment ago, I thought I saw something but before I could identify the person it went out."

Arael tended to get jumpy about these things. She was Kritiker's Security expert and had been working with Kritiker since the beginning. The whole incident with the last Persia being killed and Kritiker almost being destroyed had left her slightly paranoid but sometimes that was a good thing. Even if it was something small, she made sure it was thoroughly checked out before letting it go. "This worries you?" The woman nodded. "Okay, get some guards to go over to that area. Once they clear it we can send someone out to repair the cameras."

"Thank you." Sitting back down she picked up a headset. "This is Arael calling the sector guards of the southern block 5a through 6c, copy?" The woman looked back up at Aya, frowning. "Sector guards, 5a though 6c please copy?"


"There is no answer."

"Fuck!" Running back over to her desk, Aya picked up the phone. "Yes, this is Angel's on Ground Level One. Yes, we have lost contact with the guards in south sector and have two cameras down. I want some men over there now, I want that area secured!" The guard on the other end of the phone acknowledged this, hanging up. She dialed in another extension.

"This is Manx."

"Manx!" Aya smiled, breathing out. "We have a security problem, where are Persia and Abyssinian?"

"He just left a moment ago, Persia just went down the hall what's happening?"

Aya shook her head, looking back up at Arael, the woman didn't look happy. "I'm not sure. Arael lost contact with a sector of guards and two camera's are down, we can't reach anyone in that section." It wasn't the shaking that had bothered her but the loud bang that was all to audible over the phone as the alarms went off. "Manx? What was that?"

"I-I don't know... some explosion, you do what you have to do Cassiel, don't worry about us!"

"Manx!" The phone went dead, slamming it down she turned to look at her three team members. "Someone get those alarms silenced! Zadkiel, get all the information you have onto a disk and shut down all systems. Uriel, you do the same. If someone's trying to get in I'll be damned if they get our files." Both nodded as they began to shut down their systems. "Arael, please tell me what is happening!"

Dark eyes met hers. "They say someone blasted a wall out in the southern sector, our guards are trying to hold them back but it isn't working!"

"Shut it down." Aya whispered, seeing the look Arael was giving her. "Shut everything down!" She then yelled, Arael nodded, doing just that. Picking up the phone beside her, she dialed her home number.


"Nagi, get everyone together! I need you all here at headquarters, we are under attack, someone's broken into Kritiker." The phone went dead as it was slammed down. "Thank you Nagi." She whispered, before hanging up her own end. She knew Nagi would have them up and out the door within minutes, everyone was trained for this situation. She had done what she was responsible for, located the problem, informed the guards and Manx, she knew Manx would tell Persia. Now all she could do was wait, Aya accepted that she couldn't run even if she wanted to.

"So does anyone else get the feeling that we are sitting ducks?" Zadkiel asked, looking at the three women. "We can't leave, but they can get in here."

Uriel frowned. "You knew this would happen if we were attacked. Angel's has to keep everything managed!" So they stood there either waiting for the phone to ring or for the shit to hit the fan, unfortunately you usually get what you don't want. The door to their operations was blown open as people began to enter.

"Damn it!" Zadkiel handed Uriel the disk he had been holding. "You three get out of here!"

"No! Zad..."


"You can't!"

"Hell if I can't!" Abyssinian growled, walking out of the room. "I'm going to get my sister, I'm not leaving here without her!"

Persia just shook her head as the redhead walked away. "Fucking stubborn ass..."

"That would be Abyssinian." Manx whispered, pulling Persia down another hall.

'I should have listened to my gut, I should have known something was wrong!' The last thing he ever thought would happen was someone attacking Kritiker home base, it was suicide... but it was someone else's suicide. He knew for a fact, whoever had broken it wouldn't live to get out but then again, Ran also knew that some of their own would die to make sure they didn't make it out. 'It's a fucking lose-lose situation, so who would be stupid enough to do a suicide mission like this?'

Of course only one group came to mind, Estet. They were desperate enough to try anything to put a dent into Kritiker. But Estet had made one wrong decision, if they realized it our not. Aya was here and Ran would never let anything happen to Aya, there for whoever had broken in had to die. That was as simple as it was in his mind. Making his way down the hall, katana in hand, he could see that the door to Angels' base of operations had been blown open. All the redhead could think about was his sister and how he will kill anyone who had touched her.

Making his way to the door, he looked inside. A man stood on the opposite side of the room, Aya in his arms, her mouth covered with his hand. "I was wondering what was taking you so long, Abyssinian." The redhead's eyes narrowed, then looked down seeing Zadkiel laid out on the floor. "Oh, he is very much dead, why don't you come in and talk to me?"

"Who are you?" Ran asked, slowly making his way into the room. "How do you know me, or do I know you?"

The man simply smiled, pulling Aya closer to his body. "Estet told me about you, about your lovely sister that you would do anything to protect." He purred, kissing her on the cheek. "She really is beautiful when frightened isn't she?"

He was in a killing rage, ready to tear this man apart no matter why he had come here. "Let her go."

"Can't." He answered, brushing her hair back. "I let her go and you kill me, then we couldn't talk. Tell me, what would the point of that be?"

"One way or another I will kill you." The assassin said, looking from him to his sister. "If you have hurt her, your death will be slow."

A gentle laugh came from the man lips, once again kissing her cheek. "I would never hurt her, she's not what I came for. I have already accepted I would die, but I want to have fun first." Aya growled then, trying to get loose. "Calm down, it's just a game…"

Biting his hand, then man yelped. "Ran, behind you!" Once again her mouth was covered, then man tisking her softly.

