Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Meetings ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: not mine. Just borrowing for a while...don't worry I'll return them where I found them. Warning: I will write as if I am a Character. Blood,Violence. And a hate of a few things.

Meetings by : apocalipticoblivion


Wrapping his jacket harder around himself, Omi ran as fast as his legs could take him. Which by normal standards, was very far.

Why did it have to rain tonight?! He silently screamed into his mind. It makes this mission harder than usual!

Clutching his laptop to his chest under his jacket, Omi ran down the street trying to find an entrance into the building.

"Here kitty, kitty, kitty....Let's play!!" screamed a familiar voice as Omi rounded another corner, sliding and scrapping his leg, he quickly caught himself from crying out . From what he could see in this dark, cold, wet and gloomy night. The scrape was very bad. "Come here, kitty, kitty, kitty..."

As he finally was able to stand up, trying to ignore the pain he felt shoot up his leg. Omi hurried up the steps of the entrance.

Looking around nervously for the Pale Irishman, my free hand clawing at the doorknob, trying to open it.

"Come out, Kitten. Don't you want to play?" the voice sounding closer than the last time.

Finally! The door opened! Omi made sure to lock it after he entered the Target's house.

Quietly, he checked every room until he eventually found his target, sleeping on a couch. Looking as if nothing was wrong with the world.

A middle aged man...Probably has children, or grandchildren for that matter. He wondered to himself, 'if he wasn't putting children in prostitution rings... Things could have been better for you.' Omi did it quickly by sticking a poison dart into the man's neck.

He woke with a sudden start after Omi injected the poison into his body. And as Omi watched him die, he felt a sudden surge of guiltiness...

As Omi began to grow dizzy. So dizzy, infact, that he fell and landed on some random needle that was leaning at an angle on the floor.

Little did he know that it had a new type chemical in it... one that made the users very sleepy for a short time. ~ Omi--I mean Bombay? Are you there?~

"Yes Siber'n..." Omi's words were just beginning to slur. ~Hey Is anything wrong, Chibi?~

"N-no, Yoh-Baln'se" he said silently, unaware of his slurring.

~ You sure? We can come pick you up right now, If you want.~

"C'ld y-ya?" he said as he tried to stand on his feet. Pulling the needle out of his arm, looking at it as steadily as Omi could in the state he was in.

~ Omi?~ "Y-yea, Ken-k'n?"

~ Has anything happened?~ Omi could tell that there was a hint of concern in his voice when he had said that.

"N-nn... why'd ya say tha'?" Omi asked as he walked out of the building, having forgotten about the Irishman. ~ What he means, Chibi, is that you sound like your half dead...ya know?~

"D'd?" Omi slurred slightly confused, unaware of someone creeping behind him.

"Bombay...Leave now before I let Berserker on you, he looks like he wants to play..." said a monotone voice as Omi turned around to look at the youngest Schwartz member. Omi's head piece fell to the ground with a crunch.
"He is currently awaiting my return..." The boy addressed, slightly bored. "M-mmmmnn.... I'm s'rry....pl'se fergive me...." Omi said stumbling forward, not realizing who it was infront of him...

"What is wrong with you? Don't you want to fight now?" Nagi asked slightly puzzeled. His act was slipping.


Why?" Omi asked, as he caught him from the fall. "What's th' point o' fightin'? An'way...I'm too sleepy to f'ght...."

"You have a point, Bombay. I'll leave, but next time you wont be as fortunate." Nagi said as Omi stood slightly leaning to the side.

"Until next time, then?" He started to walk away.

"Wa't!!" he said falling forward again. "Prodigy...please... He'p me...." Nagi was already turning around to catch him, but was a little to far away.

Omi had fallen in the mud, the perfect angel he had liked since they had first fought, was now lying face down in the mud. "Bombay?!" Nagi yelled running over to the fallen blonde haired boy. "Please wake up!"

Ken and Yohji had just pulled up in, Yohji's car, waiting for Omi to find them. "Hey...Yohji, what if he's hurt?" asked a concered Ken.

"He's perfectly fine, Ken, You worry to much...." Yohji stated with a chuckle, "Your acting like a mother-hen!"

"Am Not!"

"Are Too!""

Omi opened his eyes to a worried looking Nagi..." Prodigy?...What's wrong?"

Nagi raised his head to look at Omi, "You're awake?!" His act had completely slipped away now.

"Yes, I'm awake..."

"I thought that Farfello had killed you..." Nagi mumbled.

"Well he didn't..." Omi said dropping the code-names, "Why was Farfello here anyway?"

"I don't know...." Nagi said. "Did he hurt you Omi?"

"Oh, no... I just fell on the needle...and scraped up my leg..."

"There's Balneise and Siberian...You'd better go..."

"Let's meet at....well let's meet at teh coffee shop just down the road from here next week...shall we?" Omi asked with a smile.

Nagi couldn't help but offer to smile a little when he saw Omi's smiling face. "Okay, at Four o' clock?"

"Sure." They each offered a small hug and kiss to each other before going their separate ways.


a/n : I KNOW this chapter sucks ice. but continue into the rest, it'll get better, i promise. well you see that little button down there? use it. i want to here you comments on my story! please no FLAMES!