"You ruined my fun, lovely..."

Ran turned, looking as the two men came out of the shadows. "What kind of game is this?" He asked, his hand tightening on the hilt of his weapon.

"Simple, I heard you were good..." He paused, laughing then. "Actually, I heard you were the best. You beat my two men in combat and I give you back your sister. You lose... well, obviously you will be dead, then I kill her as well."

The look he was giving the man that held Aya was enough to kill. "I don't play games!" He spat.

"Very well..." Pulling out a dagger, he pressed it to Aya's throat. "Then she dies."

"No!" Breathing out, Ran looked back at the two men behind him. "If I win, I get her back?" He nodded. "Unharmed?"

The man grinned. "I promise that I will not touch a hair on her head." Ran simply nodded, agreeing to the challenge. "Wonderful, and here I thought I fought my way in here for nothing!"

"Let's do this."

Nodding, he looked at his men. "Please kill the kitten."

The two men descended on him, swords drawn as Ran struck at them. As they went back and forth between one another, he found it odd that they weren't better trained. He figured if Estet went to all the trouble of getting into Kritiker to get him, that they would have sent better warriors. 'All I have to do is beat them and Aya will be safe, if he goes back in his word I will kill him!' But then again he was going to kill the man one way or another, no one used his sister against him and lived. Kicking one of the swords out of his opponent's hand, his katana slid into the man's throat. Pulling out, he knew he should have moved faster as he felt metal sliding into his skin as warm liquid flowed down his side. Ran flinched at the sudden pain, pulling the weapon out.

"Not so good now, are you." He mocked.

Ran attacked, the two swords meeting in the air. This man who he now fought was better than the first, matching him blow for blow. Though he had wounded Ran, it had been a lucky shot. The two men continued on for a while, both trying to get one hit against the other but neither could get an edge in. At some point Ran had switched from techniques to fighting on instinct, each blow being dealt out before he actually thought about it. After a moment warm blood once again coated his blade, running down onto the hilt of his weapon. Abyssinian sensed the movement behind him, turning blindly, once again thrusting the sword into another body. The katana slid easily into the soft flesh, stopping at the hilt as he breathed out, his eyes closed. Only then in his hazed mind did the mistake hit him. 'There were only two...' His thoughts were broken off at the soft cry in front of him.


Opening his eyes, bloody hands were covering his on the black hilt, his sword still imbedded deep in the chest of his last victim. Looking up, violet met midnight eyes full up pain and confusion. "Aya?" A single hand raised up from the hilt of the katana, bloody streaks left on his cheek from where she had brushed her fingers ever so lightly. Ran finally released the breath he had been holding, the man who had been restraining his beloved sister forgotten as the katana was pulled from her body and dropped to the floor.

With his support gone, Aya cried out, no longer able to hold herself up. As she began to crumple to the ground, strong arms pulled her close to a warm body, her eyes opened seeing her bother looking down at her. "I…" She paused, her eyes closing. "I'm so sorry, Ran."

"Aya!" He couldn't help the tears that slid down his face, mixing with the blood as they fell in scarlet drops onto his sister's cheek. "No-no this isn't right!" He cried, pulling her closer to him. "Aya, no I'm sorry I'm so sorry don't leave me!" Deep purple eyes fell closed as he buried his face into her hair. "You can't leave me, Aya I need you with me!" The whispered voice was rough with tears, anger and regret.

She raised her hand, running though his dark red hair. "Ran... brother?" Looking up, he met her eyes seeing she was smiling. "It's okay, not your fault."

"Yes it is, I should have..." He couldn't think, he had to save her. Aya couldn't die. Not now and not like this, he needed her. She was his family, his sister. "This... I'm to blame!"

Shaking her head, Aya breathed out. "No, don't... no never think that." She whispered, her eyes falling closed. 'I'm so tired... so very... oh, Ran... Callan.'

"Aya!" Her eyes opened slightly, a small smile still covering her lips that were now pale. "Don't leave, please!" He begged, his hand running down her cheek. Ran noticed her skin fell chilled, the pool of crimson was slowly becoming larger soaking her clothes and his where she laid against him.

"You have to be strong now..." She whispered, her head lying against his chest. "You need to be who you are, take the responsibility that is yours. Just remember, you are my brother... you are Fujimiya, no matter what they may say..." Her voice was softer now, quieter as if she were talking in a dream. He could only nod, not trusting his voice. He then noticed there wasn't a sign of pain in her features, she looked relaxed and peaceful. "I love you, Ran... tell Callan that I love him..." Once again he could only nod, bushing back blackened strands as she let out a deep breath that seemed to come from her soul.

Ran just sat there for a moment, silent as the shock finally hit him. To him, she looked like she was asleep, but no breath came, no rise and falling of her chest. Nothing in his arms even showed a glimpse of life remaining, but he found himself unable to cry anymore. 'Aya... my sister? I have killed my own sister with my own hands.' It had been an accident, he knew that but still the thought that he had caused this made him physically ill. She had trusted him and loved him and after everything had done just to keep her alive... it was his hands that took her life. The life he cherished more than anything, the one he had strived to return to the mortal world and not a small white room in a hospital. "Aya..." Ran could feel himself dying inside, pulling her closer he held his sister to his body. Inside he was begging her to open her eyes, to smile to do anything but she never did and his world slowly began to fall apart.
